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S11户6000-GG-OO SW-6000-GG-OO

Ophthalmic Equipment Ophthalmic Equipment


Corneal topography
1.Measuring M de: Placido Cone
2.Coverage range f measurement :10.91mm (Diameter)

Corneal t pography

3.Measuring range of Curvature radius:5.5mm-10.0mm(33.75D-61.36D)
4.Precisi n: ±0.02mm SW-6000
5.Placid Rings: 31 Rings

6.Measurement p ints:7936 Points

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c mealT,。pog阳phySW-f.汩OOAd t PLACIDO cone, 31 nngs,
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?.Display: Axial Curvature map.Tangential Curvature Map,Elevati n Map.Imitated a t。国I of 7936 poin恒
Kerat SC pe Map and 3D comea Map 。 。由
Used in the clini臼I diagnosis of corneal码也gmatism, quantitative anal归is
of corneal shape, display the corneal《::urvatu陪by date r different col ,
臼n display axial curvature rnap , 恒ngential curvatrure rnap, hei�ht rnap,
8.lmage output:High-Quality color in同et printer
9均ust range:Left/Right> 86mm;Fo阳ard/Backwa时>40mm;Up/D wn> 。 国rnulat创corneal
, lens rnap and corneal 30 rnap. Can be u坦d In pr,四p
e旧live exarnination and p。如perative d田t evaluation of corneal refrac­
live surge叩, can guide wearing con恒d da恒 lens, to irnp阳ve the ace叶

10.Comea c ntact Lenses Fitting Function
11.Keratoconus Detectiong Function
用cy of adaptive contact lens.

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