Dance Photograpy Essay Pjar

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1. Did you enjoy doing the dance activity? Why or Why not?
Yes, I enjoyed much our dancing activity. Kahit na mayroong enhance community
quarantine, nagagawa ko paring sumayaw at maging masaya. Bukod sa napapasaya ako ng
pagsasayaw, ito rin ay healthy dahil nakakaexercise na din ako minsan.

2. What genre of dance do you prefer the most?

The most genre of dance I prefer is the Zumba. As I answered on the question number 1,
it makes me happy and it makes me physically fit and boost my heart health. It also Helps me de-
stress. Turning my attention to dance, and away from the daily grind, is a great way to relieve my

3. What makes a good dance performance?

To have a good dance performance, a dancer must put an emotion while dancing. A
dancer must also give their self, or express their self in order to have an emotion in dancing.
Also, pick the best music that relates the dance steps to have the best performance.

4. Do you think engaging in dance as an art helps you express yourselves more effectively
compared to other types of arts? Why or why not?

Engaging in dance art also helps me express myself more besides from drawing and
making a story. For me they are all effective. But I making a story helps me express more
effectively compared to dance. Yes, dance can make me happy but it is not the same when I
write a story.

5. Research a famous dance performed by local artist/s. Provide the name of the dance, genre,
artist/s who performed, date and place of performance and give your impression.

This is the cover photo of the Zumba dance entitled Swalla,

performed by the Team LIVE LOVE PARTY. This was performed
on May 04, 2017 inside their studio. The Live Love Party has
Performed Many Zumba Dances this past few years. They are very
dedicated in dancing. So when I watched their videos, I felt the
happiness while they are dancing. Yung tipong maapasabay ka nalang.
1. What is your stand on people using filters in their photographs?
People are doing everything just to make their photos more interesting and to catch more
attention. Filters are part of the beauty on a photo though it is better if it is natural or original. It
is okay to use filters in their photographs. Maybe using of filters is one of the techniques that an
artist uses for a best work. Sometimes, filters also gives emotions to a photo. Photographer can
use whatever they want just to come up with a great photo.
2. How is photography considered an art?
Photography is an art that keep memories. Because of this photography, we may go back
to our captured unforgettable memories. Artists also uses the art of photography when they paint.
It is their photographic memory that they are using.
3. What do you enjoy the most when taking photographs?
Whenever there can be unforgettable moment or view that I can encounter, I usually took
a photo of it. The most enjoyable moment is the taking a glance or seeing the view itself. The
view would be more precious than the photo we are taking. We don’t know if when can we see
the view again so we should enjoy the moment until it last.
4. Give a quote about photos and memories and explain how it affects you.
“A picture is worth a thousand words but the memories are priceless”
Memories are the input inside our minds wherein we can’t delete it even if we choose to.
Photos are the output whether it was printed of it is inside a gadget, we can delete the photos if
we choose to. The photos makes the unforgettable memory more unforgettable. If we browse on
our photos after collecting many of it, we will end up reminiscing about it. Flashbacks will occur
on our minds and will end up imagining to those things. - [x]
5. Attach a famous photograph, whether modern or contemporary/ local or international and give
your impression.

This maybe not a famous one but it gives us a timely and relevant photography. This one
has a big meaning behind it. A pandemic Coronavirus Disease is still spreading. This couple
needs to wear mask just to avoid a skin contract maybe because the one of them is a carrier of a
virus. The photo also gives us a message. This pandemic is a hindrance to a relation. There must
be no physical contact to our love ones and the distancing is too far.

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