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Practice Task 1: Speech Context

a. Intrapersonal
The communication we have with ourselves is known as
intrapersonal communication. Due to some internal or external
stimulation, we typically do it through internal vocalization or
reflective thought. It just occurs inside of our heads. When
engaging in intrapersonal communication, a person exhibits both
sender and receiver behaviors. Intrapersonal communication can be
defined as self-communication in which you may recall details or
consider relevant information to make a certain decision.

b. Interpersonal Interpersonal communication is the spoken or nonverbal sharing of

thoughts, feelings, and information between two or more
individuals. Hearing, seeing, and feeling body language, facial
expressions, and gestures are frequently used in face-to-face
communication. Interpersonal communication, in other words, is
the verbal and nonverbal exchange of information, meaning,
sentiments, and opinions between two or more individuals. Despite
the fact that we previously discussed "face-to-face"
communication, modern technology forces us to broaden its
definition to encompass channels like phone calls and online chat.

c. Public

It is a type of Interpersonal Communication. Public speaking

is the art of conveying a message verbally to an audience of
more than one individual. An average public speaker
addresses a crowd of over 50 people, while some keynote
presenters can expect an audience of a few thousand. With
digital public speaking, this can be scaled infinitely.
Practice Task 2: Speech Styles
1. Intimate
- A child talking to his Mother. Needing an advice because he is going through his first heartbreak. He
needed also an emotional support system.

2. Casual
- A group of friends having a conversation about their day. And planning about their coming outing.

3. Frozen
- Anna is assigned to recite the “Panunumpa sa Watatawat ng Pilipinas” during the Flag Ceremony in
the school. She memorized the said “Panunumpa” and recite it in front of all the students of their

4. Consultative
- Amando feel sick yesterday. He decided to go to his Doctor for a check-up. After some chit-chats to
his doctor and run some tests, they found out that he has eaten something bad yesterday that is why
he felt sick.

5. Formal
- Shella is the valedictorian of this coming School End Rites. So she will be the one who will have the
Valedictory address. She said to her speech how grateful she is being in the top of all the graduates.
Practice Task 3: Speech Acts.
1. A group of professional commuting to and from work.
- A pleasant afternoon to everyone. I have called this important meeting for you to know how
important we need to follow the safety protocols being proposed by the Government. We need to
follow it for us to be safe and don’t be sick and infected by the said virus. I am going to give you this
brochure so you will be guided accordingly. Stay safe and God bless! Any question?

2. A group of Children
- Good Morning Children! I am Kuya Marlo. And I have come here to your school to teach some
lessons regarding the CoViD-19. Who among you know what it is? Anyone? So it is an infection
that is harmful, causing many lives to be lost. So for us to be able to avoid being infected by it we
must follow the basic rules. Does anyone know what the basic rules are? Here it is, the first one is,
wear facemask. The second is stay one meter apart and the last is stay home if you have nothing
important to do outside. Those are just simple but by doing it, we can save ourselves and our
families from the said virus. We should not be like those people who don’t wear mask, and do not
follow those rules, because not following it could lead us to harm. That’s all kids! Thank you! Good

3. A group of tricycle Drivers

- Good Morning, sirs! My name is Marlo Bernal and I have come here to your meeting to say
something about the rules being integrated by our municipality and on the whole country. . We need
to follow it for us to be safe and don’t be sick and infected by the said virus. I am going to give you
this brochure so you will be guided accordingly. Stay safe and God bless! Any question?

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