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Elaboration of an Integrstef Marketing Communications

Campaign for launching a Coffee Shop

Grama Marina, Lică Andreea-Gabriela, Militaru Marina, Iacob Andreea Gabriela

Part 1
I. The analysis of the current context of the campaign
1.1. A brief description of the new business
The coffee shop that is to be launched is a cat café under the name of “Kitty kafé”. Like all cat
cafés, our coffee shop would be a themed café aimed towards feline lovers. The customers can
watch and even interact with the cats hosted in the café. While some cat cafés require an
hourly fee to be paid to stay and play with the cats, our coffee shop would require the
customers only to pay for the beverage that they consume. The café would be hosting rescue
The coffee shop would also have the slogan “Tastes so good cats ask for it by name” which
comes hand in hand with the beverage names on the menu: meow espresso, meow latte,
meow cappuccino, etc.

1.2. The analysis of the marketing environment

Our coffee shop would have a number of competitors around the city, out of which we can
name Tucano, 5 to go and Miau cafe. We have chosen to analyze those three competitors as
Tucano is an internationally recognized company, 5 to go is a well developed Romanian
company and Miau cafe is also a cat cafe.
1.3 SWOT analysis

-Originality of the coffee shop environment idea. (exotic and specific environment)
-Strong financial performance
-Variety of the products
-Transparency of the financial performance
-Close relationship with both team members and clients
-Quality and specific taste of their flavors.
-Higher prices
-Many substitute competitive products.
-Strong existing competitors.
-Increase brand recognition by entering in a new market
-Great consumption of coffee in Romania- great opportunity to implement this business idea.
-Broaden their geographic reach of business expansion.
-Grow customer loyalty
-Expand the number of their coffee shops
-Any political system regulations
-Strong competition from other coffee shop chains, especially local brands.
-Competitors targeting their key customers/segments.
-the Coronavirus pandemic Global crisis might be an obstacle in the implementation of the
expansion in another destination from Romania
5 to go
-association with a well-known coffee producer
-profit margin
-high quality of services and products offered
-originality (organization of thematic evenings, loyalty programs, related services)
-many central locations
-low prices
-natural products
-young collective
-small locations
-few employees
-lack of a terrace
-lack of experience
-not very fast serving
-lack of a reputation on the coffee market in Romania
-lack of experience of shareholders
-insufficient initial own funds

-low costs for premises
-the evolution of consumer’s coffee taste
-the possibility of opening new locations
-increasing daily coffee consumption
-decrease in time spent in a café
-increase in the number of customers interested in coffee to go
-harsher lending conditions
-low liquidity on the market
-increasing the cost of raw materials
-devaluation of the national currency
-the opening of new cafes next door
-a possible decrease in coffee consumption

Miau cafe
-It differentiates itself from other cafes
-Accessible location near the Bucharest center
-Sends a positive message by encouraging to adopt cats
-Complex menu
-Good prices
-Cute website
-Small area for the cafe
-Only targets people that are interested in cats
-Good location but is hard to find
-Giving a home to a lot of cats that are in danger on the streets
-Cat lovers will certainly love the idea of this cafe
-Opportunity to get loyal customers
-Romania’s big coffee consumption
-Big competitors
-Placed in the center of Bucharest, so it’s in competition with a lot of restaurants and coffee
shops from the area
-Hard to maintain
-If not taken proper care of, the cats could be dangerous, both for diseases or for not being

1.4 The analysis of the marketing communications

-Brand’s motto is inspired by the era of the birth of rock’n’roll and hippie subculture which
standed out for its philosophy and people craving to return to purity of nature through love,
pacifism and freethinking. ( Love.Peace.Coffee)
-Promoting and supporting a nature pro attitude to keep the environment safe
-Respect and appreciation for the exotic cultures and traditions of localities from where they
pick up their coffee
-Strong social media presence
-The atmosphere of their coffee shops send a specific vibe to the clients, because they believed
that the design, the lights, events, all the emotions, flavors and, of course, people are the key
elements of what they call the best atmosphere in the world.
-They develop and promote the culture of true, high quality, freshly roasted coffee by using
only 100% Specialty Arabica from locations such as Africa and Latin America.
-The company is transparent and honest, by sharing their business figures. It’s a way of showing
loyalty to their potential partners and customers.
5 to go
-5 to go’s products are made from fresh ingredients of the highest quality, their coffee is made
from an unique blend, created for the brand, which makes it special and appealing to
-they have the “fix price” concept, which means that any product they sell has the fixed price of
5 lei.
-the design is innovative and it’s a representative element for the concept of the café. Radu
Savopol, an interior designer and co-founder of 5 to go, has designed the cafes in a friendly,
urban manner, for them to represent a relaxing environment for any kind of customers.

Miau cafe
Miau cafe is certainly not using that many marketing communication tools to promote their
place. Perhaps it is because they are too small of a coffee shop, but it does hurt their
-They have a really adorable website(, which seems to have a lot of
effort put into it. It has different sections such as an adoption section, a menu section, a
location page, an about us and a blog
-The Miau cafe has a few social media pages, such as a Facebook and an Instagram one
-They are also featured on the website with good reviews, but also on other
recommendation websites
-They don’t focus on their marketing as much as they could
-Their Facebook page does exist, but it doesn’t have any posts and seems abandoned
-Not enough communication with their customers

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