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You'll be happy to know that, so far, nothing has gone wrong on this, my great adventure. My
first job is to let my sister know that I am all right. I am already far north of London. It makes me
feel so happy.
Although I try, I can't think of the Pole as a place with ice and snow all the time. I have
dreamed of this trip all my life. Uncle Thomas is gone now, and I have the money. I know that I
was meant to do something really great with my life.
That way, I'll be used to the weather near the North Pole. And I have sailed on boats that go as
far north as fishing boats can go.
This letter will reach England on a ship headed home from Archangel. We are now very far
north. I must end this letter now.
A few days ago, I told this man about my trip to the Pole. In no time, I told him about my life's
dream. I told him that I had to go on, even if it cost my life, and the lives of some of my men. I
once had a friend like that.
I think I will never again have a friend. There is only one reason for my life now. After that, my
life will be ended. My family is one of the best-known families in Switzerland.
For many years, members of my family held public office. Perhaps I should tell you about how
my father and mother met. One of my father's friends was a rich businessman. He paid off
everyone who had lost money.

My father heard that his friend had fallen on hard times. When he saw the way his friend and
his daughter were living, my father's heart almost broke. The only money he had came from
small jobs his daughter did for the people in town. My father heard that his friend was dying.
He went to visit his friend. He found the girl crying over her dead father's body. My father didn't
want to see his old friend's daughter left out on the street. After the wedding, my father and
mother traveled to many countries.
Perhaps it was the years of being poor that did it, but my mother's health was not good. For
this reason, they spent a lot of time in the warm weather of Italy. I was born in Italy on one of
their vacations. I remember that those years were very happy.
My father and mother loved each other very much. When I was five years old, my parents took
another vacation to Italy. Because my mother was always interested in helping the poor, they
visited a little hut on the shore of a lake. There, they found a poor farmer and his wife.

The family had no money and very little food for their five children. One of the children, a little
girl, caught my mother's eye. This girl wasn't like the other chil-dren. She asked the farmer
about this little girl.
The little girl's name was Elizabeth. She was not the farmer's daughter. Her real father had
been forced to leave Italy for a while. He had asked the farmer to take care of his little girl.
When Elizabeth's father died in another country, she had no place to go. She sLayed with the
farmer and his family. But then hard times came to this farmer. He had very little money.
And besides Elizabeth, he had four children of his own. Life was hard for the family. My mother
had always wanted a little girl. Elizabeth.
The farmer and his wife loved the little girl. But they knew that she would live a much happier
life with my family. So they let my par-ents take Elizabeth. " All my mother did was tell me, "I
have a pretty present for my Victor."He shall have it tomorrow." The next day, she presented
Elizabeth to me. Elizabeth and I grewup together. We loved each other in a way brother and
sister cannot. Elizabeth would get excited about how beautiful things were, I always wanted to
know what made them the way they were.

Even as a child, I was becoming a man of science. Our family did not know a lot of people. I
had only one close friend. His name was Henry, and he was the son of a Geneva
I became best friends. He always wanted Elizabeth and me to act out these
plays. Henry, Elizabeth, and I spent our childhoods together. Elizabeth was the soul, Henry
was the heart, and I was the mind.
Henry kept telling stories of heroes and great adventurers. Elizabeth had her art. I began to
study science. I knew little about science.
I read any books that I thought might explain the wonders of scienc


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