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Full name: ELAISSE E.

Course & Section: BS Medical Biology 15
Subject: Art Appreciation
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero
University: De La Salle University


1. Art Nouveau.
- Instruction: Choose your favorite Art Output this Sem. Copy Paste here. State your
reason why in 4-5 sentences.
I really like advocacy painting because I am not a talented person to make a
good painting. This activity helps me challenged for more than I can do. My artwork may
not be too good to be posted, however, I still believed that I did my very best to create
this activity. And lastly, it was still a great experience of mine.

Monitoring and Evaluation
2. Art in Introspection of Life.
- Selfie saying ART IS _______ (Choose your one word: ART IS LIFE for example)
- Also, write in brief. Based on your Final Summative Assessment (Portfolio), what
changes made on your mindset and style in art, if any? 4-5 sentences.
It made me realize that I have a skill in art but never been developed. Ever since I started
this subject, I say I am scared on what might happen to me with this class or if I will fail to this
class because I do believe that I do not have. I can show more than just a stickman. Thus, I found
out that I should focus on my drawing skills than Canva designing because I know that there is
more to show than I had imagined.

3. Final Message for your Professor. 4-5 sentences.

We may not be very close to you; however, you were great professor that I ever
met. I really admire your diligence because you are working in government, studies law,
and a professor in DLSU-D. I hope that one day, if start working, I can do what you can
do. See you again next time sir in School.

! Upload this in your Online Account: Researcgate, Academic, Scribd, DocuStamp, etc.
Submit the LINK/S in (1) FB GROUP and (2) SB Comment Section of your Final Summative
*This well help you someday to have Online imprint and presence for future employers’ easy
linkage and hiring. Always use online platform to develop your capacity as a person and immerse
in well-developed research. Someday, whether you will be a doctor or not, you may apply in
research fund and graduate school abroad. So make your Online presence worthwhile.

Thank you for the memories, class.

Will miss you all. God bless

- Sir. Stranger

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