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Great Britain project – oral presentations


 Appearance
 Education
 Sports
 Cities
 Media
 Shakespeare

-Students are divided into groups and given a topic to study.

-Each group watches the video related to its topic (material uploaded on Drive: video, script
and activities).

-Each group prepares an oral presentation using the information included in the video and
adding information about Argentina (you must compare the topic seen on the video with the
situation in Argentina concerning that same topic).

-The group must include a Power Point or Prezi presentation to accompany its presentation.

-Each member of the group must be given a part of the presentation to give orally. ALL THE
MEMBERS must say something orally and the amount of content allotted to each one must be
balanced (nobody should talk more than the other).

-None of the members will be allowed to READ during the presentations.

-Each group will be in charge of making the copies of the activities for their classmates

-When one group is presenting the other classmates must pay attention and start completing
the activities given and based on the presentation. The students will have some minutes after
each presentation to finish completing the activities.

-The activities will be handed to group of the presentation for them to correct them

Marks: there will be an individual mark for each member of each group and an individual mark
per written assignment (the written assignments will be considered for the final concept mark
of the term).

Dates: July 4th (three groups), 6th (two groups), 11th (one group)

-The activities corrected will be handed in to the teacher on Thursday 13 th, no exceptions.

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