What Is The Bible

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What is the bible?

- it is a book made up of 66 books (it is the collection of books written by men

of GOD inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT) (2 Timothy 3:16)
- GOD’s word in a written form.
- It is a book that points us to the solution of GOD in reconciling HIMSELF
with mankind. And that solution is JESUS. (John 5:39)
- It is the law, commands, and statutes of GOD written down to men.
- It is the book that let’s you know how GOD thinks about you.

Division of the bible?

- The old (law) and the New Testament (grace)
- Has 66 Books 39 (old) and 27 (New)
- Old testament is divided by this acronym Tanak
Ta – Torah – the law it has 5 books of Moses, Genesis, exodus, Leveticus,
Numbers and Detorenomy
N - Nevi’im – Prophets all prophetic books and history books
K – Ketuvim – writings – psalms, proverbs, job,ruth
- The new testament is divided in this way
4 gospels
1 history book
21 epistles
1 prophetic book
The difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Old Testament

Can we trust the bible?

- Without the bible there is no Christianity
- You will not be able to relate with GOD
- You will not be able to know GOD
- You will not know yourself ( 1 John 3:2)
- You will not know the purpose of GOD concerning your life.
- You will be easily deceived. ()
- Meditating on HIS word will lead you to prosperity. (Joshua 1: 8)
- There is a reward in seeking the LORD (Hebrews 11: 6)

How can we study the bible?

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