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School: Grade Level: GRADE 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE 10

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 1 / WK 3


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to:
1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanic eruptions
C. Learning Competencies Describe the different types of plate boundaries, S10ES- Ia-j- 36.2

Describe what a plate boundary Enumerate and describe the Enumerate and describe Enumerate and describe Video presentation on the
is different types of plate the different types of plate the different types of plate different plate boundaries
boundaries boundaries boundaries Film Showing on the movie
- Convergent plate - Divergent plate - Transform plate San Andreas.
boundary boundary boundary
II. Content Plate Boundaries
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 10-19 pp. 10-19 pp. 10-19 pp. 10-19
2. Learner’s Materials Pages pp. 14-15 pp. 14-15 pp. 14-15 pp. 14-15
3. Textbook Pages You and the Natural World You and the Natural World You and the Natural You and the Natural World
Science 10 pp. 23-25 Science 10 pp. 23-25 World Science 10 pp. 23- Science 10 pp. 23-25
Science Links pp. 27-30 Science Links pp. 27-30 25 Science Links pp. 27-30
Science Links pp. 27-30
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning Resources K to 12 Regional Mass Training Map showing relative motion Map showing relative Map showing relative
Kit Grade 10 of plates motion of plates motion of plates
https:// https:// https://
geosciencevideos.wordpress.c geosciencevideos.wordpres geosciencevideos.wordpress
om .com
IV. Procedures

Elicit How do you understand the How do you describe a What do you think will How do you describe a
word “boundary”? converging movement? happen when plates move transform boundary?
away from each other?

Engage Match the following illustrated  Present to the class  Present to the  Present to the class ICL
movements in column A to the the Map that shows class the Map that the Map that shows
description given in column B. relative motion of shows relative relative motion of
Use an arrow to match. plate. motion of plate. plate.
A B  Ask students to  Ask students to  Ask students to
encircle where in the encircle where in encircle where in
1 . diverge map does convergent the map does the map does
of plates occur. divergent of plates transform plates
2. occur. occur.

Explore Group Activity: Plate Boundary Give a large of Map showing Picture analysis: Picture analysis:
Model relative motion of plates (LM Show a pictures where Present pictures showing a
pp. 14) North American Plate and Transform boundary
Adapted from K to 12 Regional Eurasian Plate splits
Mass Training for Science 10  To what direction Iceland, along the Mid-  What usually occur
Teachers does Philippine plate Atlantic Ridge. along transform
( See attached Sheet) move? fault?
 To what direction  What is formed
does Eurasian plate when North
 What are the three move? America moves
types of westward and
boundaries? Eurasia moves
 What direction do eastwards?
plates go for each
 Which boundary has
a subduction zone?
 What occurs at thee
subduction zone?
Explain Presentation of group Output: Demonstration on describing Demonstration on Demonstration on
Sharing of ideas and answer the how convergent plate is describing how divergent describing how transform
guide question based on activity formed. plate is formed. plate is formed.
( Teacher may use localized ( Teacher may use ( Teacher may use
( 5 mins. per group) materials) localized materials) localized materials)

Let the students enumerate Let the students Let the students
and explain what happen to enumerate and explain enumerate and explain
the plate. what happen to the plate. what happen to the plate.

Optional: Discussion through Optional: Discussion Optional: Discussion

video presentation: through video through video
https:// presentation: presentation:
geosciencevideos.wordpress.c https:// https://
om geosciencevideos.wordpres geosciencevideos.wordpress .com

Elaborate Discuss the three types of plate  Based on the map,  From the map,  Based on the map,
boundaries in terms of” what are the plates what are the what are the plates
movement of plates that move towards plates that move that strike-slip
each other? away from each each other?
 Explain why the other?  Explain why these
plates are  Describe why the happened?
converging? plates are

NOTE: Possible answer of the students will be based only on the map showing relative motion of plates or to what they observed during demonstration.

Identify the different types of 1. Which type of plate 1. What is divergent 1. Which statement
plate boundary and describe the boundary results plate boundary? about transform
direction of their movements from two or more A. A boundary faults is NOT
plates coming between two correct?
together? plate that are A. Transform
A. Convergent moving apart faults are also
B. Divergent B. A boundary strike-slip
C. Transform between two faults.
D. Ridge plates that are B. Transform
2. Which plate crashing faults occur at
boundary is formed together plate
between Philippine C. A boundary boundaries
Plate and the between two C. Transform
A Eurasian Plate? plates that are faults
A. convergent sliding past terminate at
B. divergent each other another fault at
C. reverse fault D. A boundary each end.
D. Transform fault between two D. Transform fault
B 3. When a piece of plates that are do not always
continental crust and not moving have to be at
a piece of oceanic 2. The divergence plate
crust come together, between the boundaries
what will happen? African Plate and 2. Which of the
C A. The plates will the Arabian Plate following is NOT an
r pull apart is slowly widening example of a
B. The continental the____. transform
crust will A. Arabian Sea boundary?
subduct B. Atlantic sea A. San Andreas
C. The oceanic crust C. Indian Ocean Fault
will subduct D. Red Sea B. Alpine Fault
D. Neither plate will 3. Crustal plate A is C. Dead Sea
subduct moving away from Transform
4. What happens at a crustal plate B. D. Mid- Atlantic
convergent what is the Ridge
boundary? expected average 3. In transform
A. Plates come rate of change in boundary, plate’s
together position between ___.
B. Plate move apart A and B? A. Slide past each
C. Plates slide past A. A few other
one each other centimeters B. Collide
D. Plates shake each per year together
other B. A few meters C. Move away
5. Which of the per month from each
following best C. A few other
describes convergent millimeters D. Shake’ n shake
plate boundary? per century together
D. A few 4. What type of force
A. millimeters is in a transform
per day boundary?
B. 4. Which of the A. Shearing
following best B. Compression
describes C. Tension
divergent plate D. Strike slip
boundary? E.
5. What is transform
C. .A plate boundary?
A. Occur when
B. two plates slide
D. past each other
C. in opposite
B. When two
D. plates collide
5. This type of plate together
boundary is also C. When four
known as the plates slide
constructive past each other
boundary? D. When two
A. Convergent plates move
B. Divergent away from each
C. Reverse fault other
D. Transform
Extend Show model of the types of Video presentation on the Video presentation on the Video presentation on the
Plate boundaries convergent plate boundary divergent plate boundary transform plate boundary

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who requires

additional acts. for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared: Evaluated:


Federico Yap NHS Matanao NHS (SHS)


Science Education Program Supervisor
Division of Davao del Sur
Activity: Plate Boundary Model
OBJECTIVE: Describe the different types of plate boundary using a model (clay)
1. What are the three types of boundaries?
2. What direction do plates go for each?
3. Which boundary has a subduction zone? What occurs at a subduction zone?

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