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Content Knowledge: 30%

Organization and Structure: 20%

Clarity of Communication: 10%

Time Management: 10%

Originality and Contribution: 10%

Overall Impression: 20%

TOTAL: 100%

1. Content Knowledge (30%):

o Depth of understanding of the research topic
o Accuracy and relevance of information presented
o Ability to articulate key concepts and theories
o Awareness of current research trends and developments in the field
2. Organization and Structure (20%):
o Clear and logical flow of ideas
o Coherent introduction, body, and conclusion
o Effective use of transitions between sections
o Appropriate sequencing of information
3. Clarity of Communication (10%):
o Clear and articulate speech
o Use of appropriate language for the audience
o Effective use of visual aids, if applicable
o Ability to explain complex concepts in an understandable manner
4. Time Management (10%):
o Adherence to the designated time limit
o Allocation of the appropriate time to each section of the presentation
o Ability to effectively summarize or adapt the presentation if time is running short
5. Originality and Contribution (10%):
o Innovative approaches or methodologies used
o Novel findings or insights presented
o Contribution to the field of study or potential impact on future research
6. Overall Impression (20%):
o Engaging and captivating delivery style
o Confidence and enthusiasm exhibited throughout the presentation
o Ability to maintain audience interest and attention
o Effective handling of questions and engagement with the audience

CRITERIA 1-5 5-10 10-20 20-30

Content  There is a great  Sufficient  Shows a full  An
Knowledge: deal of information that understanding abundance
30% information that relates to of the topic. of material
is not clearly thesis/research; Uses details to clearly
connected to many good points enhance related to
the made but there is content. thesis/resear
thesis/research. an uneven ch
balance and little  points are
variation. clearly
made and
all evidence
 varied use
of material.

Organization  Concept and  Organization is  The presenter  The whole

and Structure: ideas are exceptionally gave a clear presentation
20% loosely clear and introduction to had the
connected; coherent. the topic. The three main
lacks of clear flow of the parts
transition. presentation (introductio
was clear and n, body, and
precise, and conclusion)
easy to follow. presented in
a clear way
and easy to

Clarity of  Poised  visual aids are  Speaks with  uses clear

Communication:  clear prepared in a fluctuation in language
10% pronunciation professional volume and skills
 good posture manner. inflection to including
and eye contact  Fonts should be maintain appropriate
 professional large enough to audience language
appearance be seen and read interest and level,
by the audience. emphasize key grammar,
points. concepts,
and accurate
Time  Presentation is  Presentation is  Stays within  The
Management: too short/long. slightly the allocated presentation
10% over/under time time frame meets the
requirements. The time
use of time might requirement
be improved. s. Time is
used well.

Originality and  The  Little or no  Presentation  The

Contribution: presentation variation; shows presenter
10% shows an material considerable sustained
attempt at presented with originality and the interest
originality and little originality or inventiveness. of the
creativity. interpretation.  The content audience in
and ideas are clever and
presented in a innovative
unique and ways and
interesting achieved the
way. purpose of

Overall  Does not  The presenter  Significantly  Demonstrat

Impression: clearly define delivers the increases the es full
20% subject and message in a understanding knowledge
purpose confident, poised, and knowledge by
 Give and enthusiastic of the audience answering
insufficient fashion. about the topic. all the
support for  Pronunciation and questions
ideas enunciation are with
very clear. explanation

TOTAL: 100 %

Content Knowledge: 25%

Organization and Structure: 15%

Clarity of Communication: 10%

Visual Aid: 15%

Time Management: 10%

Originality and Contribution: 10%

Overall Impression: 15%

TOTAL: 100%

1. Content Knowledge (30%):

o Depth of understanding of the research topic
o Accuracy and relevance of information presented
o Ability to articulate key concepts and theories
o Awareness of current research trends and developments in the field
2. Organization and Structure (20%):
o Clear and logical flow of ideas
o Coherent introduction, body, and conclusion
o Effective use of transitions between sections
o Appropriate sequencing of information
3. Clarity of Communication (10%):
o Clear and articulate speech
o Use of appropriate language for the audience
o Effective use of visual aids, if applicable
o Ability to explain complex concepts in an understandable manner
4. Visual Aid (15%):
o Visuals should be clear, clean, and simple
o Visuals should generally maintain a uniform look and feel within one presentation
o Visuals should make sense as a part of the whole communication and clearly
illustrate their concepts
5. Time Management (10%):
o Adherence to the designated time limit
o Allocation of an appropriate time to each section of the presentation
o Ability to effectively summarize or adapt the presentation if time is running short
6. Originality and Contribution (10%):
o Innovative approaches or methodologies used
o Novel findings or insights presented
o Contribution to the field of study or potential impact on future research
7. Overall Impression (20%):
o Engaging and captivating delivery style
o Confidence and enthusiasm exhibited throughout the presentation
o Ability to maintain audience interest and attention
o Effective handling of questions and engagement with the audience

CRITERIA 1-5 5-10 10-20 20-30

Content  Content  Contain  Indications of all  The co
Knowledge: 25% presented strong information are clearly
was difficult material. clear and direct concis
to  Well written
comprehend summarized logical
and did not  Clearly shows progre
sufficiently the ideas a
convey a development suppor
connection to of study inform
the study. research

Organization and  Somewhat  Well  Poster has a  Visual

Structure: 15% organized, organized, but logical, intuitive appeal
but It lacks in some parts, sequence of strong
flow from it lacks flow information. effecti
one section from one presen
to the next section to  Utilize
another creativ
section graphi

Clarity of  Presenter  The presenter  Presentation and  Presen

Communication: was poorly did not demonstration of confid
10% prepared and convey a understanding profes
did not sense of was acceptable.  Clearly
adequately confidence or  Demonstrated convey
discussed the ability to some of the proble
research. clearly problems like researc
demonstrate speaking too metho
the research softly, use of conclu
problem, jargon and and
methods, unwillingness. implic
conclusions  Discus
and researc
implications. level

Visual Aid: 15%  The  The poster has  utilized creativity  Visual
presentation a design and in using fonts, appeal
needs layout. headings, colors, strong
significant  Neat and easy and white space. effecti
improvement to read by the presen
in design, audience
layout and

Time  Presentation  Presentation  Stays within the  The

Management: 10% is too is slightly allocated time presen
short/long. over/under frame meets
time requir
requirements. Time
The use of well.
time might be

Originality and  The  Little or no  Presentation  The pr

Contribution: 10% presentation variation; shows sustain
shows an material considerable interes
attempt at presented originality and audien
originality with little inventiveness. clever
and originality or  The content and innova
creativity. interpretation. ideas are ways a
presented in a achiev
unique and purpos
interesting way. presen
Overall  Distractingly  Somewhat  The components  The po
Impression: 15% messy of not attractive, of the poster are legible
attractive. although organized in clutter
some logical flow text
elements are

TOTAL: 100%

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