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) Ay Phrasal verbs (1) Tans MSHS ep Phrasal verbs have a verb + preposition / adverb structure that often changes the original meaning of the root verb (e.g. get get up). Sometimes they can take two prepositions (e.g. look forward to) ‘They are used extensively to express a lot of actions in everyday English and are best leat in small groups by using them in context with as many examples as possible. ‘They can be separable if the verb and the preposition can be separated, or inseparable when they must be kept together. In separable ones you can choose which form to use if the object is a noun but you must separate them with pronouns. Look at the examples: Separable (S) + (with nouns) Can you pick up the kids at 7? OR Can you pick the kids up at7? » (with pronouns) — Can you piek us up at 7? (always between verb and preposition) Inseparable (1) —> (always together) take after my mother. (not: Ttake my mother after) In the following list the inseparable verbs have an asterisk *. For other verbs + prepositions see Unit 36. get on / off a bus/train /a bike (-board) get over* a problem / an illness (=recover get into / out oft a car/a room (=board! from) enter) get away* for a holiday (=go on holiday) get on well with / get along with* my get away with* the jewels / a fine (=escape mates (=have @ good relationship with) 1 be punished lighly) get back* from a trip (=return) get back at* an enemy (=take revenge on) get round to* doing sth («manage to do) _get by* (= manage financially) look back" in time (=think about the past) _look forward to” an event (=be eager to do) look for* my glasses (search) look round” a building (=inspec) look like* an actor (=resemble) look out? (=be careful) put on clothes (=wear)/ a show (=preseni) put off a meeting (= postpone) put out a fire (=extinguish) put up a tent / a painting (=erect / hang) put up with" an annoying person (=tolerate) go out with a girl («date someone) g0 off (=be foo old to eat) turn on / off (or out) the PC (=switch...) turn up / down the TV (volume) turn down an offer (=refuse) take up gardening (=start « hobby) take down notes /a tent write / » put up) take over a business ‘manage something) ‘come across an old photo (=find by chance) come into a lot of money (=inherit) come in handy (=be useful) break up" (=separateldivide) break into” a house (=enter illegally) co go out at night (=spend time out) inquer | start to look up a word (=search in a directory) look up to* a person (=admire) look down on® a person (=despise) look into” the subject (sinvestigate) put forward a proposal (suggest) put in a request (= make a request) put away books (=put in the right place) put up a friend (=give food and a bed) put through to a person (=connect by phone) go over a lesson (=revise) go ahead (=keep doing something) go on talking (=continue) turn up* at a party (arrive) turn into* a different thing (=transform) turn out* to be (=be in the end) take off* (=start flying or having success) take off your hat (=remove) take on a responsibility / a new secretary (assume | hire) come round for dinner (=visit one's home) ‘come down with the flu (=catch an illness) come up with an idea (=think - solution) break down’ (=stop working) break out’ (= wars and epidemics) 1 100 Tn? HAS NOSONS Other common phrasal verbs bring up a son / a subject (=raise/mention) — bring about the recession (=cause to happen) call back (=phone later) ~ call off a match (=cancel) — call on* a friend (=visit) cut in* (=interrupt) — cut off* (=isolate — separate) — cut down (on)* cigarettes (=reduce) do away with (eliminate) — do without (=manage without) —do up a flat (=redecorate / repair) drop off (=leave somewhere) — drop byfin* (=visit) — drop out of school (=leave without finishing) fall downs the stairs — fall off* the bike / a bridge — fall out* of a pocket — fall out with* sb (=argue) give up smoking (=stop) — give in’ (=surrender / agree to do) ~ give back a CD (=reiurn something) hang out* with friends (=spend time with) — hang up* (=end a phone call) hang on* a minute (wait) make up a story (=i (understand) pass out (=faint) - pass away* (=die) — pass down to your children (transfer to next generation) pay off.a loan (=finish paying or be profitable in the end) — pay back (=return money or take revenge) pick up from school (=collect) — pick up a language (=/earn easily) — pick out a colour (=choose) run into* a person / a tree (=meet by chance | collide) run out of food (=finish / have none lefi) stay in* (=stay at home) — stay up* late (=be awake) — stay away from* (=avoid being involved) vent) — make (it) up after a quarrel (=be friends again) — make out Note! ‘The phrasal verbs listed above are just a few compared to the existing large quantity. Remember that many phrasal verbs may have more than a meaning depending on context. Underline the correct verbs. 1 They got on / into the taxi and left. 6 Iran into / came across Bob on my way 2. Please, put out / into your cigarettes before home. boarding the train. 7 Ifyou don't know the word look for it/it up 3. | took / got up photography many years ago. in the dictionary. 4 When did World War | break out / go ahead? You'd better go on / over your essay before 5 Excuse me, could you put me through to / handing it in. up with the Sales Manager, please? Complete the following sentences using pairs of phrasal verbs (in the correct tense) with opposite meaning. Look at the example, break up come down drop off fall out get off’ get on’ get over _go out(x2) look down look up make up pick up puton putup stayin take down take off 0 Last week we got on the train in Paris and we got off in Rome 1 Yesterday | all the posters of singers that | had when | was 15 21 with my brother some years ago but we after a few months. 31 with Cindy for 3 years but we when she went to Stanford University. 4 Ann usually her daughter from school at 4 and (her) at the gym at 5. 5 Youhave to your shoes and slippers in Japanese homes. 6 | don't feel like tonight: I'm too tired so I'll 71 with pneumonia last August and | it after a month. 8 Many teenagers to celebrities but they tend to on ordinary people. 101 () squaa Teseryd BE LINN (I) squea yeseiud BE LINN Tn? HAS NOSONS 3 Rewrite the sentences replacing the nouns with the pronouns, 1 You must call back Susan this afternoon. My grandma passed down these diamonds to me. I've put up with Matt since he was born Have you paid off your mortgage? I had to give up smoking to improve my health. The police are looking into the murder. ousun 4. Write a suitable phrasal verb with two different meanings in the gaps. 1 I've never Has the plane 2 Why did you thi Few parents 3 When Bob Mr Ericson 4) My brother Have you 5 Brenda doesn’t Come on, 6 They managed to I'd like to my wedding band since I got married. yet? No, departure’s at 9.10. issue again? their children strictly nowadays. the conference had just started. the radio when he heard about the kidnapping. the job he was offered because he didn't like the boss. the heating? It’s freezing in here! well with her flatmat ‘my scooter: we're going to the lake. with Mrs Rogers’ jewellery and money. for the weekend: | need a holiday. he wants to move out. 5 (E3 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first using the word in brackets. You must use between 2 and 5 words. 1 I'm sorry: the printer is out of order. (broken) His story can't be true. (made) What caused the change? (brought) Why don’t we get rid of al this junk? (do) Don't mess up with those people. (stay) Why don’t you have lunch at my place? (round) You shouldn't eat so many sweets! (cut) Zz 3 4 5 6 7 8 recording twice. 1 The woman says that A [_] there aren't enough eggs. B [_] there are no eggs left. C 1 there are more eggs than cheese. 2. The man A [_] is glad he finished university. B (_] was hired by a company after graduating. C [1 didn't get a degree. 3. The woman says A (J a friend phoned her unexpectedly. B [_] she visited her friend after a long time. C [1 her friend dropped by. 102 ‘When | saw all that blood I lost consciousness. (passed) | I'm sorry: the printer's . the story. He must What was by? Let’s all this junk. You'd those people. as | saw all that blood. Why don’t lunch? If | were on sweets. Listen to 6 speakers and answer each question with A, B or C. You will listen to the 4 The man says A [_] they decided to buy the house after 6 months. B [_] they redecorated the house for 6 months. C [] they had the house built in 6 months. 5 The girl is sad because A [| the party has been cancelled. B [_] she won't be able to go to the party. [_] she missed the party on Friday. 6 The woman is talking about someone who has A [_] spenta lot of money though her salary's low. B [_] a job that makes her earn a lat of money. C [J inherited a lot of money and won't need to worry anymore

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