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I. Stress
Fountain 1 palace 1
aquarium 2 botanical 2
Cathedral 2 museum 2
statue 1 temple 1
Atmospheric 3 historic 2
impressive 2 touristy 1
Remote 2 romantic 2
spectacular 2 Croatia 2
Hungary 1
aluminum 2 ( AmE) aluminium (BrE) 3
Ceramic 2 concrete 1
Material 2 dandelion 1
rectangular 2 spherical 1
Triangular 2 rechargeable 2
circular 1 cardboard 1
II. Sound
1. A. stopped t B. loved d
C. missed t D. kicked t
tʃính fủ pháp không sợ ʃúng
2. A. caps s B. cookss
C. pubs z D. cuts s
Fải kính phục θầy tui
3. A. tooth u: B. foot ʊ
C. school u: D. food u:

4. A. seat i: B. pleasant e
C. team i: D. heat i:

5. A. while ai B. like ai
C. driven i D. nineteen ai

6. A. waiter ə B. today ə
C. return 3 D. river ə

7. A. take ei B. family æ
C. grateful ei D. table ei

8. A. nursing 3 B. nurture 3
C. turn 3 D. future ə

9. A. society s B. sociable ʃ
C. groceries s D. finance s

1. Yesterday Lily (go) had gone to
the store before he (go) went
2. He walked up and down until he
(be) was reassured by the returning
3. The druggist (leave, already) had
already left for home when we got
to the store yesterday.
4. Mr. Carlson (talk) was talking to
another man when I saw him
this morning.

5. We were extremely tired at the end

of the journey. We QKHT for more
than 24 hours.

a. had been traveling
b. were traveling
c. have traveled
d. traveled

6. The house was very quiet when I got

home. Everybody straight to
a. had gone b. have gone
c. went d. go
7. The man sitting next to me on the
plane was nervous because he
a. hasn't flown b. didn't fly
c. hadn't flown d. wasn't flying

Bag drops boarding pass
check- in desk departure gate
Flight attendant flight number
passport control seat
Security check window seat
departure lounge
hand luggage
When you arrive at the airport, go to the
1c . CHECK-IN DESK. The clerk will
check in your luggage and might ask
if you want an aisle seat or a 2
WINDOW SEAT. He or she will give
you a 3b BOARDING PASS. Show
your passport at 4. PASSPORT
CONTROL . You will also have to go
through a 5. SECURITY CHECK ,
where they X-ray your 6. HAND
LUGGAGE . Then you reach the 7.
DEPARTURE LOUNGE , where there
are duty-free shops. You can find
your flight on the departures board
by looking at the 8. FLIGHT NUMBER
or the departure time. When they
announce your flight, go to the gate.
1. He always used to tell us about his
at sea.
A. separation B. advancement
C. adventures D. campsites
2. He friends with an
old fisherman.
A. kept B. took
C. wrote D. made
3. They visited a turtle .
A. nature B. sanctuary
C. campsite D. wildlife
4. The Telharmonium was the
world's first musical instrument.
A. electronic B. electrical
C. electrician D. electricity
electric: chạ y bằ ng điện
electric cooker/ fan/ bulb/
guitar electrical: thuộ c về điện
electrical equipment/ engineer
electronic : điện tử
electronic mail/ music/ games
5. The of the Antikythera
mechanism are now kept at the
National Archaeological Museum in
A. remaining B. remains
C. discovery D. invention
the remaining sth : the remaining 50
the remains of sth
6. The family made for his
body to be flown back.
A. discoveries B. arrangements
C. establishments D. generations
make arrangements for

7. Since each model was made by hand,

it was soon replaced by other
cheaper machines produced in
factories. ( OPPOSITE)
A. manual B. home-made
C. automatic D.

8. The Telharmonium and its unique

sound have disappeared forever. (
A. special B. spectacular
C. impressive D. exclusive

9. The is in a beautiful location

next to the beach.
A. base B. campsite
C. settle D. rover
10. Somehow, in the rush to get out
of the building, I got from my

A. lost B. missing
C. separated D. lacked
1. Nghe tin từ : hear from
2. Nghe về, biết về : hear of
3. Nghe kể về : hear about
4. Nghĩ ra cá i mớ i : think of
5. Nghĩ về : think about
6. Quan tâ m : care about
7. Chă m só c : care for
8. Viết thư cho ai : write to
9. Viết về : write about
10. Đồ ng ý vớ i ai về cá i gì
agree with sb about/ on sth

11. Thô ng qua, chấ p nhậ n
agree to = accept
12. Hồ i phụ c ( (x2 )
recover from/ get over
13. Hét vô mặ t : shout at
14. Hét cho ai nghe : shout to
15. Mơ về : dream about/ of
16. Xin lỗ i ai về cá i gì
: apologize to sb for

17. Than phiền vớ i ai về cá i gì

complain to sb about sth
18. Hỏ i xin : ask for
19. Cườ i nhạ o : laugh at
20. Giú p đỡ ai : help sb with sth
21. Thu hú t : appeal to
22. Tham gia : take part in

23. Thích nghi : adjust to
24. Giả i quyết : deal with/ cope
25. ổ n định : settle
26. thà nh lậ p : set up
27. đến 1 nơi (nhỏ : arrive at ( an
airport/ bus stop/ a station)
28. đến 1 nơi (to) : arrive in HCM/ the
1. The student kept talking about
the project which was done last

2. The movie theater is the place

where we can see films.
3. We spent our holiday in Scotland,
which is in the north of Great Britain,
last year.
where kho ng la m S, O

4. I remembered the man who(m)

I had seen at the concert.

5. The letter which was sent by

my father reached me this

6. Picasso, whose paintings were not

understood at first, is known all
over the world now.

7. My friends, who wanted to go

there again, had so much fun at the

da u pha y sau: te n rie ng, va t duy
nha t, sơ hư u ca ch. (this/ that/
these/ those) + N. sau danh tư da i
8. Ann, whose children could swim
very well, said that there were far
too many notices.


1. ”Are you going to Ho Chi Minh
City next week?” Tom asked me.
Tom asked me IF/ WHETHER I was
going to HCMC the following week/
the week after.

2. ”Have you finished your
homework?” Mom asked.
Mom asked if I had finished
my homework.

3. ”Who has written this note?” the

boss asked the secretary.
The boss asked the secretary who had
written that note.

4. ”This story happened long ago,” he

He said (that) that
story had happened long before.

5. "Don't leave these books on the

table, put them back on the

the librarian said to the student.
The librarian told/
asked the student NOT to leave
those books on the table AND put
them back on the shelf.

6. "Leave your things here,"

my companion advised me.
My companion told
me to leave my things there.
1. They will complete the new
highway from north to south next
The new highway
from north to south will be completed
next year.

2. The television station has broadcast

all the 32nd Sea-Games competitions.
All the 32nd Sea-
Games competitions have been
broadcast by the television station.

3. Somebody might steal your car if you

had left the keys in it.
Your car might be
stolen if the keys had been left in it.

4. They should announce that news as

soon as possible.
That news should be
announced as soon as possible (

5. People must repair that old building.

That old building
must be repaired.

6. The athletes might visit some

interesting places after Sea-Games.
Some interesting
places might be visited by the
athletes after Sea-Games.

7. They must keep fruit in the fridge for

Fruit must be kept in
the fridge for long.

8. They haven’t done anything.
Nothing has been
It is five o’clock in the evening when
Rene Wagner come home from work.
She walks into the living room and
looks at her three children. They are
14,13 and 9 years old. They are
watching TV. The living room is a
mess. There are dirty socks on the
floor and cookies on the sofa. Games
and toys are everywhere. Rene is
angry, “This place is a mess” she tells
her children, “I can’t work all day
and then do housework all evening.
I’m not going to do housework!”
Rene doesn’t do
housework. She doesn’t clean
or wash dishes. She doesn’t
clothes, either. Every evening she sits
on the sofa and watches TV.
After two weeks, every plate, fork
and glass in the house is dirty. All the
children’s clothes are dirty. Every
garbage basket is full. The house is a
Then, one day Rene comes home
from work and gets a big surprise.
The kitchen is clean. The children
clean the kitchen !
The next day, the living room is
clean, and the children are washing

their clothes. Rene tells the children
“OK, I’ll do the housework again.
But you have to help me.”
Now Rene and her three children do
the housework together. Then they
all sit on the sofa and watch TV !
1. When Rene came home from
work, she found the house
……………. .
A. clean and dirty
B. dirty and tidy
C. dirty and untidy
D. clean but untidy
2. Rene told her children ………………….. .
A. to do the housework
B. she couldn’t do housework
C. not to do housework
D. she wouldn’t do housework

3. Two weeks later, the house was
……………… .
A. very clean B. a mess C.
tidy D. rather dirty
4. Some days later, the house was clean
again because ……………………. .
A. she couldn’t let it that way
B. her children did housework.
C. her children didn’t do housework.
D. she did housework again.
5. Now Rene does housework
again because …………………. .
A. her children help her.
B. they can watch TV together.
C. her children wash their clothes.
D. her children don’t do it.

Some time ago, scientists began
experiments to find out (1) it
would be possible to set up a
“village” under the sea. A special
room was built and lowered (2)
the water of Port
Sudan in the Red Sea. For 29 days,
five men lived (3) a depth of 40
feet. At a (4)
lower level, another two divers
stayed for a week in a smaller
“house”. On returning to the
surface, the men said that
they had experienced
no difficulty in
breathing and had (5) many
interesting scientific observations.

The captain of the party, Commander
Cousteau, spoke of the possibility of
(6) the seabed. He said
that some permanent stations were
to be set up under the sea, and some
undersea farms would provide food
for the growing population of the
world. The divers in both “houses”
spent most of their time exploring
the bottom of the sea. On four
occasions, they went down to 360
feet and observed many
extraordinary forms of the marine
life, some of which had never been
seen before. During their stay,
Commander Cousteau and his divers
reached a depth of 1,000 feet and
witnessed a gathering of an
immense (7) of crabs which
numbered, perhaps, hundreds of
millions. They also found out that it
was possible to move rapidly in the
water in a special vessel known as a
“diving saucer”.

1. A. how B. which
C. what D. Whether
2. A. underneath B. down
C. below D. into
3. A. at B. in
C. from D. On
4. A. more B. any
C. much D. some
5. A. caught B. done
C. made D.
Exercised make
observation: quan sá t
6. A. implanting B. transplanting
C. growing D. cultivating : trồ ng
trọ t
7. A. Herd ( dù ng cho c attle )
B. Flock ( birds)
C. School ( fish) D. Pack ( woves)


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