10th Social 13th Lesson Bits

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SOCIAL Time : 30mim

Xth CLASS Marks : 30M
The World between Wars: 1900-1950: Part-I
Choose the Correct Answers.
1. _______Century was called “the age of extremes”. ( )
(a) 19th (b) 20th (c) 21st (d) 15th
2. The Great Depression occurred in - ( )
(a) 1920 (b) 1921 (c) 1929 (d) 1935
3. The World War –II was ended with the defeat of? ( )
(a) The USA (b) Britain (c) France (d) Germany
4. _______ invaded Poland in 1939. ( )
(a) Mussolini (b) Woodrow Wilson (c) Hitler (d) None
5. The Russian revolution took place in- ( )
(a) 1915 (b) 1916 (c) 1917 (d) 1918
6. __________ became a Weimar Republic. ( )
(a) Russia (b) America (c) Italy (d) Germany
7. Alsace and Lorraine were occupied by the? ( )
(a) Germany (b) French (c) Hinduisms (d) None
8. Industrial capitalism had changed the way many people earned their livelihood but
only in the _________ countries. ( )
(a) Western (b) Eastern (c) Northern (d) Southern
9. _______ was very active in the formation of League of Nations. ( )
(a) Metternich (b) Woodrow Wilson (c) Hitler (d) Mussolini
10. Archiduke Franz Ferdinand was a/an- ( )
(a) German (b) Austrian (c) Serbian (d) Russian
Fill in the Blanks.
1. At the beginning of the 20th century, the world’s population was_____.
2. Eric Hobsbaun termed 20th century as ______.
3. 75,000 Indian soldiers fought in _______ and ______ on behalf of Britain.
4. Russia, France and Britain formed their triple entente in ______ year.
5. ______ is the belief that military might is the best way to ensure security and war.
6. Hitler and his _____________ party created a reaction.
7. Germany grew out of their monarchy and became a ___________.
8. World war -1 ended with the conference on peace at_______ in 1919.
9. The USSR means ______________________.
10. __________ and__________ was not invited to become members of the League.

Match the Following.

1. The Great Depression [ ] a. Hitler
2. Nazi Party [ ] b. Nagasaki
3.1919 [ ] c. Italy
4. The US Attack [ ] d. 1929
5. Fascism [ ] e. Germany
6. Nazism [ ] f. League of Nations
7. Dropping of atom bombs on Japan [ ] g. End of World War II
8. Treaty of Versailles [ ] h. Beginning of World War I
9. Right to vote for British women [ ] i. 1918
10. Hundreds of new countries [ ] j. Decolonization.
SOCIAL Time : 30mim
Xth CLASS Marks : 30M

Production and Employment
Fill in the Blanks.
1. GDP records the ________ of all final goods and services produced.
2. During the 37-year period, the output share of sector has fallen drastically.
3. There are more people in _________than in necessary.
4. Under employment is also called as ________.
5. For our country we don’t see__________ shift in employment.
6. ________ scale industry also needs governments support for procuring raw material
and marketing of output.
7. Only 8% of people had a decent employment and contributed ______ of the
production of goods and services.
Match the following.

1. Organized sector [ ] a. Manufacturing of agarbatti

2. Unorganized sector [ ] b. A financial year
3. GDP [ ] c. Indian railways
4. April to march [ ] d. Value of final goods & services
5. Bunts [ ] e. Finance
f. Value of intermediate goods & services
Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a service sector activity? ( )

(a) Fishing (b) Bricks making (c)Transport (d) Mining
2. It covers those enterprises where the terms of employment are regular ( )
(a) Unorganized sector (b) Organized sector (c) Private sector (d) All the above
3. Disguised unemployment is known as? ( )
(a) Under employment (b) Unemployment (c) Both A and B (d) Seasonal employment
4. Mining comes under this sector. ( )
(a) Primary (b) Secondary (c) Service (d) Unorganized
5. This sector was the largest producer in 1973. ( )
(a) Industrial (b) Service (c) Public (d) Agricultural
6. Paid leave is the provision of this sector. ( )
a) Organised (b) Unorganized (c) Rural private (d) Urban private
7. If 1000kgs of rice is sold at Rs.30/kg and 3000 coconuts are sold at Rs.10 each, then
the total value of goods and services comes out to be? ( )
(a) Rs.70,000 (b) Rs.60,000 (c) Rs.50,000 (d) Rs.80,000
8. This Sector has grown the most over thirty years- ( )
(a) Primary (b) Tertiary (c) Secondary (d) Unorganized
9. The prime economic activity of India is? ( )
(a) Industry (b) Service (c) Agriculture (d) All the above
BIOLOGY Time : 30mim
Xth CLASS Marks : 30M

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