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2 An archbishop or bishop, in writing his signature, substitutes

expedition. After his father's death he instituted splendid

refuge, but they had a prevailing leaning to the church of

mitigate the destructive effects of heavy rains. In valleys

of the time of King Juba II.; of P. Gavault at Tigzirt

but the prompt action of Alexander in anticipating his

name was Samson, was born in Reading on the 19th of June 1858,

with Louise Felicite de Brehan, daughter of the comte de

exceedingly suggestive and terse in its style, reminding of

authoritatively. The keeping of them was continued by

egg is gametophyte. And since this rule has been found to

inert and compatible with the entire absence of the sensuous

found their religion at a low ebb, the regular clergy apathetic

m. from its mouth in the English Channel, and 28 m. N,W. of

Fohr. The larger part of Amrum consists of a treeless

for hundreds of miles north-westward. The Rocky Mountains,

Sennar, during which he determined the course of the Blue

the highest crest of the Greater Tauern Alps. (a) The latter

and vegetables are produced in sufficient quantity for the

pyrites, so that the recovery is a paying process, in spite of

edited the Edinburgh Weekly Journal, and for twenty-eight

to make provision for the effect of changes in atmospheric

in August Cornwallis retired to Yorktown to rest and await

later. The neighbourhood abounds in ironworks, collieries,

an area of about 386 sq. m., and is of very irregular figure,

Aelana. It continued to be the seat of great commercial

History.---The region now known as Alaska was first explored

On the 27th of December 1521 three ``prophets'' appeared in

musical term for that part of a vocal or instrumental

The usual shape is spherical; but since 1896 the Germans,

care that they were good and wholesome and were sold at proper

could, and did, run the gauntlet, but a canal had to be cut

149, s.v, Alfric); by Humphrey Wanley (Catalogus librorum

who also wrote the notice in Hauck-Herzog, Realencyk.

unknown, insomuch that he has frequently been confused with

own refusal; and it is asserted, on the authority of Pope,

has shown that these are not true racial characteristics, but

apparently untired, in tempestuous as well as in moderate

St. John's Ambulance Association.

speed. With the increasing price of copper, it is coming

the Instrument or Boke to learn to knowe the good order

just above the point of junction of the ileum and caecum, the

and in most cases rise in three successive terraces above the

1556. He wrote a large number of poems, distinguished by

America; Chibcha-Kechua, the Cordilleras of South America;

histones are soluble in an excess of alkali. They do not

latitude at which it is calibrated should therefore be stated.

See his autobiography, A Life's Decision (1880); and the study of

had a wide influence, some e.g. Grant Allen) being content

solid which melts at 48 deg. -50 deg. C. and boils at 112.3 deg. C.

Greeks, Armenians and Turks. The Greeks are of an especially

of the castle and town. At the dissolution of the priory

lubricum, Coste). (From Ray Lankester.) (1) Lateral view

important, and embrace iron rolling, the manufacture of fine

Thus in its broad outlines the partition of Africa was begun

the ordination. The Roman books are silent, and there is

When Deville quitted the Javel works, two brothers C. and A.

France, and as the king of Naples threatened to come to the

but probably of an earlier time, which is the finest example

mind, that rapid changes were being effected in Africa,

that. Why should I not? It is not half so wonderful as the

Ras et-Tin (painted). The Germans found remains of a Ptolemaic

not without value even now. Other literature and references to

Nilgiris. They really consist of a forest-clad and grassy

history of congress. The agitation for the abolition of

Robertson, The Book of Bon-Accord (Aberdeen, 1839); W.

his birth is uncertain---Thrace, Phrygia, Aethiopia, Samos,

carbon dioxide and water vapour. When, however, the air is

which takes its motion through a rod (I) from a rocking lever

Charpentier and others had made the glaciers of the Alps

entire. But after dinner (or breakfast), and when we rise

Raphael Sommes of the C.S.S. "Sumter" made a successful cruise

well-known white-flowered species, both natives of southern Europe.

niece of Edward VII. of England. As the king and queen were

African Association,4 was formed in London in 1788 for the

the continent, a result due in large measure to the fact

aliphatic and aromatic acids; the first named being derived from

sacramental virtue has been imparted to it by ritual blessing or

storm. Della Valle described `Ana as the chief Arab town on the

of arsenic in sodium-phosphate or in various iron preparations,

and each man looks on himself as the equal of any Afghan.

envelope. Diffusion of the acid through this envelope is

to see a great man, the philosopher asked him if he had seen

modern arms. The Lee-Metford bullet of .303 in. diameter

'' Satellite . . . . 2/9 '' ''

walls, lay up in them their incalculable treasures, imprudently

more widely separated than those in the regions which are

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