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Leisly Nuñez Rivera


  1)   Write the cardinal numbers from   0   to   1,000,000

1 - one

2 -two

3 - three

4 - four

5 - five

6 - six

7 - seven

8 - eight

9 - nine

10 - ten

11 - eleven

12 - twelve

13 - thirteen

14 - fourteen

15 - fifteen

16 - sixteen
17 - seventeen

18 - eighteen

19 - nineteen

20 - twenty

 30 – thirty

40 – forty

50 – fifty

60 – sixty

70 – seventy

80 – eighty

90 – ninety

100 – one hundred  

200 – two hundred

300 – three hundred

400 – four hundred

500 – five hundred

600 – six hundred

700 – seven hundred

800 – eight hundred

900 – nine hundred

1000 – one thousand

2000 – two thousand

3000 – three thousand

4000 – four thousand

5000 – five thousand

6000 – six thousand

7000 – seven thousand

8000 – eight thousand

9000 – nine thousand

1000000 – one million

2)  Match:

a) 358                                     __i____ thirteen

b) 1000                                   __g____ eighteen

c) 100                                     __o____ two hundred twenty-two

d) 12                                      ___a__ three hundred fifty-eight

e) 1,520                                 ___l___ ninety

f) 84                                       ___d__ twelve

g) 18                                      ___m__ four hundred nineteen

h) 602                                    ___b __ one thousand

i) 13                                       ___f___ eighty-four

j) 30                                       ___k___ five thousand eight hundred sixty-seven

k) 5,867                                 ___c___ one hundred

l) 90                                       __j____ thirty

m) 419                                   ___e___ one thousand five hundred twenty

n) 900                                    ___h___ six hundred two

o) 222                                    ____n__ nine hundred

 3)  Follow the sequence:

a)   5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - __25__ - ___30__ - __35___

b)   10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - _60____ - ___70___

c)   3 - 6 - 9 - __12___ - ___15___ - ___18___ - __21___

d)   50 - 48 - 46 - 44 - __42___ - ___40__ - __38___

4)   Write in numbers:

a)   one million ____1,000,000___

b)   two hundred ninety _____290_____     

c)   seven thousand ____7000_____

d)   nine hundred eighteen ___918______   

 e)   eight hundred one _____801_____     

f)   sixty-six _____66____

g)   six thousand one hundred fifty ______6,150______ 

  h)   thirty-nine ___39____   

  i)   twenty ____20___

j)   seven thousand seventy _____7,070______       

k)   five _____5___         

l)   forty-five ____45____

5)   Write in words:

a)   4,975 ___________four thousand nine hundred seventy-


b)   46 ______________forty-


c)   29 _________________________twenty-


d)   0

e)   200 _______________________two


f)   2, 633 _________________two thousand six hundred thirty-


g)   5,000 _____________________________five


h)   69 _________________________sixty-


i)   77 _____________________________________seventy-


j)   16

k)   400 ___________________________________four

l)   510 _______________________________________five hundred


6)   Follow the sequence:

___zero_____, one, two, _ ___ three__________, four_________, __five___________, six,

seven, ___eight___________, nine, ten, ______eleven__________, ____twelve_____________,
___thirteen____________, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, _______________, seventeen,
__eighteen__________________, nineteen, ___twenty_______________, ____twenty

twenty-two, _____twenty three________________, twenty-four, ______twenty

five________________, ____twenty six________________, twenty-seven, ____twenty
eight_______ twenty nine_____ thirty_____, _______thirty one_ ,thirty two , thirty-three, thirty-
four, ______thirty five____________, thirty-six, _____thirty seven, ________thirty eight__, thirty-
nine, _____forty____, _______forty one________, ____forty two____________, forty-three, forty-
four, forty-five, _______forty six______________, forty-seven, ______forty
eight_______________, _forty nine___, ____fifty________________.

7)   Addition: 

1)   seven hundred plus fourteen equal

700 + 14: seven hundred fourteen

2)   fifty plus fifteen equal

50+15: sixty-five

3)   twelve plus twelve equal

12+12: twenty-four

4)   five hundred plus two hundred equal

500+200: seven hundred

5)   zero plus three thousand equal

0+3,000: three thousand

6)   eight thousand plus nine hundred eleven equal

8,000+911: eight thousand nine hundred eleven

7)   nine hundred plus ninety equal

900+90: nine hundred ninety

8)   three plus eight equal

3+8: eleven

9)   thirteen plus thirteen equal

13+13: twenty-six

10) fifty plus eighty equal

50+80: one hundred thirty

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