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Day 1


Work immersion is one method by which we students are given a chance to experience the real
work on the field that we are in and perform the lessons we learn from school. It also helps us to obtain
applicable knowledge and skills in the actual work setting. It also provides opportunities to go through
the actual methodologies of a specific job using real tools, equipment, and documents.

On the first day of my immersion, I felt so nervous to commit mistakes because I was a newbie
and I also felt afraid mostly when I was having a conversation with our manager. At that moment I
realized, I need to prove that I am firm, flexible and versatile in any kind of circumstances. First thing in
the morning our manager oriented us on the rules and regulations and on the job that he will assign to
us for 10 days of immersion. He also takes us a tour in his restaurant. Then he tells us the proper attire
that should be wear when you are in the front desk, in the kitchen, or the cashier area. After that, he
instructed us our schedule for the day and we will start the real work tomorrow on our second day.
Day 2

My second day of training, our manager taught us topics and lessons about our work when and
how we do it, he gave us guidelines and ideas about it. Later on he let us applied all this into our assign
jobs. Then after that during lunch I got to know my co-students from other schools it was fun having a
small talk with them. Right after we finish our lunch we automatically went back to our jobs and
thankfully at the end of the day we did each of our assignments very well.

Aside from work experience, this work immersion allows the trainee or the students to get
acquainted with the real professionals and to meet people having different positions in the specific
environment that we are in, either high or low. We the students will be able to know how to adjust to
other peoples personality and attitudes.
Day 3

The third day of our work immersion, we did cleaning and sweeping. We also doing
skirting for the birthday party . then, I’ll going to the counter and they teach me on how to type
the order of the guest and then I give them to chef. And, I also cooked lumpia.
Day 4

On the fourth day of our immersion We performed sweeping and cleaning on the
fourth day of our job immersion. We also do skirting. I’ll then work the counter, where they'll
teach me to type the customer‘s order before I give it to the chef. I prepared lumpia. In
Day 5

On the fifth day of our job immersion, we carried out sweeping the flour and cleaning.
We often perform skirting at the birthday party, wash the dishes, they’ll train me how to make
lumpia rapper.
Day 6
March 17,2023

On my 6th day of work immersion 7:30. I started my Job in JAKELOU and Catering at
Provincial Capitol of Surigao city he assigned me of what I doing. At 10:35 I serve the snack to
the visitor. And in the afternoon we serve the food .
Day 7

On my 7th duty of work immersion. I learn a lot during the OJT because they teach me
how to chop the vegetables and how I rap the lumpia. and also we Carried out sweeping and
cleaning. They’ll train me to type the customers order before I hand it to the chef as I work the
counter after that. We clean the dishes.
Day 8

On my 8th duty of work immersion Day have passed and I did the same daily routine of
work. On and on, I learned that working hard will make each work a success and having
teamwork makes it easier to achieve better quality of work. Included in my tasks is to help
make birthday decorations in the JAKELOU. It was enjoyable.
Day 9

On my 9th day of work immersion The session started at seven-thirty in the morning. at
JAKELOU FOOD HAUZ I clean the Dining. And wash the plates, rap the lumpia.

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