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1. Detective Nolan, you’ve been on the Metropolitan Police Force since 1976, correct?

2. And since then you were promoted to the position of Detective, yes?

3. Your job as Detective usually involved any murder cases that you came across, true?

4. On the night of March 4th, you were given the opportunity to investigate yet another
murder, correct?

5. But, this wasn’t just any other case, this was the murder of a popular television host
Guy Grimace, wasn’t it?

6. Now after arriving at the scene of the crime, you found Mr. Grimace dead, in his car,
slumped over the steering wheel, true?

7. Which prompted you to conduct a search of the surrounding area?

8. And in this search, you looked around the vicinity surrounding the vehicle, correct?

9. You searched around the entire parking lot, correct?

10. In fact, your search involved looking everywhere for a quarter of a mile, didn’t it

11. And in this entire careful search, there was not a single weapon found capable of
committing the murder, was there?

12. And there weren’t any bullet shells anywhere on the scene of the crime, were there?

13. What you were able to find though was a single bullet embedded in the Guy
Grimace’s car, correct?

14. Isn’t it true that this bullet was distorted and degraded?

15. And that you expressed concerned that this bullet would not be able to provide
enough information about the gun it came from, true Detective?

16. But, to move on with your investigation, you began to go door to door to try and find
a witness, correct?

17. And on March 22nd, you found what you thought could be an eyewitness to the
murder, Sam Seers, true?

18. But isn’t it true Detective that Ms. Seers had already made contact with your
department immediately after the incident?
19. And someone was supposed to come and take her statement then, correct?

20. But Detective wouldn’t it be two weeks before you actually would have your
interview with the witness?

21. In fact, so much time had passed that didn’t you mention having to really work to get
Ms. Seers to remember what she had seen?

22. Because, as you even stated, this witness was all over the place, was he/she not?

23. But despite all of this, you still were confident that he/she would unequivocally be
able to identify what happened that night, weren’t you?

24. Moving on, a few days after your interview, you received the first of two ballistics
reports from Sergeant Calabrese, correct?

25. Which confirmed that the bullet that murdered Guy Grimace was a 9mm caliber,

26. At this point, you stated that all you needed was a 9mm weapon to solve this case, did
you not?

27. Upon receiving a search warrant for the Daggers’ home, you did find a 9mm gun,

28. Which did happen to match the caliber of bullet found at the crime scene?

29. But this gun was found in a locked gun cabinet though, wasn’t it?

30. And isn’t it true that not a single round of ammunition was even found in the house?

31. But this weapon did not even belong to Randi Dagger, did it?

32. Wasn’t it registered to the defendant’s uncle, Frank Farkkus?

33. Yet, despite all of this, you arrested Randi, and not Frank, for murdering Guy
Grimace, didn’t you?

34. Even though Frank Farkkus was the owner of the murder weapon, you did not arrest
him, did you?

35. Frank Farkkus was the owner of the murder weapon, and you did not even bring him
in for questioning, did you?

36. Frank Farkkus was the owner of the murder weapon, and you did not ask him a single
question, did you Detective?

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