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Yoephi Sushanto


Room Attendant
Room attendant is part of House Keeping Department which has responsibility to
clean and prepare guests room in the Hotel. Male room attendant is called Room
Boy and female room attendant is called Room Maid.
Room attendant needs several skills which can support responsibility. There are
grooming well, professional attitude, ability to follow instruction, management time,
details oriented, good communication and honest.
Grooming is the process of making yourself look neat and attractive. The things
which you do to make yourself and your appearance tidy and pleasant. It means you
have to maintain your appearance from the top to bottom.
Main job of room attendant is making the guest room clean and comfort to stay. This
job is called “Make up room”. Make room has several steps to make sure everything
works properly and appropriate with hotel policy.
Steps of makeup room:
1. Checking room status
Condition the guest room which is written with a code or symbols. For
example, status in room list is written with letter C, it means the room is
Clean, CO is check out, O is Occupy etc.
2. Arranging supplies on trolley
Room attendant have to count the number of rooms to be cleaned, this means
that the number of linens needed can be known. The linens and guest
supplies should be arranging in the trolley.

3. Entering and accessing guest room

knock the door and identify yourself. (3 times and 3 times knocks with 10
seconds space between. If the guest refuse us to clean, ask the time that the
room can be clean.
4. Open the curtains or window
Open the curtains or window to get brightness and air circulation. Check the
electricity to make it works properly. Make the report if one of them is not
working or damage.

5. Removal the lifter

Remove the lifter or garbage in the room and bathroom. Put it in the garbage
humper in the trolley and replace the trash bag.

6. Stripping bed and linens

Strip the cover duvet, sheets and pillow case in the bed. Make sure there is
no stuff of the guest in it. Strip the towels in the bathroom. Put all the linens in
the line humper.
7. Making Bed
After strip the linens, replace all the linens with the new one and making bed.
Making bed is to neatly arrange the sheets, blankets, and bedspread on the
bed. Pull the bed, spread the sheets and tucking in the corner for each side.
Put in inner duvet in the cover duvet and spread it the bed. Tucking the duvet
to lock the duvet on the bed. Put in the pillow in the pillow case. Arrange them
neatly and clean.

8. Cleaning Bathroom
The next step after finished making bed is cleaning bathroom. Cleaning
bathroom is done in a clockwise direction. The purpose of clockwise direction
is to make sure that everything is clean.
9. Cleaning guest room
Cleaning guest room is the activity after cleaning bathroom. The first step is
dusting, dusting is cleaning the dust use dust cloth and chemical which
appropriate with the object (wood can use wood polish, steel can use
stainless polish). After dusting, the next is glass sweeping use glass scrapper
and glass cleaner.

10. Completing Guest Supplies

Complete the guest supplies which need for customer during their stay in
hotel. Guest supplies which should available are towel (hand towel, face
towel, bath towel), bath rug, shampoo and body wash, shower cap, dental kit,
hand soap, cotton bud, hair comb, stationery kit, tea, coffee, creamer, sugar,
coffee cup and mineral water.
11. Cleaning Floor room
Clean the floor of guest room using broom and dustpan. Then mop the floor
using wet mop and dry mop.

12. Last checking

The last step is checking all the step, make sure the curtains is closed, the
light is off, all linens and guest supplies is completed and there is no cleaning
kits and tools left behind.

1. Jane Fellows, Housekeping Supervisor

2. Georgina Tucker, & Modelin Schneider, The Profesional Housekeeper

3. Joan C. Branson. Margeret Lenek, Hotel, Hostel & Hospitality Housekeeping

4. I Gusti Nyoman Winda & I Wayan Suardana, Tata Graha , Depdiknas

5. Rumekso, SE, Housekeeping Hotel, Penerbit Andi Yogyakarta
6. Yayuk Sri Perwani, Teori dan petunjuk praktek housekeeping untuk
akademi perhotelan Make up Room
7. Standard Kompetensi Nasional Indonesia (SKNI)
8. General cleaning procedures, trainee workbook, Australia
National Training Authority (ANTA), AUSTRALIA, 1997
9. Drs. Agus Sulastiono, Pengelolaan Pelayanaan Tata Graha
(Managing Housekeeping Service), Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata
Bandung, Bandung November 1994
10. Buku Pedoman Pemakaian Chemical, Johnson Commercial Product
11. The art of housekeeping today, Susanne Ruijs, Opyright
SouthBank Institute of TAFE, College of Tourism and Hospitality,
12. Profesional Housekeeping, Robert J. Martin and Thomas J.A. Jones, Second
13. Profesional Tools & Cleaning system, Bina Resik Utama
PT.Jakarta. Housekeeping Hotel , Rumekso ,SE, Andi
Yogyakarta 2001

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