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1 Baptism

2 Eucharist

3 Confirmation
What happens during this celebration?
The priest pours water over the person's head or immerses the person in holy water
and says “I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
How does the religious community gather to support?
They are there to witness the person brought into the faith and church.
How does this event Express religious beliefs about what is sacred?
Washing of original sin
Purification of the soul
Forgiveness of our sins
Faith in our savoir
Eternal life
Holy water: sign of life, sign of spiritual life
What happens during this celebration?
It’s a mass specifically for children (typically 7-8 years of age).
They will typically leave their pews to go up to the priest to get the eucharist.
Hands one on top of the other.
The priest says “the Body of Christ”, and they respond with “Amen”
How does the religious community gather to support?
They are there to witness the young children receiving the Body of Christ for the first
time ever.
How does this event Express religious beliefs about what is sacred?
This event is a memorial of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as well as to reflect what
happened during his last supper with his disciples. This is a meaningful action for
baptized Christians because they are receiving the gift of Jesus Christ, and they also
give thanks to God for this
What happens during this celebration?
Whoever is performing the action puts holy oil on his palm and then he places it on the
person’s forehead while saying “Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
How does the religious community gather to support?
The religious community supports this ritual by gathering and supporting the
individual that is getting their confirmation done. Their family watches them and gives
them support for what they are doing.
How does this event Express religious beliefs about what is sacred?
The person confirming is not only confirming and receiving the message in a more
profound manner but they are also getting sealed with the gift of the holy spirit.
Confirmation is important in a Christian person’s life because it helps a person remain
faithful as well as become closer to God.

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