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org © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 1 February 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770


Dr. Kuntal Thakur
(Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Khejuri College, Purba Medinipur)
The Sanskrit word ‘Swara’ that means ‘Sound’ or ‘Musical Note’. It is also a conscious flow of air through
one nostril. Yoga means union between consciousnesses to super consciousness. Swara yoga is a science
which is realization of cosmic consciousness through control and manipulation of breath. Swara yoga is the
science of breath. Purpose: Swara Yoga helps to activate three major nadi; Ida, Pingla and Sushama.
Significance: Swara yoga is a complete scientific study. Swara yoga helps to individual to do right things to
right time. It helps to bring balance and order in life. Swara yoga learns to be relaxed and conscious of own
state of being before starting an activity. Benefits: Practice of Swara yoga can produce miraculous results.
The glorious and valuable science of Swara yoga should be utilised by all Yogis to improve the quality of
their lives. Conclusion: Swara yoga is an ancient science that correlates the breath with the sun, moon and the
five elements, helping us to control moods, heal ailments and be attuned to the cosmic rhythm.

The Sanskrit word ‘Swara’ that means ‘Sound’ or ‘Musical Note’. It is also a conscious flow of air through
one nostril. Yoga means union between consciousnesses to super consciousness. Swara yoga is a science
which is realization of cosmic consciousness through control and manipulation of breath.

Swara yoga is an ancient tantric science which has existed since before the Vedic period, over ten thousand
years ago. It was a secret science. This secrecy only available for the few selected kings and dedicated
sadhaks whose are expend their life for revealed the yoga rahashya. It was kept as a closed secret by the
ancient sages and saints who had intuitively received this knowledge from the Divine.

The original scripts of Shiva Swarodaya, the most popular scripture to study swarayoga, consists of 395 sutras
with descriptions of various practical aspects which can be easily learnt and practiced by a modern scientific
man with confirmatory tests. The practice of Shiva Swaradaya allows us to synchronize our breath with the
universal rythm. This alignment removes undue efforts, stress and strain from ourdaily activities. Swara Yoga
practice helps us to change unwanted physical, mental or emotional states at will, create favourable conditions
for one’s life by changing the internal environment thus improving one’s attitude towards life through
increased awareness.

Swara yoga is a complete scientific study; it is observation, control and manipulation of breath or Swara.
Pranayama is only related to control of breath in various ways. Swara Yoga is different from Pranayama.
Swara yoga deals with manipulation of breath while Pranayama is related to control of breath. Swara yoga
stresses on the analysis of breath and significance of different pranic rhythms whereas Pranayama involves
techniques to control the prana. Pranayama is a way to reached in swara yogic rahashya.

IJCSP23A1179 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 428 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 1 February 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770

In swara yoga, you will find association of breath in relation to activities of sun, moon, various seasons,
physical and mental conditions of individuals etc. So Swara Yoga is more comprehensive in theory and
practices related to breath.

Swara yoga is the science of breath. It deals with interaction between cosmic rhythm and individual pranic
patterns in each person. Rhythms create specific physical, mental and emotional patterns. It alters the state of
consciousness at all level i.e., conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Breath is the linking force the Pinda
and Brahmanda that means individual body and cosmic body. It places emphasis on the first breath of life as it
activities certain elements which are dominant in one’s life. Last breath of one’s life activities elements which
are responsible for reincarnation.

Swara Yoga, not only helps those who believe in a supreme reality, but also those who do not have faith and
who will also be surprised to discover many truths pertaining to this reality. Swara Yoga is a path which leads
to total experience and awakening of the entire being. As described by Yogic texts, Nadis are flow of energy
which we can visualize at the psychic level as having distinct channels, light, color, sound, and other
characteristics. The entire network of nadis is so vast that even yogic texts differ in their calculations of the
exact number. Reference in the Goraksha Sataka or Goraksh Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika place their
number at 72,000; emerged from the navel center- the Manipura Chakra. Of all the thousands of nadis,
Sushumna is said to be the most important. The Shiva Swarodaya enumerates ten major nadis which connect
to the ‘doorways’ leading in and out of the body. Of these ten, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are the most
important, they are the high voltage wires which conduct the energy to the substations or Chakras situated
along the spinal column.
According to Mukti Bodhananda finds, the types of swaras arising out of Nadis. Here three kinds of swaras
are said to be present and each results of swaras are also noted here. Swarodaya Yoga' has three types of
breathing systems - Ida (Inhaling & exhaling from our left side of the nostrils), Pingla (inhaling & exhaling
from our right side of the nostrils) and Sushmana (inhaling & exhaling from both sides of the nostrils). We
mostly breathe in & out from either Ida or Pingla but sometimes we breathe from both the nostrils; sushumna

Application of Swara yoga in daily lives; Right hemisphere which is governed by Ida nadi stimulates creative,
artistic and musical abilities and Left hemisphere which is governed by Pingla nadi stimulate rational,
analytical, logical and mathematical intellect. Left nostril dominates and stimulate Pineal gland which is
psychic phenomenon, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition controlled by pineal glands. In this respect
both hemisphere of the brain and both the nadis can be used together, then all the nadis forces can be
combined for creative and productive work in life. There are some important applications of Swara Yoga,
which can be used in daily life to save the vital force and to avoid negative influences in daily life.

When you get up early in the morning, check your nostrils for the flow of breath. Then touch that side of your
face with the hand corresponding to which nostril is active. When you go to the toilet then your right nostril is
flowing and urinates then the left nostril is flowing. When you eat meals; right nostril is flowing and drink
water then the left is flowing. You go to bed at night when right nostril is flowing and you rise then the left is
flowing. When you leave home, step out with the foot corresponding to the nostril in which the breath is
flowing. When you start a long journey; left nostril is flowing and you enter other houses then the right is
flowing. During the day, left nostril dominance is auspicious and at night right nostril flow is favourable for
good health and longevity. Public speaking, studying and learning are favourable when the right nostril flows.
Meditation, mantra chanting, starting any auspicious work such as construction, entering a new house,
opening a new business etc. are favourable in left nostril dominance. Avoid all external material work in
shusumna. (Both nostril dominance) all work done in shusumna becomes fruitless.


There are three main swara, Ida Nadi or Left Swara (Nadi is flow of pranic energy in body), Pingala Nadi or
Right Swara and Sushumna or third Swara (Both the combination of Ida and Pingla). Ida nadi is known as
Ganga, pingala as Yamuna, and the central nadi or sushumna nadi as Saraswati, and the place of their
confluence is known as Prayag.

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Ida or Lunar or Left Swara, The breath through left nostril. It located in the left side of spinal cord. It
represents Moon or female Shakti (Energy) principle. Left Swara is associated with Mental Activities,
Parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation) and it connected to right hemisphere of brain. Left Swara is
considered to be Auspicious, smooth & virtuous. left Swara gives fruitful results Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday. Ida or left nostril dominance 15 days starting from next day of no moon to full moon day or
bright fortnight.

Pingala or Solar or Right Swara: The breath through right nostril. Pingala Nadi located on the right side of
spinal Cord. It represents Sun or Male Shiva (consciousness) principle. Right Swara is associated with Pranic
activities (Physical activities), Sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response or stress response) and it
connected to left hemisphere of brain. Right Swara is considered as Rough, non virtuous. It dominates during
dark fortnight (15 days from the next day of full moon to no moon). Right Swara gives fruitful results Sunday,
Saturday, Tuesday.

Sushumna is located of the spinal cord. It represents "Shiva" (pure consciousness) in the state of "So-Ham".
Sushumna is said to be active when Left & right swara flows together. There is no worldly action
recommended, work gives no result. It indicates non attachment to the mundane things. While third Swara is
active Meditation recommended Rhythms of Swara.

Swara Yoga is an ancient concept of dual nature which symbolised as ‘Ardhanariswara’-half Shiva or Purusha
and half Shakti or Prakriti. Shiva and Shakti take place in Swara Yoga where nasal cycle is connected with the
brain hemispheres. Right nostril is connected to left hemisphere and left nostril connected to right hemisphere.
When the Pingla nadi (Right Nostril) flows start- left hemisphere is active. On the other side, Ida Nadi (Left
Nostril) flows start- Right hemisphere is active.

Each Swara (Left and Right Nostrils) Alternates in 60 Min - One Swara is active for about 1 to 1.5 hours
depends on individual, and after that 2nd Swara starts flowing, this cycle continues during day and night.
Swara activities related to sun phase and moon phase. The time of Sunrise and Sunset are very crucial.
Generally for healthy people the Swara should change at the time of sunrise and sunset.

Ancient concepts of Swara yoga ; dual nature of our personality is symbolised as ‘Ardhanariishwara’- half
Shiva and half Shakti finds place in swara yoga where nasal cycle is connected with the brain hemisphere.
Right nostril is connected to left hemisphere and vice-versa. Flow of pingla (right nostril) – left hemisphere is
active, flow of ida (left nostril) – right hemisphere is active; e.g., verbal efficiency is greater when breathing is
primarily in the right. Spatial skills is enhanced during left nostril dominance.


Swara yoga helps to individual to do right things to right time. It helps to bring balance and order in life.
Swara yoga learns to be relaxed and conscious of own state of being before starting an activity. By practicing
of Swara yoga, one can learn to live in constant awareness of inner and outer world and also learn to attune to
natural rhythms. One can become free from all kind negative influences and achieve awareness. Swara yoga
helps to learn physical and pranic healing.


Practice of Swara yoga can produce miraculous results. Swara Yogis can become aware of subtle changes
which take place all the time in the body and mind. They are becoming aware of these patterns; a Yogi can
experience consciousness behind these subtle changes and understand the dual nature of the universe. Deeper
psychic being can be experiences through this practice and unite the ida and pingla nadis that lead to the get
attuned to cosmic rhythms and to maximise the potential of breath. The glorious and valuable science of
Swara yoga should be utilised by all Yogis to improve the quality of their lives.

IJCSP23A1179 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 430 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 1 February 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770

If you want to alter an unwanted physical, emotional or mental state, just breathe through the more congested
nostril. This prevents worsening of the symptoms and promotes rapid recovery. Swara yoga advises changing
of the active nostril at the first sign of any physical, emotional or mental disturbance.

To cure the common cold, breathe through the right nostril 21 times by blocking the left nostril. Also sleeping
on the left side gives considerable relief; as it activates the right nostril.

In case of acidity and fever, activating the left nostril helps. You can block the right nostril and breathe
through the left nostril 21 times. Also sleeping on the right side helps to reduce fever.

Swara medicines can be prepared with the knowledge of swara yoga. Swara medicines work at the vibrational
level and can help the patients without any side effects. Swara yoga is a practical science that can help us to
get attuned to cosmic rhythms and to maximize the potential of the breath. Make the best use of it!

Application of Swara Yoga in daily lives, right hemisphere is active and it stimulates Creative, Artistic and
Musical Ability. Left hemisphere is active which is governed by Ida Nadi, it stimulates Pineal gland. If Pineal
gland start its work, some psychic phenomenon like Clairvoyance, telepathy etc. If both the hemispheres of
the brain and both the Nadis can be work combined, then all the forces can be combined for creative and
productive work.

Swara yoga is an ancient science that correlates the breath with the sun, moon and the five elements, helping
us to control moods, heal ailments and be attuned to the cosmic rhythm.

Swara means the sound of one’s own breath. Sound creates vibration. Yoga means union. Swara yoga is the
science of understanding the union of different vibration of breath. Swara yoga is the union of three important
The practice of swara yoga can produce miraculous results.
Get up each day at least half an hour before the sunrise. Find out the dominating nostril. Kiss the
corresponding hand. With the same hand, touch or rub face, neck, chest, thighs and feet. Then while stepping
out of the bed, the foot that corresponds to the operating nostril should be placed onto the ground first. Then
one can proceed for the morning activities.

The right understanding of Swara can be of immense help to regulate the body temperature. By the virtue of
this, there is less feeling of warmth during the hot summers and similarly the winter cool becomes bearable.
Swara Chikitsa can be useful in curing common cold where the left Swara dominates which indicates cold.
One can change this dominating left swara to right swara and cure the common cold and many other diseases.
Also in the person suffering from either acidity or fever, the right swara dominates as right swara is hot in
nature. Shifting this to the left nostril breathing or swara helps.
Eventually it is believed that whatever the disease is being experienced by an individual, alternating the swara
from right to left or vice versa can help to relieve the symptoms and associated distress.
As for preventive healthcare, it is believed that breathing through the left nostril during the day time and the
right swara during the night helps to maintain general wellbeing of an individual.

IJCSP23A1179 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 431 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 1 February 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770

1. Harish Johari "Breath, Mind and Consciousness" (1989): website:

2. Swami Mukti Bodhananda, "Swara yoga: the tantric science of brain breathing", Bihar School of Yoga;
Translated in Sanskrit; 1984, Pp 100-180.
3. Swami Mukti Bodhananda Saraswati: Swara Yoga - Part 5: Reading the 'Daily Breath' Website: .
4. Swami Mukti Bodhananda Saraswati: Swara Yoga - Part 6: The Elements of Swara Yoga. Website:
5. Swami Satyananda Saraswati, 1999 Swara Yoga, Nesma Books India P 5-10,176,198.
6. Swami Sivananda; Swara Yoga; Published by Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India. Website:
7. S. Kanan; Swara Chintamani: Divination by Breath (translated in English, 1991), Sagar publication, Delhi,
India. Website:
8. Sonica Krishnan; Swara Chikitsa- Ayurveda & Yoga Phenomenon of Nostril Breathing(2015) Website:

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