FD501 - Act2 - REVISED Concept Paper - by Group

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Effective persuasive selling techniques for novice Car Sales Agents in Tacloban


Submitted By: Yvon C. Montefolka (MM), and Jennifer B. Alde (MPE)


In human communication, persuasion is intended to influence and convince

others of implementing principles, ideals, and even attitudes. It is result-oriented that

drives the receiver to act or to believe the sender with the use of captivating words and

sentences. Persuasion is also a broad concept that covers numerous activities and that

is apparent when it comes to the marketing area (Abbas, 2008).

In the field of entrepreneurship, persuasion is a vital tool that entrepreneurs

should have to make the buyers utilize their products especially since competition in the

world of business nowadays is highly prevalent. To have a good quality of products isn’t

enough to be able to sell them but to have effective persuasive selling techniques will

result in a good number of sales (Technologies, 2021). Hence, it is significant for

entrepreneurs especially novice Car Sales Agents who are in Tacloban City to know

effective persuasive selling techniques.

Persuasion is not a new discussion at all and there is numerous existing

knowledge about persuasive techniques nowadays when it comes to marketing various

products in different fields of business (Long-Crowell, 2021). However, the information

about suitable and effective persuasive selling techniques when it comes to those who

are still a novice in automobile selling is limited as of now such as the suitable reading

materials and even proper coaching (Kwiatkowska, 2023). With the lack of suitable

reading materials or modules, building their ability to communicate in a persuasive

manner, build trust with their clients and to be fully mentally prepared are all considered

a challenge for a novice car sales agent (Stehle, 2018).

Laura Marchoff, a marketing and sales coordinator at Criteria Success, stated in

her article that one of the common problems young salespeople have to face is the lack

of knowledge on how to effectively handle a buyer and their objections (Marchoff, 2019).

Salespeople will also need to build trust and credibility with their clients, which needs an

act of suitable persuasive technique that will not sound like manipulation or aggression

to be able to close a deal or get sale (Metler, 2021). For being a sales agent in the

business world does not only imply being knowledgeable about the product of service

they are offering but one needs to have the skills and confidence to communicate with

each customer in the way that they understand. Each client or customer is unique and

good persuasive technique that suits them must be used by the agent to have a good

sale (T. Otterbring, 2021).

The same things for young car sales agents who are still rookies in the

automobile marketing. To know everything about what they are selling and knowing

what their clients’ needs is important, but to have a suitable set of effective persuasive

techniques will be an advantage for these novice car sales agents (Team, 2022).

Thus, conducting this research study by identifying at least two or three different

effective persuasive selling techniques will help novice Car Sales Agents here in

Tacloban City gain more knowledge about the suitable persuasive techniques they will

need to improvise their selling skills. In addition, this study will also contribute to the field

of the automobile industry’s marketing strategy.

Research Context

               Automobile Companies here in Tacloban City deal with different customers

every day, that’s why they provide various pieces of training for their novice Car Sales

Agents. However, after a few weeks or months of a novice Car Sale Agent’s training, it

will still depend on him/her on how he/she can create an effective technique in

persuading clients. In addition, the availability of reading materials or studies about what

are the suitable and effective persuasive selling techniques that they want to know and

acquire are still inadequate.  

Purpose Statement

               This research aims to determine at least two or three different effective

persuasive techniques that can be used by Car Sales Agents who are still a novice in

Automotive Industry here in Tacloban City.

Research Question

Qualitative research questions:

1. What are the common challenges that novice car sales agents in Tacloban City face

when trying to persuade customers to purchase a vehicle?

2. How do experienced car sales agents in Tacloban City create and utilize effective

persuasive selling techniques?

3. What factors influence the effectiveness of persuasive selling techniques used by

novice car sales agents in Tacloban City?

4. What are the perceptions and opinions of customers in Tacloban City towards

different persuasive selling techniques used by car sales agents?

5. What training and development opportunities do novice car sales agents in Tacloban

City need to improve their skills in creating and utilizing effective persuasive selling


Type of Data

The qualitative research questions listed can generate various types of data, including:

1. Descriptive data: Data describing the challenges faced by novice car sales agents in

persuading customers to purchase a vehicle.

2. Experiential data: Data on how experienced car sales agents create and use effective

persuasive selling techniques, including their personal experiences and best practices.

3. Attitudinal data: Data on the perceptions and opinions of customers towards different

persuasive selling techniques used by car sales agents.

4. Contextual data: Data on the specific context in which novice car sales agents

operate in Tacloban City and how this context affects their ability to create and utilize

persuasive selling techniques.

5. Opinion data: Data on the training and development opportunities that novice car

sales agents in Tacloban City need to improve their skills in creating and utilizing

effective persuasive selling techniques.

Source of Data

The sources of data for the qualitative research questions may include:
1. Interviews with novice car sales agents, automobile company managers, and other

industry experts to gather descriptive and experiential data.

2. Focus groups or surveys with customers to gather attitudinal data on their

perceptions and opinions of persuasive selling techniques used by car sales agents.

3. Observation and shadowing of novice car sales agents in the context of their work to

gather contextual data.

4. Review of company documents such as training manuals and sales reports to gather

opinion data on the training and development opportunities needed by novice car sales


5. Analysis of academic literature and industry reports to gather background information

on effective persuasive selling techniques and their application in the automobile


Sampling Methods

Purposive/Judgmental Sampling – Our chosen participants are experienced car sales

agents here in Tacloban City.

Data Gathering Techniques

               Conduct interview with audio recording

Data Analysis Method

               Transcribe the recorded data, rank them in Keraf’s 7 Persuasive Techniques,

and see the top 3 of mostly used persuasive techniques that experienced Car Sales

Agents used in automobile selling and considered these top 3 persuasive techniques as

the effective persuasive selling techniques for novice Car Sales Agents in Tacloban


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