Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks

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Platinum group elements in mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Western Gneiss

Terrain, Western Australia

Article  in  Mineralogy and Petrology · January 1987

DOI: 10.1007/BF01163263

5 156

4 authors, including:

Dennis Gee Walter Prochaska

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW)


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Economic Geology View project

UNESCO/IUGS IGCP 443 - Magnesite and Talc - Geological and Environmental Correlations View project

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Mineralogy and Petrology (1987) 36:247--265 Mineralogy
© by Springer-Verlag 1987

Platinum Group Elements

in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks
of the Western Gneiss Terrain,
Western Australia*

M. Cornelius 1, E. F. Stumpfl 1, D. Gee 2, and W. Prochaska 1

1Mining University, Leoben, Austria, and

z Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, W.A., Australia

With 8 Figures

Received December 17, 1986;

accepted March 24, 1987

The New Norcia and the Yornup bodies are situated within the high-grade Western
Gneiss Terrain of the Yilgarn Block. The New Norcia body consists of mafic and
ultramafic rocks of gabbronoritic, olivine-gabbronoritic and harzburgitic composition
respectively, metamorphosed to amphibolite, amphibolitic serpentinite and serpentinite.
The upper part of the body is conformably intercalated with quartzites and minor
The Yornup body consists of an ultramafic zone, mainly of lherzolitic and harzburgitic
and minor dunitic composition and a mafic zone of olivine-gabbronorite, which has
partly been differentiated.
Chondrite-normalized PGE patterns of lherzolites and harzburgites from both localities
show gentle, positive trends and abundances of approximately 0.01 times C 1. Patterns of
sulphide-bearing rocks are about 0.1 times C 1, with Pd strongly enriched.
The flat patterns suggest that the magma was derived from high degrees of partial
melting and underwent only minor differentiation.
Mobilization of sulphides fractionated the PGE and particularly enriched palladium.
The patterns resemble those of komatiites and komatiite-related nickel sulphides. They
are distinct from steep positively trending patterns characteristic of Archean tholeiites.

* Contribution to the Ore Mineralogy Symposium (IMA/COM) at the 14th General

Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, at Stanford, California, in July,
248 M. Cornelius et al.

It is assumed that prior to the main metamorphic event, magma compositionally similar
to that of komatiites intruded at the contact of a protocontinental basement and
overlying sediments forming sill-shaped bodies.


Platingruppen~Elemente in mafisch-ultramafischen Gesteinen des Western Gneiss Terrain,

Die Lokalit/iten New Norcia and Yornup befinden sich im hochmetamorphen Teil des
Yilgarn-Blockes, dem Western Gneiss Terrain.
Die New Norcia Abfolge besteht aus Amphiboliten und amphibolitischen Sepentiniten
mit gabbronoritischer und olivin-gabbronoritischer sowie aus Serpentiniten mit harz-
burgitischer Zusammensetzung. Im Hangenden sind die Amphibolite mit Quarziten und
Psammiten verzahnt.
Lherzolite, Harzburgite und untergeordnet auch Dunite bilden den ultramafischen Tell
der Yornup-Abfolge, deren mafische Einheit aus Amphiboliten gabbronoritischer bis
olivin-gabbronoritischer Zusammensetzung besteht und in einem Teil Differentiation
Chondrit-normalisierte PGE Verteilungsmuster yon Lherzoliten und Harzburgiten
beider Lokalitiiten zeigen einen schwach positiven Trend von Iridium zu Gold; die PGE-
Gehalte sind ca. 0.01 fach chondritisch. Die PGE-Gehalte sulfidhaltiger Gesteine sind ca.
0.1 fach chondritisch und zeigen starke Palladium-Anreicherungen.
Aus dem flachen Verlauf der PGE-Kurven wird auf einen hohen Aufschmelzungsgrad
und nur unbedeutende Differentiation geschlossen. In den mobilisierten Sulfiden fand
eine Fraktionierung der PGE start und ffihrte insbesondere zu einer starken Anreiche-
rung des Palladiums.
Die PGE-Kurven sind denen von Komatiiten und den mit diesen assoziierten
Nickelsulfiden ~ihnlich und unterscheiden sich deutlich von steilen Kurven archaischer
Es wird angenommen, dab vor der metamorphen Dberpr~igung des WGT ein in der
Zusammensetzung Komatiiten ~ihnelndes Magma zwischen einem protokontinentalen
Basement und daraufliegenden Sedimenten intrudierte und sillf6rmige K6rper bildete.


The Yilgarn Block, largest segment of Archean crust in Australia (Fig. 1), consists of
an extensive granite-greenstone terrain, and a high-grade gneiss terrain to the west
(Fig. 2). The latter has been named the Western Gneiss Terrain (WGT) by Gee
(1979). The two terrains differ in age, composition of supracrustal and magmatic
components, grade of metamorphism, deformation and crustal thickness as outlined
in Table 1.
The occurrence of the two kinds o f terrains not only in the Yilgarn Block, but also in
other Archean cratons elsewhere in the world, has given rise to manifold
speculations about their origin and genetic relationships (Glikson, 1979;.~Windley
and Bridgewater, 1971 ; Condie, 1981 ; Shackleton, 1976; Weaver and Tarney, 1981 ;
Anhaeusser, 1984). Despite extensive regional investigations, and comprehensive
isotopic studies, three disparate models are still possible (Gee et al., 1986):
-- A cratonic basinal model, involving a continuous basement of gneiss extending
over the whole Yilgarn Block covered by large greenstone basins.
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 249

2 ' " . a Blockl

32° ~-.:.j .

116~ - ' ' ' ' ' ~ 120ol 124 °

i i I I

Fig. 1. Pilbara and Yilgarn block in Western Australia (after Gee, 1986)

-- A continental marginal model involving lateral accretion of greenstone belts

against a stable protocontinent of which the W G T is a remnant.
- - A plate collision model which calls for bringing together two independently
evolved terrains.
According to Gee et al. (1986) none of these models can be excluded by evidence
from the Yilgarn Block and therefore a definitive geotectonic model has not been
established yet. Further investigations in both the high-grade gneiss and the granite-
greenstone terrain, are required. While a large number of data and observations are
available on the greenstone belts of the eastern Yilgarn, only limited work has been
performed on the magmatic components of the W G T (Morgan, 1982, 1984; Myers
and Williams, !985; Wilde and Pidgeon, 1986). Besides large granitoids which
intruded para- and orthogneisses a number of mafic to ultramafic bodies are
scattered throughout the WGT. These bodies have all previously been interpreted as
remnants of large layered intrusions of probably tholeiitic affinity (Harrison, 1984).
This, however, seems doubtful and a structure-controlled emplacement of sills with
tholeiitic as well as komatiitic affinities does account better for field observations
and geochemical features of the remnants. The bodies are very often spatially
associated with metasediments such as quartzites and BIF. The frequency of this
association is striking and has to be considered in any tectonic model for the origin of
the bodies. The bodies are now merely preserved as disconnected remnants in a
250 M. Cornelius et al.

0 100 km

116 ° 118 ° 120 °

| i I

Post tectonic granite ~ Greenstones

~ ' ~ Deformed and m e t a - ~ Early gneiss
morphosed g r a n i t e complex

Fig. 2. Detail of the southwest sector of the Western Gneiss Terrain (after Gee, 1986).
Locality 1" New Norcia; locality 2: Yornup

Table 1 (from Gee etal., 1986)

Comparison of the major features of the high-grade gneiss terrains and the granite-greenstone terrains in the Yilgarn Block.

High-grade gneiss terrain Granite-greenstone terrain

Supracrustal Psammitic and pelltic sedimentary rocks, Volcanic and volcaniciastic rocks
component carbonate, iron formation

Magmatic Granite; plus layered sheets of dunite- Granitoid; s i l l s consanguineous with

component peridotite-gabbro-anorthosite; dykes and mafic-ultramafic volcanic rocks
s i l l s of dolerite
Metamorphism Granulite, or retrogressed granulite Prograde greenschist to amphibolite facies
facies; P = 5-5.6 Kbar, T = 750-840°C; P = 2-5 Kbar, T = 570-670°C; geothermal
geothermal gradient about 40°C km-l gradient about 50°C km-I

Deformation Possibly vertical and horizontal Predominantly vertical, with uncertain

horizontal component

Age 3.7-3.0 Ga; 2.8 Ga in SW Yilgarn 3.0-2.7 Ga

Crustal Now 48 km; may have attained 60 km Mow 32 km; may have attained 45 km

gneissic host rock, and their deformation and fabric development

might be achieved by tectonism during the gneiss-forming event. Large layered
igneous complexes such as Bushveld or Stillwater were all emplaced in a stable
cratonic environment, very different from the present setting of the remnants in the
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 251

Only limited data are available so far on the mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of
these remnants. Local investigations have been carried out in the Kondinin area
(Morgan, 1984) and in the Mt. Narryer area (Myers et al., 1985); a more regional
appraisal has been published by Harrison (1984). Company data collected during
extensive exploration for Ni, Cr and PGE, showed that the remnants might partly be
enriched in Pd, although the overall PGE contents of the bodies are low.
The purpose of this project therefore is to provide comprehensive data on the
geochemistry and mineralogy of the mafic-ultramafic bodies in different parts of the
WGT. It is based on field work and the study of about 2 km of drillcore material
provided by companies. The first publication deals with the platinum group
elements (PGE) and the platinum group minerals (PGM) of these rocks. Their
precious metal contents and the degree of fractionation of the PGE will be used to
provide evidence for a primitive melt, originating from high degrees of partial
melting, which has not undergone significant differentiation after ascent.

New Norcia
Approximately 100km NE of Perth near New Norcia, within the Jimperding
Metamorphic Belt (Wilde, 1974) (Fig. 2), a discrete mafic to ultramafic body has
been located by field outcrops, aeromagnetic surveys and extensive exploration
drilling. Assays for PGE revealed some minor Pd anomalies, and the nickel and
copper contents are high but subeconomic. The drill holes reached a depth of about
380 m but did not penetrate the entire sequence.
The body can be described as a mafic rock assemblage (Fig. 3) which has intruded
conformably into sedimentary rocks, and has itself been intruded by ultramafics.
The mafic unit consists mainly of olivine gabbronorite metamorphosed to
amphibolitic serpentinite. The rock contains relic orthopyroxene and serpentinized
olivine, as well as actinolite pseudomorphs after interstitial clinopyroxene. At the
base of the lower mafic unit is a gabbronorite which has been metamorphosed to a
strongly foliated plagioclase-bearing amphibolite. Relatively fresh gabbronorite in
the middle of the lower mafic unit exhibits well preserved igneous textures.
The upper mafic unit is also metamorphosed to amphibolitic serpentinite rock, and
contains small amounts of gabbro. Intrusive relationships cannot be established.
The uppermost part of the mafic unit is conformably intercalated with quartzites
and minor psammites.
The ultramafic, peridotitic phase consists of mainly tremolitic serpentinite. Except
for small euhedral chromite grains no primary mineral assemblage is preserved.
Fig. 3 also shows the total content of the ferromagnesian minerals, ortho-,
clinopyroxene and olivine in percent of the total CIPW mineral composition
(column 3) and the (Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)) ratios plotted against rock composition.
Overall both parameters are in close agreement. The ultramafic unit thus shows
significantly higher content of ferromagnesian minerals than the upper and lower
mafic units, a pattern also reflected by higher Mg values.
On a small scale divergence of the total ferromagnesian mineral content and the Mg
trend is considerable, particularly in the lower mafic zone. Differentiation processes
on a small scale (meters to centimeters) may be responsible for this scatter.
The New Norcia body contains both magmatic and mobilized sulphides. The latter,
252 M. Cornelius et al.

Depth cpx÷opx÷ol Mg/(Mg,Fe)

[m] %


"7. .~





300 erO
N ~ . . . . . . .

60 80 60 80
Fig. 3. Drill section from New Norcia (D. D. H. 5)

which consist ofchalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pyrite, are intergrown with serpentinite
and tremolite and form veins and segregations measuring up to a few cm as well as
blebs up to 2 cm. Remobilized sulphides occur in all parts of the body. Magmatic
sulphides occur interstitially in the nonfoliated gabbronorite of the lower mafic unit,
and as intercumulus sulphides in more differentiated units of the upper mafic part.
Besides pyrrhotite and lesser chalcopyrite, pentlandite is a major constituent, often
forming exsolution flames in pyrrhotite.
Three species of PGM have been identified in the New Norcia body (Table 2).
Michenerite is the most abundant, and occurs in sulphides of all rock types except
for the foliated basal gabbro. The crystals are euhedral and vary in size from 1 to 45 ~t
(Fig. 4d). They are usually enclosed by pyrrhotite and most abundant in the
mobilized sulphides. Altaite (PbBiTe) grains, measuring up to 5 la in diameter, are
associated with michenerite.
Sperrylite (Fig. 4 a-c) occurs only in nonfoliated gabbronorite of the lower mafic
unit. The crystals are euhedral and range in size between 30 and 200 la. They mostly
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 253

Table 2. Microprobe Analyses of Platinum Group Mineralsfrom New Norcia

Mi c hen er i t e Sper ryl i t e Ma j a k i t e

Pd 22.77 24.13 25.57 27.19 0.04

Pt 0.85 0.34 0.98 56.74 56.37 56.47
A9 2.41
Ni 1.31 1.24 0.46 0.44
Fe 0.38 2.69 0.83 2.70
As 43.17 43.01 42.73
Bi 41.78 31.55 37.1! 23.93
Sb 2.33 8.30 4.69 13.88
Te 31.80 31.68 31.01 28.24

Total 100.37 100.44 I00.01 99.77 99.95 99.38 99.20

occur in groups of grains (up to 6) in close vicinity to a sulphide vein (1 to 2 cm thick)

associated with chlorite and quartz. In the same rock type majakite (PdNiAs) is a
rare constituent of the ore mineral association.

Near Yornup, a 300 m thick mafic-ultramafic body was drilled in the course of nickel
exploration in the 1970's. It is situated about 10 km south of Bridgetown, within the
Balingup Metamorphic Belt (Wilde, Low, 1978). The mafic unit (Fig. 5) consists of
olivine gabbronorite metamorphosed to amphibole serpentinites. Textures and
mineralogy are very similar to those in the New Norica body. One phase in this unit
has differentiated from harzburgite (MgO = 37}/o) to olivine-gabbronorite (MgO
= 9%). The ultramafic part consists of harzburgite, lherzolite and dunite. These
have been completely serpentinized in the upper part; however, the lower section
exhibits some well-preserved textures, in which olivine (Fo85_88)--orthopyroxene
(En70_90) cumulates with varying amounts of intercumulus amphibole occur.
Chromium spinel is more abundant than in the New Norcia peridotite.
Wilde and Walker (1981) assumed that the emplacement of the body postdated the
regional metamorphism. However, Harrison (1984) suggested that it predated the
metamorphic event because it has itself been intruded by granitic rocks of probable
premetamorphic age. The Yomup body has in fact been subject to mid-amphibolite
facies metamorphism, although this has subsequently been retrogressed to green-
schist facies. A pre- rather than post-tectonic emplacement is therefore likely.
Sulphides are far more abundant in the mafic section than in the ultramafic unit
which contains small amounts of mobilized pyrite and pyrrhotite, although the
lherzolites and harzburgites do contain very small (10-50g) rare interstitial
magmatic sulphides, mainly pentlandite and lesser pyrrhotite. PGM have not been
found in any of the rocks from Yornup. One of the few outcrops ofultra-mafic rock
occurs along strike of the Yornup body, approximately 20 km further NNE near
Bridgetown. It is a tremolite-serpentinite rock containing thin schlieren and massive
pods of chromitite varying between 1 and 30 cm in thickness. These pods have been
strongly deformed during a tectonic event which is also evidence for a pretectonic
emplacement of the body.
254 M. Cornelius et al.

Fig. 4. Platinum group minerals from New Norcia (D. D.H. 5), lower mafic unit.
a 1 sperrylite (PtAs2) (white), mainly pyrrhotite (light grey), feldspar, amphibole, ,mica
(darker grey), b Enlargement of Fig. 4 a. c sperrylite (PtAs2) (white), mainly pyrrhotite (light
grey), amphibole, mica, feldspar (darker grey), d Pd, Bi, 2 Bi, Pb, Fe, 3 Bi, Pd, Te, 4 Bi, Pb, Fe,
5 Pd, Bi, Fe, 6 Pb, Te, Fe
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 255

Depth cpx÷opx.ol Mg/(Mg*Fe)

[rnl %


Depth cpx, opx.ol Mg/(Mg,Fe)

[ml %

200 o 50 ~[

< ~uo



300 .a 150 ~

:z:~ I , , l l i

70 80 90 100 40 80 70 90
a b
Fig. 5. Drill sections from Yornup. a Thomas/Shell core, b Planet core D. D. H. y--14;
extends Thomas core downwards

The PGE and Au are fractionated in most rocks except for mantle nodules where
they occur (chondrite-normalized) in almost equal abundances (Fig. 6 a) (Sun,
1982). To a limited degree this also applies to alpine peridotites and ophiolitic
tectonites. This means that the PGE proportions have been modified (either
enriched or depleted) during partial melting and/or crystal fractionation; the
possible processes have been discussed by Barnes etal. (1985).
In summary, Os, Ir and Ru are more compatible and will remain in refractory
material, while the more incompatible elements Rh, Pt, Pd and also Au enter the
partial melt. This mechanism is most effective at lower degrees of partial melting,
while increasing degrees of melting cause the Pd/Ir ratio of the melt to decrease
(Naldrett and Barnes, 1986). During crystal fractionation the compatible PGE were
enriched in the early crystallizing phases such as chromite and olivine,
while Rh, Pt, Pd and Au were concentrated in late magmatic phases. Effective
256 M. Cornelius et al.

0"1 0.1-

0"01 • * /i t

0.001- ; c
0-001 B , '

0.0001-"------~ I I I I I I 0"0001 I | i | i .

Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au
a b 0.1

0.01 " B
1.0- 0.001 -

10- o.1- E
0,0001 A
0"01 -
c 0.00001


0.1 0-000001-
I I I I I I . . . . .
Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au Os Ir RuRhPt PclAu 0$ Ir Ru Rh Pt
C d e
Fig. 6. Platinum-group elements in different rock-types (from Barnes et al. 1985). a Mantle, b
komatiites ("D" dunitic komatiites), c komatiite-related nickel-sulphides, d continental
tholeiites ("C" sulphide-bearing Archaean tholeiites, "A", "B" continental tholeiites without
sulphides), e Midoceanic ridge basalts

fractionation of the PGE due to low degrees of partial melting will hence result in
steep, positively trending PGE patterns in the derived melts, as shown on the
standard normalized PGE and Au diagrams (Fig. 6 a-b).
Komatiites are generally accepted as having been derived by high degrees of partial
melting, and are not generally affected by magmatic differentiation processes. They
are therefore characterized by relatively low Pd/Ir ratios and slightly positive
trending patterns (Fig. 6 b). Pd and Au abundances are higher than mantle (Fig. 6 a)
while Ir is considerably less. Patterns for komatiite-related nickel sulphides are more
diversified (Fig. 6 c) than those of komatiitic rocks. Positive Pd "anomalies" and
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 257

negative Pt as well as Au "anomalies" demonstrate that considerable PGE

fractionation occurred after partial melting and emplacement of the magma.
Obviously some differences exist concerning the mobility and solubility of the PGE.
Based on observations by Keays etal. (1981), Barnes etal. (1985) suggest that
particularly Pd, Cu and Au are mobile and may be more severely affected by sub-
solidus alteration.
Sulfide-bearing Archaean tholeiites (Fig. 6 d), derived from lower degrees of partial
melting than komatiites, exhibit steep positively trending PGE patterns with Pd/Ir
ratios up to 100 (Naldrett, 1981). Similar steep trending patterns also characterize
midoceanic ridge basalts (Fig. 6 e).
13 representative PGE patterns of peridotites from New Norcia and Yornup,
sulphide-bearing samples from the former location and chromitites from a location
near Yornup are shown in Fig. 7 a~e and will be discussed below.

Analytical Methods
Three different methods of PGE determination have been applied. In most samples
from New Norcia and Yornup, PGE have been measured without preconcentration.
In some samples from Yornup, PGE were preconcentrated by fire-assaying followed
by NAA. The PGE were then determined by neutron activation analysis following a
procedure described by Wiinke etal. (1977) and Kruse and Spettel (1982).
Concentrations ofPd, Pt and Os were mostly around or below the detection limits of
the NAA, due to interference with other elements or high background radiation. Rh
could not be determined because of its short half-life. Therefore Pd, Pt and Rh were
measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy, following a modified procedure based
on Fryer and Kerrich (1978). Determination of the PGE after repeated Te-
precipitation indicated a recovery grade of more than 90% of the PGE. For
comparison of analytical accuracy with international standards, see Table 4. A
Perkin-Elmer 3030 atomic absorption spectrophotometer with deuterium arc
background correction and a HGA-400 were used. Detection limits are given in
Table 3. Nickel and copper were also analysed by AAS.

PGE Distribution
Four patterns of sulphide bearing samples from New Norcia are shown in Fig. 7 b.
The overall abundance of the PGE is about 0.01 times chondritic and increases
slightly from Ir to Au. Pd is enriched to 30 times chondritic while Pt ranges between
values of about 7 times chondritic to 0.03 times chondritic.
Patterns in Fig. 7 a are derived from strongly serpentinized, uralitized rocks and this
may account for the scatter of Au and Pd, as well as for the depletion of Pt.
Patterns of three relatively unaltered lherzolites with minor sulphide contents are
shown in Fig. 7 c. Except for Au the lherzolite patterns also define a gentle positive
trendl Two harzburgitic dunites (Fig. 7 d), differ from the other patterns because of a
negative sloping segment. Two chromitites from a nearby location at Yornup are
shown in Fig. 7 e. In both samples Os and Ir form a plateau from which the patterns
rise to Ru and Rh. Pt and Pd are strongly depleted in sample 690, in sample 681 Pt is
approximately as abundant as Rh and Ru while Pd is slightly enriched. Au values are
the same in both samples.
1 100

0,1 10







0,001 0,1

, | | i w i

Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au

m , , | i ! ;"

Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au
0,1 27s 1


0,01 278 0,1

0,001 0,01
! | m | i i i 281
Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au

J , i ; , . ,

Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au
0,1 681


w i , i i i

O s Ir Ru Rh PI Pd Au
Fig. 7. Platinum-group elements normalized to C 1 (C 1 values from Palme et al., 1981). a
Silicates from New Norcia, b Sulphides and sulphide-bearing silicates from New Norcia
(normalized to 100% sulphide), c Lherzolites from Yornup, d Harzburgitic Dunites from
Yornup, e Chromitites from an outcrop near Yornup
M. Cornelius et al. : Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 259

Table 3. Methods Used for PGE~Determination and Detection Limits

Element Method used Detection l i m i t (ppb)

Os NAA (Preconcentration 5
by f i r e - a s s a y i n g )
Ru NAA (Preconcentration I0
by fire-assaying)
Rh AAS 0.5
Pt AAS 2
Pd AAS 1
Au NAA 0.5

Table 4. PGE and Au Concentrations (ppb) in Representative Samples from Two Mafi'c~
Ultramafic Sills in the WGT and Two International Standards

Sample Os Ir Ru Rh Pt Pd Au Sampledescription

275 1.8 0.5 7.4 8.1 13.0 Lherzolite

278 2.9 0.6 5.0 12.0 1.3 Lherzolite
281 7.9 0.5 3.0 2.6 l.l Harzburgitic dunite
285 3.9 0.6 21.0 13.2 2.5 Lherzolite
289 3.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 Harzburgitic dunite
681 13 15 160 19 180 280 13 Chromitite schlieren
690 13 16 160 28 lO 5.6 13 Chromitite pod

New Norcia

346 - 30 2,0 90 360 17,5 Sulphide

444 - 6.0 1.8 1440 1260 15 Sulphides in gabbro
465 - 4.0 1.5 14 24 4.2 Olivine gabbronorite
468 - 1.5 0.5 6 2.1 2.1 Serp.harzburgite
471 - 62 24.5 22 4260 26 Sulphide in serp.
554 II - 4.5 52 1680 7.0 Sulphide

International Standards

SARM 7 (South African Bureau of Standards) ultramafic rock

Published value 240 3740 1530 310

this investigation 235 3423 1400 303

32/70 (South African Bureau of Standards) chromitite

Published value SO0 3800 700

this investigation 517 3724 704

Abundances, slope and shape of the patterns from Yornup and New Norcia
resemble more closely those of komatiites (Fig. 6 b) and sulphide-bearing komati-
ites, respectively (Fig. 6 c), than tholeiitic trends (Fig. 6 d).
260 M. Cornelius et al.

The overall abundance of PGE in the New Norcia sulphides is slightly less than in
komatiite-related sulphide deposits, although Pd is strongly enriched, a feature that
has also been observed elsewhere. This might possibly reflect the higher metamor-
phic grade of the remnants situated within the high-grade gneiss terrain of the
Yilgarn Block. Fractionation of mobile and less mobile PGE might hence have been
more effective. This tendency can also be observed in a Cu/(Cu + Ni): Pt/(Pt + Pd)
plot (Fig. 8). Sulphide-bearing samples from New Norcia cover an extremely wide
range due to their partly strong enrichment in Cu and particularly in Pd. Most
samples from New Norcia plot close to the field, defined by Archean and
Prot~rozoic komatiites.





0,2 o,4 0,6 0,8

Fig. 8. Pt/(Pt + Pd): Cu/(Cu + Ni) plot of analyses from New Norcia (full circles) and
Yornup (after Naldrett, 1981)

Discrete palladium minerals occur preferentially in chalcopyrite-rich veins at

Kambalda (Stumpfl, Unpubl. Rep., CSIRO, Division of Mineralogy, Perth, W. A.,
1982). Vein ore from Kambalda is enriched in Cu, Pd and Au (Keays et al., 1981).
These observations suggest that the respective elements are mobilized and trans-
ported more effectively. Relevant aspects of the mobility of PGE have recently been
summarized by Stump7? (1986). Very different concentrations of Pt in the New
Norcia patterns indicate that the behaviour of Pt is more complex, leading to
enrichment as well as depletion. Formation of discrete Pt phases in the New Norcia
body is rare. Local differentiation processes might as well be responsible for the
enrichment of Pt and Pd in sample 444 from the gabbro of the lower mafic unit.
However, the limited thickness of the unit has prevented enrichment to economic
The slightly positive trend from Ir towards Pd in the Yornup samples reflects a
primitive undifferentiated magma originating from high degrees of partial melting.
Two harzburgitic dunites (MgO = 41 w t ~ ) have a significantly different pattern. Ir
is enriched over Pd, Pt and Au by a factor of 2 to 7, giving Pd/Ir ratios of 0.33 and
0.58 which is extremely low compared to Pd/Ir ratios of 2 to 4 in olivine-rich rocks
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 261

from tholeiitic intrusions such as Jimberlana (Keays and Campbell, 1981). However,
such PGE fractionation in an olivine cumulate has also been described from
komatiitic dunites from Kambalda, Western Australia by Keays et al. (1981) and
Ross and Keays (1979). Different explanations have been given to explain this
phenomenon. Three mechanisms have been suggested"
a) dunitic komatiites represent the refractory residuum of the diapir that produced
the komatiitic melts. The mobile and incompatible Pd was stripped from the source
by the high degree of partial melting while Ir was concentrated in the residuum
(Keays, 1982).
b) Olivine crystallized from a komatiitic melt with low f S 2. Ir coprecipitated with
olivine, because no immiscible sulphide formed at the low f S 2 (Keays, 1982).
c) Olivine cumulates contain considerable chromite, which is often enriched in Ir
over Pd (Barnes etal., 1985).
Barnes et al. (1985) also regard it unlikely that olivine can contribute to the higher Ir
contents as observed by Ross and Keays (1979), because olivine from mantle
xenoliths analyzed by Mitchell and Keays (1981) and olivines formed by crystal
fractionation (Gijbels etal., 1976) are not enriched in Ir relative to Pd.
Data from Yornup show that the Pd/Ir ratios change over small distances from 0.33
in the harzburgitic dunite to about 3.3 in the lherzolites. Chromitites from a nearby
exposure are low in Ir (Fig. 7 d). It therefore seems unlikely that Ir is enriched with
chromite because chromite cumulates should then yield high Ir contents. Mecha-
nism a) is not applicable because both Ir enriched and depleted rocks occur in the
same sequence at Yornup. The existence of an early sulphide melt can also be
excluded, because Pd contents below 6.5ppb indicate sulphide-undersaturated
conditions (Keays, 1982). Obviously Ir has been enriched by crystal fractionation.
Olivine is the only other early crystallizing phase and the normative olivine content
of the harzburgitic dunite is about twice as high as that of the lherzolites.
Patterns of the two chromitites from Yornup differ from those of chromitites in
ophiolite sequences which generally contain larger proportions of Os and Ir than of
Pt and Pd (Page etal., 1982). The higher Pt and Pd contents in sample 681 are
attributed to an additional sulphide melt, indicated by interstitial pentlandite.
High Ir contents of the peridotites and low Pd/Ir and Pt/Ir ratios (0.33-4 and Pt/Ir
= 0.4-5.4 respectively) contrast with steep PGE patterns, e.g. of the Bushveld with
Pt, Pd much greater than Ir (Lee and Tredoux, 1986). PGE fractionation
mechanisms which have been effective in large layered intrusions did not play a
significant role during the emplacement and cooling of these bodies.
Thick ultramafic bodies in the greenstone belts of W. A. (Porter and McKay, 1981)
have been interpreted as lateral equivalents of komatiitic flows. They often underlie
conformably and directly extrusive komatiites and basalts; they also developed
cumulate textures and partly differentiated due to their slow cooling rate
(Donaldson, 1986). There is a strong resemblance in the composition and mineralogy
of these bodies to those described from the WGT. However, there is no evidence of
any extrusive komatiitic rocks in the WGT. Without any proof of lateral occurrences
of komatiitic sequences of true volcanic origin in the areas investigated the remnants
are therefore interpreted as intrusives.
The intrusive character is inconsistent with the definition of komatiites given by
Arndt and Nesbitt (1982). However, features such as flat PGE patterns, the
ultramafic composition and almost chondritic trace element ratios (Cornelius, in
262 M. Cornelius et al.

prep.), show that the bodies originate from high degrees of partial melting and a
magma quite similar to komatiitic melts. Hence, the remnants might be regarded as
sills with komatiitic affinities, similar to the Dumont sill in the Abitibi greenstone
belt (Duke, 1986).
We envisage magmas with komatiitic as well as with tholeiitic affinities, derived from
different degrees of partial melting, intruding into a protocontinental environment
consisting of a thin crust and overlying continental sediments. The relatively high
density of the ascending magmas compared to that of the sediments caused the
magma to spread laterally along the interface of the crust and the sediment-cover.

Table 5. Platinum, Palladium, Copper, Nickel Analysed by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

Sample Pt(ppb) Pd(ppb) Cu(ppm) Ni(ppm) Pt/(Pt+Pd) (Cu/(Cu+Ni)

619 5.0 16,3 40 165 0.235 0.195

346 90 360 3954 16000 0.200 0.198
351 2 180 7202 18660 0.006 0.279
438 2 420 7415 5500 0,002 0.574
444 1440 1260 3887 7500 0.533 0.341
443 432 1471 3333 13000 0.227 0.204
448 3 33 88 349 0.083 0.128

460 9 44 813 877 0,170 0.481

471 22 4260 1118 19500 0,005 0.054
476 3.5 640 1929 874 0.005 0.688
487 8 740 3076 646 0.011 0.826
528 5 1200 1594 16000 0.004 0.091
554c 52 1680 2550 14300 0,030 0,151
567 270 3300 2972 30100 0.076 0.090

Thus, extrusive series could not form in this environment. Instead thin extrusive sills
of komatiitic and tholeiitic affinity (e.g. the Coates Gabbro), intercalated with the
quartzites and psammites, developed. Later orogenic events led to crustal interleav-
ing and thickening and disconnected the bodies.
Based on a concept of an undifferentiated komatiitic magma, the potential for PGE
can be compared with that of nickel sulphide deposits of the greenstone belts of
Western Australia. There, a positive correlation exists between nickel in 100~
sulphide and Pd as well as Ir (Ross and Keays, 1979). The relatively low nickel
contents in the New Norcia sutphides, rarely exceeding 5~ Ni by comparison with
Ni contents of up to 24~o at Forrestania (Ross and Keays, 1979), suggest that the
economic potential of New Norcia for PGE will be extremely low. Local
concentrations of Pt and Pd due to remobilization and alteration do not attain
economic grades.
Platinum Group Elements in Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks 263

We are grateful to the Geological Survey of Western Australia, and to the Director, Dr. A.
Trendall, for supporting field and library research in Australia. We are grateful to Dr. G.
Blackburn of Otter Exploration and Mr. D. Thomas for allowing access to the drill cores.
Thanks are due to Prof. H. Wiinke, Dr. H. Palme, Mr. B. Spettel, and Mr. J. Huth for help
and hospitality extended to one of us (M. C.) during an extensive research visit to the Max-
Planck-Institute for Cosmochemistry (MPI), Mainz. Access to the facilities of the Triga
reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Mainz, is gratefully acknowl-
edged. The Austrian National Research Council (Fonds zur F/Srderung der Wissenschaftli-
chen Forschung), Vienna, generously supported the investigations through grant no. P 5728
to E. F. S.). Mr. H. Miihlhans performed the microprobe analyses and Mrs. M. Lenker typed
several drafts of the manuscript.

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Authors' addresses: Dr. M. Cornelius and Prof. E. F. Stumpfl, Institute of Mineralogy and
Petrology, Mining University, A-8700 Leoben, Austria; Dr. D. Gee, Deputy Director,
Geological Survey of Western Australia, Mineral House, Adelaide Terrace, Perth, W.A.
6000, Australia; Dr. W. Prochaska, Institute of Geology, Mining University, A-8700
Leoben, Austria.

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