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Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735392

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Gene expression and histopathological changes of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis T

niloticus) infected with Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens

Ahmed M. Hala, , Manal I. El-Barbaryb
Genetics and Genetic Engineering Lab, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt
Fish Diseases Lab, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Egypt


Keywords: Hepcidin, interleukin 1-β (IL-1β), and cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) genes play an important role in the
Oreochromis niloticus adaptive immune system in fish. To our knowledge, this is the first observation among the expression level of
Aeromonas hydrophila these genes in response to infection with Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens in Nile tilapia
Pseudomonas fluorescens (Oreochromis niloticus). Also, the effect of these experimentally induced infections was investigated regarding the
mortality rate, clinical signs, and histopathological changes in the liver and kidney tissues. Three experimental
Interleukin 1-β
Cytochrome P450 1A
fish groups were injected intraperitoneally (IP) by 0.1 ml of phosphate-buffered saline, two of these groups were
Real-time PCR injected by 0.1 ml of 1 × 105 CFU/ml of the suspension of either A. hydrophila or P. fluorescens. The infected
Histopathology groups showed extensive skin hemorrhages, cloudiness of eyes, protrusion of the scales, and severe swelling of
the abdomen with inflammation of the vent and the mortality rate (MR%) was 42.75 and 37.5% in A. hydrophila
and P. fluorescens groups, respectively. The histological changes of the infected O. niloticus with A. hydrophila and
P. fluorescens showed fibrosis, karyolitic necrosis, the disappearance of hepatocytes wall and deposits of he-
mosiderin in the liver, while kidney showed dilation in Bowman's spaces, disconnection of renal tubules and
hemorrhage and necrotic areas between them besides the accumulation of hemosiderin. The relative expression
levels of hepcidin were higher after A. hydrophila than P. fluorescens infection in most studied organs while other
studied genes expression levels were varied between infected fish groups. The relative expression of hepcidin
was increased in the liver, blood, pituitary, kidney, and ovary while IL-1β transcripts were increased in the liver,
kidney, muscle, gill, brain, and blood. CYP1A transcripts were increased in the liver, kidney, gill, and testis. The
magnitude of the increase in IL-1β levels differed from that observed for the hepcidin and CYP1A genes. The
relative expression levels of studied genes were significantly increased in the liver followed by the kidney. No
significant differences were observed in the relative expression of studied genes among the gill, blood, brain, and
pituitary and among the ovary, testis, brain, and pituitary during the bacterial challenge (p < .05). These
findings in response to pathogen challenge could improve our understanding of the defense mechanism of
adaptive immunity genes in O. niloticus organs.

1. Introduction 1999). The pathogenicity of A. hydrophila contributed to the aerolysin-

related cytotoxic enterotoxin that can lyse red blood cells, destroy cell
The adaptive immune response in fish is considered an essential wall, with oligomerization and pore creation (Chopra et al., 1993;
feature in host defense against pathogenic organisms (Magnadóttir, Ferguson et al., 1997) causing symptoms including tissues distension,
2006). Bacterial pathogens as A. hydrophila and many species of Pseu- dropsy, necrosis, hemorrhage and ulcers, exophthalmia, and accumu-
domonas have reported causing disease in different fish species and lation of fluid in the scale of the pockets (Karunasagar et al., 1989; Azad
associated with septicemia. They are secondary invader of wounded et al., 2001; El-Barbary, 2017). Pseudomonas fluorescens has identified
tissue that causes disease in stressed fish (Roberts, 1978; Thune et al., as a causative agent of Pseudomonas septicemia diseases which caused
1993; Xu et al., 2012). Bacterial pathogens have developed several some clinical signs as skin hemorrhage, fin rot, detached scales, ascites,
strategies to survive inside the host and for counteracting cell defenses. and exophthalmia in different species of fish (Okaeme, 1989; Eissa
Host cell apoptosis by bacteria is the main mechanism to overcome the et al., 2010; El-Barbary and Hal, 2017).
host immune defenses (Moss et al., 1999; Weinrauch and Zychlinsky, Fish immune-related genes have a role in immunity and the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Hal).
Received 28 August 2019; Received in revised form 27 February 2020
Available online 22 April 2020
0044-8486/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.M. Hal and M.I. El-Barbary Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735392

evolution of immune response to bacterial infection. Fish hepcidins Table 1

have an antibacterial role, and their expression in the liver naturally The primers were used to amplify the studied genes.
induced because of the bacterial infection and affect macrophages and Primers Accession Sequences 5′-3′ Annealing™
monocytes activation (Shike et al., 2002; Pinto et al., 2010; Costa et al., numbers
2011). Early response pro-inflammatory cytokine mediates immune
regulation by interleukin-1 (IL-1) in both adaptive and innate im-
munity. Each of activated macrophages, monocytes, endothelial cells, IL-1β KF747686 F-GATGACGACAAGCCAACCCT 61 °C
lymphocytes, granulocytes, activated T and many other cell types could R-GCTGATGTACCAGTTGGGGT
cause the secretion of IL-1 (Sigel et al., 1986; Roux-Lombard et al., CYP1A FJ389918 F-GCAAATGGCTGCTGCTTGTCA 62 °C
1989). Interleukin-1β has a humoral immune reaction, and it has been R-GTGTATCAAGGGTTCATGCCCT
recognized in several teleost fish species, including rainbow trout,
yellowfin sea bream, sea bass, carp, and channel catfish (Zou et al.,
1999; Fujiki et al., 2000; Scapigliati et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2006;
Jiang et al., 2008). Among the cytochrome P450 family, cytochrome accession numbers as listed in Table 1 and were estimated by real-time
P4501A (CYP1A) contributes to the metabolism of several environ- PCR using double-standard curves method. The real-time PCR reactions
mental mutagens and carcinogens (Lee et al., 1998). Also, CYP1A has for genes expression were in a total volume of 20 μl consisting of 4 μl
used as an indicator of immersion infection with Pseudomonas aerugi- HOT FIREPol EvaGreen qPCR Mix Plus (5×), 2 μl cDNA, 0.5 μl each for
nosa and Edwardsiella tarda (van Soest et al., 2011). In the other side, Forward/Reverse Primers and 13 μl H2O PCR grade. In a Stratagene
Wang et al. (2009) have compared hepcidin and CYP1A1 genes ex- MX3005P (ABI, CA, USA), the thermal profile was performed as 95 °C
pression in response to pollution. The previous studies raise curiosity to for 10 s, followed by 40 cycles involving of 95 °C for 15 s, the annealing
find out the response of CYP1A gene expression compared to hepcidin temperature of genes as listed in Table 1 for 15 s and 72 °C for 12 s.
and IL-1β against these types of bacterial infections. Melting curves of the reaction were produced from 65 °C to 95 °C. The
The present study aims to 1) investigate the harmful effects of both expression of genes was represented as average gene expression (in
A. hydrophila and P. fluorescens on infected O. niloticus liver and kidney triplicate) ± the standard error of the sample replicates and normal-
structure, and 2) observe the expression of genes; hepcidin, interleukin- ized to β-actin. The relative mRNA levels of genes were calculated by
1β, and CYP1A in blood, liver, gill, muscle, brain, pituitary, kidney, the ΔΔCT method and values were expressed as log2 ratios.
ovary, and testis to gain a knowledge regarding the effect the bacterial
infection on different fish organs through defensive mechanisms of
2.3. Histological examination
studied genes.
Sampling was collected from each group after 14 days of the ex-
2. Material and methods
periment start of O. niloticus organs (liver and kidney) and fixed in 10%
neutral buffered formalin for 24 h. The histological examination carried
2.1. Challenged test
out according to Roberts (2004). Tissue sections were stained with
Forty-eight of apparently healthy O. niloticus (50 ± 2 g) were di-
vided into three duplicated experimental groups and keeping in six
2.4. Statistical analysis
aquaria that supplied with dechlorinated water with continues aeration,
each aquarium contained eight fish, and the acclimatization period was
The data were analyzed using a three-way ANOVA followed by the
14 days. Fish were fed twice daily by commercial diet 30% protein by
Tukey post hoc test to explore the effects of bacterial infections and
feeding rate 3% of body weight. Fish were intraperitoneally (IP) in-
gene expression differences among organs. The same letters of a, b, c,
jected by 0.1 ml of 1 × 105 CFU/ml of the suspension of either the
and d indicate no significant difference and different letters indicate
isolates A. hydrophila (A. hydrophila group) or P. fluorescens (P. fluor-
significant differences (p < .05) among organs. All the statistical
escens group). Fish in the control group were IP injected with 0.1 ml
analyses were done by the IBM SPSS program version 19.
phosphate-buffered saline. Fish were anesthetized by a clove oil solu-
tion immediately before injection (Hamackova et al., 2006). The clin-
ical signs were observed daily, and samples for histological examination 3. Results
were collected after 14 days. Blood samples from three fish groups were
collected from the caudal veins. Fish were dissected and the liver, gill, 3.1. Mortality rate and clinical observation for experimental infected O.
muscle, kidney, brain, pituitary, blood, ovary, and testis of O. niloticus niloticus
were taken after 7 days for gene expression analysis.
All fish procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of In the control group, no clinical signs or mortality was observed
National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), Egyptian during the experiment period. In contrast, the mortality rate was 42.75
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. and 37.5% in groups of A. hydrophila and P. fluorescens, respectively.
Both of A. hydrophila and P. fluorescens groups showed extensive skin
2.2. Analysis of gene expression by real-time PCR hemorrhages and ulcers, cloudiness of eyes, a detachment of the scales
and severe swelling of the abdomen with inflammation of the vent;
The total RNA from each replicate of samples was isolated according while, internal organs showed severe congestion and enlargement with
to Chomczynski and Sacchi (1987) and its integrity and concentration fatty change in the liver.
were detected. Total RNA was treated with DNAseI to avert genomic
DNA. The first strand of cDNA was created by using M-MuLV Reverse 3.2. Histological examination
transcriptase (SibEnzyme Ltd.) with an oligo-dT12–18 primer (Bio Basic
Inc.). After cDNA synthesis, all first-strand cDNA products were diluted Liver of the control fish group showed a normal structure of tissue
to 200 ng/μl for the subsequent quantitative real-time PCR amplifica- (Plate 1a), while the liver in A. hydrophila group showed histological
tion. changes as the disappearance of hepatocyte wall, vacuolar degenera-
The used primers for relative expressions of hepcidin, IL-1β, CYP1A, tion, pyknosis in hepatocytes and dilatation in sinusoids with fibrosis
and the internal control beta-actin gene were designed based on and hemosiderin accumulation (Plate 1b,c). Hepatocytes in P.

A.M. Hal and M.I. El-Barbary Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735392

Plate 1. Histopathological changes of the liver and kidney of

three O. niloticus groups (control, A. hydrophila (Ah), and P.
fluorescens (Ps)) stained with H & E; (a, f) control showed
normal structure tissue of both liver (a ×250) and kidney that
exhibited normal renal tubules, tubular lumen and Bowman's
space in the glomerular (f ×200). (b, c) Ah group showing
disappearance of hepatocyte wall, vacuolar degeneration with
some pyknosis in hepatocytes (bx 400), fibrosis and hemosi-
derin accumulation (c ×300). (d, e) Ps group showed py-
knosis and vacuolar degeneration in the hepatocytes with
disappearance of hepatocyte wall (d ×300), and sever vacu-
lation in hepatocytes (e ×400). Kidney in Ah group showed
severe tubular degeneration with interstitial mononuclear cell
infiltration and hemosiderin accumulation of the kidney (g
×300). (h) Ps group showed disconnection of renal tubules,
and invaded with inflammatory cells between renal tubules
and hemosiderin accumulation (h ×400). v = vacuolar de-
generation, pk = pyknosis, f = fibrosis, g = glomerulus,
bs = Bowman's space, if = infiltration, d = degeneration,
h = hemorrhage, n = necrosis, hs = hemosiderin.

fluorescens group exhibited pyknosis, vacuolar degeneration, and dis- muscles and ovaries. In contrast, the expression level of IL-1β was
appearance of its wall (Plate 1d) and dilatation in sinusoids with severe higher after infection of P. fluorescens than A. hydrophila in the liver,
lipid vacuoles (Plate 1e). gill, muscle, blood, and testis (Fig. 1). The magnitude of the increase in
The kidney in the control group showed a normal structure of renal IL-1β levels differed from that observed for the hepcidin and CYP1A
tubules and Bowman's space in the glomeruli (Plate 1f), but the kidney genes. The relative IL-1β expression levels were varied between the
in A. hydrophila group of O. niloticus showed severe tubular degenera- infected groups and were significantly increased in most infected fish
tion with interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration of the kidney and organs compared to controls (Fig. 1). CYP1A transcripts were sig-
hemosiderin deposits (Plate 1g). Additionally, P. fluorescens group nificantly increased in the liver, gill, kidney, and testis of infected fish
showed dilatation in Bowman's spaces, hemorrhage and areas of ne- groups (p < .05). The expression of CYP1A gene decreased in the
crosis between renal tubules, disconnection of renal tubules, and he- pituitary of infected groups, and its level decreased in the ovary of A.
mosiderin accumulation with inflammatory cells between renal tubules hydrophila group (Fig. 1).
(Plate 1h). At the level of infected fish organs, the relative expression level of
studied genes were significantly increased in the liver (p < .05) fol-
lowed by the kidney. In the liver, kidney, muscle, and brain, the ex-
3.3. Hepcidin, IL-1β and CYP1A genes expression
pression level of IL-1β gene was the highest, while the expression level
of hepcidin gene was the highest in the pituitary. Also, the relative
In O. niloticus organs, hepcidin, IL-1β, and CYP1A genes expression
expression of CYP1A gene was the highest in the testis among studied
was measured in response to bacterial infection of A. hydrophila and P.
genes. The gill, muscle, brain, and testis showed a slight increase of
fluorescens compared to the uninfected group (control). The expression
hepcidin expression level, while the increase of IL-1β expression was a
of genes significantly differed according to the type of bacterial infec-
relatively low level in the pituitary and testis of infected fish groups
tion, the studied gene, and among fish organs (p < .05; Fig. 1). At the
(Fig. 1). Differences in the relative expression of studied genes were not
level of genes, the relative expression levels of hepcidin were higher in
significant among the gill, blood, brain, and pituitary and not
organs of A. hydrophila group than P. fluorescens group except in

A.M. Hal and M.I. El-Barbary Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735392

Fig. 1. Relative expression of hepcidin, IL-1β and CYP1A transcripts in different organs of O. niloticus infected by A. hydrophila (Ah) and P. fluorescens (Ps).
Transcripts levels were normalized against β-actin. * represents a significant difference from control, organs assigned with same letters are not significantly different
using a three-way ANOVA (P < .05) and Tukey's multiple comparison test.

significant among the ovary, testis, brain, and pituitary (p < .05) tubules. These observations are similar to the findings of El-Barbary and
during the bacterial challenge. Hal (2017). Hemosiderin accumulation reflects a pathological process
(Wolke et al., 1985), which was observed after hemolytic anemia
4. Discussion (Roberts, 2001). Also, the accumulations of erythrocytes and lympho-
cytes cells in the kidney might cause reduced hemoglobin content that
The effect of A. hydrophila and P. fluorescens within 14 days on MR% is usually because of the destruction of erythrocytes and abnormal
was 42.75 and 37.5%, respectively. This result agreed with Saad El- movement of erythrocytes through the spleen in fish (Scott and Rogers,
Deen (2014) who recorded that the cumulative mortalities were 1981; Hibiya, 1982; Zapata and Cooper, 1990). In this study, accu-
53.33% in O. niloticus challenged with Pseudomonas aeraginosa. More- mulation of hemosiderin in infected liver and kidney tissues in A. hy-
over, Yambot and Inglis (1994) recorded acute MR among O. niloticus drophila and P. fluorescens groups agreed with those of Chang and
infected by A. hydrophila. In the present study, some clinical symptoms Plumb (1996) who observed foci of hemosiderin in spleens of common
observed in A. hydrophila group such as skin hemorrhages and ulcers, carp, Cyprinus carpio exposed to A. hydrophila.
cloudiness of eyes, detachment and protrusion of the scales, a severe In the present study, the relative expression of hepcidin, IL-1β, and
distention of the abdomen with inflammation of the anus. Moreover, CYP1A was compared in the liver, gill, muscle, brain, pituitary, kidney,
the internal organs (liver and kidney) showed severe congestion and blood, ovary, and testis of Nile tilapia in response to the bacterial in-
enlargement. These clinical signs were similar to that described by Laith fection by A. hydrophila or P. fluorescens. Previous results showed that
and Najiah (2013); El-Barbary (2017) who observed that the O. niloticus these genes expression has been induced because of the infection in
infected by A. hydrophila showed extensive skin ulcers, inflamed vent, different fish organs such as hepcidin expression in organs of blunt
and congestion and enlargement of the fatty liver. Besides, the external snout bream (Liang et al., 2013), IL-1β expression in organs of large-
alteration associated with infection by Pseudomonas sp. in most fish mouth bass (Ho et al., 2016), and in channel catfish organs (Wang et al.,
species were hemorrhage and darkness of the skin, fin rot, detached 2006) and CYP1A expression levels in zebrafish larvae (Guo et al.,
scales, ascites, exophthalmia and ulceration especially at dorsum part 2019). The results of this study revealed that hepcidin expression level
and at the base of fins with eroded fins (Okaeme, 1989; Eissa et al., was more affected by A. hydrophila than P. fluorescens infection in most
2010; Saad El-Deen, 2014). Generally, the pathogenicity of Aeromonas studied fish organs. This finding could be returned to the secretion of
sp. and Pseudomonas sp. might be caused by the extracellular toxins and catecholate-type siderophore amonabactin by A. hydrophila, which is
enzymes and others have been related to the virulence of them which related to both higher infectivity and iron restriction states, as noted by
cause injury of the body tissues and leads to mortality (Burke et al., Stintzi and Raymond (2000). Moreover, Jiang et al. (2017) observed
1982; Brenden and Huizinga, 1986; Stelma et al., 1986). The histolo- that the transcription of hepcidin gene was upregulated in the liver of
gical changes of the liver of A. hydrophila group showed disappearance zebrafish by A. hydrophila DNA stimulation, which accompanied with
of hepatocytes, vacuolar degeneration, hepatocytes pyknosis, dilatation an increase of hepcidin protein; thus, an enhanced bactericidal activity
in sinusoids with fibrosis and hemosiderin accumulation. These results against A. hydrophila. Also, A. hydrophila produces a different extra-
are similar to previous observations of El-Barbary (2010, 2017); cellular toxins and enzymes have been associated with its pathogenicity
Yardimci and Aydin (2011) regarding degenerative changes, lympho- (Allan and Stevenson, 1981; Rodriguez et al., 1993; Gogal et al., 1999;
cytic infiltration with focal necrosis of liver tissues, fibrosis, and accu- Garcia-Abiado et al., 2004; El-Barbary, 2010), this could be contributed
mulation of hemosiderin. In the present study, fish in P. fluorescens to a high MR% in A. hydrophila group in our study. The harmful effect of
group showed pyknosis, vacuolar degeneration, and disappearance of the pathogenic bacteria in this study observed in the liver and kidney
hepatocytes wall and dilatation in sinusoids with severe lipid vacuoles tissues, and the response of these tissues to this infection was demon-
similar to the findings of El-Barbary and Hal (2017). In A. hydrophila strated by the presence of melano-macrophage centers (MMCs). Hence,
group, the kidney showed tubular degeneration with interstitial MMCs in the liver and kidney tissues in response to the infection were
mononuclear cell infiltration and hemosiderin deposits that seems to be related to an increase of hepcidin gene expression levels in our study.
similar to previous studies (Yardimci and Aydin, 2011; Laith and Our observation agreed with Johnson et al. (1999) who reported that
Najiah, 2013; El-Barbary, 2017). On the other hand, fish in P. fluor- MMCs described as aggressive phagocytic activity against bacteria and
escens group showed dilatation in Bowman's spaces, hemorrhage and fungi infections. Moreover, MMCs quickly remove the injected foreign
areas of necrosis in between renal tubules, disconnection of renal tu- materials from the circulation (Herraez and Zapata, 1986; Brattgjerd
bules and hemosiderin deposits and inflammatory cells between renal and Evensen, 1996). In our study, low levels of hepcidin expression

A.M. Hal and M.I. El-Barbary Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735392

were detected in the gill and brain compared to the liver after 7 days of gill, blood, brain, and pituitary and not significant among the ovary,
the bacterial injection. In agreement, Liang et al. (2013) observed that testis, brain, and pituitary during the bacterial challenge. These find-
the upregulation of hepcidin expression level decreased in the gill after ings may help to understand the defense mechanism of adaptive im-
6 h post-injection and in the brain after 3 days post-injection compared munity genes in O. niloticus organs.
to the hepcidin expression levels in the liver raised until 6 days post-
injection of A. hydrophila in blunt snout bream. Ethics statement
The relative IL-1β expression levels were varied in fish organs of the
infected groups in the present study. Our findings agreed with Wang The experiment complied with the regulations of the Egyptian
et al. (2006) who observed that gene expression depend on organ type Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and National
more than infection type. In this study, the relative IL-1β expression Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) regarding the use of fish
levels were significantly increased in most infected fish organs com- in scientific experiments and had the approval of NIOF Ethics
pared to controls. This observation could be returned to the role of IL-1 Committee.
in the first line of the immune defense, as explained by Schmitz et al.
(2005). Additionally, IL-1β gene showed more strong role in humoral Declaration of Competing Interest
immune response and recognized in various teleost fish species (Zou
et al., 1999; Fujiki et al., 2000; Scapigliati et al., 2001; Wang et al., The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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were significantly increased in the liver followed by the kidney. immersion and caudal vein microinjection. Aquac. Fish.
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A.M. Hal and M.I. El-Barbary Aquaculture 526 (2020) 735392

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