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Dear sir or Madam

I am writing with regard to the Airline that I missed an international flilgt due to a mistake by
one of your employess

One week ago I was due to catch a flight to Singapure, where I intended to spend three days for
my works. Unfortunately, the attendant at the check-in desk gave me a boarding card for
different flight. I did not realize it until I arrived at departure gate and it was too late.

Because of that, I was not allowed to board the flight to Singapure. And this caused me great
inconvenience. I had to book a new filght one day later wich mean, I missed one day on my work
and that makes my work mess. I spend extra 2 Millions for booking a new flight.

As the mistake was caused by your company, I hope you will compensate me for the cost of
additional flight.

I look forward to receiving your rensponse

Your faithfully

Zul Fahmy


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