Biology Questions

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andidate's Name: _.... Give the possible genotypes in humans ee [3 marks} Explain briefly the following terms (i) gene; (ii) hybrid, Gin) i it. (marks) (t) Two heterozygous yellow flowers are crossed Using a genetic diagram, state the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the first filial generation. [10 marks } fey State four transminable characters in plants. ee — EE —— [4 marks} MI Scanned with CamScanner Index Number:...... (ii) four differences between the dentition of a human and a goat. Human Goat os 4 marks! (c) What are milk teeth? : ; 3. fa) (i) Whatis an ecological niche? a eESESFSSSSSSSSSSSMMMFMMFFFFFFFFsese ee SeeSESFSFSFSSSMsses Z (2 marks] (ii) State five roles played by a mango tree in its ecological niche. M025 2045n4cqae neal MUL ELL {5 marke (t) (i) State two reasons why ecologists use sampling techniques in population studies. (2 m (ii) State four examples of sampling techniques used in population studies. \ - Scanned with CamScanner Index Numbers... sii - Essay Thour 40 minutes! p,,, Answer three questions m all. (we guettions from Section A and the compulsory question wn Section R Wrive your ancwers in ink (blue or black) in this booklet Large labelled diagroams should be axed where they make an answer clearer. The names given for chosen species must be English of scientific and not vernacular Creda will he given for clarity of expression and onterly presemation of answers SECTION A Answer twa questions only from this section L @ (i) Whatisacel? [2 marks} (ii) Name three scientists that are associated with the discovery of the cell [3 marks} (B) (i) Make adiagram, 6 cm to long of a plant cell and Label only the organelle responsible for cell reproduction. ST 02007520480250422322 17 marks] (ii) Name one blood cell in humans that does not have the organelle labelled im BBX). [1 mask) ES III Scanned with CamScanner Index Number i... susciarepaseemovereyy Name four types of fingerprints in humans (id) fad (bh) Ww wi) (ii) (i) (ii) Name the plant used by Gregor Mendel in his experiment. eS {t mark) State two reasons why the plant named in 3/d/(i) was used. [2 marks] What are conservation laws? . [2 marks} State three conservation laws. State two reasons why animals are poached. Pcomts] [2 marks] Name five animals that are commanty poached. eee ee oe eens Scanned with CamScanner DUE TUE TEL TH 2520450650422 322 OECTA oy ahi (ai (hy Indes Number:. Stute four effects of excessive use of the forest a ae {4 marks) Explain briefly the following terms: (1) Aloosd transfusion, nnn ee a a aa [2 marks] (ii) antigen. SSeS —_— [2 marks] SECTION B Answer all the questions in this section. (i) State three differences between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach. Earthworm Cockroach [3 marks] (ii) State three similarities between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach, iagram below is an il Bees agra teiey isanii roe cycle. Sindy tendons guetons Scanned with CamScanner we as Indes Numbers... cove Question Numbers... 8 fb) TITONIE.101, to Denary system, fe) $07, 1 Binary syetem Se aol Ss (ii) State two benefits of using USB connection between a computer and another device. eee sae as i eal ts] Scanned with CamScanner

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