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Test 1-level 7A

I. reading
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. A

II. Vocabulary
12 (d)
13 (b)
14 (a)
15 (f)

16. stereotype
17. exploration
18. bilingual
19. enhanced
20. cognitive

III. Reading skill

21. A
22. D
23. B
24. C
25. A
26. A

IV. Vocabulary skill

27. illustrate
28. explain
29. spell out
30. define
31. cast light on the reasons
32. clarify

V. Writing skill
33. Re: Application as a english teacher
34. Mss. Amy Thomas
I'm writing in order to apply for a position that is already open as an English
language teacher. I would like to start by telling you that I meet all the
requirements: I have been teaching English for 10 years in different places,
from particular classes to college. Besides, as you can see in my resume,
many students grade me with one of the highest scores in the whole college in
2021. As a consequence, my director and colleagues have written some letters
of reference. On the other hand, I could help with the newest techniques for
evaluation for us to get them in the best mood and to love learning English as
a second language.

I'm so convinced that if you choose me to be part of your team, we will soon
have more students trying to get in the next scheduled class.

Thanks for giving me this opportunity.

I am so glad to hear from you.

VI. Grammar

38. speaking two languages has many benefits, but few schools have bilingual
39. although adults learners find pronunciation, they can learn grammar more
quickly than children
40. I think Japanese is very difficult to write, on the other hand, English is easy.
41. learning a new language can be rewarding, although it's also challenging

42. Even though lily is only 15, she speaks three languages
43. Patricia enjoying practicing italian, on the other hand, she doesn't like to
study for chemistry exams
44. japanese is a difficult subject, yet it is jim favorite class
45. most people love chocolate, although Monique doesn't like
VII. Writing
Why did I choose to learn English, what motivated you, what do you see as the
benefits of bilingualism and multilingualism?

Nowadays English is the most important language in the world, almost 90% of the
population is born or learns the skill. In this essay I will show the two main reasons
why I decided to use English in my life. The first one is helping a lot in getting a better
job abroad, and the second, information is written especially in english.

Firstly, it is well known that many companies are looking for people who have
developed their skills in a way that the general doesnt. So for a position as a boss,
manager or principal we need to be ready in all those cases such as international
sharing information, meeting or communication. Let me explain better, one of the
requirements that are always printed on hiring head stuff is English language,
therefore in my case, as soon as i realized what is demanding i started my studies in
english for me to have one of those spots later.

Another reason is, I consider myself as a curious and smart girl so I'm always into a
book or interested in getting more knowledge about environmental engineering, but
the bad part is to read the translation, which is sometimes not what the author really
says. For instance, one day I was designing a prey using a professional hydric
balance guide. But when I was re-checking my work I noticed how the numbers didn't
make sense, so when I went to read the original book, they mixed the steps on the
procedure after the translation. So since that moment, I promised to myself not to
read any other translation book in a serious job.

In conclusion, as I explained before, there are many advantages to knowing English,

besides, what really motivated me to add the English language in my life is my job
and passion for knowledge.

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