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Dialogo ingles

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Fiorella: Good morning, welcome back to the entrepitos tv, your

favorite channel at all punto fijo.

Samantha: where we have a reputation for bringing out your inner


Fiorella: Speaking of gossip, did you know that this morning the singer
daddy yankee said that he was expecting a baby?

Samantha: oh my god fiorella did you know that his wife Mireddys
Gonzales had problems with journalists?

Fiorella: We already know why, she was hiding her status and just
today they made it public. What a thrill we wish you both much
happiness from your favorite program.

Samantha: now in the sports section victor miranda will interview our
favorite player. Go ahead victor with the news from the world of sport.

Victor Miranda: Good afternoon and welcome to our sports program.

Today we are joined by Jose Chacon, the star player of the national
basketball team. Jose, thanks for being here today.

Jose Angel: Thank you for having me.

Victor Miranda: So Chacon, you've had an amazing run so far. Can you
tell us about some of your most memorable moments on the court?

Jose Angel: Sure. One of my most memorable moments was winning

the championship with my team of friends. It was a closely contested
match and we came out victorious.

Victor Miranda: Those are amazing achievements. How have you been
able to maintain such a high level of performance throughout your

Jose angel: It's all about hard work and dedication. I put in countless
hours in the gym and on the court, working on my skills and staying in
top physical shape. I also try to stay mentally focused and positive,
even in difficult times.

Victor Miranda: And finally, what are your goals for the future?

jose angel: My goal is to continue playing at a high level and win more
championships, both with my team and internationally. I also want to
give back to the community and inspire the next generation of
basketball players.

Victor Miranda: Well, we wish you the best of luck in achieving those
goals, Chacon. Thanks for joining us today.

Jose Angel: Thank you for having me.

fiorella: what a good player we have been able to hear today

samantha: don't doubt it, your answers are very good

fiorella: well then we have our friend on the line who will tell you about
today's weather

samantha: let's go with you, victor madriz

victor madriz: thank you comrades, we will start by talking about the
fact that the previous night there was a very light wind and with a
temperature of 35 degrees, not so hot or so cold, which made the night
The previous year a heat of 35 degrees was registered in this season
of June as is normal, instead now a temperature of 40 degrees is being
registered, far exceeding the previous year, it is recommended to be at
home now due to the heat scares that have led people to the hospital,
tomorrow it will be a temperature of 38 degrees sunny, in the afternoon
with 37 degrees and and at night a temperature of 38 degrees is
forecast with clouds but no rain, I leave you with samantha.

samantha: it's going to be very hot these next few days, you'd better
take care of yourselves

fiorella: stay hydrated every day, well, that's as far as the tv

intermissions have come, see you tomorrow at the same time on your
favorite newscast, thank you!

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