Vessel Coating Using Belzona

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Jgyiill pad cluuypn MAERSK OIL GATAR as Our Ref: C-01144/GWP/OL-304/07 2" August 2007 MrDB Lowe ‘SLP Engineering Ltd Hamilton Road Lowestoft ‘Suffolk NR32.1XF Dear Sirs, Re: Specification for Vessel Coatings Maersk Oil Qatar AS Block 5 Field Development — Contract No C-01144 Package 12, Accommodation Platforms; BF, GC, EF and CF Please find attached specifications for Belzona vessel and tank coatings. Yours faithfully [ loath GW PEAKE Site Manager Enc os fe 7 0, 80K 22050, DOHA, QATAR, hore 4974-4563 963 Fx 1974-4963 403 ‘Jan Tome, AD Steet 950, Zone 6, West) ‘eanch of Maersk Ol Qatar As, Copenhagen, Reg. No. 206418 SPECIFICATION FOR VESSEL COATINGS Project: Maersk Oil Qatar AS - FDP2005 Project Prepared By: Mr. Niven Duncan Belzona Key Account Manager Mobile 07823 530467 e-mail; | Date Prepared: 6" July 2007 REVISION NO. Draft] Revi Rev2 Rev. APPROVED 18" April | 6" July | 16" July | 23° July (MANUFACTURER) | 07 07 07 07 Bol i REVIEWED (COMPANY) Copyright © 2007 by Belzona International Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means - dgraphi, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems - without written permission of the publisher. Belzona®Is a registered trademark. Solving Problems in the Oil and Gas Industry Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS nv epee 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 9.1 9.2 9.3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Page no. FOREWORD - INCLUDING DESIGN 3 CONSIDERATIONS AND COATING SCHEDULE HEALTH & SAFETY 8 PRE-QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS 9 PRECURSORS TO SURFACE PREPARATION 10 SURFACE PREPARATION 1 APPLICATION OF BELZONA COATING PRODUCTS TOOL BOX TALKS 14 FILLING OF PITTING WITH BELZONA® 1111 14 MULTIPLE PIT FILLING WITH BELZONA® 1141 15 OVERLAYING NEWLY WELDED AREAS 17 NOZZLE, STRIPE, EROSIVE WEAR SECTIONS — COATING WITH BELZONA® 1391 18 BELZONA® 1521 TO VESSEL INTERNAL SHELL 20 INTERRUPTION TO APPLICATION 22 CURING 22 COATING PROCEDURE TEST [CPT] 23 QUALITY CONTROL METHODS 24 COATING INSPECTION THE INSPECTION QUALITY PLAN 26 COATING INSPECTION FOR BELZONA® 1391 26 COATING INSPECTION FOR BELZONA® 1521 27 REMEDIAL WORK 29 SEA WATER TESTING 30 REPAIR AFTER SEA WATER TESTING 30 FINAL INSPECTION 341 APPLICATORS 34 MANUFACTURER’S REPRESENTATION 31 STORAGE AND TRANSPORT 34 ATTACHMENTS A to H 32 APPENDICES |, Il & Ill 43 Page 3 1, FOREWORD The purpose of this Specification is to outline the Belzona® requirements for obtaining conforming internal coatings on Drain Tanks, coated with Belzona® 1111 and 1391, as well as Seawater and Process Pressure Vessels where the products Belzona® 1111, 1391 and 1521 are used. !n all cases read Vessels for Drain Tanks. This specification further includes the special requirements of Maersk International Technical Standard — MITS-5 Rev 6, which includes approval by the Coating Manufacturer of Contractors’ Drawings, Specifications, Application and Testing Procedures, Personnel and Final Inspection. The Specification is considered to be a Level-1 Document for internal coating of Drain Tanks and Pressure Vessels supplied to Maersk OIL Qatar AS Field Development Project FDP-2005. This Document may be used by the Contractor Group as guidance for writing Level-2 Documents, Drawings, Work Instruction Procedures, Safety Requirements and establishing Quality Standards, Inspections and Reporting. This Specification realizes the need for special attention when selecting suitable coating materials for operation at elevated temperature and as such may differ from other Documents Governing the Selection and Application of Organic Coatings. Any requirements stated in this Specification are in addition to those stipulated in the Belzona® 1521, 1391 & 1111 — ‘Instructions for Use’ (IFU). (Current issues from the Belzona® website) Any requirement which is not covered by this Specification shall be brought to the attention of Belzona® for adjudication. This Specification shall in no way supersede any Internal Standards or Accreditations used by the Company. All test data and testimonials are given in good faith and where required may be pursued with the person responsible for their content. Design Considerations Preparation of Drain Tanks and other Vessels for Coating All internal fillet welds shall be concaved and butt weld caps shall be flat. Root penetrations inside nozzles shall be ground flush. All welds and weld transitions shall generally be smoothened in accordance with Belzona’s recommendations. All edges to be Page 4 rounded to R3 minimum. Required preparation of the vessel for internal coating shall be clearly specified in vessel drawings. All internal details such as vortex breakers, inlet nozzles, manway covers, blind flanges and support brackets for weir plates, sand wash systems, vane packs, gas boxes, inlet momentum arresters etc. need to be designed with consideration of the internal coating system. Such details to be clearly specified in vessel drawings. Installation of Internals, Anodes e' The Design and installation of internal parts are not directly related to the application of Belzona® .However, if not done correctly, some aspects of the design and installation of internals are known potentially to cause severe damages to even perfect coatings. In order to avoid cracking of coating around bolt holes on coated brackets etc, manual hand spanners should be used in lieu of air driven spanners for the installation of internals. Anodes need to be of the removable type and connected to the CS vessel wall via conductive brackets. Anodes cannot be connected to any stainless steel parts. Manway covers and similar CS parts (that might be fully or partly electrically insulated from the vessel due to coating of the gasket surfaces), shall be electrically connected to the vessel using a small wire installed externally between applicable flange pairs. All internals shall be removable through manways. Many internals are typically made from un-coated type 316 or similar grade stainless steel, and major parts should be installed using insulation gaskets sets, in order to electrically segregate cathodic internals from the carbon steel vessel. A sand wash system can potentially cause severe damage to the internal coating if not properly designed and installed. The spray nozzles need to be prevented from coming loose by means of proper, adequate and rigid supporting. Spray nozzle fittings need to be locked in the final spray position, e.g. by use of loctite or similar thread glue. For the purpose of this Specification the following definitions shall apply: - Pages « The ‘Materials Manufacturer’ shall be Belzona® Polymerics Limited. * The ‘Contractor’ shall be the EPIC Contractor « The ‘Contractor Group’ shall be the EPIC Contractor and his Sub-Contractors-Vessel Supplier and Applicator «The ‘Company’ shall be Maersk Oil Qatar AS The Materials for use in this Specification are: - « The ‘filer’ materials shall be Belzona® 1111. «The hand applied (stripe) coating material shall be Belzona® 1391. «The ‘Spray applied coating material’ shall be Belzona® 1521. NOTE : Coating the entire vessel with only Belzona® 1391 is permitted. (Instead of using Belzona® 1521 as well.) However Belzona® 1521 CANNOT be used in place of Belzona® 1391. Coatings Schedule and Requirements The procedures and their chronology which follow here are:- * Assessment of received vessels’ fitness to proceed with coating Preparation for Surface Cleaning and Profiling Surface Blasting Filling to provide evenness of surface with Belzona® 1111 Nozzle Coating Stripe Coating and “Wear” layer provision with Belzona® 1391 Vessel Shell Spray Coating with Belzona® 1521 « Testing and Remedial work on Coatings Saltwater testing Repair and re-test as Required ¢ Completion of Cure by application of Steam Page 6 Note: After full coat application of Belzona® 1391 / 1521, the completion of cure required for Belzona® 1521 (live steam) can be carried out before or after the Sea Water Testing, to suit production activities. It is of the utmost importance that coatability of the vessels are given careful consideration during the Design phase All Design drawings of the vessels are to show all of the areas and details (furniture etc.) to be coated, and by which product. All Carbon Steel Pressure Vessel's for seawater service shall be coated in one layer of 650-850 micron thick spray-able Belzona® 1521. Belzona® 1391 shall be used to extend the internal coating over gasket surfaces in order to avoid crevice corrosion initiation at internal flange edges. Where coating with Belzona® 1391 is indicated, this shall be applied in two coats to achieve an overall layer of 1,000 micron. The first coat (Blue) is to be applied at 800 to 1,000 micron, allowed to harden (minimum 16 hours), then washed and “frost blasted’ (25 micron profile) prior to application of the second (grey) coat (300 to 375 micron). (See Belzona°1391 IFU for full details.) Hydrocarbon Containing Vessels, of carbon steel, with the exception of Pig launchers/Receivers and Vessels in Dry Gas Service (Downstream of the Dehydration Unit) shall be internally coated with a single layer of 650-850 micron thick spray-able Belzona® 1521. However, surfaces liable to erosion shall have a wear layer of 1,000 micron of Belzona® 1391 applied in two coats, in lieu of the Belzona® 1521. The Internal Coating shall be extended over the gasket surfaces in order to avoid crevice corrosion initiation at intemal flange edges. This pattern will typically result in the top 2/3 of the vessel being coated with Belzona® 1521 and the lower 1/3 coated with Belzona® 1391. The bottom 100mm band of the Belzona® 1521 is normally feathered into the Belzona® 1391 band. Separators - In addition to the Internal Coating requirements for Hydrocarbon containing vessels outlined above, all submerged nozzles are covered internally with a minimum 3mm thick weld overlay of Inconel 625, stellite or Company approved equal. Where it is extended over gasket surfaces and wetting parts of blind flanges, Belzona® coating shall not be applied on gasket surfaces of corrosion resistant alloy nozzles. This also applies to small bore Page 7 nozzles, too small for overlay welding, which have been made from solid Inconel 625, or Company approved equal. Entire Internal Vessel Bottom, on the water side of the weir plate, shall have a wear layer consisting of 1000 micron thickness of Belzona® 1391, applied in 2 Coats (See above in this Section). The wear layer shall, as a minimum, extend beyond the sand wash pipes or 1/3 of the Vessel circumference, which ever is larger. All Nozzles of 4” and above are made from Carbon Steel and are to be coated with Belzona® 1391. Those less than 4” are made from CRA; these should be coated on a best effort principle. All CRA nozzles shall be coated through the bore with 1000 microns thickness of Belzona” 1391, applied in 2 coats as described earlier in this section. CS Nozzles shall be coated through the bore with 1000 microns thickness of Belzona® 1391, applied in 2 coats, as described above in this section. CS flange faces and 1” overlap through the bore shall be coated with Belzona® 1391. Where two coats of the same product are indicated, the first coat shall be a blue colour and the second coat shall be grey. All blasted edges shall be washed with MEK solvent. All welds, brackets, edges etc shall be stripe coated with the applicable coating system, specified for relevant areas Alll internal fixings shall be removed before surface preparation. These, and other “furniture” made from Carbon Steel, are to be coated along with the rest of the indicated vessel internals. 2.1. 2.4.1 2.1.2. 24 @ 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.2. ae 2.2.5 Page 8 HEALTH & SAFETY MSDS Data sheets All products supplied shall be accompanied with MSDS information and shall comply with the relevant regulatory information regardless of where coating application takes place. ‘As well as supplying the above information for the coating materials to be applied, the same information shall be supplied for any ancillary materials involved in the coating process, i.e. cleaner/degreasers etc. . All materials are to be correctly packaged according to the transport requirements pertaining to transport to the point of application. GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY The contractor responsible for application of the coating material shall be responsible for ensuring that all documentation pertaining to the safe use of any of the materials used within the process is available for review, and a copy is located at the application site for use in an emergency. Contractor shall also be responsible for ensuring that all requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are met by all personnel, and in addition any other regulations, such as those Governing Occupational Exposure Limits, are also met. All surface preparation, application and inspection shall be carried out within the prescribed Health and Safety Framework of the installation at which such work takes place. All regulations pertaining to Permit to Work Systems shall be strictly observed. Particular attention shall be paid to Regulations Governing ‘Confined Space Entry’. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 37 3.8 Page 9 PRE-QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Design and Fabrication Drawings shall be made available to Belzona®, identifying Belzona® coating areas, for review to ensure that the coating materials can be applied in accordance to this Specification. All Internal details, such as Vortex Breakers, Inlet Nozzles, Manway Covers, Blind Flanges and Support Brackets for Weir Plate, Sand Wash System, Vane Packs, Gas Box, Inlet Momentum Arresters etc, shall be designed with special emphasis on the application and testing of Internal Coating. (see section 1) Such details shall be clearly specified on Vessel Drawings All welds shall be ground smooth. Root penetrations inside nozzles to be ground flush. All edges to rounded to R3 minimum. The minimum Preparation of the Vessels for Internal Coating shall be specified on the Vessel Drawings. For this particular application Belzona® 1521, 1391 and 1111 shall be used. Belzona® 1521 is designed for use with heated airless and/or Plural spray equipment. Belzona® 1391 is designed for application by brush or applicator. Instructions For Use Leaflets, Product Specification Sheets and Safety Data Sheets are provided for Belzona® 1521, 1391 and 1111 in Appendix 3 All Applicators shall be trained and approved for Belzona® applications. All Applicators are subject to Belzona® Audit in accordance with Belzona® Q.A. Manual. 41 Page 10 4. PRECURSORS TO SURFACE PREPARATION The Approved Drawings shall be made available to the Applicator prior to any coating activity start. 4.2. Prior to blast cleaning the Coating Applicator shall carry out a Receiving and Pre-Blast Inspection. This Inspection shall include identification of all sharp edges, fillets, weld spatters, corners and weld defects. A radius of not less than 3mm is required for all edges. All welds to be smooth. Root penetrations inside nozzles to be ground flush. In the event that defects are identified, work shall not continue and a “HOLD” placed on the vessel. The Vessel Supplier shall be informed to arrange for corrective action, before any further coating work continues. All corrective action shall be complete and re-inspected. 4.3 A Coating Procedure Test Panel shall be prepared and coated at the same time as the Vessel. See section 7. 4.4 Prior to starting any type of blast cleaning, all adjoining equipment and structures shall be fully protected using suitable barriers, from mechanical damage, ingress of dust and abrasive from the blast cleaning process. 4.5 Prior to commencing work, adequate and suitable Blast Proof lighting shall be available. Lighting shall not interfere with the condition of the blast-cleaned surface. 46 All traces of oil and grease contamination, identified as per ‘Attachment “A”, shall be removed using MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) prior to blast cleaning of the surface 4.7 Any areas of hard surface layers such as produced during flame cutting shall be identified and reported back to the Vessel Supplier for rectification action. 4.8 Where surface defects are revealed during blast cleaning these shall be identified and reported back to the Vessel Supplier. All remedial work shall be suitably dressed and the area concerned re-blasted to the original standard. No Coating shall be applied until the remedial work has been completed and rendered suitable for the intended coating. 4.9 Any defective welds shall be repaired prior to final blasting Page 11 5. SURFACE PREPARATION Surface Preparation shall meet the following requirements: - a) A surface cleanliness of ISO 8501 SA2.5 b) B) An angular surface profile of 75m (minimum) c) Sweep blast to produce a profile of 25-50um as detailed in Section 5.14 5.1. Prior to commencing blast cleaning, the Contractor shall ensure that all of the requirements described in Section 4. have been met. 5.2. Blast cleaning abrasives shall be clean and dry and free from any contaminants, such as chlorides, which may adversely affect the performance of the coating. Testing of the Abrasives is covered in Attachment E. 5.3. Prior to blast cleaning the area to be blasted shall be clearly defined and explained to the operator. 5.4. Under no circumstances shall chilled Iron grit be used on Stainless Steel and non-metallic surfaces. A suitably approved non metallic abrasive shall be selected to obtain the surface preparation requirements of this Specification 5.5. Angular abrasives only shall be used. (Shot or Bead media shall not be used.) 5.6. All blast-cleaning equipment shall be free from water or oil. Suitable oil/water traps shall be installed on all compressed air supplies. Testing shall be as set out in Attachment “B” 5.7. The condition of the blasted surface must be maintained until application of the first coat, otherwise the surface shall be re- blasted prior to application of the coating system. Climate Control Equipment may be employed to help sustain this condition, keeping the relative humidity below RH50%. 5.8. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL BLAST CLEANING BE UNDERTAKEN IF THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY IS MORE THAN 85% OR THE SUBSTRATE TEMPERATURE IS LESS THAN 3°C ABOVE THE DEW POINT, OR WHERE IT IS FELT THESE NECESSARY CONDITIONS CANNOT BE MAINTAINED TO THE END OF FINAL BLAST CLEANING. 5.9. Prior to commencing grit-blasting of the vessel internal shell, a small area (~1m’) shall be selected and tested to ensure that it ... Complies with the requirements of Section 5; namely 5.10. §.12. 5.14. Page 12 = A surface cleanliness of ISO 8501: SA 2.5 can be achieved. * An angular surface profile of 75 microns is also achieved. On compliance of the test described in Section 5.9, Grit blast the nozzles that can not be sprayed to the requirements of Section 5.9 All areas of pitting that require to be filled and any areas that require to be stripe coated including 150mm around all edges of the nozzles inside the vessel shell Blasted areas shall conform to Section 5.16 to 5.24 to confirm that the Specification requirements have been met. Areas not capable of being sprayed (e.g. some nozzles) shall be coated with Belzona® 1391 (hand applied) or filled with Belzona® 1111 (See section 6) prior to final grit-blasting of the remainder of the vessel shell. Before overcoating of Belzona® 1391 takes place any amine bloom shall be washed with a warm detergent wash and allow to dry prior to sweep blasting, . ‘Sweep’ grit-blast an overlap of 100 mm onto all areas which have previously been coated with Belzona® 1391 and ‘sweep’ grit blast the entire surface of those areas rebuilt with Belzona® 1111. The objective of “sweep” blasting is to produce a frosted finish on the Belzona filler or stripe treatment with a profile of at least 25-50 microns; the minimum required for the subsequent Belzona overcoat. (See below) This operation can be carried out at the same time as blast cleaning the entire remaining surface of the Vessel internals, if controlled. 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 Page 13, BLAST CLEAN, INCLUDING THE TEST AREA, THE ENTIRE REMAINING SURFACE. After final blast cleaning all dust, blast media and other debris shall be removed by sweeping and vacuuming. Disconnected nozzles in the vessel are to be utilized to allow the emptying of any blasting grit and debris. All surfaces shall then be finally cleaned by vacuum. This stage of the operation is important as blast dust left present on the blasted surface can have an effect on salt test results Blast cleaned surfaces shalll be tested for soluble salts in accordance to ISO 8502 using Resistometric techniques. The maximum allowable salt level on the prepared surface immediately prior to coating is 20mg/m?. Where salt contamination in excess of the given value is detected it must be removed and the surface re-blasted. Removal shall be by water washing, UHP or HP water jetting using potable or better still demineralised water. Washing and blasting should be repeated until salt contamination is reduced to below the given value in Section 5.18. The results of any testing for salts shall be recorded on the Quality Control Report, for the Vessel concerned. The surface profile shall be measured by ‘testex’ method A permanent record of all profile readings shall be attached on the Quality Control Report for the Vessel concerned. Great care must be taken not to contaminate the surface once it has been blasted so the use of suitable over shoes and other protective measures by personnel entering the vessel shall be used. Page 14 6. APPLICATION OF BELZONA COATING PRODUCTS 6.1. TOOL BOX TALKS ARE TO BE CARRIED OUT BETWEEN THE SUPERVISORY TEAM AND THE COATING TEAM PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY PHASE OF THE APPLICATION. 6.2 APPLICATION OF BELZONA® 1111 TO FILL PITTING. 62.1 All pitted areas shall be prepared in accordance with Section 5 of this Specification. 6.2.2. Mix the Belzona® 1111 in accordance with the Instructions for Use (IFU). Using a paint brush with the bristles cut short (1 inch of bristles left- see photo examples below) scrub into the pit the mixed Belzona® 1111 to wet it out completely. 6.2.3 6.2.4 Once wetted out apply additional material taking care to fill the pit and not just bridge over it On completion use an applicator (example shown below) to contour the Belzona® 1111 to the shape of the vessel leaving it smooth with no ridges or high spots that could protrude through the coating 6.2.5 6.2.6 Where the Belzona® 1111 is to be over-coated with Belzona® 1391 “stripe” or Belzona® 1521 “stripe”, allow the Belzona® 1111 to cure until hard prior to sweep grit-blasting these areas. (See section 5.14) Page 15 BELZONA® 1111 SCRUBBED INTO THE PIT ‘TO WET OUT THE SURFACE Che NAL BELZONAS 1111 ADDED TO FILL DO NOT BRIDGE IT PIT FILLED WITH BELZONA® 1111 6.3. APPLICATION OF BELZONA® 1111 TO FILL AREAS OF MULTIPLE PITS. 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 All pitted areas shall be prepared in accordance with the procedure laid out in Section 5. Mix the Belzona® 1111 in accordance with the Instructions for Use (IFU). Using a paint brush with the bristles cut short (1 inch of bristles left - see 6.2.3) scrub into the pitted areas the mixed Belzona® 1111 to wet it out completely this also includes the area between the pits. Once wetted out apply additional material taking care to fill the pits and not just bridge over them. On completing filling the pitted area use an applicator (see 6.2.5) to contour the Belzona® 1111 to the shape of the Page 16 vessel wall leaving it smooth with no ridges or high spots that could protrude through the coating or create thin areas. 6.3.6 Where the Belzona® 1111 is be over-coated with Belzona” 1391 “stripe” or Belzona® 1521, allow the Belzona® 1111 to cure until hard prior to sweep grit-blasting. (Section 5.14) PITTED AREA WETTED OUT WITH BELZONA® 1111 APPLIED, WIT a BRUSH pring FILLED PITTED SHELL PITTING FILLED WITH BELZONA® 1111 NB. Given the nature of the pitting only grit-blast the area of the shell that can comfortably be filled in each shift. It will take a number of shifts to fill the pitting and leave a smooth finish, time spent doing this will greatly benefit the spray application of the Belzona® 1521. Page 17 6.4 OVERLAYING NEWLY WELDED AREAS IF REQUIRED. If after surface dressing (to welded areas etc.) areas of unevenness remain; in lieu of further mechanical dressing as described in section 6.4.5; these areas may be filled and smoothed off with Belzona® 1111 as described below, prior to preparation for coating. 6.4.1 All uneven areas shall be prepared in accordance with the procedure laid out in Section 5. 6.4.2 Mix the Belzona® 1111 in accordance with the Instructions for Use (IFU). 6.4.3 Using a paint brush with the bristles cut short (1 inch of bristles left — see 6.2.3) scrub onto the welded areas the mixed Belzona® 1111 to wet it out completely. 6.4.4 Now using the brush or applicator (see 6.2.5) apply a thin film (1-2mm) over the wetted out area to fully encapsulate it. Ensure it is left smooth and feathered to the vessel shell. 6.4.5 If high spots/ridges or other areas of uneven surfaces are discovered in the Belzona® 1111 the Vessel Supplier shall be contacted for approval to carry out additional dressing, prior to sweep grit blasting to frost the surface 6.4.6 Where the Belzona® 1111 is be over-coated with Belzona® 1391 “stripe” or Belzona® 1521, allow the Belzona® 1111 to cure until hard prior to sweep grit-blasting. (Section 5.14 Page 18 6.5 APPLICATION OF BELZONA® 1391 TO NOZZLES, A STRIPE COAT, TO AREAS THAT MAY BE SUBJECT TO EROSION AND TO AREAS THAT IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO COAT BY SPRAYING. Following completion of the filling and smoothing actions outlined in Sections 6.2 to 6.4, a “stripe” coat of Belzona® 1391 is applied to Nozzle and their surrounds, edges, fillet welds, brackets, manual welds and the like; in accordance with this section, and as illustrated in picture on page 19 6.5.1 Mix the Belzona® 1391 in accordance with the Instructions for Use, 6.5.2 The Belzona® 1391 is brush applied in two coats, to achieve a thickness of 1,000 micron (see Section 1, Coating Schedules & Requirements, and the Belzona® 1391 IFU), onto the nozzle internals and out onto the vessel shell 150 mm from the nozzle vessel interface, as well as all areas requiring a stripe coat. 6.5.3. The application of Belzona® 1391 should be regularly checked for wet film thickness using a suitable wet film thickness gauge. The test area should be brushed out after the reading to ensure that thin areas and / or pinholes are not left. 6.5.4 The application of the Belzona® 1391 shall be carried out in ‘one continuous operation. 6.5.5 Allow the Belzona® 1391 to cure until hard prior to ‘sweep’ grit blasting to produce a frosted finish all the areas where it will be overlapped with Belzona® 1521. Page 19 Page 20 6.6 APPLICATION OF BELZONA® 1521 TO VESSEL INTERNAL SHELL. Following completion of the Belzona 1391 “Stripe” coating described in Section 6.5, Spray Coating with Belzona 1521 can now be undertaken. Care must be taken to avoid damaging the already coated areas during this work. 6.6.1 The Belzona® 1521 is stored at a temperature of between 23° C and 30° C for at least 48 hours before mixing. 6.6.2 Prior to commencing lining of the vessel internal shell, ensure that all of the requirements of Section 5, Sections 6.1 to 6.5 and Section 9 have been met. 6.6.3 It is of paramount importance that Belzona® 1521 is at a temperature of between 23 °C to 30 °C prior to mixing as detailed in the IFU. The actual temperature shall be taken on each batch and recorded on the Quality Plan. Material not conforming shall not be used. 6.6.4 Adjacent areas not to be coated, including nozzles, shall be suitably protected 6.6.5 The Belzona® 1521 product must only be applied within those areas, which have been identified by drawings and had surface preparation as detailed in Section 4 & 5. 6.6.7 Special attention needs to be paid to the environmental requirements for coating. See the Belzona® 1521 IFU. 6.6.8 Prior to application the ambient conditions shall be checked and found to be in accordance with Belzona® requirements. 6.6.9 Ambient Conditions shall be recorded on the Quality Control Report, and constantly checked as per the ITP throughout the course of the application. Any sudden changes in atmospheric conditions shall be highlighted. 6.6.10 Ensure adequate lighting suited for confined space is used. 6.6.11 The coating shall then be mixed and applied in accordance with the Belzona® instructions. 6.6.12 Coating shall be carried out using suitable Heated Twin Airless or Plural spray equipment. See IFU for details. 6.6.13 Overspray protection shall be provided in the vicinity of nozzles to prevent over spray outside the confines of the vessel or onto unprepared surfaces. 6.6.14 Starting at the dished end furthest away from the exit manway apply a single coat of Belzona® 1521 in 6.6.15 6.6.16 6.6.17 6.6.18 6.6.19 6.6.20 6.6.21 6.6.22 6.6.23 Page 21 accordance with the Instructions for Use. To ensure a uniform thickness apply the Belzona 1521 in 3-4 passes, wet on wet to achieve the required film build. From this point apply material evenly retreating towards the exit manway. On exiting, the floor area beneath the manway shall be coated along with the manway flange. Voids, runs, sags and drips shall be corrected by brushing out immediately. Throughout the course of application regular wet film thickness checks shall be made and the Belzona® coverage rates shall be strictly adhered to. Indentations made by wet film gauges shall be brushed immediately. The coating supervisor shall ensure that brushing out of wet film thickness marks in the coating is covered in the Tool Box talks prior to the start of each application. Further, he shall assure by regular checks that this part of the application corrective action is carried out. The applied material shall be visually checked by the applicator and his supervisor for pinholes and where found these should be brushed out. Batch numbers of all materials mixed shall be recorded on the Quality Control Report for the Vessel. Care shall be taken to ensure that material is not applied outside of its working life. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL COATINGS BE APPLIED AT GREATER THAN 85% RELATIVE HUMIDITY OR WHEN THE SUBSTRATE TEMPERATURE IS LESS 5° C, AND LESS THAN 3°C ABOVE THE DEW POINT. THE JOB SUPERVISOR MUST DISCUSS THIS ISSUE DURING THE TOOL BOX TALK WITH THE COATING TEAM PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE JOB. Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the Inspection Quality Plan (ITP) and the results recorded on the Quality Control Report. Should the application have to stop for any reason, or to be completed in several parts, refer to Section 6.7 for the procedure to follow regarding Interrupted Application. 67 6.7.1 Page 22 INTERRUPTION TO APPLICATION Where it is not possible to complete the entire surface of a vessel in any one continuous period, provision must be made for overlapping the coating system onto the previously applied material. 6.7.2 Prior to carrying out this operation the previously applied material shall be flash-brush blasted to an acceptable standard as determined by a pictorial, or demonstration standard supplied by Belzona® 6.7.3. Degrease the prepared area using MEK. 6.7.4. The area of overlap shall be a minimum of 100mm. 67.5 Prior to starting coating, the area that has been prepared shall be clearly defined to prevent application ‘on unprepared surfaces, which shall be protected 6.7.6 This procedure shall be followed on all areas where it is necessary to overlap the coating material 6.7.7 This requirement is in addition to the requirements for 6.8 preparation of the substrate as listed under Section 5 Surface Preparation. CURING The complete curing process for Belzona® 1111 and Belzona® 1391 can be achieved at ambient conditions. Belzona® 1521 though has an additional cure mechanism that necessitates exposure to a temperature of at least 100°C to complete it. This step takes the process capability for this product up to continuous immersion at 150°C. This final step is conventionally achieved by controlled, stepped, introduction to service of the vessel, using the process fluids to do the work. However, where the operating conditions will be less than 100°C (which accounts for most of the FDP-2005 Vessels), a suitable level of cure can only be attained by exposing the vessel internal skin to heat using wet steam to attain a minimum temperature of 60°C. Treating the coating in this way provides sufficient cure for operation conditions from ambient temperature to the actual skin treatment temperature (60°C or higher). (See the respective IFUs for the full details.) Steam curing is typically timed to be the step prior to Final Inspection. 7.2 7.3 74 75 76 Poge 23, Where steam curing is undertaken prior to HVT or sea water testing, Belzona® 1391 may be used for subsequent repairs to eliminate the necessity for further steam curing of the repaired parts. COATING PROCEDURE TEST (CPT) PANEL. The Coating Procedure Test panel shall be prepared in the same manner as the surface of the vessel to be coated. It shall be coated during the course of coating the vessel The coating shall be applied in the same manner as the coating applied to the vessel intemal, using the same material, taken from one of the batch numbers used inside the vessel. A random batch number shall be selected from the material used at the beginning of the application and one from the end of the application. The ambient conditions at the time of the coating application will be recorded if the panel is not coated within the same environment as the vessel itself. This shall be recorded on the Quality Control Report. Following the coating application the CPT panel shall be stored under the same ambient conditions as the vessel prior to being inspected in accordance with the Table in Section 9.2. Physical tests can not be carried out until the Belzona® specified cure period has elapse. A minimum of one panel shall be prepared during the first and last shift when applying the coating material. Page 24 8. QUALITY CONTROL METHODS Contaminated Surfaces from Oil, and Grease shall be identified with corrective action as described in Attachment "A” Dust Particle Removal Test A transparent adhesive tape test shall be performed in accordance with ISO 8502-3 just prior to coating application. The maximum allowed degree of dust is Rating ‘2’, Dust contamination above this level shall be removed. A minimum of five tests shall be carried out at random on each one particular type and aspect of prepared surface. If any of the tests results fail to meet the maximum rating "2°, then further random tests shall be carried out to determine the duct contaminated trend. All areas which fail rating “2” shall be re-cleaned and re-tested. Dust Particle Removal Test Method is described in Attachment “C” Surface Profile The measurement of surface profile to be done with x course replica tape, in accordance with ISO 8503-5. Two tests per blast operator shall be performed. Where the results fail to meet the blast profile requirements, a further 5 tests shall be carried out within the blaster’s area. The highest and lowest reading shall be disregarded and the remaining 3 films average result shall be recorded. The standard deviation for a single point measurement shall 5.4m. Surface Profile Test Method is described in Attachment The test film (press-o-film) shall be attached to The Quality Control Report as a permanent historic record. Salt Testing A conductivity salt test meter shall be used as described in Attachment E of this specification. Operation of the salt test meter shall be as per the equipment manufacturers operator handbook. At least one test per blast operator shall be carried out, on an area chosen at random. The maximum content of soluble impurities on the blasted surface shall not exceed conductivity corresponding to sodium chloride content of 20mgsim?. Any area failing this test shall be re-cleaned in accordance with this specification and re-tested. No coat application shall take place until acceptable results have been obtained. The results of these tests shall be recorded on the Quality Control Report. Page 25, Coating Hardness Test Where required to either monitor or establish cure on test plates, or production, this maybe checked by Shore D Durometer. This tester shall be used in accordance with the manufacturers written operating instructions. Hardness readings shall exceed 80 Shore D for fully cured materials. (See also attachment H) Adhesion Test Adhesion tests shall be carried out using a pull off type gauge tester e.g Elcometer 106; minimum acceptable adhesion value 5 MPa , or Hydraulic Type e.g. Positector, P.A.T. minimum acceptable adhesion value 8 MPa. The method of testing is described in Attachment F Page 28 9, COATING INSPECTION 9.1 THE INSPECTION QUALITY PLAN (ITP) The Belzona Quality Control Plan, comprising the DAILY INSPECTION REPORT, DFT INSPECTION REPORT, NON CONFORMANCE REPORT, FINAL INSPECTION REPORT & the APPENDIX FOR SPECIMENS AND TEST EVIDENCE are appended in report form format in APPENDIX 1 of this document. 9.2 COATING INSPECTION FOR BELZONA® 1391 Great care must be taken not to damage the coatings during this Inspection step. Suitable soft over shoes, other protective measures (e.g. carpeting) for those entering the vessel shall be used. 9.2.1 On completion of the coating application the coating shall be allowed to cure for the following times before inspection: ~ Temperature Time before inspection 18,C) 12 hours: 24°C 10 hours ; 30°C Of SSC hur a OLE 9.2.2 Any constraints upon the ambient conditions during this period shall be strictly observed The ambient conditions shall be checked on a regular basis and recorded on the Quality Control Report. 9.2.3 Ensure that safe adequate lighting is available for a visual inspection. 9.2.4 The entire coated surface will then be inspected for any visible defects such as runs, sags, drips, voids or misses. Page 27 Any defects found shall be marked with a suitable marker (permanent, non wax or oil based) to require remedial work. 9.2.5 All equipment used in the inspection of the vessel shall be uniquely identified and shall be demonstrated to have been calibrated to a recognized traceable standard. 9.2.6 It is not possible to carry out dry film thickness checks with Belzona® 1391 so it is vital that wet film thickness readings are carried out during the application stage of the project, and recorded on the Quality Control Report. 9.2.7 Inspection for holidays can be carried out using a low voltage wet sponge tester, over a surface without bloom in accordance with Attachment G NOTE : No High Voltage (Spark) Testing is allowed on Belzona® 1391, 9.2.8 Any holidays detected shall be marked for remedial work. All inspections documented in Section 9.1 shall be carried out and the results recorded on the Quality Control Report 9.2.9 The vessel shall remain accessible until a final inspection of any remedial work has been carried out. 9.2.10 Destructive tests such as adhesion and indentation hardness shalll be carried out on the CPT panels) only, and not on the coated area of the vessel itself. 9.2.11 Should any of the destructive tests fail to meet the acceptance criteria then a decision shall be taken in conjunction with Belzona and the Company to test areas of the coated vessel itself to verify the results. This should only be carried out once a suitable method of repair of any damage has been determined. 9.3 COATING INSPECTION FOR BELZONA® 1521 Great care must be taken not to damage the coatings during Inspection. Suitable soft over shoes, other protective measures (e.g. carpeting) for those entering the vessel shall be used. 9.3.1 Following completion of the coating application the coating shall be allowed to cure for the times shown in the table in section 9.2.1 before inspection. 9.3.2 Any constraints upon the ambient conditions during this period shall be strictly observed The ambient conditions 9.3.3 9.3.5 9.3.6 9.3.7 9.3.8 9.3.9 9.3.10 9.3.11 9.3.12 9.3.13 Page 28 shall be checked on a regular basis, and recorded on the Quality Control Report Ensure that safe adequate lighting is available for a visual inspection. The entire coated surface will then be inspected for any visible defects such as runs, sags, drips, voids or misses. Any defects found shall be marked with a suitable marker (see 9.2.4) for remedial work to take place. All equipment used in the inspection of the vessel shall be uniquely identified and shall be demonstrated to have been calibrated to a recognized traceable standard The film thickness of the Belzona® 1521 shall be checked using an electromagnetic thickness gauge equipped with a suitable ferrous probe. The probe shall be usable within the proscribed coating thickness range. Areas falling outside of the prescribed specification shall be marked for remedial work. Particular attention shall be paid to areas where the coating is below the minimum specified by the Coating Manufacturer. Note that Dry Film Thickness checks will not work over areas that have been filled with Belzona® 1111 or striped with Belzona® 1391. In these areas wet film thickness checks will be the only method of controlling film thickness. Calibration of coating thickness instruments shall be carried out on a blast-cleaned panel to approximately the same anchor profile as the vessel, which has been coated. Shims used in calibration of coating thickness gauges shall be traceable to a known standard. Inspection for holidays shall be carried out using a suitable high voltage DC spark tester in accordance with Attachment “G" for the Belzona® 1521. Any holidays detected shall be marked (see 9.2.4) for suitable remedial work. All inspection documented in Section 9.1 shall be carried out and the results recorded in the Daily Inspection Report. The vessel shall remain accessible until a final inspection of any remedial work has been carried out. A final integrity test shall be completed upon construction of the vessel internals, Page 29 10. REMEDIAL WORK 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 For extremely small defects not visible to the naked eye, but revealed by inspection, the defect should be carefully widened using a sharp knife, prior to preparation as above Any environmental conditions required for the application of the coating shall also be applicable to the remedial work. These will be recorded on the Quality Control Report. Allow the Belzona® to have cured sufficiently (see table in section 9.2.1) prior to washing the area to be repaired with a warm detergent wash to remove any possible amine bloom, followed by a fresh water rinse and allow to dry, The coating material surface shall be prepared by either : - | Grit blasting to give a frosted surface finish with a blast profile of approximately 25-50 microns. This is usually only for large areas, or areas where a large number of defects exist within a small area. A small suitable mobile blast unit (mini pot type) may be suitable. Il Manual preparation using a grinder fitted with a suitable abrasive flap disc (P80 grade or less). Care should be taken to ensure that the coating is not removed to the substrate, otherwise re-preparing the surface by grit-blasting will be required. Following preparation the surface shall be degreased using MEK and allowing to dry. The surrounding area shall be masked off so as to ensure that the entire repair remains within the prepared area. Mix and apply Belzona® 1521 or Belzona® 1391, as. applicable, at the required film thickness (See IFU Leaflet.) Remove any masking tapes whilst the product is still wet. Once the material is sufficiently cured then re-inspect as per Section 9. The material should then be allowed to cure as per the Instruction For Use (IFU) Leafiet in Appendix 3. 11. Page 30 SEA WATER TESTING ‘Seawater testing shall follow completed inspections on cured coatings. (Where seawater is not readily available an acceptable version is provided through the addition of 40 kg of Sodium Chloride per m* of sweet water.) The seawater test shalll be conducted in the following manner: 11.3 The vessel is filled with seawater and left to soak for a minimum of 1 hour. Seawater then discharged, apart from a volume of around ~ 1% of the vessel capacity, and the vessel boxed up and sealed for at least 24 hours, 5°C min; prior to inspection. Inspect the entire coated surfaces for signs of corrosion or staining that would indicate the presence of “holidays.” 12, REPAIR AFTER SEA WATER TESTING 12.1 12.2 Vessels will be contaminated by salts from salt water testing. Therefore it is important to thoroughly clean and test (see 5.18) all repair areas prior to any repair, as salts have a detrimental affect on the coating performance. Repair areas shall be repaired in accordance with all relevant parts of this Specification, including full inspection testing. A concession may be obtained from the Company for alternate tests in lieu of further Seawater Testing. 13. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 14 16 Page 3t FINAL INSPECTION A final integrity check will be performed once all internal furniture has been refitted and the vessel is considered to be ready for service. This should highlight any damage to the coating and allow remedial work to take place. Ancillary items, such as flange covers eto. shall be handled carefully to avoid damage to the coating system. Under no circumstances shall they be moved or fitted prior to the coating having cured to an acceptable level. The vessel shall be tested to Section 9 of this Specification. After a successful seawater test and Full Curing, Belzona® shall approve the internal coating systems. Upon completion of the final inspection, the external of the vessel shall be marked with the words ‘COATED VESSEL —NO HOT WORK in a prominent position. APPLICATORS All Applicators shall be trained and approved for Belzona applications. All Applicators are subject to Belzona Audit in accordance with Belzona Q.A. Manual. MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATION Should the Contractor / Contractor Group require a Technical Representative from Belzona® during application, or training to achieve approval status, commercial compensation is to be agreed prior to the start if coating. Materials shall not be dispatched to an un-approved applicator until training agreements are in place. STORAGE AND TRANSPORT Vessels now coated and cured still need to have their care considered, especially if they are to be transported, or left for an extended period before put into service. Take measures to prevent vessel impact damage, or their structures from flexing during transport. The coating should also be protected from “dry baking” and thermal cycling in storage or transport by filling the vessel to around 1 % of its volume with fresh water (maintain high RH inside the vessel), and shielding it from prolonged direct sunshine. Page 32 Attachment: A Removal of Oil, Grease, Wax and other foreign Contamination Prior to any surface preparation, all surfaces will be checked for oil, grease, wax and other foreign matter. All suspected contaminated areas between coatings shall also be checked. This type of contamination will be cleaned and degreased in accordance with SSPC-SP-1, No acid washes, other cleaning solution or solvents will be used on metal surfaces after blast cleaning operation. If this does occur, then this type of cleaning agent shall firstly be neutralized followed by re-blasting the affected area. Detection of oil and grease Since surface contamination is not always definite, especially in the case of spot wise contamination from cutting, drilling and punching in steel material, or other conditions are effecting the surface with a similar appearance, e.g. humidity. In such cases the following simple method of oil and grease detection shall be used when there is a dispute Draw a line at medium pressure with a piece of chalk from a clean area through the suspect area onto another clean area. If the line through the suspect area decreases in intensity, but intensity is regained in the second clean area again, the suspected area is contaminated to the extent, that degreasing is required. If the suspected area is still in dispute then a Hydrocarbon test with isopropanol shall be used 1sqm of the surface is washed with cotton wool and hydrocarbon free isopropanol, After each washing the isopropanol is transferred from the cotton wool into a clean beaker by pressing. Filter the contents of the beaker. Mix in a clean test tube the filtrate with 2-3 times as much distilled water. The mixture is shaken and must be allowed to stand for approximately 20 minutes If the sample in the test tube is cloudy, the surface is contaminated with oil and/or grease Make a blank mixture of the isopropanol with distilled water as a reference. Instead of isopropanol a hydrocarbon free acetone may be used. Attachment: B Blast equipment Oil and Moisture Test Using a 3/8" O open-ended hose, turn air on and hold a clean sheet of white absorbing paper in front of the hose for a minimum15 seconds and a maximum of 30 seconds. View for signs of moisture and/or oil. Should any indication be present all work ceases until all ines and traps have been cleaned and rechecked. Page 33 Attachment: C Dust Particle Removal Test Method ‘All surfaces to be coated shall be rendered dust-free prior to the application of each coat of paint, All surfaces shall be dust free utilizing oil free dry air blowing and vacuum cleaning, To ‘assess a pass oF fail result the following test method shall be adopted based on a pre blast cleaning rust grade of A, B, or C as defined in ISO 8501-1. Rust Grade shall be recorded on the Quality Control Report. ‘Adhesive tape consisting of rolls of virtually colourless transparent, self-adhesive, pressure sensitive tape of width 25mm, having an adhesion peel strength of at least 190 N per meter ‘width when measured in accordance with the 180*-peel test in IEC 454-2 shall be used. At the beginning of each series of tests, remove and discard the first three turns of tape from the roll and then remove a piece about 200mm long. Touching the adhesive side of the tape only at the ends, press about 150mm of the freshly exposed tape firmly on to the cleaned surface under test. Place the thumb across one end of the tape and move the thumb, while maintaining a firm pressure, at a constant speed along the tape three times in each direction, 0 that each stroke takes between 5 and 6 seconds. Remove the tape by peeling it from the steel surface at 180° at a peel rate of (300+/-30) mm/min. Place the tape on an appropriate display board of a contrasting colour to that of the dust and cause it to adhere to the display board by rubbing with the thumb. In the case of dispute the test shall be repeated using a calibrated spring-loaded roller, so designed that it is capable of applying a load of 4kgf or Skgf or an intermediate load as described in ISO 8502-3 Annex A, centrally across one end of the tape and move the roller, while maintaining a downward load at a constant speed along the tape three times in each direction, so that each stroke takes between 5 and 6 seconds. Remove the tape by peeling it from the steel surface at 180° at a peel rate of (300+/-30) mm/min. Place the tape on an appropriate display board of a contrasting colour to that of the dust and cause it to adhere to the display board by rubbing with the thumb. A A4 size white paper is normally suitable to use as a display board. The “Description of dust particles” Table 1 in ISO 8502-3 classification shall be used to describe the pass or failure result of rating "O". This rating is described has “Particles not visible under x 10 magnification. ISO 8502-3 pictorial reference starts at rating “1” This pictorial reference shall be used for rating the criteria of dust above a rating of “0”. After completion of testing and before painting the surface, remove any tape or adhesive left on the test surface, The results and the tape shall be attached to the Quality Control Report, with detailed information of the surface (s) tested, tape Identification and display background date and time oftest. Page 34 Attachment: D Blast Profile Test Method Testex Press-o-film shall be placed onto the blasted surface, foam side down. The hard backing is rubbed down firmly with a smooth surface, e.g. end of a ball point pen or swizel stick, until the tape is moulded the surface. The peaks shall appear as black dots in the window of the backing tape. The tape once removed carries an exact replica of the profile. The press-o-film shall be measured by a certified dial micrometer, with an upper anvil flat face of not more than 15mm diameter and a lower anvil flat face of not more than 11mm diameter The dial micrometer calibration shall be checked against a know thickness shim before the start of each blast profile test. Where excessive profile has been recorded and is outside the parameters of the requirements further measurements shall be taken to ascertain whether corrective action is necessary. Page 35, Attachments: E ‘SCM 400” Salt contamination Meter Operating procedure st Equipme Ensure that the surfaces to be tested are dust free, by air blowing or heavy dusting. Calibration of the meter to be checked before use and at least once per week for other items. ‘Sample papers to be check for purity atleast once every month ‘SCM 400 Salt Contamination Meter ‘The SCM 400 has been factory calibrated at 25°C and there is small variation that might be expected in the range 10~ 35°C .In the most cases this variation will not be significant nevertheless a correction factor of ~1.7% / °C for temperature below 25°C will be used .For temperatures above 25°C apply a correction factor of +1.7% °C will be used Operation instructions 1) Puton pair of clean disposable gloves 2) _ Fill,6ml of high purity water (purity of water to be checked before each test) 3) Using tweezers take out a SCM 400 High Purity Sample Paper from the sealed bag, 4) Holding sample paper in tweezers inject 1.6m| of water onto its surface 5) Place wetted paper on site to be sampled, press it firmly excluding as much entrapped air as possible from beneath the paper with a clean plastic bag placed over the wetted paper 6) Switch on the SCM 400 press the red pushbutton once] (the display will show “SCM 400 READY) 7) When the sample paper is in position press the red pushbutton again to start the 2 minute timer (the display will show “TIMER STARTED") 8) Remove the sample paper from the surface with the tweezers when 2 minutes have elapsed 9) Place the sample paper over the concentric copper electrodes ensuring that the outer ring is ‘completely covered and the air fully excluded from beneath the paper. 40) Close the lid ensuring that the magnetic catch is fully engaged and press the green push button ‘within § seconds, The display will show “SALT LEVEL" jiglem* ifthe saif level is less than O.tyig/em? the display will show “sat level to low Micrograms per square centimeter (g/cm) can be converted to milligrams per square centimeter (mgicm) by multiplying by 10 (yg/em? x 10 = mglem?) 111) Lif the tid and remove the sample 12) Clean the electrode and pressure plate surface by rubbing with a clean tissue soaked in high purity water 13) The sample paper shall be placed in a sealed bag and attached to the dally coating report. Using Smaller Sample Papers If the standard 11 cm diameter High Purity Sample papers are too large for the area to be sampled, half size, quarter size or 2.2 cm wide strip papers can be used according to the following procedure. Deseription ‘Sample paper half ‘Amount of water | 0.8mi Reading Display figure * 2 Page 36 The Conductivity and Bresle Method Its important throughout this test procedure that there is no outside contamination transferred into the test solution, especially sweat from hands which as been found to be biggest single problem in the past to produce a fail test result It must be noted that some conductivity meters have different operating instructions. In such cases the ‘equipmant manufacturer's instructions shal be folowed. Testing Abrasive ‘The abrasive shall contain not more than of SOUScm-1 as tested by Conductivity ‘Test results shall be recorded in wSem-1 The test should be carried out prior to each production run for recycled blast media and one test per batch of expendable blast media unless contamination Is expected — then test frequency is increased. The test operator shall have three beakers, two which measures 400ml, and the other which measures 100mi,, a measuring cylinder, a stiring rod, a funnel and along with the conductivity probe which will be rinsed with distiled water before the start of each test and be clean to use, ‘An abrasive sample of 500 grams shall be taken at random from each of the supply hopper has it passes as a constant stream to the blasting kettle. This should be done at each blast kettle and work site, This abrasive is then fully mixed. Taking the graduated measuring cylinder, fill it with 200ml. of the abrasive sample taken. Transfer this 200m from the measuring cylinder to one of the 400ml. beakers. Then fl the measuring cylinder to the 200m|, level with distilled water and pour this into the 400ml. beaker containing the abrasive. Stir the abrasive and water with the stiring rod for a timed one minute, The mixture is then allowed to stand for ‘eight minutes before being stirred again for a timed one minute. Filter the mixed liquid and abrasive into the 100ml, beaker using a clean fier paper in the funnel and pour the liquid from the 400ml, beaker through the filter into the 100m, beaker, remembering to discard the first 10ml. Collect 50m. into the 100ml, beaker for the test. ‘Take the conductivity reading by immersing the probe into the 60m of test solution. Press the “mode* key on the meter to change from milisiemens per centimetre ( to micro siemens per centimetre ( and note the reading on the * Coating Control Report” Ifthe fst testis found to be unacceptable, the test shall be repeated using the remaining sample of abrasive taken. This test shall then be final and conclusive. If it is stil found that the abrasive is Contaminatod, then the abrasive shall not be used for the FOP 2006 Project and replaced with new abrasive, which shall be subject to the same test as described above. If it is required for the conductivity result to be converted into a percentage by weight, a further calculation is then made. Before this can happen itis important to know the abrasive bulk density being tested. (This density is not the specific gravity figures for abrasives). As a Guide, the following abrasives and their bulk density are normally: - Steel grit abrasive Aluminum Oxide Garnet. (it may be necessary to contact the Blast Media Supplier to confirm the above densities) The calculation is: - % Sodium Chlorides=__ iG 20300 x b Where C is the conductivity ofthe test sample in micro slemens per centimetre ( and B is the bulk density of the abrasive in grammes per cubic centimetre ( Page 37 Blast Clean Surfaces ‘The maximum content of soluble impurities on the blasted surface shall not exceed conductivity corresponding to sodium chloride content of 20mg/m? NaCl. ‘The extraction of soluble contamination from the surface shall be sampled using 1SO 8502-6-The Brosle method, This test shall be carried after every blasting operation when the required standard has been reached and the surface is clean. Test areas shall be selected at random in elther flat or curved shape orientated facing any direction including downwards. One test per vessel per blasting operator, which ever is greater shall be carried out. A pre-qualified Bresle sampler patch of a sampling area of 12.Ssqom and an overall size of 5 x 5 cm shall be used ‘The test solution shail be distled water of good quality. This shall be tested for contamination by ‘conductivity when evaluating the background value. If the value is high e.g. over 20-30,S/cm this would indicate that the distilled water is contaminated and should not be used for determining low salt densities. The distilled water should be preferably of < 5 S/cm, Reusable syringes shall have a maximum cylinder volume of &ml, The maximum needle diameter shall be 1mm and the maximum needle length of 50mm Procedure Take an adhesive patch; remove the protective paper and punch-out material Press the adhesive side of the patch against the test surface minimizing the amount of air trapped in the ‘compartment of the patch. Excess trapped air can be released by inserting the syringe needle and ‘extract the air by reverse operation of the syringe, Taking a clean syringe rinsed with solution, fil the syringe with 1.5-2ml of the test solution, ensuring there is no trapped air. Insert the syringe needle at an angle of about 30° to the test surface near the ‘outer edge of the patch, so that it passes through the adhesive foam body of the patch into the ‘compartment formed between the elastomer film and the test surface. If the patch is in a position which makes access to the patch compartment difficult, bend the syringe needle as required. Inject the solution ensuring that it wets the whole of the test surface avoiding air entrapment. If air entrapment is experienced, this can be removed by evacuating the air through the needle by reverse operation of the syringe. Remove the needle from the patch and hold the syringe with the needle pointing upwards, expel the alr. Re-insert the needle into the compartment and inject the remainder of the solution Gently rub the top surface of the compartment for approximately 10-15 seconds; withdraw the distiled water and re-inject over 4 cycles. Wait a further 9 minutes, Removal ofthe syringe needle over this period is allowed but the test operator must take care that no test solution is lost. Any lost solution shall invalidate the test and the test shall be repeated in another selected area near to the original test site. Remove the test solution from the compartment. It is important that al the solution is removed and to aid this process it better to position the syringe needle towards the bottom ofthe compartment. Empty the syringe into the test tube with a diameter suitable forthe conductometer probe, which has bbeen previously washed in distilled water. Record the temperature ofthe steel to the nearest 0.5°C using a calibrated contact thermometer. Clean the syringe and needle with distiled water for reuse and ifthe needle is bent tis best to leave in the same position, ‘The Bresle patch is removed prior to Coating application. The adhesive edges of the patch stick very firmly to the steel. This area shall be removed by scraper. Any ofthe remaining adhesive can then be removed by solvent, The test result report, as part of the Quality Control Report, shall contain information of the solution used, the volume of solution injected, the total time of contact between the solution and the substrate, the temperature during the procedure, and the date ofthe test Page 38 the Collected Solution by Conductivity — (Calibration of Mi Calibration of Conductivity Meter (also see meter manufacturer requirement) To ensure accurate readings, calibration of the conductivity meter using the calibrating solution, immediately before carrying out the test. First, pour 50ml. Of the calibration solution into a clean 100ml. Beaker and rinse the conductivity probe init. Discard this solution and rinse the beaker with fresh solution, Then the beaker is filed with fresh calibration solution up tothe 50 mi. Level and the probe is immersed init, The conductivity meters then ‘switched on and adjusted to the manufacturers calibration instructions. ‘The conductivity meter is now calibrated. Finally, wash out the beaker. ‘Test Method Pour 15ml of distilled water into a suitable glass tube. Put the conductometer probe gent into the tube Until it touches the bottom. Shake lightly to rinse the probe. Withdraw the probe from the tube and disregard the distilled water. ‘After the conductometer has been cleaned itis important to keep the probe away from contamination, Ordinary tissues can be used for this purpose. Pour once more 15m of distiled water into the glass tube. Put the probe into the glass tube as before ‘and shake lightly, Wait at least 20 seconds for the temperature to stabilize, Choose the range 2001/Siem on the conductometer and read off the uS value. This value is noted as the “Background Value" and recorded on the report Empty the distiled water from the glass tube back into the beaker (see reference made to test solution above) With the test solution siting inside the glass tube add more distilled water tothe tube exactly up to the 15mI mark-the use of the syringe for getting the quantity correct is a good aid. Put the cleaned probe gently into the glass tube unti it touches the bottom, shake lightly and wait at least 20 seconds for the temperature to stabilize. Use the range of 200uS/cm or a higher range if necessary on the conductometer and read off the uS value. Record this value on the report. Measure the temperature ofthe distilled water solution and record onto the Quality Control Report. Page 39 Attachment: F Adhesion Testing ‘The adhesion test shall be carriad out in accordance with ISO 4624. The Adhesion Tester shall be either an Elcometer 106, or Hydraulic Type Tester as described in Section 8, fully fated to the manufacturer's requirements. A current calibration certification shall be available for inspection The adhesive used shall be of sufficient strength to exceed the minimum adhesion values quoted for the coatings under test. The surface of the coating under test shall be thoroughly abraded and degreased to ensure maximum adhesion from the adhesive being used. ‘The Adhesion Test Report shall form part of the Quality Control Report. Expression of Results The test Dolly and the test surface shall be examined to determine the mode and the percentage of failure. All test results associated with any percentage of adhesive failure below the acceptable cteria shall be classed as void and a further test carried out as near to the original test site as possible. Al test results associated with any percentage of adhesive failure, which meets the minimum acceptable criteria, shall be classed as acceptable and the percentage recorded within the test report as part of the description of the rest results. All adhesion and or Cohesion type failures shall also be expressed as a percentage of failure and recorded within the test report. ‘The following Key Code shall be found on the test report for description type of failure: - ‘A= Adhesive Failure (the bond between the Dolly and the coated surface) B = Cohesive Failure (a failure within the coating) C= Adhesion Failure (a failure between the coating and the substrate) Page 40 Attachment: G High Voltage Testing (HVT) ~ of the Belzona 1521 Coat Introductior Problems may be experienced during Holiday Testing due to Amine Bloom on the coat lined surface. ‘These are caused by amine bloom on the surface. A noticeable drop in voltage without an obvious spark is an indication of this and can prevent a valid test from being carried out. ‘An HVT tester with variable sensitivity and capable of maintaining the test voltage may be utlzed to ‘overcome these problems without resorting to a large scale washing down of the surface. Objective: The purpose of this document is to produce a suitable working procedure to overcome this, if at all possible, without removing the surface ‘bloom’ thus avoiding a large scale washing down ofthe surface. Metho ONLY TRAINED OPERATORS SHOULD PERFORM THIS TEST ENSURE THAT ALL ITEMS TO BE TESTED ARE CORRECTLY EARTHED* 1. Once the Belzona 1521 has been allowed to cure for a minimum of 16 hours at 18C it can be spark tested. 2. HVT should only be carried out once the known Dry Film thicknesses within the Vessel has been obtained 3, Set the HVT at the designated voltage for the minimum film thickness allowable according to NACE RPO188, 4, Place the probe (see illustration below) on the surface in an area with no apparent defects. If the alarm sounds but there is no apparent sparking then adjust the sensitivity of the HVT until the alarm is no longer sounding, 5, During an HVT test the test voltage must be maintained. Intermittent ‘checks should be done to ensure that this isthe case, 6. Spark test 100% of the Belzona 1821 coated vessel surface, 7. Ifalarms are recorded but not accompanied by a spark then these are likely to be indicative of surface bloom. Adjusting the spark tester sensitivity (Ie less sensitive) may reduce the number of false alarms. 8. If sparks are recorded in areas where no visible defects are found then the minimum D.F.T, should be checked in these areas to ensure Page 41 that the test voltage is appropriate, 9. Only areas accompanied by a visible spark require to be marked up for remedial work. 10. The number of audible alarms not accompanied by a spark may Increase with time as condensation forms on the surface from people working inside the vessel. Adjusting the sensitivity may ‘again reduce this. Ventilation of the vessel during HVT may also assist in this. 11. Ifitis not possible to counteract the false readings given by the ‘amine ‘bloom’ then it may be necessary to wash down the vessel according to the procedure provided, 12, Whilst carrying out the HVT procedure ensure that the bristles of the probe are cleaned occasionally to prevent buildup of amine or change the HVT brush, Table 1: Test Voltages According NACE RP0188 enn ares ees) Perry 200-280 1,500 300-380 2/000 400-500 2.500 530-1000 3,000 010-1380 000 LOW VOLTAGE TESTING Once the Belzona® 1391 has been allowed to cure for a minimum of 16 hours at 18C a low voltage wet sponge tester set at 90 volts shall be used over the surfaces ofthe coating. Itis important to remove any bloom that may have formed on the surface which wil lead to tracking. If tracking occurs, a circuit will be formed across the coating surface NOT through the coating to the ‘substrate and a drop in resistance will occur triggering a “false alarm’. Tracking caused by a surface bloom or surface condensation, should be suspected whenever an abnormal number of defects are being signaled in what appears to be a defect free area of coating, Photo Developer solution may be added to reduce tracking as described in NACE RP 0188 Page 42 Attachment H Indentation Hardness For rigid materials such as the Belzona® 1000 Series Metallic Polymers a Shore D Durometer test is used. Spring loaded cone shaped pins are pressed into test specimens and the penetration depth under a standard load is used to determine the hardness. Shore and Rockwell Durometer Test Specimens And Equipment Rockwell Indentation ‘Schematic ‘Schematic : ‘ az - oils F, is less than Fy wis less than W Typical Hardness Test Results Non Righd Material Raid | | Semi-Rigid so 30 10Dshore A T i ° 5 «105 Rockwall. Gb a0 20 wo 2H aH Fisrencn | - bm 2% woah Rockwell Durometer hardness has been used historically to evaluate the hardness of Belzona's 1000 polymers. In this test a hard steel ball is forced into the surface of a material with successive minor and major loads and the indentation remaining when the major load has been removed is measured. The Diagram above right shows how Rockwell R hardness and Shore A and D Durometer hardness correlate, Page 43 APPENDIX 1 peuzien _ BELZONA QUALITY CONTROL PLAN PRE-PROJECT APPROVAL BELZONA QUALITY CONTROL PLAN - 3 PAGES QUALITY CONTROL REPORT QUALITY CONTROL REPORT - DFT BELZONA®1521 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT-SURFACE PROFILE AND CLEANLINESS QUALITY CONTROL REPORT- NON CONFORMANCE REPORT FINAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT INSPECTION CHECKLIST QUALITY CONTROL REPORT-PHOTO RECORDS ZO-LEPI-O :ON yuSUDOq ava SUNLWNOIS NOWISOd BWW “ANVaWOD. ‘dnowo YOLoveLNOD wolvonday aWwaowday z r WAOUddv LOarOdd-3ud FEET WSENNN UOTE BELZONA QUALITY CONTROL PLAN (ITP) Test Test method Frequency Keceptance | Consequence Criteria ENVIRONMENTAL | AMBIENT AND STEEL | START OF Enc | Minimum oF 3°C | NOCOATING Conpirions TEMPERATURE SuiFT + MIN | ABOVE DEWPOINT HOURLY Vorry RELATIVE HUMI see Hour SHIFT. <85% RH. STEEL TEMPERATURE >5°C START OF EACH SHIFT THEN CONSTANTLY VisuAL VISUAL FOR RUNS, | 100% oF ALL | No DEFECTS | ALL DEFECTS TO EXAMINATION SAGS, DRIPS AND | SURFACES BE REMEDIED vos, DURING APPLICATION WHEREVER POSSIBLE. PRODUCT RECORDING OF ALL BATOH IDENTIFICATION BATCH NUMBERS: NUMBERS SHALL BE RECORDED. Wer Film SPER M COATING MATERIAL TO BE THICKNESS TESTING APPLICATORS. WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING WET FILM — THICKNESS DURING APPLICATION, IN ADDITION THE SUPERVISOR OR INSPECTOR WiLL MAKE RANDOM CHECKS TO VERIFY THESE AS BEING CORRECT. APPLIED TO. CORRECT THICKNESS, ZO-LEPI-D :ON quaUM0 anpaDoNT w/Bw0z lH zoscrto not ae 3801 40119 waepouo | 6 100 Sena) yes BIaNICS eresta Spa PUR SEEPS Te BU IH zorsevi0 | seoxe ponid ot vonwene repeds Irosgosi} —voeiedad sogns | owowes pow weudinbo | Is zo-sen0 WOUEIS POLE eiqubdnies| 4 = 38 U0 oud H z0-ser10 woworers power | ioscan Suseaitea | ® ous Joma) Buona 00 S90 | a eee s 1 eee ee EU SERS | ewes powaw | pioyersjo voneiessu| jrawanbe Is 490 =] wewersronen | guneosjouomsimd |? TopsedBur lH 00 - | suowereis powers eeigsig pue} € Suyysoo!~ siosinoed i 00 ~ | wowerss powers z lH 00 ‘ wowereis power wis |y [us |e | wBS [Z| wes |b ral Ton Ra = 1 sunke prepurys aounydasoy yeunpesoud Aus uel SINIOd NOLOSdSN nAUON Buono, STOeISae Bupeoasd iweneye: jo seuinoop 110 paseo Kye Bukuon pue voneiado o4ads o uogesedo twoypedsu un pesoaid vou Kew ‘uogesado 0 uogoadsw sseuyw oor | Suetey sivowroop 0 mainai oot | _oybeds 0 eouettonng | _uononpoid ‘ud ploy © Seieo/pUL m 2 = H ‘$3009 INIOd GIOH NOMDSdSNT Ganaav sesh SONSHRIY fi ‘33 OL "NOUWOOT 900 dad — ¥SI08H Ps6sh ‘ELtE @euOZTeE | go 3804 419370¥d ‘uN waannw aho1s Nano TaSS3A onmvea | _sox2enu09 /1019e9U09 OIF pirate ‘ava 2UBGWNN LOGE (dL) NV1d TONLNOD ALIMWND WNOZ13a wnbiian ZO-LET-D ‘ON THAEMIOg <4Soqn43s uoyanposd uo Supuadsp 8ujso} soyosivas 0} soued gno parssvo aqdout 1Z¢T fo a4no 380d :210Nw ; en 0 euoonaeu 254 ss Tats Gace IS] ZO-GEYO | pur yuowsyeys poyrou! sod se eum aino auld, spomjo edoos sn zg} yo ano yeog .ai0n | 1 ana — : aye pe Bur cr povore euged ey wouses pom! Samra wou | oe ojos enous se soup 9a) Bulo9 Tare wo pol ue percnesoyeuoue : | +zoumo = ae paube nos Fenimore zum vorominu was | ot gourd | ye aeemupoe sani os opty shepyjoy wos Wor uot suedey A A290 wy wopes wowores rower | sonooann neon onaat | ‘B{q"SLA UO}S0LI00 OF us 3801 s97eMesS f a N wowores pen aes | pgp an ‘wnuyjuiwy “sseuxor eos (8% 140) Z Vd OdSS 1H Zeer ‘wrtooe joe Sime ‘G82 Aepyou) 8810 ‘suedai jo uoqoedsuj | 9) ‘Ssjosiund way wopests 5} AuaWRREIS poLaNY aero var | ewemoeye aude neve oy pede, a —— +2050 ance onevs 040 pde| nar a1 moumns poou Pebtd won| sb IsrLD vwriggg} wnwixeny ‘tsa en 4| +zo0mo noo unui -souppra even | epic) seo SON Bue (HELE | gue aq MORRIE Tw ‘ZO-6E¥D ‘S@SSIW PUR S2FOYUIY WO WOPaa4 | Wd OdSS ‘Nl LZSL Weweres poueW hn hat izsi usw powen | vopaydde aus zsh |e unupel,0b 1 9808 12 = vo ear pasos wane gace odie pr on pom A] zolGthO| pve tiis am pow soos opens oss: | nat eel 111 sauna won| so Sino seoy pus nears | 2) plecteetdereirtrtg erlan ison Soore lal cae Te Fn leo FES a 68) mewsres pen veneaieee woo eang | v1 +2080 : fu eoh8 al mma poe woneoreee iss | oF simoawouosssm | P02 prpue eoueteooy “voneayjedsjunpooon Boog aaunuow ons " % enw Ros (dL) NV1d TOYLNOD ALITWND VNOZ1Sa QUALITY CONTROL REPORT REPORT NUMBER DATE INSPECTOR TIME START SUBSTRATE ME FISH APPLICATION METHOD _ DRAWING NO - BELZONA PRODUCT USED VESSELNO 7] PROJECT REFERENCE LOCATION OF APPLICATION TNSPECTION STAGES GOVERED IN THIS REPORT (Check all that app) SESE | 5 ORTNG co | Roubar 0 | =o CLEANLINESS pPPLicaTion Test neat SECTION CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Tirtamp | Suazo Tew point | Weather Period | Time | Migr? | Surtace T ann [Omzome| Mentor Location of test ‘Shite : __ isi Shitend ‘SECTION 2 T ‘SURFACE PREPARATIOI mmotstu | [YS ‘Ave suraco Gitbist a profile in uit Surface | Mechanical [I No {Grit biast only) : Hand prep Degreasing carried out F Substrate cleanliness standard | ¥°° _| prior to grit blast Lee ee ies iin eee 180 8501-1 Sa 2% na ((frequired) No below in comments section) | No EGON NON VSTELE SALT CONTAMINATION Testhit used [erat no Test result recorded. (mg/m) SECTIONS | ‘COATING APPLICATION racy ma Yes Visible dust contamination tvel accoplable ee Product correctly mixed {No worse han rang "on clear ape) e No {Tape tobe atached prot and deaninessrepor)__| No Wining rato Wottim | BatchNo. | Batch No. | Full part Coat number | Time ‘Area ry aaa Soiter | packirned | _(aftpack ‘SECTION 5 T HOLIDAY TEST Integy test method [ox | Equlpment model No of dfacts Serial number Location ‘Comments: (Log fringe any of two NO boxes In soclon 2, 3 and 4 have been crossed and record deals ofl oer acliles ding shit) Tote: Alltestox tape measurements locaTon drawings and photographic records can be alached ts document using appendh Tome @ 14ST "ACCEPTANCE ‘APPLICATOR. ‘CONTRACTOR GROUP BELZONA | COMPANY Form No: Q 1439/02 ZO/OPYLD “ON wos svg sUNLWNO'S NOUISOd SWN ‘WNOZIE {gNOUD YOLOVALNOO, wouvoriaay_ BONVLdSOOV_ ‘ZONVIaSDOW _SSSNTNVETO GW s14OMd BONS LNOUEY TOMINOO MITYNO 3HLLOL CSHOVLLY 38 NYO SCWOOY OMAOOLONS NY SONUAVEC NOUYOO ALON _(SOyeUIOUE PUR SoRINNTE e puCd0y) TEFTSUTTOD, ‘nsow 1501 1oyemeog -ayen qweungsut 140 ON reves, 6ne9 130 (wrt w mojoq puc0ey) aad BOYUSAY WLOL, souepioace uy Burpee Lid 12st ePUOZI 2 3 (ur bere (wir) eBereny (uit) sBeseny wnwipeyy una (as a poo ANWozoaas | voResed coy vay THe sunsey ésut | [ siequna 1 Jypi0s suo. pue eseq 1e picoey) ou. SuSSWNN siwisa HOLvE uno 10g [_anor0s SNS] ONWEISIS WNOZT3E NOOO OLOSISNI SEWN T3SS3A, USSWAN ONIMWEO aivuisans "INaMO an JO 3dAL a ESENAN TNO, L2G} ,eu0zjeq -LYOd3ay IONLNOOD ALITWNO waitin QUALITY CONTROL REPORT-SURFACE PROFILE AND CLEANLINESS REPORT NUMBER DATE "SURFACE PROFILE AND CLEANLINESS No LOCATION ‘SURFACE PROFILE jb ATTACH TESTEX TAPE DUST TAPE RECORDS Form No.@1454/01 BEL: ‘ QUALITY CONTROL REPORT NON CONFORMANCE REPORT NO NOR NO | | DATE CLIENT PROJECT Ce retee VESSEL NUMBER DRAWING LOCATION pee 1SSUED BY ISSUED TO DETAILS OF NON-GONFORMANCE RECEIVED BY ‘COMPANY t POSITION ~~ SIGN 7 DATE = TI ‘SUGGESTED CORRECTIVE ACTION TO BE TAKEN (applicable) "ACTUAL CORRECTIVE ACTION CARRIED OUT ves | ° CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLETED AND ACCEPTED? No | ° ‘ACCEPTANCE ‘APPLICATOR CONTRACTOR GROUP BELZONA COMPANY NAME POSITION SIGN DATE Form No: Q 1442/02 BEL: FINAL QUALITY CONTROL REPORT CHECKLIST TORT [ate uN SussTRATE —— DRAWING NUMBER: ; eae VESSEL NUMBER I {caTION OF ROWECT DESCRIPTION Yes | No COMMENTS: 1. Work scope is complete to relevant Documentation. Scope and IFU No: 2. Quality checks have been carried out as per the ‘approved QCP. 3. All checks have been carried out as per the ‘approved scope of work. 4, Surface preparation was completed to agreed standard, Tn accordance with ISO 8507-1 '5. The specified minimum dry film thickness was achieved and recorded. Tn accordance with SSPC PA2 6. Full coverage and uniformity has been achieved on all coats. 7. All coatings have been applied in accordance with the relevant QCP and IFU requirements. 8 Final touch-ups have been carried out in accordance with product IFU instructions. 9. Coating has been post cured as per the cure ‘schedule stipulated in this project specification Note: If possible, attach final photographs of the equipment coated using appendix form Q 1451/01 ‘AGGEPTANCE ‘APPLICATOR CONTRACTOR GROUP BELZONA ‘Company Name Position Signature Date Form No: Q 1441/02 QUALITY CONTROL REPORT-PHOTO RECORDS REPORT NUMBER DATE PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORDS Form No,@1451/01 (ssapy peyeeH) odAy duing pepuewwosey e jo ajdwexy Z XIGNAddv¥ sppomoMLg, 90 238 ound couyseads eg iad ameseig ++ dam 237.4, port rey UT sour Sane sym oe post sour dex ug uy feids ouy epeinsur ns ASNW nok usw pouaw sup esn JOU op pUE J8}B9y 919 YBNI BUAEOO SLB INd NOK 4} 1:99 40 L:¢9 ‘L:9¢ dung (Sz-g) 40 (¢2-s) = sozis dit 9.08-Or = unB ¥e 121 Jo eunjeiedwia ‘D,02-02 = uNBsadusy yaANO JAIEM 0692-02 = Sunjeveduray yonpoud paxiyy ‘Teer BuRETES md soy ome pesn ese suonipe jueuino ainsuy sasw yeeyg UoRedyloedg jonpolg 88/104 suogonysuy sasw yeeys UoHeoyIoNds jonpold asp Jo4 suogonysuy sasw yeas UoReowloedg yonpolg yoyee7 esp 104 suojonysu; € XIGNAddV bee} ,eu0zieg Heel .eu0zieg Lee} .2u0zjeg HELL geuozieg LELE geuozieg HELL geuozjeg L2G} geuozieg Lzs} seuozieg 12g) ,euozieg Belzona® 1521 (HTS1) BELZONA INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1. TO ENSURE AN EFFECTIVE MOLECULAR WELD METALLIC SURFACES - APPLY ONLY AFTER BLAST CLEANING 8)" Bush aay any eae cntarnaon an remove t,o, grste {twin Belzona® 9111 (CloaneiDagrease), or any cher ‘fedive cleaner which dose not leave areslduo e.g methyl thy ‘etono (ck) 1b) Select an abrasive to give the necessary standard of cleanness ‘anda minimum depth of profio of 8 mi (75 micron). Uo only an angular abrasive ©) Blast clean the metal surlacs to achieve tho folowing standard of eenliness: 1S0.8501-1 SA 24 - vary thorough bast cleaning ‘American Standard Noor White Fish SSPC SPIO ‘Swedish Standard SA2 SIS 05 6600 ©) Ater blasting, metal surfaces should be coated before any ‘contamination ofthe srlace takes pace NOTE: SALT CONTAMINATED SURFACES Metal suraces that have Bean immersed for ary periods in salt oltlons ‘0g. ea vet shoul bo blasted tothe requed standard efor 24 fre to alow the ingrained sls fo sweat tothe surface then washed ror toa further Brush Blast fo remove these. Ths process may nead to Ee repeated sveral times to ensure completa ernaval ofthe sas. The sells sak corainalon oe prepared baat, mmedatey or Te application, should bo less than 2omgsht 2. COMBINING THE REACTIVE COMPONENTS FOR HEATED AIRLESS SPRAY +» only commence mising ones the spray equipment has been ‘assembled and thoroughly tested 9) Mechanica mbing should be cared out atl tines using ‘mechanical sla or iy yea mown a product above 73'F (35°C). ©) Tranter nafof the conten ofthe elzona® 1621 solar tothe Bolzona® 1521 beco un. 1d) Mica slow speed to reduce a ertcapment. Avoid removing the blade of the mer rom the product. Mix for @ minutes. ©) Add he remaining Sloilor and mix tporcughly toa uniform ‘Steak oe mst 1) Scrape down sie of cortaner and resi, Notes: 41. "APPLICATION TEMPERATURE Bolzona® 1621 should not bo applied st ambient or substrate tempers {ures below (0), The substrate temperature must aways be at east °C above the dewpolt, 2, WORKING UFE Fiom the commencement of ming, Belzona® 1621 must be used ‘thin the ims eho Tampere [seFi@0C) | aor | rsFUeO | FET) Ves al ated witin | esmios. | osmina | amine. | romins 9. MIXING SMALL QUANTITIES Formbng small quantiles of Bolzona® 1821 use 20 pats Base tot part Solitir by welght APPLYING BELZONA® 1521 FOR BEST RESULTS: Do not apply when: 9° "tho temperature Is bslow &°C orth relative hui Is above 85% |) Tho substrate tomperaure is ess tnan °C above dewpoint, Ml) Ra, snow, og or mists present ‘Tore le most on te metal surface ori kely to bbe deposited by subsequent condensation. Wy) Thewording eeiconmert skal tobe contaminated by Clo graze rom acaoent equipment or kor smoke from kerosene hast, ‘4 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED inmumgsgatss pnypuro tad wit dnp weve rd #00 river tn toe Sac ania, (lector ekulaeg ht wae ts salts dna ect : etesud supply capa of avg amin of 70 {Gu oo tomo arte, ms fein hgh pressur alse pray noo of suber it: hh rssirebralded srip ros mri org in) ‘Shh py gu suc an rn so ad wh Ore ont Sut spre fo ypealy S120, Sibi XC powe’ supply eso, + fungal har av dion or uppy maybe required 32 SETTING UP OF EQUIPMENT 8) Connaet tha ar supply othe speay pump and connect all hos land gun as por th equipmert manufacturers stucion. by Wneut ting te ctseror ha spray tp housing eculata a Stabe leering solver such as oelare or MEX. This dane by lacing acontalner of solvent under the pur ine, and increasing {he preseure by turing thea supply regualor unite pump Deg to stroke, ©) Piao the gun above the solvent contalnor and continu to ‘culato solont un the materiale clean. Check a tings for ‘weepage and ighten where nacessary. Ersure thatthe "Sump? ‘aie operating coracty. &) Stop the pump ah th ctfluser othe epray gun Romeve the solvent container from under the pump, Restore tne presswe to approximately 90 ps (@ba and by genily squeezing the tigger, pump out the remaining solvent {tothe solvent Buse 9) Whee any excass slvont rom the baso of tho pump. ‘arm te race heated nes fo give the correct spray temperature (0135 40°C for application 193 INTRODUCING MATERIAL 4) Place 8 conaler of reshly mixed Belzona® 1524 unde: the pump and purge any remaining solvent fom the system by Sscharging ino a waste container untl Balzonad@? 1521 emerges. 1b) Stop the pup and ft the spray ip housing andi, and aes the roteure roguaor to 65-70 pl (100-4400 pela ip) 9) Gros primed corset the pump should cease sticking Immediately on release othe tigger. the pump piston continues to oreap ft should be ripped and serviced in accordance wih tho ‘manufacturer Irstustons &) Commence spraying and adjust prossuref necessary to provide ‘somisaion vr no Obvious tal paltsms. This figures fra 6:1 rato pump, For 88:1 rato pur aust Inet pressure to 75:80 ph 34 SPRAY PROCESS 8 fate Benne 1621 acy coe propwed irae (hg aes spray eppication. 1) Once spraying nes commenced must contin witout insorupton ) Freshy mixed unts of product must be continually produced to replecs that berg epoted o hat feehly mised mater ‘anetriy forlng the oar mixed mats trough the syste. «9 Reglttfifickness cc shou carla ou enna roc thickness )Eraure that tne iaxmum thickness of 0 ms (1000 micron is fot excoeded, 1) Sites esol rte Eaupmentshoubo wom st times During application pay parcular anion to wel, brackets and Fringe Stipe coathg of euler aroas per to spray spoteaion nay be requred i ensure unforn coveage. Reler io Bazona® ‘kt or boat recommendation. 1521 can be bush appfed to "pr-coa” cet ares such 25 brackets, nozzes, welds, cornere and egos spray applcain of Surrounding areas fe rot cariag out nmodatay, these areas should be ‘lowed te harden (12 24 houra depending on embient temperatures) thon fas blasted fo give 25-40 micron proto before being ovecoated dling spray appeation of surrounding ass. 45 END OF SPRAYING PROCESS 2) Remave tha med mateial and container rom beneath the pump fd replace witha contain of coaring slvent such as MEK or acetone. b) Tum off tho vace nested ines 9. Puget ned nal om he stor } Reckoulte ean eowvant to thoroughly clean the wiole system. 9) Gloan spray tp ter and ash out dump val, 4) th equipment tobe lat standing oF eter prolonged use, the pump shouldbe stipped, seals replaced and solvent Aashed through the system, 9.6 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Pies shouldbe checked at ho stat and end ofeach shit. Ensure ‘sulable spares are valale for regular maintenance, 87 COVERAGE RATE [A. ‘Vinare appicaton condilors perm, Belzona® 1821 should bo ‘pid eo a sing coat ata thickness of 2634 mls (950-950 irons), ‘Tolachive th resonmended fim tckesss practeal coverage rate of 12Seqi (1.2 mire should. sled fr interuption to spraying vil slgnifarly increase losses. Where itis not possible to achiave a uniform coating at this. Iickness, the material should be applied a atwo cost system. Apply the frat coat of Belzona® i621 asin (A) abova, bul at aihickness of 4620 mls (400-800 microns) an allow to harden for atleast 16 hour. Before carving out repr er appiyng a second coat, wash the surface ‘ofthe Belzana) 1821 wih a warm detergent solion to emove ary ‘rine Eloom that has formed, Ringe wit loan water and low to dy. ‘Carol Hach Blatt uelng a modorato bast prassure ad fine rt io romove Curtace layer, but witout sigricant ose of coating. Afosted sxpearance shout ba produced tha xtaco tio 25 miro belng des. Apply a second coat of Belzona® 1821 ata thickness of ‘2-18 mis (00-400 microns). 38 INSPECTION 8) Inmedatly ater applistion of each unt, visually inspect for pinholes ad miscos, Where detected, hese should bo frmedately rushed out 1) Once the appcaton fs Complete andthe costing has hardened, cary outa thorough visual inspection to cof freedom from ppaole and maces, and to iaenty any poelsle mechanical! Samage, ©) Where wet sponge testing s being used as an alto conte censnuly ote Goan cara shuld bo taken 0 eeu that the Surface thoroughly wetted ou by repeated passage ol Sponge lester over the surace. The addon of aweting agent bch as Gotorgont to tha water used on tre gponge wll aso asi. 1d) Spark testing ean be cared out to confi coating contrast. ‘NDC voltag of 00 volts Is recommended to confi hat a ‘inimum coating trikes of 26 ml (850 moors) has boen shloved, 39 REPAIRS ‘ny mises, pnioles or macharioal damage foundin the coat ‘hdd be reparedoy bush biasing or aoradng th srtaoo to proce ‘tsi appearance porto Geant surtan an eppcaton or mat. CLEANING Maing tol should be cleaned immediatly ater use wth Betzona® 111 or any oer afectve solvent eg. MEKCor Acstone, Brush ray equipment and cher appeation tools shoud bo Cleaned using @ Stable sclvan such as MEK or Acetone 4, COMPLETION OF THE MOLECULAR REACTION ‘Alou to cure as below befor puting nto senice, Tho systom is ce ‘Sgnad to post cure in eerie at tomporatres above 60 Tanpwaiae [IO [SC [OS [sO [are Virrsurs cur time | 4 days [8 days [2 days [Shou | 24 hours For applleaions normally operating below 60°C tis necessary to chien accepiti cafon of Cire rang te rac apo: {rot 69°, doa sing wet steam elore puting into seria, ators not bing puto servic witin 7 days, teflon aplication not boing putin sic within 7 das, ho flow: proces should bo adopt, a _ ‘Store vassel partly fled with wate (ater blanking of ll nozzes, faccece hates 0 In extrome climate concions shading form tect Sunlight or wind chil should ba provided to pret apc eral yal HEALTH & SAFETY INFORMATION Please read and make sure you understand the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets. Tyemiaars orencpacianacartemadimpmg ap emetaiorltowate eon Polymers Ld, "Bo pogo00 recess eee Du asmaimntcrmutcceasen tetciodcaeecart CMOROM ao EReoicmmermeemimeuagieyeemsc nian i Mat) na see sauna See Cees memtepiemayMaksmiscamema™ Tet) ‘mem gn ite oe women bem ceeennseny 2 peueien ISSR cout, xi 020 eer tr ned Mae Cen gra of cg oe tora ct Roan to Belzona® 1521 - Instructions For Use - (2) Printed in England. Pubsication No. 1-797 ra ari (053944954 stetetegicedisiemee | Fac +] ‘Mam Flr 3172, USA. 105) 399 1140 E-Mail wwwibelzonacom BELZONAY 0% essen the conseration of man made resources and the environment 4. PRODUCT NAME Botzona@ 52H HTSD pray appled sytem for high temperature uipeent handling water, aqueous Sok {ions and hydrocarbons. 2, MANUFACTURER 2500 NW. 63th Court Miami Hovida 33172 Belzona Polymerics Ltd., Claro Road, Harrogate, HG 40s, England 3, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Avwpcomponent hh enpuatu Coating system designed to ba spai fated ates spay to resst water and ressurised_stenm Up to. temperature of 102 (1SUAC) and Ye exit excelent cor Toston resstance st elevated temperatures, When mixed and applied as detaled in the Instructions for Use leaflet the system i ide ally suited for application to: Condensate return tanks Evaporators (OlfGas and oilwater separators ‘Autoclaves, Scrubber units Distilation units Regenerators Stripper towers 4. TECHNICAL DATA ‘Base Component ‘Appearance Paste Color Grey Density 138 2.05 glen? ‘Solider Component Appearance Liguid Color Clear Density 0153-0,95 ofen? ‘Mixed Properties Mixing Ratio by Weight (ase :Solifier) | 20:1 Maing Ratio by Volume (@aset okie. 95:1 Mixed Frm tiguid Sa0 nist 40 mit Gm Mined Densty 18" 1.9ofr? * Shelf Life: Separate Base and Soldier components wil have a minimum shelf life of 3 years ‘when stored in tet orginal unopened Containers between 32% (°C) and 86 (30°C). + Working Life: Wilvaty according to temperature, ALGS (20°C) the usable Ife ofa 1 kg unit ‘of mixed material i 65 minutes, * Coverage Rate: To achieve the recommended film thickness a practical coverage rate of 12.9 sat (1°2'sq.m,vite should be aimed for 5. PHYSICAL / MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The material designed to post cure in sevice under imme'sion condition. ‘The following test data has been obtained by post curing and testing atthe tempera- thes indicated. * Abrasion Resistance: Tabor The ling abrasion resistance ofthe rmateral when tested under wet conditions Using the Taber Abrase ited wth 10, ‘nding wheels and 1 kg oad is typical 770 mun? - post cued at 100°C, tested at 20°C + Adhesion: ‘Tensile Shear When tested in accordance with ASTM 11002, typical adhesion values to mid steel are: Posture ‘estiemperature Adhesion ‘68 QUT) 2180 ps (153 kas) 140%F (60°C) 1650 p16 Kase) 2IPE(IOO) — 410 ps (99 Kaye) PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEET BELZONA® 1521 * Compressive Strength: Whantestedin accordance with ASTM 695, typi values are osu Test temperature Compressive tenath GsrF(z0"c) 13,520 pal (850 Kose’) ZIZE(IODRC) 10/840 psi (762 koser’) * Flexural Strength: When tested to ASTM D790, typical values Fost cucat TesLiemeeratwe Flew Ger GOC) 6170 pd 34 kavem”) DAZE (ION) 3910 pal (275 Kosten’) * Hardness: ‘When tested at ambient temperatures the Shore D hardness ofthe post cured material is typically Postcurst eer @org 86 2IQF(IOOI) BB * Heat Distortion Temperatur Tested to ASTM Dod (264 ps fiber ste), typical values ae: CuraPestare _Dtotlon temperature Temperature after 7 days 68 (2) 31°F (55°C) 21ReF (100) 330°F (166°C) SS6F (1a 493°F (256°C) * Heat Resistance: ‘The material will sist water and pressurised steam at temperatures up to 302° (150°C). The material is not recommended for dry applications at elevated temperatures. 6. SURFACE PREPARATION AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES For proper technique, refer to the Belzona® Instructions For Use Leaflet which is enclosed with each packaged product. Belzona® 1521 has been specifically designed to be applied using heated ailess spray equipment. 7. AVAILABILITY AND COST Belzona® 1521 is available from a network ‘of Belzana® Distributors throughout the ‘world for prompt delivery tothe application site, For information, consult the Belzona® Distributor in your area, 8. WARRANTY Belzona® guarantees this product will meet the performance claims stated herein when ‘material is stored and used as instructed in the Instructions For Use Leaflet. Belzona® further guarantees that alts products ate carefully manufactured to ensure the highest qualty possible and tested strictly in accordance with universally recognized standards (ASTM, ANSI, 85, DIN, etc) Since Belzona® has no control over the use of the product described herein, no warranty for ‘any application can be given. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES ‘Complete technical assistance is avalable {and includes fully trained Technical Consult ants, technical service personnel and fully staffed research, development and quality control laboratories, 10. HEALTH AND SAFETY Prior to using this material, please consult the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets. ‘Tale tcragnain beeen enact ge Dabaray arsenate Suse spechingcr ttre No guarno ol aarcy boven cole See re neice ‘Bean br epi on era, ed ae re ss caster areca ct ey es Claro ead, ensurawaleoe era sti uth ny yb Peo ay Sot eS re tte te rn seer et eet Sea ya wo more Belzona® 1521 - Product Speci Printedin England Publication No. 15.608 tion Sheet - (2) eon Polymeric Li, arogate, G1 4DS, england 23 Seti a4 (0) 123 505967 al Yeleoaleoe cok 2000NWE BE Cour, Mam Florida 33172, USA, wt Tek sf 0s) S04 08 axe G03) 599 110 ‘E-Mail 180 2001;2000 ‘aon BELZQNA’ REVISION DATE: 18-01-2006, S08 No: 10899, SAFETY DATA SHEET BELZONA® 1521 (HTS1) BASE ‘1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY/UNDERTAKING: PRODUCT NAME BELZONA® 1621 (HTS1) BASE INTERNALID rooart47:708 ‘SYNONYMS, TRADE NAMES Now formulation ‘APPLICATION ‘Base component ofa two component system. Mix with Soler component before uso, System for high temperature equipment handing waler, aqueous sluons and hydrocarbons. Aplcaton by sess spray, Please refer othe relevent Blzona® Insrucons For Use fr further information. For use only by professional opratrs, SUPPLIER Belzona Polymeric Limited Claro Road, Harrogate Nawth Yorkshire HI 4Ay, England +444 (0) 1423 567641 +44 (0) 1428 505867 bevzona@betzona 2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. Name [EG No. CAS-No. | Contont Classification EPOXY PHENOL NOVOLAG RESIN 28064-1464 [7030% _[GRGEIB, NIRSTISR. RAG. [BUTANEDIOLDIGLYGIDYL ETHER peari7 | aas7e8 [15% [xnRo0D7 RAG KERSORS ‘The Ful Text forall R-Phrases are Displayed in Section 16 3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Iritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin, May cause sensation by skin contact, Hammullo aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effets in the aquatic environment CLASSIFICATION ER96/97798, Ré3, RS2I63. 4 FIRST-AID MEASURES (GENERAL INFORMATION In alleases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek mosical attention, Never gve anything by mouth to an uneonscous person INHALATION Remove o fresh ai. Keep the patient warm and at rest, I breathing has stopped, administer artical respiration. Give nothing by mouth, unconscious, place inthe recovery postion and seek medical advice. INGESTION accidently swatowed oblain immediate medical attention. Keep a rest, Ringe mouth wth plenty of water and eink plenty of water, D> NOT induce voring ‘SKIN CONTACT ‘Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or use a proprietary skin cleaner. Do NOT use solvents or thinner. itation or infammation persists, sok medical ateiion, if materials injected unde he skin, sek immediate medical attention. Even wien thre are few oF no symptoms donot hesite fo refer the casually fo hospital EYE contact Contact onses shoul be removed. gate copiously wih clean, fresh water for at leat 1 minutes, holding tho eyelids apart, and seok ‘medical adv. 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Use: sand, alcohol resistant foam, carbon dloxide, chemical ponder, water fog for larger es. (Do NOT uso waterjet. REVISION DATE: 18.01.2006 SDSNo: 10883 BELZONA® 1521 (HTS1) BASE ‘SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Fe wil produce dense black smoke confining hazardous prducts of combustion (see Section 10), Exposure to decomposition products ‘may be hazard to health, Appropriate se-cntsined breathing apparatus may be requiod. Cool closed containers exposed tore wth ator spray. Do not allow ru frm Fe fighting to enter drains or watercourses, 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS ‘Avo contact with skin and eyes. Refer to protecive measures listed in Sacton 8, ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS Prevent spi fom entering crains or sowors. If the product enters drains or sowers in large quanile, the local Water Company should bo ‘contacted immediate; nthe case of contamination of steams, vers orlakes, the appropriate National eguating agency. Refer to Information sources listed in Section 16 ‘SPILL CLEAN UP METHODS: Contain ad coc spilages with non-combusbe absorbent matorals 9 sand, earth, vermiculte,datomaceous earth and place info @ Suitable labeled container. Cesn surfaces down wih a water ar detergent mixtre, Refer to cisposa methods istod in Secon 13, Oo not alow sled product ortho associated washings to enter surface water drains or watercourses. HANDLING AND STORAGE, USAGE PRECAUTIONS GENERAL \Vapours may collect in the container headspace during Vans or prolonged storage, Avo the inhalation of vapour when opening the container. Where possible open containers and mix components in a well ventilated place away rom the application area, Do not breathe spray ding application. Prevent a-borne concentrations higher than the cccupational expoeure tints (se8 Section 8). Avoid skin an eye contact. Smoking, eating and cinkng shouldbe prohitited n reas of storage and use, For personal protecion see Section 8. Exclude nonessential personne. Minimise the numberof employees exposed and the duration of thelr exposure. Aways keep in containers made ‘ofthe same material asthe supply container. Ensure emergoncy equipment (fr fre, spi, leaks, ele) ie ready avaliable. The Manual Handing Operations Regulations may apply to the handing of containers/packages ofthis product. Refer fo the guide welght onthe conlainer/package when carving out assessments FIREJEXPLOSION This products combusthe. Exclude sources of hea gear than 50°, sparks and open fame. Gaod housekeeping standards and regular safe removal of wasto materials wil minimise th sks of spontaneous combustion and athe fe hezard, SPECIAL Ensure tha containers are loosely covered during pre-healing and application. Do not breathe vapoursmist, [STORAGE PRECAUTIONS Observe he label precautions. Store betwen §°C and 30°C unless othenwis stated n a dy, well ventilated place away from sources of heat, lgnion and ect sunight. No smoking. Prevent unauthorised access, tore aeparately from ending agents and strongly alkaline and strongly aie atolls. ENVIRONMENTAL STORAGE PRECAUTIONS Spllage, incorrect storage of chemicals or waste materials or unsuitable clsposal actives can reult in potuants seeping trough the sol, causing serous harm o groundwatr- which i a vial source of drinking water. Al wastes especialy Squid wastes, must be securely sored on stein designated areas thal are islated from surface drains and bunded o contain any sptges. STORAGE CLASS “The principals contained in the HSE guidance nole Chemical Warehousing: storage of packaged dangerous substances (HSC) should be observed when storing his produc. 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT COMMENTS Inthe absence of specific mis in EH40 for ndvidual substances and where thece isthe possibilty of exposure to particulates from ‘Sprayed products he fling OEL's should be used: respirable particulates Sirota! nhalable particulates 10mgin* \winon persoral protective equipment, Including resplatory protective equipment, ie used o contol exposure lo hazardous substances it ‘must be selected to meet he requirements of te COSHH Reguiations Exposure to chemicals assigned occupational exposure lints (CEL) shouldbe controlled using the most elective and reliable measures, propational othe health risk, which minimise ther escape and spread. Aleevant exposure rues shouldbe taken into account, ENGINEERING MEASURES Provide adequate ventaton. Where reasonably practicable this should be actloved by the use of aca exhaust veilation and good {general extraction. ifhese are not sufficient fo mantain concentrations of parSculats andor vapours below the relavant occupational ‘exposure its, suitable respratory protective equipment shouldbe wo (see Raspaters' below). REVISION DATE: 18-01-2006, SDS No: 10839 BELZONA® 1521 (HTS1) BASE RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT ‘GENERAL GUIDANCE ON RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Iti esse hat the concentration ofthe contamina) in the application environment doesnot exceed the appicable Occupational ‘Exposure Limi) (OELs) multiple by the Assigned Protection Factor (APF) quoted forthe respratory protective equipment selected ‘STANDARD APPLICATIONS. Where necessary, its recommended that respiratory protective equipment that compiles with EN 14564 (compressed airline breathing ‘apparatus is wor if exposure fo the appcalor or ther paople nearby cannot be controled to below te occupatlonal exposure Stand ‘engineering methods cannot reasonably be Improved. HAND PROTECTION (GENERAL. GUIDANCE ON HAND PROTECTION Hand protec shouldbe selected in accordance with EN 374 Protective gloves agalnt chemicals. The breakthrough ime ofthe gloves selected should excood tho expacted use period, Where his snot posiba loves should be changed in goed time, and in any case bofore the breakthrough tne i exceeded. Ifany doubt exist, advice shouldbe sought ram glove sunnier on appropriate types. Barer ceams may help to protect exposed areas of skin but are nol substitutes for full physical protection. Thay should not be appilod once exposure has occured STANDARD APPLICATIONS. 'Use protective gloves made of; neoprene or nls during pre and post-aplcation handling. During application use protective gloves ‘made ofneopreeiniie andor suitable heat resistant gloves such as Kevar®, EYE PROTECTION itis recommended that aye protection, for example sale spectacles oF goggles are wom at al ies during the handling and se of tis ‘malrial Eye protection shouldbe soloctod in acordance with EN 166 Porsonal oe preston During avbsequent machining, grinding, abrasion or removal of his produc! appropriate eye protection shouldbe selected according fo the typeof aos or equipment used. OTHER PROTECTION [STANDARD APPLICATIONS Synthetcpolyethylone coveralls such asthe Tyvek PRO-TECHE or equvalent coveralls manufactured 'o EN 19034 Type 6, Protective clothing against gud chemicals, Grossl contaminated ching shouldbe removed and the skin wached wih eoap and water or a proprietary skin leaner. HYGIENE MEASURES ‘Wash a he end of each work sit and befor eating, smoking and using the tol. Ensure eye wash faites (fountain Botte, vials, tc.) are realy avaliable, Do not put conlaminated aries or equipment 2. spatuas, applicators, brushes, coths etc, ilo pockets. \Where necessary, contaminated work clothing shouldbe removed lo provent cross contamination of surfaces and the sk of Inadvertent skin contact and ingestion 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: ‘APPEARANCE Liquid coLouR, rey pour Epony. SOLUBILITY Paria miscible with wate. PHYSICAL DATA COMMENTS This section contains lypical values for Health, Sefey and Environmental guidance only and is nat Intended to representa tecrical specication forthe product BOILING POINT (c) > 200 @ 760 mmHg RELATIVE DENSITY 1.93-203@ 20°C VAPOUR DENSITY (aes) >t ‘VAPOUR PRESSURE, <0.133 kPa @ 20°C. PH-VALUE, CONC, SOLUTION NA viscostry NA DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE. > 200 FLASHPOINT (’c) > 110 CC (Cioeed cup), PARTITION COEFFICIENT lp (N-Octanorate) 40 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY Stable under recommended storage and handing condions (see Section 7). In a fre, hazardous decomposition products such as smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide may be produced. ‘CONDITIONS TO AVOID ‘Keep away from oxidising agents and strongly alkaline and strongly acidic materia to prevent the possibilty of exolhemic eactlon, 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ‘There s no data on the product sel. Based on the properties ofthe epony constituents) and considering excolgical data on similar preparations, this preparation may be askin sensilsor and an lant. It contains low molecular weight epoxy conetituents which are lntating to eyes, mucous membrane and skin, Repeated skin contact may leat itaton and to sensiisaton with pessibiy cross-sansilsaton fo other epoxies, INHALATION \Vapours that may collec inthe container headspace during transit or prolonged storage may be harmful by ihalatlon Inhalation of airborne droplets or aerosols may cause ition of the respzatory track 316 REVISION DATE: 180-2008 ‘SOSNo: 10833, BELZONA® 1521 (HTS1) BASE INGESTION Ingestion isnot normally an exposure isk arising fom professional applications, Inadvertent ingestion of small amount of this product trough poor hygiene or cross contamination may cause iaon of mucous membranes. SKIN CONTACT Prolonged or repeated contact wth the skin may causa iin, bisterig or dermis. Causes of allergic skin reaction have been observed. May cause senaitsaton by skin conact. Release during high pressure use may resul in injection of mater int he akin ‘ausing local necross. EYE CONTACT May cause ey itation, ROUTE OF ENTRY ‘Skin andor aye contact, Ingestion. Inhalation. Injection. MEDICAL SYMPTOMS Prolonged or repeated contact withthe skin ormucous membrane may result in rant symploms such as redness, bistering or dermatts. Onset of symptoms may be delayed. MEDICAL CONSIDERATIONS ‘Skin contac constitutes pronounced hazard. Persons wih a history of skin sonsisaton problems shoud only be employed in procasses in wi ths products used under appropiate medical supervision, 42 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION FooToxicry “There is data. onthe product st. The folowing information is provided onthe basis ofthe individual component data availabe, tt compance withthe conventional classifcation guidlines fx preparations as oulined inthe Chemicals (Hazard Information anc Packaging for Supply) Regulations, The product should not be allowed o ener drains or watercourses or bo doposied where it can affect ound or surface wales. See also Sections 5, 6, 7, 9 and 13 BIOACCUMULATION Based onthe epony phenol novolac resin contnt, this produc is expected to bioaccumulate. Log octano¥water partion cooticont (Log Pon) is expected tobe greater than 8.0. May cause longterm adverse elects in the aqualic environment, DEGRADABILITY Based onthe epony phenol novolac resin content, thls preduct isnot expected fo be realy biodegradable according to OECOIEC ‘uidaines, May cause lng-erm adverse affects nthe aquatic envionment ACUTE FISH TOXIGITY ‘Based on the epaxy phenol novolac rela content, this products expected to have experimental LCSO/ECSONCSO values between 10 ard 100 mg in most sone epecies, Harmful to aquatic organisms, din 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS. (GENERAL INFORMATION [Al cleaning actives including clesning of equipment, ‘lors and containers, can produce large volumes of contaminated wast, All clearing agents used are potently pouting. Water contsning detergents, degreasersor anyother cleaning agents must not be allowed to ener the surface water drains or soakaways. All water based clesningldogreasing operations should be carried out in designated areas ‘way rom the surface water system and drained tothe ful water system, Where this snot possible the surface water sysiom should bo |solatod by stable damming fechniques and tne contaminated water collected and removed for controled safocisposal. Where water Immiscbie clesnersidegreasers are used for example solvents, the relevant product safely daa shoe should be referred to foriformation on sae csposal DISPOSAL METHODS GENERAL ‘Do no alow into drains or watercourses or elspose of where ground or surface wales may be affected. Controlled wastes inciode nom-hazardous industial and hazardous chemical wastes, Al controled wastes shouldbe dlspased of in accordance wih regulations made unde the Control of Palluon Act and the Environmental Protaction Act. In adailon, hazardous chomical wastes shouldbe dlsposed of in ‘cordance withthe Hazardous Waste Regulations. When in doubt, using information provided in tis eaety data shoot, advice should be ‘obtained fom the Nalcnal regulating agency whether the Hazardous Wasto Regulations apply. Refer oinformation sources listed in Section 16 COMPONENT DISPOSAL, “TRANSIT PACKAGING: shrink or stretch wrap, boxes and ings that have not been contamina vith reduct shouldbe re-used or recytid. UNREACTED PRODUCT: and emply uncleanad containers shoud be disposed of as contaled wastes. REACTED PRODUCT: contaminated ming boards, spatvias, spplicator, brushes, nominally emply containers and ming hows onco uly cured- should be dsposad ofa non-hazardous chemical waste. WASTE CLASS: European Waste Catalogue (EWC) coder 0804 11 “The EWC code quoted in this sections a general erty. EWC codes should bo assigned based on the and use ofthe product. Where a more speci code is avaiable it shouldbe used n preference to tho code given above. Whore in doubt refer othe List of Wastes, your local cansed waste contractor or the Natonal regulating agency. Reer to information sources sted in Section 16 44 TRANSPORT INFORMATION

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