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Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E.

Meal Management


At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. define what is table napkin folding

b. differentiate style of table napkin folding

c. know the importance of table napkin folding

d. demonstrate or perform examples of table napkin folding


Title: Table Napkin Folding

Materials/Tools: PowerPoint Presentation, pictures and realia

Reference: Meal Management, P8. 46-48

III. Instructional Strategy

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

1. Prayer
May I request everyone to stand for a short Jessa: Bless us, Father, with your wisdom as
prayer. Jessa please come in front and lead we begin our class.
the prayer.

Good afternoon class! Good afternoon ma’am, good afternoon

3. classroom management practice

Before you take your seats, arrange your The students will arrange the chairs, picking
chairs. Kindly Pick up all the pieces of the garbage scattered around.
papers scattered around.

Are you done? Yes teacher.

Settle yourselves!
Anyone who is absent today? None ma’am.

Please be reminded with our classroom

 sit down properly
 raise your hand if you want to recite
or ask question
 listen attentively to your teacher
 avoid talking with your seatmate
while the teacher is discussing
 don’t use gadgets when not
B. Review
Yesterday, we discussed about the table
appointment, right? Yes ma’am

Now, what is table appointment?

Bong: table appointment is a background of
our meal to make it attractive and convenient.

So how about the ways of using a table

runner? Mirrah: the ways of using table runners are the
runners, side runners, and center runners.

Very good class! All your answers are

correct, I am glad that you remembered our


Now let’s proceed to our new topic this

morning! But before that let’s have an
activity first. This activity is called “hashtag

Give me at least two words describing the

picture and use hashtag.
Class, tell me what you have observed in
each picture presented.

(picture #1)

Hooray Lena! It seems that you are keen Lena: teacher, I observed #food and
observant. Very good! #attendant in the picture.
How about this?

(picture #2)

Very good observation Ben! Ben: teacher, I observed #glass and

How about this, class? #centerpiece in the picture.

(picture #3)

Very good Lara!

Lara: I observed #tray and # service in the
D. Presentation picture ma’am

Thank you everyone for your ideas. Who

wants to guess what is our topic this

Yes, Marlon?
(Students are raising their hands)

Very nice try! Thank you.

Marlon: ma’am I think our topic for this
Another idea class? morning will be table setting.

Thank you for all your ideas. Bianca: teacher I think our topic for this day is
Our lesson for today is all about table food service.
napkin folding.

But before anything else, let us be

knowledgeable about our objectives.

Everybody please read.

Presentation of the objectives:


E. Discussion
Now, in your own idea, what is table napkin Everybody is reading
Ally: table napkin folding is a small piece of
table linen that is placed on top of the table.

Very good!

Anyone else? Jema: it can be done as art or as a hobby.

Very good!

Table napkin folding started during the

middle ages. The use of napkin in Europe
began in 1400 on the tables of royalty,
where they started to use napkins made
from warm or even perfumed cloth.

At the beginning of the 1800s, napkins

became part or a bourgeois lifestyle, mostly
to protect the sumptuous dresses of the
period during meals. This is the era when
the folding of napkins as decoration for
dining tables began.

“napkins” are also known as “face towels”

and “serviettes- a square piece of cloth or
paper used while you are eating” and are
most commonly manufactured while as the
color symbolizes cleanliness and gives a
fresh feel.

Class, what is the use/purpose of table Kirk: table napkin is use for wiping the lips,
napkin? fingers and to protect clothes while eating

Very good!

Ok class, where do we usually see table

John: At the restaurant ma’am.
Very good John! We commonly see this in a
restaurants, hotels and family service. For
the table decorations to look more elegant
and classier.
So where do we usually placed table napkin
in a table set up? Is it at the left or right?
Left ma’am

Very good!

The table napkin is usually paced at the left

of the forks, on top of the dinner plate for
the formal service, at the center of the
table or at the glassware and the preferred
shape for the folded napkin is rectangular
but the square is also used.

Ok class, do you know the importance of

table napkin folding? Jane: it enhances the look of your table and
the dining experience.

Very good! In addition, it adds color, design

and makes the table design aesthetically
pleasing and appealing to the eyes. It is also
important not just to add color, but also to
highlight the theme event. For example, it is
a flower-themed event, the table napkin
fold is mostly look something like a flower.

Did you understand class!

Yes ma’am!

Now class, we have here 4 different kinds of

table napkin folding

The students will name the 4 kinds of table

napkin folding shown on the presentation/
flash on the screen.

Ok class, anyone who can differentiate

them? students are trying to differentiate the 4 kinds
of table napkin folding.

John: they have different steps in folding,

Very good John! ma,am.

Ok, the first picture is the pyramid napkin.

What is pyramid napkin fold ?
Lovely: Ma’am, the pyramid napkin folding
technique is simple and fast, and can be made
easily with most napkin.
Correct! It is more elaborate and displayed
on the empty plate.

So, this are the steps in folding a pyramid.

The teacher will demonstrate the steps in The students will follow the teacher’s
pyramid napkin folding. demonstration

How about this napkin folding?

Kyle: Rose napkin fold, ma’am.

Very good Kyle!

So, what is Rose napkin class?

Kenzy: rose napkin is suitable for dinner date

or romantic date of a couple.
Very good! Rose napkin fold looks
elaborate, this fold is an easy one, and it
can be done with almost any variety of

The teacher will demonstrate the steps in The students will follow the teacher’s
rose napkin folding. demonstration.

And next is,

Kara: a twin candle napkin fold, ma’am.

Very good! A twin candle napkin.

What is twin candle napkin class?
Jake: candle fold is one of my favorites and
really looks fabulous on a table. This fold look
simple but elegant.
Correct! And placing it in a glass is a good
idea, that you may know it won’t fall over.

The teacher will demonstrate the steps in The students will follow the teacher’s
twin candle napkin folding. demonstration.

Lastly, the bishop hat.

What is bishop hat napkin fold?
Tyler: The Bishops Hat napkin fold is a very
classic fold used in many restaurants. This fold
looks very much like the hat a bishop would
wear at church and has just as much appeal
whether it is placed lying down or standing up
Very good Tyler! on your place settings.

The teacher will demonstrate the steps in

bishop hat napkin folding. The students will follow the teacher’s

Group Activity
DIRECTIONS: The students will make their
own table napkin folding, name it and (The students will do the activity given.)
perform the steps in front of the class.

The teacher will recall the topic discussed. (The students will answer the questions
regarding the lesson.)


ESSAY. Answer the question below.

1. Can table napkin adds beauty in table setting? Why?

Essay Rubric


Content 10 POINTS 7-9 points 4-6 points
 Provides  Ideas are  Ideas are
relevant ideas relevant to the irrelevant to
to the posted posted the posted
questions. question. question.
 Content is  Content is  Content is
engaging and appropriate vague and
original. and original unoriginal.
Organizations of 7 points 5-6 points 3-4 points
thoughts  Paragraphs are  Paragraphs are  Weak
impressively coherent and organization,
coherent and cohesive sentences are
cohesive. rambling, and
ideas are
Grammar, 3 points 2 points 1 point
punctuation, spelling  Virtually, no  Few  Numerous
error in grammatical grammatical,
grammar, errors and punctuation
punctuation punctuation and spelling
and spelling errors errors.
Highest possible points: 20


Make a research about the different styles of table napkin folding.

Prepared by:

Aina L. Dacasin

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