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By: Earl C.

Grow February 5, 1994

Beware of the pod people

Be as a little child, knowing only that which is written in the Word of God.

The classic movie called, the body snatchers was just a movie, but I'd like to use this movie to relate a very valuable
message within the Word of God. In the movie, pods or seeds were placed close to the person in which these seeds were to
replace. By all outward appearances the person seemed to be the same, but inwardly they were subject to the control of the
seed's owner. The real danger to the people was that they knew not about the seed being placed close to them and what it
would do to them. In the movie, it was hopeless to stop the pod people because the plan to take over the whole earth was so
outrageous, the people refused to even consider the possibility. And also the enemy went to great lengths to stop the
messenger of TRUTH. So will it be in these last days, even though this great mystery be told unto you, you will not believe
( Ref.: Isa. 29:9-14, Lam. 4:12, Obad. 1:3-8, Hab. 1:5, Acts 13:38-41 & 1 Cor. 1:19 )

Purge out from amongst your own selves [ You 1 st, Christians & then the church] 2 Cor. 10:3-6, the old leaven 1 Cor.
5:6-13 & 6:1-20! Leaven is the teaching (doctrine) of the Exclusively Religious Separatists 5330 and of those who denied not
only the resurrection of the body, but also the immortality of the soul 4523 Mat. 16:12. Hypocrisy5272 Luk. 12:1, the acting of
a stage-player, someone who pretends to be what he is not or says he feels what he does not feel, a lair in not only word but
deeds! The leaven is to appear and speak godly things, but was is the old leaven? Is it not the same religious teachings and
appearance of today's churches? Is not religion merely the ideas, teachings and ceremonies [traditions] of the generation
before us? There is much talk today of those who would divide the church, but I tell you the truth, that NOT all Israel is Israel
Rom. 9:6. The Word Jn. 1:14 came not to bring peace, but rather DIVISION Mic. 7:3-14 & Luk. 12:51. For those men Jn.
15:6 that are alive and remain steadfast in the Word shall gather out of the kingdom all those that offend and them which do
iniquity Mat. 13:41.

If you have been following the true gospel of the kingdom in your walk with Jesus unto the regeneration or being made
alive again, then know that ye shall sit upon the judgment seats Rev. 20:4 and Isa. 42:1, judging all of God's people Mat.
19:28. You shall be held accountable, you who are within the church and sit in the seat of Moses the law giver, that you put
away from amongst your own selves that Jn. 17:12 & 2 Thes. 2:3, 9 spirit of the antichrist 4190 1 Cor. 5:13. From amongst
your own selves, you pastors of God's people, shall the grievous wolves enter the church Acts 20:28-31 from Deut. 31:29 &
16-22. We are told many, many times to beware of false teachers 2 Pe. 2:1-3, doctrines 1 Tim. 4:1-6 and vain philosophy
Col. 2:8. So as false [blind] teachers shall be leaders of the blind Mat. 15:7-14 & 23:15-31, how are we to test ye the spirits
to know the truth 1 Jn. 4:1-6. Here is how you know [v.2], every spirit [spiritual life force, man] that continually expresses
acceptance 3670 that Jesus Christ comes in a veil Heb. 10:20 is of God. Please study these reference scriptures to properly
divide the Word of God.

Gal. 5:6-26 Who does hinder you from obeying the Word Jn. 17:17 [truth].
2 Tim. 2:15-18 Who have erred and have overthrown the faith of some. 1 Tim. 1:18-20and 6:17-21
Isa. 32:6 Away from me, you workers of Hypocrisy Mat. 7:15-23 & ye with the spirit of error 1 Jn. 4:6
Luk. 19:44 Jerusalem, the church Rev. 20:2,9 & 10 & the people within her shall be separated from each
other, because the people of God knew NOT the day of their visitation and Mat. 12:25.
Heb. 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you & submit yourselves, v. 7 Are them that rule over you
Gal. 4:1-6 Until you have come of full age, you will have tutors & governors over you Prov. 5:1-23
1 Thes. 5:12-25 I must beware of those who are over me in the Lord and esteem them VERY highly
2 Thes. 3:6-15 If any man obey not him that God has chosen to lead, have NO association with that soul.
1 Tim. 5:17-22 Respect those that God has placed over you in the kingdom, whom are worthy.
1 Pet. 5:1-10 Feed the flock of God as He has called you to do, knowing that Jam. 3:1; 5:7-12 & Rom. 8:1
1 Cor. 4:1-16 You have 10K teachers in the church, but not many responsible fathers to keep you.
Eze. 3:17-21 If you warn a righteous man that he has erred, you will save him & yourself
Eze. 33:2-9 Warn them that do wrong or their blood will be on you! and know who is a watchman
Jn. 6:29If you will not believe him [a messenger] that God has sent, you can NOT do the work of God

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