5th Ed 1st Selection 1

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Author: Scott Burns

Course: ENGL 098

Instructor: Debby Bogard
Researcher: Damean
Summary: Through Scott Burns’ essay Louisiana’s Lesson he learns a
valuable lesson when deciding to travel with his fraternity brothers in a
cross country trip from California to Louisiana. Given this unique
opportunity in order to experience a different chapter’s way of life, the
brothers decided to experience the history of LSU and then subsequently
experience the nightlife of Louisiana. As these California fraternity
brothers entered a “hole in the wall” bar on the outskirts of town. As the
night went the lure of cheap beer and “money hungry slots” lost its
luster. As the night went on the bar began to fill and so did the hormones
of these boys. They began to grow bored of just hanging out with their
brothers so they decided to build the confidence in order to ask local
girls to dance. As the night went on and the conversations grew one of
the boys, Greg, was speaking to a girl named Stephanie. Upon having a
conversation, Stephanie’s drunken southern boyfriend confronted Greg
and told him “You better get out of my face and this bar if you're
smart.”. Greg did not stand down to this threat and was reprimanded by
being hit with a bottle. Quickly the fight was broken up by the
surrounding brothers and they were tossed out by the bouncers. As the
night was still young some of the brothers decided to go home but
youthful restlessness kept Scott and some of his brothers up. Wanting to
relive their adolescent days they decided to have a bottle rocket fight.
During this event, the men from the bar saw Scott and decided to
surround him and beat him up. Upon being saved by one of his brothers
they decided to run away. The story ends with a self reflection by Scott
stating “when you are surrounded by a culture that is unfamiliar to your
own, you cannot simply carry on as you would normally. You must
adapt your actions to suit those who surround you”.

Metamorphic Journey (Introduction)
California boys set off to see America………..We were setting out on an adventure
destined to give us the lesson of our lives.(Paragraph 1 Page18)

Channels of opportunity-Fraternity bonding (Introduction)

“Our journey………..This gave us the opportunity to meet new people andshare in
the bonds of our fraternity.(Paragraph 2 Page 18)

Fraternity bonding
After viewing the historic grounds of LSU, we headed to what was supposed to be
their hangout. (Paragraph 2 Page 18))

Coming of age-
As the night went on, the locals started making their way in……….They were tired
of the
boys and had decided it was time to build up their nerve and start asking the girls
to dance.

Culture of tribalism(man defending woman) - Culture of Honor-Youthful

Greg talked to her for no longer than two minutes before her drunk, southern
boyfriend………But the redneck boyfriend wouldn't let it rest. Steaming with
anger, he said, "YOU better get out of my face and this bar if you're smart.”
(Paragraph 5 page 18)

Culture of Honor
For some reason, Greg's pride wouldn't let him walk away. So one thing led to an-
other, and he was struck over the head with a bottle. (Paragraph 7 page 19)
Unleashed Youthfulness
With bottle rockets and Roman candles in our hands………..I know that our
childish antics were leading us ina direction I would have rather not taken.
(Paragraph 9 page 19)

Self Reflection- Maturation

Our trip across the United States was one of the most rewarding experiences
that maybe the best way to see the country was to blend in, instead of trying to
stand out. (Paragraph 13 Page 20)

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