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Some people think learning history in school is important.

Others think learning subjects more relevant

to life is important. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (Education)

Essay 1.

Learning history in school is often seen as a valuable way of gaining knowledge about the past and how it
influences the present and the future. However, some people argue that learning subjects more relevant
to life, such as science, technology, or business, is more important for students. In this essay, I will
discuss both views and give my own opinion.

On the one hand, there are many benefits of studying history at school. Firstly, history helps us
understand the world we live in by providing a storehouse of information about how people and
societies behave [^1^][1]. For example, by learning about the causes and consequences of wars,
revolutions, or migrations, we can gain a deeper insight into the current political, social, or economic
issues. Secondly, history helps us understand our identity by revealing how great institutions, cultures,
and traditions are formed [^2^][2]. For instance, by learning about the history of our country, we can
develop a sense of pride and belonging to our nation. Thirdly, history helps us become inspired by
showing us examples of human achievements, struggles, and values[^3^][4]. For example, by learning
about the lives and works of famous historical figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, or
Marie Curie, we can be motivated to pursue our own goals and ideals.

On the other hand, there are also advantages of learning subjects more relevant to life at school. Firstly,
these subjects help students develop practical skills that are useful for their daily lives and future
careers[^4^][3]. For example, by learning mathematics, languages, or computer science, students can
improve their problem-solving, communication, or digital literacy skills. Secondly, these subjects help
students prepare for the demands of the modern world by exposing them to the latest developments
and innovations in various fields[^4^][3]. For example, by learning biology, engineering, or economics,
students can keep up with the advances in medicine, technology, or business. Thirdly, these subjects
help students foster their creativity and curiosity by encouraging them to explore new ideas and
possibilities [^4^][3]. For example, by learning art, music, or literature, students can express their
emotions, opinions, or perspectives in different ways.

In conclusion, I believe that both learning history and learning subjects more relevant to life are
important for students. History can enrich our understanding of ourselves and the world around us,
while other subjects can enhance our skills and readiness for the future. Therefore, I think that schools
should offer a balanced curriculum that includes both types of subjects.

Essay 2

The importance of education has always been a topic of debate in society. Some people believe that
traditional subjects such as history are crucial for students, while others argue that more relevant
subjects should be prioritized. In this essay, we will discuss both views and provide our own opinion on
this subject.

On the one hand, proponents of teaching history in schools believe that it is vital for students to learn
about past events and civilizations. History subjects can help students understand how societies change
over time and learn important lessons from the past. Moreover, studying historical events can help
students develop critical thinking skills and promote cultural awareness, leading to a better
understanding of diverse communities and their customs.

On the other hand, some argue that more relevant subjects to life should be taught in schools. For
instance, practical subjects like accounting, computing, and engineering are becoming increasingly
necessary in the modern world, and students must be equipped with the skills required to thrive in the
workforce. Moreover, these subjects provide students with the knowledge and skills required to manage
their finances, calculate taxes, and solve real-world problems.

In conclusion, I believe that balance is the key to provide a quality education. Although historical
knowledge is crucial in developing analytical thinking, students also need relevant professional skills to
succeed in the highly competitive modern world. Consequently, schools should ensure a balanced
curriculum that includes traditional subjects such as history, in addition to science, technology,
engineering, arts, and mathematics, equipping students to learn in the past and tackle real-world
challenges. Ultimately, a well-rounded education is the foundation of a prosperous and rewarding life.

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