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We write on behalf of ___________ (the “client”).

At the onset, this letter serves as:

(1) A formal warning for you to DETER from sending letters or any form of
communication, written or otherwise, to our client.

(2) DEMAND TO PROVIDE SUPPORT as mandated by law to your common child with
ourL, _________.

I. Warning to deter from sending any form of

communication to our client.

You have expressed your intention to send letters to our client. This is not the first time you
expressed such intention and in fact acted on it when you sent letters to our client. This
caused stress not only to our client but to her family as well.

The stress you caused was so great that it triggered medical problems for our client who was
sent to the Emergency Room (ER) of the hospital.

Know that the act of sending letters or any other form of communication to a person that
causes mental or emotional suffering to the latter is considered harassment and may
constitute psychological abuse punishable by law.

Please deter from sending any form of communication to our client. Otherwise, she will not
hesitate to seek legal assistance whether in court or outside the court, if only to stop any
form of harassment to her or her family members.

Our client has always been open to communicating with you regarding your common child,
______. You have to understand, however, that this is not an easy matter for her or for your
child. While our client is open to dialogue, you must understand that it has to be by her own
terms as the mother and primary caregiver of your child.

Please bear this in mind should you initiate contact with our client regarding _________.
II. Demand to provide legal support to .

It is unfortunate that you have discontinued providing support to your child, ________, since
May 2023.

Please be reminded that under the law, you are obligated to provide support to your child
regardless of the existence of marital relations with your child’s mother.

Support comprises everything indispensable for sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical

attendance, education and transportation, in keeping with the financial capacity of the family.

With this premise in mind, this serves as a formal demand for you to provide MONTHLY
support of at least ________________ to your child, ________, payable at the beginning
of each month. This amount will be used by our client to pay for your child’s basic needs.
Please note that the amount being demanded for support may change in the future
depending on your child’s needs.

An unreasonable deprivation of your child’s basic needs is considered as an act of child

abuse under R.A. 7610 or the Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act. Likewise, deprivation of your child’s needs may be
criminally punishable under R.A. 9262 or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their
Children Act of 2004.

Your continued refusal to fulfill your legal obligation is a ground to file the necessary action in
court including a civil action for support AND criminal actions for violation of the above laws.

We trust that you will heed to the demands in this letter and fulfill your obligation as the
father of __________.

Truly yours,





With my conformity:


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