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Arellano St. Tagum City


Chapter 2: Activity 2.3

Guided Practice
A. With the permission of your cooperating teacher, paste a sample lesson plan.
Answer the following questions below.
1. What are the parts of the sample detailed or daily plan?
-It has Class Description, Objectives which detail the content and performance
standards, Learning Objectives, Most Essential Learning Competency. It also has
details about the subject matter. Next, it follows with procedure where preliminary
activities are stated, Developmental activities to spark motivation, Activity proper,
Analysis, Abstraction, Application, Evaluation and Enrichment through Assignment.
Basically, it followed a 4A’s Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan.

2. Which among the basic parts of a lesson plan does the sample lesson plan
-All of the basic parts of a lesson plan were incorporated in the sample lesson
plan posted.

3. What are the other parts of the sample lesson plan which is not included
in the basic parts of the lesson plan?
-I affirm that there are no part of the lesson plan that was left out. However, in
some lesson plan, there are times when the performance standard and content
standard are no longer stated.
Arellano St. Tagum City

B. Interview a teacher, master teacher or a principal. Ask the following questions:

1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?
-From the word plan itself, it is important as teachers to prepare. Each day
matters and each lesson plays a vital part in cultivating progress of the learner. In our
lesson plan, activities or drills are incorporated to encourage critical thinking among our
students. That is why, we should prepare beforehand so that we will be able to deliver
the right services to our dear students.

2. When do the teachers write the lesson plan, daily or weekly? Why?
-Here in Laureta National High School, we practice the Daily Lesson Log (DLL)
because we base our lessons on our modules which usually consume 2-3 days for each
module in order to give enough time for students to really master the particular lesson.

3. How do they check, evaluate, and monitor the lesson plans of the
-Recently, teachers under the English Department had their LAC Session where
teachers undergo monitoring, retraining and updating of the subject area. In our school,
we are also tasked to submit our lesson plans and be diligent in making it.
Arellano St. Tagum City

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?
-It is a basic job of a teacher to really prepare for his/her lesson. Pacing is also
important in order to check whether the students coped up with the lesson. That is why I
observed that each module, it usually takes 2 or 3 days to accomplish a whole module
because students are still under the adjustment period. After the pandemic forced the
schools to opt for modular learning.

2. In preparing the lesson plan, which part is the most difficult to prepare?
- I think the lesson proper itself and the kind of activities that should be implemented in
every lesson because the lesson proper itself must undergo deep thinking since the
students are still adjusting, there are lessons that really need supplemental activities
such as the revisitation of a lesson that should have been mastered in the previous
grade level but due to the after effects of the pandemic, teachers need to impose re-
learning to the students in order to cope up with the lesson. Activities must also be
considered because factors like time consumption, availability of materials and capacity
of the learners must have a balance.

3. Which do you think is the most important part of a lesson plan? Why?
-All of the parts of the lesson plan are important. But, I really believe that the emphasis
must be put on the motivation, lesson proper and activities. During the motivation, I
really think it is crucial because it is in the beginning and the main problem mostly is the
lack of interest of the students especially when a particular lesson is very unfamiliar to
them. Next, the lesson proper because as much as we want to cover a lot of information
for the students, we really have to choose well what we will share in a limited hour of
discussion. Lastly, the activities where it must really spark participation and
understanding among the students.

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