3 Validitas

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1. Daya Terima

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

DayaTerima 1,53 ,257 ,832 .a

DayaTerima2 16,73 2,478 ,832 .a

a. The value is negative due to a negative average covariance among items. This
violates reliability model assumptions. You may want to check item codings.

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

DayaTerima ,146 30 ,102 ,954 30 ,215

DayaTerima2 ,354 30 ,000 ,637 30 ,000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

2. Sikap

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

S1 29,37 5,551 ,320 ,446

S2 29,87 6,189 ,055 ,518
S3 29,53 5,637 ,311 ,450
S4 29,57 5,151 ,480 ,397
S5 29,47 5,913 ,121 ,503
S6 29,57 5,978 ,185 ,483
S7 29,47 6,120 ,081 ,511
S8 29,83 5,247 ,386 ,421
S9 29,47 6,257 ,108 ,500
S10 30,20 5,407 ,176 ,493
S11 30,33 5,954 ,078 ,519
Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

S1 ,379 30 ,000 ,700 30 ,000

S2 ,375 30 ,000 ,721 30 ,000
S3 ,404 30 ,000 ,680 30 ,000
S4 ,372 30 ,000 ,721 30 ,000
S5 ,362 30 ,000 ,643 30 ,000
S6 ,416 30 ,000 ,652 30 ,000
S7 ,375 30 ,000 ,721 30 ,000
S8 ,411 30 ,000 ,702 30 ,000
S9 ,488 30 ,000 ,492 30 ,000
S10 ,254 30 ,000 ,859 30 ,001
S11 ,277 30 ,000 ,771 30 ,000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

3. Pola Makan

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

Beras 61,50 80,397 -,011 ,591

Roti 64,60 74,455 ,219 ,574
Jagung 65,17 80,420 -,067 ,609
Umbi 65,03 82,102 -,145 ,618
Tempe 63,13 73,154 ,311 ,563
Tahu 63,17 74,833 ,233 ,573
KH 64,70 74,769 ,167 ,580
Bayam 64,20 68,166 ,383 ,545
Sawi 64,40 76,248 ,123 ,586
Kol 64,33 65,678 ,512 ,523
Buncis 64,60 67,490 ,496 ,531
Wortel 63,80 66,579 ,475 ,530
Tomat 64,43 72,392 ,269 ,566
Kangkung 66,00 84,966 -,284 ,630
Daging 64,13 81,637 -,128 ,607
Telur 63,53 79,292 -,021 ,605
Ikan 65,20 77,890 ,114 ,586
Pisang 64,03 71,482 ,237 ,570
Pepaya 64,60 69,697 ,353 ,551
Jeruk 64,70 71,045 ,381 ,552
Susu 64,07 70,133 ,171 ,587

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Beras ,539 30 ,000 ,180 30 ,000

Roti ,222 30 ,001 ,912 30 ,017
Jagung ,234 30 ,000 ,835 30 ,000
Umbi ,242 30 ,000 ,863 30 ,001
Tempe ,257 30 ,000 ,882 30 ,003
Tahu ,207 30 ,002 ,909 30 ,014
KH ,251 30 ,000 ,843 30 ,000
Bayam ,198 30 ,004 ,871 30 ,002
Sawi ,245 30 ,000 ,885 30 ,004
Kol ,169 30 ,029 ,921 30 ,028
Buncis ,194 30 ,005 ,918 30 ,024
Tomat ,223 30 ,001 ,869 30 ,002
Wortel ,206 30 ,002 ,917 30 ,022
Kangkung ,497 30 ,000 ,481 30 ,000
Daging ,354 30 ,000 ,797 30 ,000
Telur ,235 30 ,000 ,872 30 ,002
Ikan ,254 30 ,000 ,834 30 ,000
Pisang ,206 30 ,002 ,875 30 ,002
Pepaya ,164 30 ,040 ,914 30 ,019
Jeruk ,224 30 ,000 ,904 30 ,011
Susu ,183 30 ,012 ,878 30 ,003

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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