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Chapter 12

The earth is such a wonderful place to,ive in, various events had already
happened to this beautiful planet, we had destroyed most of it beauty because of our
dreams for every nations. As a result, this chapter covers the causes of climate change,
as well as offering data to support the occurrence of climate change and discussing the
consequences of climate change.
All the topics about the interplay of science, technology, and society will finish
with a current problematic issue climate change. It is contemporary in a sense that it
has been put under international focus since the start of the 21st century. Data that
have been gathered are utilized by scientists to establish if there actually is a major shift
in the earth's climate. Climate is the average weather in a certain place over a longer
period of time. A description of a climate contains information on the average
temperature in different seasons, rainfall, and sunlight. Also a description of the
(probability of) extremes is typically offered. The Earth's orbit creates a circle around the
sun. At the same time the Earth circles around the sun, it also rotates. In science, we
call that revolving on its axis. Since the Earth circles the sun AND spins on its axis at
the same time we have seasons, day and night, and varying shadows throughout the
Furthermore, it has clarified the link between the subject and the Milankovitchian
cycles, which reflect the cumulative impact of changes in the Earth's motions on its
climate over thousands of years. Milutin Milankovi, a Serbian geophysicist and
astronomer, is credited with coining the word. Milutin Milankovitch proposed a century
ago that the long-term, collective effects of changes in Earth's location relative to the
Sun are a significant driver of Earth's long-term climate and are responsible for initiating
the beginning and end of glacial periods on the planet (Ice Ages). Global warming is the
long-term warming of the Earth's climate system that has been observed since the pre-
industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) as a result of human activities, primarily
fossil fuel combustion, which increases the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in
the Earth's atmosphere.
The greenhouse effect is the process through which heat is trapped close to the
Earth's surface as a result of the presence of "greenhouse gases." Warming gases such
as carbon dioxide and methane may be thought of as a blanket wrapped around the
Earth, keeping the planet warmer than it would be otherwise. Greenhouse gases are
gases that absorb and release radiant energy that is in the thermal infrared range,
resulting in the greenhouse effect and affecting the climate throughout the world. Water
vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone are the principal greenhouse
gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Other greenhouse gases include nitrous oxide and

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