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<Project Name Project Number> Technical Design

Version <2.0> Effective Date: <April 18, 2006 >

Project Manager: <Name> Prepared By: <Name>

All information contained herein is proprietary and shall be kept confidential.

Technical Design

Table of Contents
REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................3 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................3 1.1 ASSUMPTIONS.........................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 KNOWN ISSUES.......................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 SYSTEMS / APPLICATIONS AFFECTED.........................................................................................................................4 2.0 SYSTEM INTERFACE FLOWS..........................................................................................................................4 2.1 CURRENT FLOW......................................................................................................................................................4 2.2 PROPOSED FLOW.....................................................................................................................................................4 3.0 REQUIREMENT MATRIX - (OPTIONAL).....................................................................................................5 4.0 TECHNICAL DESIGN..........................................................................................................................................5 4.1 APPLICATION / SYSTEM TECHNICAL DESIGN...............................................................................................................5

4.1.1 Batch Job Stream / Program Modifications.................................................................................6 4.1.2 Online / Screen Modifications.....................................................................................................6 4.1.3 One Time Modifications.............................................................................................................7 4.1.4 CIM Modifications......................................................................................................................7 4.1.5 Reporting Modifications.............................................................................................................7
5.0 INTERFACE MODIFICATION IMPACTS.......................................................................................................7 6.0 NEW HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................................8 7.0 SECURITY / LEGAL / COMPLIANCE CONSIDERATIONS.........................................................................8 8.0 TESTING STRATEGY..........................................................................................................................................8 ACRONYMS...............................................................................................................................................................9 GLOSSARY..................................................................................................................................................................9 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................................9 APPENDIX A:............................................................................................................................................................10 APPROVAL SIGNATURES....................................................................................................................................11

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Technical Design

Revision History
Version Version Date Author Comments

1.0 Project Description

<Provide a short description of the purpose of the project. This can be copied from section 1.0 of the Project Statement of Work. >

1.1 Assumptions
<List known internal or external activities identified while defining the technical design that must remain true. When activities do not remain true, impact to the design is possible. Assumptions can be listed as bullet points. >

1.2 Known Issues

<Label and list the known issues that could impact the technical design. Use an Issues Table to log the known issue by assigning an identifier (Issue ID) to the issue, a person (Owner) responsible for resolving the issue and a brief description (Issue Description) of the issue. The issues can be obtained from open issues found on the project issue log or while completing the design. Are there any known single points of failure in the environment? If yes, specify or explain. >

Issue ID


Issue Description

Figure 1:

Issues Table

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1.3 Systems / Applications Affected

<Identify each system or application impacted (requiring modification) by this technical design. Identify the system or application being modified by entering the common system or application name in the (System / Application ID) column and entering a brief description for that system or application in the (Description) column. Note: The modifications (design changes) for each of the system or applications will be described in section 4.0 Technical Design. >

System / Application ID


Figure 2:

Systems / Applications Affected Table

2.0 System Interface Flows

<Provide a before and after conceptual view of the interfaces between the impacted systems or applications. >

2.1 Current Flow

<Provide a conceptual view of the current interface flow between the impacted systems or applications. >

2.2 Proposed Flow

< Provide a conceptual view of the interface flow after design changes are implemented to the impacted systems or applications. What protocols will be used? (Example: HTTP, FTP, NDM) What type of transactions will be transmitted? (Example: Wires, ACH) How do the distributed pieces communicate? (Example: NDM over leased lines, FTP, etc). Provide (attach) data flows detailing communication. With which, if any, other systems or applications will this system or application interface? Does the physical model conform to enterprise standards for data element naming, and model meta data? >

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3.0 Requirement Matrix - (Optional)

<Provide a link between functional design elements and the technical implementation of the design elements using a Requirement Matrix. The link should identify the functional design elements and where the elements are implemented within the technical design document. Present the function to technical design links using a table. The first column in the table (Technical Element ID) identifies a section within the technical design document where the implementation of an associated functional design element is described. The column (Functional Element ID) contains the label applied to a functional design element. The (Functional Element Description) column provides a description of the labeled functional design element. Information in the last two columns is found in the Functional Design document. For example: 4.1.1 FDE2.1.1.1 AA will need to update their file to allow the processing of new routing transit numbers. This example states that section 4.1.1 of this document contains the technical design changes required to implement Functional Design element FDE21.1.1. >

Technical Element ID

Functional Element ID

Functional Element Description

Figure 3:

Matrix Table

4.0 Technical Design

<The functional design elements are expanded in this section to a technical design that technology must implement to satisfy the needs expressed in the functional design document. This section is divided in sub-sections, one for each system or application identified in section 1.4 Systems / Applications Affected. >

4.1 Application / System Technical Design

<If application AA and AB were listed in section 1.4, then section 4.0 would include section 4.1 AA Application and 4.2 AB Application. Sub sections under 4.1 and 4.2 would contain the technical design for the associated application or system. Note: The sub-sections (4.1.1,4.1.2, 4.1.3, etc) that describe the technical design can be adjusted to fit the application or system being changed. Which, if any, part of this system will rely on Unix, Midrange, Windows, Mainframe, or Linux?
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Explain and diagram the logical layout of the application system. Is this system/application distributed? Which pieces are: in the TZ? Wachovia Intranet? Located or belong to a third party? What kind of language will be used? (Cobol, ASM, Easytrieve, APS, C, SAS, REXX, etc) Will the database be primarily transactional (add/change/delete records) or analytical (queries)? Where is data sourced? Are there any directories that are involved in mail routing or mail systems affected by this application? If yes, specify. Is the system hosted on a Citrix Server? Is 128-bit encryption exportable to the country in which users will initiate a remote access session? What Citrix applications are required? (Example: Notes, Sametime, PICCT, etc) Will there be multiple Citrix Applications? Will applications be used by all users (provide spreadsheet of Citrix applications/user groups)? Are there remote access points besides Citrix that are available? Why was Citrix chosen? Describe the licensing model/requirements for each application. For each required Citrix Application provide the following: Expected total Citrix application users given access to the system, Expected number of Citrix application users concurrently accessing the system, Citrix storage requirements for the applications. What fail over/load balancing systems are in place? How many managed resource connections (database message queue, etc) should normally be used? How big are the resource pools? Will this project utilize any technologies not currently used within Wachovia? If yes, specify. If Batch Processing is required: What are the jobs that begin streams? What are the jobs with Service Level Agreements? What are the jobs that End Update Streams? What are the jobs that End Report Streams? What are the key milestone jobs? >

4.1.1 Batch Job Stream / Program Modifications

<Identify the required design changes for affected batch jobs and batch programs. For batch jobs include PARM and PROCLIB changes. The batch program design changes should include any impacted file layouts (input and output) in addition to the code changes (processing). When database changes are required, identify how the changes (layout) will be implemented. The information in this section can be represented by pseudo code, actual code changes or a description of the required design change. Use an appendix to list the file layouts, when a file layout is large (over a page in length). >

4.1.2 Online / Screen Modifications

<Identify required design changes for online programs or screens. The program design changes should include any impacted file layouts or database changes in addition to the code changes. The screen changes should provide information about field changes, sizes, how the fields are updated (manually or programmatically). The design changes for programs can be represented by pseudo code, actual code

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changes or a description of the design change required. The screen change (layout) can be presented in an appendix to this document. >

4.1.3 One Time Modifications

<In some instances, one- time changes are required to programs, files and databases to allow the overall design changes to be implemented. These changes are usually one- time extract programs or one- time changes to constant variables in files or databases. The design changes can be represented by pseudo code, actual code changes, file and database layouts or a description of the design changes. >

4.1.4 CIM Modifications

< Identify required design changes for CIMs (Common Interface Messages). The design should identify changes to the CIM and corresponding changes to the input and output of the CIM. Identify impacted file layouts or database changes in addition to the CIM changes. The CIM design changes can be represented by pseudo code, actual code changes, file and database layouts or a description of the design change. What technologies are used by the application? (Database, Messaging/MQ, Notes, MS Exchange, MS SQL Server, NDM/Connect Direct, J2EE/EJB, Thick Client, Optical Image, .NET/ASP, File Transfer or Data Transmission, Information Broker, Web Service, Transaction Services, etc.) What is the version? For any Customer Information Control System (CICS) transactions, will a user ID and password be supplied or will a generic ID be utilized? Specify. For any Customer Information Control System (CICS) transactions, what quantity of data will be retrieved? How should error or return codes be handled? >

4.1.5 Reporting Modifications

<Identify report design changes that result in new reports or changes to existing reports. Identify programs coding changes required, report layout changes and any file or database changes. Use an appendix to list the new file layout, when the file layout is large (over a page in length). When a report is processed through MOBIUS, indicate the MOBIUS ID and retention period. >

5.0 Interface Modification Impacts

<Provide a brief description of the design changes required to application or system interfaces outside the control of this project. The design changes to external systems or applications are required to support the design changes being implemented in section 4.0 Technical Design. Will the system/application be introducing any new vendors or products? Explain

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Are there any third party vendor dependencies providing business services? (Example: Beta, etc) If yes, specify. Will this system/application reside in the Wachovia Transition Zone (TZ)? What other system or application dependencies will this system/application have? Will data be used by other applications? If yes, specify. Document the system/application's upstream and downstream dependencies and add to the Configuration Management Database (CMDB) (i.e. PICCT Inventory)? Are upstream/downstream application Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) equal to or less than the process RTO's? Will a data transmission be needed for this process? Is the transmission external (to or from an outside organization) or internal (application to application)? Will any dedicated network connectivity be needed to perform the data transmissions? What is the largest and smallest file size that will need to be transmitted? What are the TCP port requirements? (Technical Requirement)>

6.0 New Hardware Requirements

<List new hardware that must be order and installed before implementing this technical design. Identify the type of hardware required, hardware configurations needed, install location and required date for installing the hardware. >

7.0 Security / Legal / Compliance Considerations

<Identify any security, legal or compliance requirements that must be taken into consideration when implementing this technical design. The considerations can include data movement, copyrights or regulatory compliances. What type of encryption, if any, will be used? >

8.0 Testing Strategy

<Provide a high level description of the recommended approach for testing the design changes. >

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Acronym Description

Word / Term Description

Document Title Document Source

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Appendix A:

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Approval Signatures
My signature below indicates that I have reviewed this document and agree that it details the requirements that I have for the initiative.

_______________________________ Name

_________________________________ Role

_______________ Date

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