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Determination of Grade 12 students in studying in Ivy League Schools in the Philippines


Rezuena, Hannah Mae H.

Ramirez, Alliana Marie A.

Ubatay, Ashantha Vida T.

Pepito, Charity Gem

Lovendino, Clancy

Villar, Erika Mae

Santos, Gwyneth Nicole

Reboroso, Jansen

Morales, John Robert E.

Sulla, Lizalyn

Nicerio, Zaira Mae

Grade and Section:


Research Adviser:

Reynald Alfred A. Recede

Senior High School Department

Marikina High School



Background of the Study

Ivy League refers to the eight elite research universities that make up the Ivy
League conference- Harvard, Yale, U Penn, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth,
and Cornell. These eight schools are known for academics. excellence and high
selectivity in their admissions.

The "Ivy" association with the schools likely started when the term was used in
writing the New York Tribune: "A proportion of our eastern ivy colleges are meeting little
fellows another Saturday before plunging into the strife and the turmoil."

Woodward most likely used the term "ivy colleges" for the future Ivy League
schools because of the tradition of "planting the ivy!"

These were the traditions in the 1800's where the classes would plant ivy around
the school. Penn, for example, planted ivy at every building in the spring and the day
was known as "Ivy Day." A number of these colleges shared the same traditions, that
includes other colleges that are not considered "Ivy League schools" today.
Here in the Philippines, we also have “Ivy League Schools” namely Ateneo de
Manila, University of the Philippines, De La Salle University, and University of Santo
Tomas these are the usual names that are being heard across social media and also by
the general public. The prestige upheld by these school’s names, alongside their
globally recognized quality of education have been proven and strengthened by time to
mold a student’s education at the best caliber.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the reasons why students want to study in Ivy
League Schools in the Philippines. Specifically, it seek answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Strand
1.4 Interest
2. How many among the respondents are aware of the Ivy League Schools here in
the Philippines?
3. How may of the respondents wants to study in Ivy League Schools in the
3.1 UP
3.2 ADMU
3.3 DLSU
3.4 UST
4. What is the reason why respondents want to study in Ivy League Schools?
4.1 Family
4.2 Their own interest
4.3 Credentials
4.4 Superiority
5. What are the perceived challenges of the respondents as they go in the Ivy
League Schools:
5.1 Intellectual Capacity
5.2 Economic Status
5.3 Peer pressure
Significance of the Study

The result of the study will merit the following:

Students: The result of this study will help the students to improve their skills,
knowledge, and abilities that can help them get in, in the Ivy League Schools in the

Parents: The result of this study will help the parents of the students to open their
minds and encourages their children in pursuing to apply in the ivy League Schools in
the Philippines.

Curriculum planner: The result of this study will help them appraise the existing
programs that can raise the credentials of the students.

School Administrator: The result of this study will serve as the baseline data to
encourage students to pursue going in Ivy League Schools in the Philippines.

Future Researchers: The result of this study can serve as the basis for further study of
the interest of the students to attend and study in Ivy League Schools here in the
The Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The scope of this study will cover the determination of a Senior High School
students to be enrolled and study in an Ivy League Schools in the Philippines.

The main subjects of this research study will consist of the Grade 12 students
enrolled in Marikina High School S. Y. 2022-2023. The respondents Will be limited to
fifty (50) Grade 12 students enrolled in strands HUMSS, ABM, STEM and TVL. The
participants will be male and female, ages 19-20 years old. The study will be conducted
at the Marikina High School on F. Torres, Marikina City, Philippines.

The study aims to understand why Grade 12 students prefer to study in Ivy
League Schools in the Philippines like Ateneo de Manila University, University of the
Philippines, De La Salle University and University of Santo Tomas.

This research will not include the Grade 11 Senior High School students as part
of the respondents for a reason that they still have a year before they graduate.

Ivy League refers to the eight elite research universities that make up the Ivy
League conference- Harvard, Yale, UPenn, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth,
and Cornell. These eight schools are known for academic excellence and high
selectivity in their admissions.
Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a global higher education think tank, released its
2021 Asian University Rankings (AUR) recently. Its list included over 650 educational
institutions, with 14 hailing from the Philippines - 6 of which were from Metro Manila.
Many Filipinos were impressed to learn that more universities in our country were now
considered among Asia's best, with others suggesting that this was a sign education in
the Philippines had greatly improved.

First, universities must focus on producing open thinkers and able leaders Who
can solve society's problems, instead of on increasing their positions in these rankings.

Second, university rankings from think tanks like OS and Times Higher Education
(THE) were criticized for their methodologies. For instance, QS has overemphasized
perceived reputation in identifying scores. Reputation is often determined by surveys,
which are considered to be highly subjective, (Corcuera 2022).

Third, educational institutions might take advantage of university rankings by

using them as an excuse to implement anti-student policies. Nine out of the 14
Philippine HEls included in the 2021 AUR are private educational institutions. It is
important to remember that tuition and other fee increases, or TOFI, has become a
yearly issue among private HEls. Together with the "no permit, no exam" policy, TOF|
ultimately affects less privileged students, consequently hindering their chances of
receiving a post-secondary diploma.
Altogether, university rankings are not as ideal as they seem to be. There are still
controversies and criticisms over how to rank educational institutions And even if flaws
in methodologies were to be solved, there still are several other bases with which to see
the true state of education in Philippine society from universal access, to student
outcome. More importantly, universities must focus on producing open thinkers and able
leaders who are capable of solving society's problems, instead of on increasing their
positions in these rankings, (Rappler 2022).

Impact of Research in HEIs and National Development

Research is another important function of universities where faculty are expected

to produce useful knowledge. In China, Chen (2012) noted in his study that Chinese
people are great. The function of the education system is growing from knowledge
dissemination and human resource development to knowledge production and transfer.
Universities in China provide knowledge through research output and knowledge
transfer, and this is the usual case. In recognition of the importance of research and
development, The Chinese government was strategically investing in the development
of research universities by allocating the proceeds as full support. Promoting knowledge
production, countless research grants such as: National Research Project, National Key
Labor, National Basic Research Priority Project, Research Center for Humanities and
Social Sciences, National Research and Development Agency, University Science and
Technology Award. Through a conscious effort to create a research culture, this was not
left to chance or the initiative of the Chinese government, so it's safe to assume that
research has driven China to this. Achieve its current status as one of the most powerful
nations in the world.

Apparently, research has contributed greatly to the economic development of

countries such as China and European countries. Even in the Academy, research is
essential to its development and status. Moseti (2015) emphasizes in her research that
the graduation thesis is the part of the curriculum that students are required to
undertake research to complete their degree program. In particular, improving or
maintaining regional and national academic rankings of higher education institutions.
Additionally, Tan, Macdonald & Rossi (2009) make clear that educational research in
Singapore institutions is on the rise. Research improves the performance of educational
institutions and enables nations to keep up with globalization.
Education is One of The Most Essential Legacies that Filipino Parents can
Leave for Their Children to Their Offspring

Education is one of the most essential legacies that Filipino parents can leave for
their children to their offspring. They think that getting a better education gives them
access to chances that will guarantee a bright future and finally help them escape
poverty. As a result, they are prepared to make significant sacrifices in order to send
their kids to school (Dolan 1991, De Dios 1995, LaRocque 2004). But given a poor
family's highly constrained financial situation, Necessities like food and shelter often
take precedence over schooling. Therefore, it is improbable that the family will be able
to escape poverty. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the underprivileged have equal
access to education. Every Filipino has a right to education, especially basic education,
according to the Philippine Constitution of 1987.Overall, most education outcome
indicators have declined for the Philippines. Although some indicators have shown signs
of improvement, national targets for crucial EFA indicators like intake and enrollment
rates will probably still be missed in 2015.

An Achievement that can be measured using indicators often constitutes the

output of an education production function. There are individual and household
characteristics that affect children’s participation and performance in basic education,
according to prior studies conducted in the Philippines and other nations. According to
these studies, socio-economic status and family background are important.

Individual characteristics such as age, sex, and parents educational attainment

are important factors in achieving better education outcomes. For example, based on
the Used data from the 2004 APIS, Maligalig and Albert (2008) came to the conclusion
that, ceteris paribus (other things being equal), boys are 1.39 times more likely than
Used girls to skip school. Similar to this, Deolalikar (1993) discovered that males have
significantly lower returns to education than girls at the same age when looking at
Indonesia's 1987 National Socioeconomic Survey. The junior high and high school
levels. For women, the benefits of a university degree are 25% more than for men.

research showing that older and more educated female household heads give their
female relatives more opportunities to attend school. Additionally, community traits like
the percentage of villages in the district where residence is located with access to all-
weather roads, access by water, lower secondary school, etc. have only a modest
impact on student enrollment.

The next step after enrolling the kids in school is to figure out how to keep them
interested so they can learn the stated skills and levels of competencies on the syllabus.
The effectiveness of a school's internal operations is determined by how successfully it
can prevent students from leaving before completing a given educational level. Cohort
survival rate, dropout rate, and repetition rate are examples of internal efficiency
indicators. The percentage of pupils or students enrolled in the first year of a specific
education level who complete the last grade or year of that level is known as the cohort
survival rate. It demonstrates the school's influence. It should be as close to 100% as
possible and that its proportion of students who study in the same grade during a given
school year who will do so the following year.

The National Achievement Test (NAT), which is based on student/pupil

performance in disciplines including language, science, and arithmetic, is the main
indication of school efficacy. The National Educational Testing and Research Center,
whose responsibilities include data analysis and interpretation for policy formation and
recommendation, administers the NAT on behalf of DepEd. Since the tests are given at
various grade or year levels every year, it is difficult to compare NAT results across time
from 2002 to 2007. In 2002, students in Grade 4 and Freshman Year of High School
took the NAT for the first time. It had a diagnostic element that was carried out at the
beginning of the school year to identify the academic weaknesses or learning gaps of
the student or students based on the curriculum-required learning competencies at a
specific level.

In 2001, the Governance of Basic Education Act (RA 9155) was enacted to
redefine the structure of DepEd to adjust for the trifocalization 12 of the Philippine
education system management that occurred in the mid-1990s, and also to speed up
the decentralization process. 13 RA 9155 thus sought to facilitate organizational
changes in DepEd through the empowerment of its field offices and the schools based
on the argument that efficiency, accountability, and manageability are better achieved
when decision making is done closer to the ground (Manasan and Gaffud 1999). But the
existence of legal bases and institutional reforms do not guarantee empowerment at the
field offices. Recognizing this and its commitment to EFA 2015 goals, the DepEd
decided that a focused and systematic approach is necessary in order to really
implement decentralization. The Department shifted its focus to the schools by
attempting to directly bring reforms through the SBM approach. In 2005, the DepEd
launched the School First Initiative Program, which underpinned the SBM approach.
The SBM approach aims to lessen bureaucratic restrictions over the schools so that
they are able to focus on actual delivery of services and produce results. The higher-
level offices within DepEd could then concentrate on supportive, facilitative, and
technical assistance functions. This is the state of the decentralization as of this writing.
Note however, that indicators to evaluate the processes described above are lacking
and hence, there is only subjective monitoring of the decentralization plan.

Basic education in the Philippines has suffered a major performance setback in

recent years. The country's chances of fulfilling its commitment to EFA and relevant
MDG goals are unlikely, unless the key determinants of these goals (education
outcomes) are identified, and policies and programs reoriented toward improving the
performance of these key determinants to arrest the declining trends in education
DepEd has been implementing many programs to counter the declining trends of
key indicators of education outcomes. As discussed in the preceding section, these
programs vary in complexity, from alternative approaches to formal education, to
augmentation of basic needs of vulnerable families. DepEd has also introduced
interventions that are potentially effective in influencing demand for basic education
among households, particularly poor households. Among these are the conditional
school feeding and the take home food ration (e.g., rice) programs, which studies
worldwide have demonstrated to be effective in both giving assistance to the poor, at
the same time ensuring school attendance among poor children.

As mentioned at the beginning of the paper, randomized evaluations and natural

experiments are gaining ground in the context of policy assessment. This approach can
be applied to assess programs and to determine the most effective and cost-efficient
education policies. But while the randomized control trial approach is attractive in the
sense that the impact of policies can be measured quantitatively, the key challenge lies
on designing the appropriate "experiment" that will answer the research questions of
interest. Moreover, this method requires extensive planning and is expensive to

Other concerns that should be considered are the effects of project

implementation positive or otherwise, on the teachers who are the ultimate
implementers and field workers. Administration of these programs is an additional
responsibility for the teachers; extra workloads they are usually not appropriately
compensated for. This concern must be taken into consideration in the design and
implementation plans.
Results showed that older children at the secondary level are less likely to attend
school. The probable reason for this may be the greater capability of older children to
earn money. Therefore, in this case, the decision to attend school or not lies more on
the individual. This study, therefore, presents alternative approaches in designing or
implementing education programs and provides empirical evidence on why these
options should be given consideration.

Such a change is anticipated to promote more equal placement of teachers

based on where they are located and their skills are required. The change should also
be integrated with new legislative changes resulting from reforms to teacher preparation
as well as education and training, a professional development plan, and teaching-
learning among others, quality assurance, such as those outlined in BESRA (e.g.,
Teacher The National Competency-Based Education Program and Education and
Development Education Standards). A related and equally crucial concern is making
sure that teachers can focus on their teaching responsibilities instead of being burdened
with extra work brought on by the adoption.
Based from the study, there have been strong demands of developing graduate
competencies. This then leads to several Teacher Education Institutions to engage in
curriculum quality evaluation. It means that, Teacher Education Institutions need to
evaluate the current curriculum and make necessary actions to meet the demands of

This specific research, the practices in beginning Curriculum Quality Audit (CQA)
Cycle in one of Philippine State University, then tries to cater the mentioned issue and
strive to deliver reliable data in order to find solution to the said problem. Twenty-three
College of Education (COE) school, who are tutoring Professional Education track, were
the member. Narrative inquiry was working and promote by the operation of open-ended
examination, focus of the group conversation, and the study.

The Thematic - narrative access in investigation acknowledge that the academy

process are particularized to be enlightened and coordinated, careful, designated, proof,
repeated, friendly, and continuous. Dare experience to build difficulty in managing time,
poor understanding of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST),
difficulty in encouraging the talent and carrying on CQA repeated nature.

Recommendation at the end of the study, it suggests that there is a need to

formulate a policy in Institutionalizing the CQA in college.

This study intends to identify the top methods used by the three (3) higher
education institutions in Metro Manila, the Philippines, to manage research. In-depth
discussions with the president, deans, research directors, and faculty members in focus
groups held in different research settings result in the sharing of a number of best
practices. By adopting and learning from the presented best practices, this research
paper aims to inspire higher education institutions to improve and preserve their
research cultures.

The three basic functions of a university are instruction, research and consulting.
In all colleges, faculty are considered a front liner that leads the execution of the prior
basic functions. Education and work history evidence demonstrating the faculty's ability
to teach students. Doing extension work or community service is another function of an
academic institution where faculty members partake in the implementation of outreach

The purpose of this study is to describe the best practices of selected Higher
Education Institutions (HEIS) in the Philippines. It focuses on the growth of research
culture to assist academic leaders in shaping and motivating research policy. Their
faculty engage in research and become producers of knowledge.

Research is another important function of universities where faculty are expected

to produce useful knowledge. In China, Chen (2012) noted in his study that Chinese
people are great. The function of the education system is growing from knowledge
dissemination and human resource development to knowledge production and transfer.
Universities in China provide knowledge through research output and knowledge
transfer, and this is the usual case. In recognition the importance of research and
development, The Chinese government was strategically investing in the development
of research universities by allocating the proceeds as full support. Promoting knowledge
production, countless research grants such as: National Research Project, National Key
Labor, National Basic Research Priority Project, Research Center for Humanities and
Social Sciences, National Research and Development Agency, University Science and
Technology Award. Through a conscious effort to create a research culture, this was not
left to chance or the initiative of the Chinese government, so it's safe to assume that
research has driven China to this. Achieve its current status as one of the most powerful
nations in the world.

Moreover, says Georghiou (2015), the value of research goes beyond simply
adding to the body of knowledge. There are several ways research can impact and
create value. 1) Increase accumulation of useful knowledge, 2) Training professionals;
3) Creating new scientific tools and methods and collaborating with users on their use;
4) Cooperation in research projects and networking with users. Also, Georghiou
emphasized that: Research and innovation are essential to Europe's economic strategy
and make a necessary contribution to its social and cultural development. They are an
important source of new jobs, growth and competitiveness, and underpin a wide range
of policy priorities such as Digital Europe, energy efficiency and sustainability.

Apparently, research has contributed greatly to the economic development of

countries such as China and European countries. Even in the Academy, research is
essential to its development and status. Moseti (2015) emphasizes in her research that
the graduation thesis is the part of the curriculum that students are required to
undertake research to complete their degree program. In particular, improving or
maintaining regional and national academic rankings of higher education institutions.
Additionally. Tan, Macdonald & Rossi (2009) make clear that educational research in
Singapore institutions is on the rise. Research improves the performance of educational
institutions and enables nations to keep up with globalization.

However, not all university faculty are involved in research. Perhaps most of
them are reluctant to leave their comfort zone of teaching, or is university research
culture still in its infancy stage. Mbaleka (2015) argues that despite the reluctance of
faculty to conduct research, the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is
making serious efforts to force higher education institutions to conduct research. 46
Series 2012, Article 5, mandates that universities contribute to nation-building by
providing highly specialized educational experience to train professionals in various
technical and academic fields. The focus on developing new knowledge is clearly
articulated in the focus on Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programs. Universities
contribute to nation-building by generating expertise, knowledge, and innovation that
serve as resources for long-term development processes in a globalized context.

Additionally, according to the CHED 2019 guidelines, to grant autonomous status

to private higher education institutions, they are designed to at least 50 full-time faculty
or at least 30% of full-time faculty, must have been actively involved in research or
creative work in the last five years and at least 10% of faculty have patents or
publications in peer-reviewed journals. Of these, at least 5% of our full- time faculty
have been published in internationally indexed journals or books from prominent
academic publishers in the last five years.

Achieving the mission and vision of a university depends on the competence of

its leaders. The same applies to developing a research culture, where research leaders
need to plan and strategize how to achieve their research goals. Subsequent literature
will attest to the irreplaceable role of research leaders in developing research

Additionally, research culture requires that organizational leaders set clear

research goals and communicate them clearly. The conditions are also comparable to
Goodall's (2013) proposal, which states that one way to improve university rankings is
to hire the best scientists and assign them positions of power such as: Research
director, dean, or research institute director. The best scientists recruited and assigned
share their knowledge and experience in research and contribute to the development of
a research culture.
Furthermore, Goodall (2013) states that "those who pay attention to principal
investigators with few research papers and publications are asking faculty to improve
their research outcomes". This is evidence that research directors/leaders play an
important role in the development of research culture. Indeed, developing a research
culture requires good research management.

In the academic community, best practices can be defined as methods that are
the result of research and experience to achieve desired results. It is also an
established standard that is likely to be widely adopted. Below are research
management best practices by universities and statements made by research
participants. A fictitious name for the university was used to protect the university's
identity and reputation.

Aphrodite University was founded by two prominent women in the first decade of
the 20th century for the instruction and education of young people in all fields of arts
and sciences. Starting with a few benches, a blackboard and a few books, the two
teachers started a school and tirelessly nurtured their dream of building a nationalist
learning center for Filipino women. The first college, pharmacy, opened in her 1921,
followed by colleges of Liberal Arts, Education, Dentistry, and Optometry. ( Alugar ,
2011 )
The Issues of higher education inside the Philippines which have caused the
maximum difficulty and evoked the most exact proposals for motion are targeted in
several key subjects, underlined beneath. College educators are acutely aware of the
dearth of good enough precollege guidance on a part of entrants, and this leads
immediately into the question of selection of students. concerned inside the complete
system of schooling is the complex language hassle. Assuming that qualified candidates
can be discovered and enrolled in colleges and universities, the choke and nature of a
suitable software of studies confronts now not most effective the character however the
group in which he's enrolled and the society which he's to serve. From the point of view
of society and of the nation an often-mentioned want is that of supervision of private
institutions. The inadequacy of libraries and the dearth of appropriate textbooks and
equipment gets hold of mention in almost every survey of Philippine schooling. And
pervading all plans for instructional progress is the insistent problem of finances.

The college student of the Philippines ought to perforce be a few- issue of a

linguist. The entire college bears the language hassle of the state, at the equal time that
it flourishes to contribute toward a solution. A query of prime significance for educators
is how much time and energy will stay for the content material of mastering, aside from
the observe of languages, no longer from time to time, difficulty is expressed that the
multiplicity of language necessities will lessen the general use of English and weaken its
usefulness because the medium of practice for higher training. It's miles in this
connection that it seems mainly important, and additionally viable, greatly to enhance
the strategies of coaching all languages.

IN THE PHILIPPINES, as somewhere else, education has served I as an

instrument of public coverage. Through the centuries, policy has passed through a way-
achieving modifications, however every regime has left an imprint on the existing. under
Spain the number one cause changed into to train moral principles and religious
doctrine. The Americans idea of the school system as a way of making ready citizens
for a self-governing democracy.
The triumphing kind of university inside the Philippines these days has been
formed through the confluence of these two streams of western civilization. It bears the
imprint of Plato and of Aristotle, of St. Isidore of Seville and St. Thomas Aquinas, of
Abelard and 'Humboldt and Pestalozzi, as well as of Jefferson and [Horace] Mann, of
Charles Eliot and John Dewey.

Particularly Filipino voices have started to emerge in recent decades. They were
heard. The speaker referred to Mendiola and Avelino, Salvador, Villamor, and Palma as
educational trailblazers. Bocobo and Alzonas warned of the risk of losing the most
valuable aspects of Filipino culture. Osias tried to define and describe that culture. More
and more, the goals and objectives for education in the Philippines are stated in Filipino.

The current administration is working hard to create a truly national theory and
educational system that will meet the needs of an independent republic in the context of
the modern world. It stands to reason that those closest to the action would be the last
to declare success. In a discussion of "The True on" in 1953, Dr. Laurel expressed his
conviction in these words: "Philippine education are two words still in search of a
meaning of indigenous meaning."

The one problem that is really important remains unsolved: namely, the problem
of providing an education that is responsive and adequate to nature, the needs, and the
idiosyncrasies and aspirations of our people the Filipino people. A problem which none
but Filipinos alone, and by themselves can and must face and solve.

Filipino educators have been forming beliefs with broad educational and social
importance as a result of their experiences in the community schools. Local teachers
had been "campaigning" to advise the community how to live and behave for a good
number of years in their free time, frequently with great zeal. Children were taught the
same rules in the classroom, but often nothing changed. If the community school was
set up in accordance with the new "unitary" idea, students, teachers, parents, and
neighbors would all gather together in a learning environment to communicate in their
native tongues. The campaigning schoolmaster is no longer the image of this
predicament; instead, it is the "little teachers" children who have the tools, the materials,
and the motivation to teach the elder illiterates to read. The adults are then given the
chance to participate in the children's educational program. By stimulating native culture
first, he finds that it reaches out and draws to itself immense qualities bestowed by
science. The teacher learns "to live in the life of his people, checking by it what is in the

Although this native-culture approach may seem straightforward, it represents a

significant reversal of a centuries old legacy to the average Filipino instructor. When he
discovers that previously unexpected abilities are released in what appear to be
ignorant and powerless individuals, the revolutionary ramifications become clear to him.
Even more significant than the societal improvements are the internal changes that
have occurred in people, allowing them to "integrate enriching culture into their own."
Supt. Aguilar discusses the significance of this discovery by pointing out what it means.

The inevitable change from the four-century heritage of education for distinction,
which is essentially snobbish in outcome, into education for social efficiency, which is
the need of the hour. The native approach, in contest to the foreign approach, is bound
to shorten the palpable distance between the rich and the poor, currently the basis of
national insecurity.

This discussion of the "local method" and the "unitary principle," which unites
young and old in a common learning community, is but a sample of the literature that
has developed around the community-school movement in the Philippines. It could very
well represent a significant contribution to both the theory and practice of education, one
that should be of particular importance to other nations.

The Government Normal College and the public normal schools are currently the
main locations for teacher preparation prior to involvement in the community movement.
Several private universities have shown a keen interest in the related fields of
community development and agricultural extension, although the University of the
Philippines at Los Banos' College of Agriculture serves as the primary training ground
for this activity.

However, it would appear that two features of the community-school movement

apply to education at all levels. One is a keen interest in Filipino culture and the life of
the "ordinary to" and his family among students and professors. Concern for doing
community service is the other. Sociology, anthropology, and social work are new but
expanding subjects. For instance, the announcement of a top private university
mentions "community service projects geared to provide experience in leadership and
community participation." This shared interest is connected to discovering a Malay
heritage and Asian neighbors. The President of the Republic discussed the reshaping of
national policies in the perspective of a rapidly altering international situation in his
Independence Day speech in 1960. Thus, in the awareness of our geographical and
racial affinity with the Asian nations, a greater stress has been laid upon forging closer
ties with them.


This chapter includes research design, research sample, and research

instrument. research gathering-procedure, data analysis procedure, and research
statistical treatment.

Research Design

The Sample

A survey conducted by the researchers was performed, where 100 students from
Grade 12 High School Students of Marikina High School whose strands are STEM,
ABM, HUMSS, and TVL participated as they are eligible for the aimed study. This was
enacted during the school year 2022-2023.

The Instrument

Research Instrument In this study, the researchers will use questionnaires. The
questionnaire is a set of orderlies arranged self-made questions carefully prepared to be
answered by a group of students to collect data and information. The questionnaire will
consist of two parts: Part I will gather information pertaining to name (optional), age,
gender, grade level, and their chosen best university. Part II will be an assessment,
choices that consisted of the reasons why the students want to go to Best Universities
here in the Philippines. We used Google Forms App to convey the questionnaires to
avoid face-to-face interaction because we are still in the mid of the COVID-19

Data Gathering Procedure

After the research instrument has been approved, A letter of consent was
delivered to the Marikina High School (Senior High Department) for the permission to
conduct the survey to the students. It was written formally through email and was sent
to the email address of the school.

` Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the questionnaires are delivered through online
emails and messages to avoid physical contact with one another. The researcher
messaged the respondents’ personal account to give them the link of the Google Form
survey questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were tabulated, and an
appropriate statistical treatment was used to analyze and interpret the gathered data.

Data Analysis Procedure

Statistical Treatment of Data

1. The percentage used to answer the respondents' number of students in

Marikina High School



P = percentage

F = frequency

N = number of respondent

2. Weighted Mean - used to provide an answer to the quandary regarding the

goals and efficacy of decision-making abilities in selecting the top Ivy League
universities that will take students from Marikina High School.

The scale value of each item in the table below is determined by dividing the
weights of the respondents.

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