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1 Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer.

- Problem recognition: They have a need to buy a car but not a need to buy a car is a means that they

buy a car to express themselves, class, and achieve financial success. “ Its owners see it as a car to be

enjoyed,not just used.”

- Information search: They don't care much about the car's information. “ Most Porsche buyers are not

moved by information but by feelings.”

=> Porsche buyers don't actually buy the car to use it, they're excited by the feeling, the information about

the car doesn't matter to them.

- Evaluation of alternatives: “ Most Porsche buyers are not moved by information but by feelings.”

They don't care about the features of the car, or the price of the car, and for them, Porsche is the only

choice. so Porsche users are ready to buy at any price without hesitation-making purchase decision

- Postpurchase behavior: They do not need to compare Porsche cars with other car manufacturers

because that is not necessary, so they are very satisfied when they buy. Because the luxury of Porsche

makes people around appreciate the status of Porsche users.

Evidence: One successful businesswoman and owner of a high-end Porsche said,

“When I drive this car to the high school to pick up my daughter, I end up with five youngsters in the car.

If I drive any other car, I can’t even find her; she doesn’t want to come home.”

2. Contrast the traditional Porsche customer decision process to the decision process for a Cayenne

or a Panamera customer.

- Problem recognition:

+ Porsche: luxury, class, self-expression “ Its owners see it as a car to be enjoyed, not just used.”

+ Cayenne: both luxurious and functional as a larger capacity (4-5>2 seats), maximum speed is more

=> Users have a change in demand perception because they have changed from the need to want a

luxury car to car that is both more luxurious and more convenient.

- Information search:

+ Porsche: they don't even look for information “ Most Porsche buyers are not moved by information

but by feelings.”

+ Cayenne: finding information through the media, both luxury and good function.

- Evaluation of alternatives:

+ Porsche: do not evaluate other car options.

+ Cayenne: must like, suitable for the economy, ready to buy with good features (speed, capacity)

this is a good choice.

Purchase decision:

+ Porsche: shows class and luxury, so they buy without hesitation. “ Most Porsche buyers are not moved

by information but by feelings. A Porsche is like a piece of clothing—something

the owner “wears” and is seen in”

+ Cayenne: consider more, know how to measure, choose, compare, evaluate prices, also based on other

functions such as (capacity, speed, height, sport). At this time, there was an economic recession, so they

were also more considerate.

=> Buying decision is more deliberate

- Postpurchase behavior:

+ Porsche: very pleased for being able to express themselves, but after that, the company released many

cheap cars, making it possible for people who are not in the same class as them to share the car brand,

they considered it an insult, so they did not support Porsche with future automakers. “They were turned

off by what they saw as a corporate strategy that had focused on mass over class marketing”.
+ Cayenne: consumers are very satisfied with this new car, after this period the base remains the car for

the elite, along with outstanding features, even in the recession, they still keep the brand and market share

after that period.

Porsche Cayenne / Panamera

Problem recognition: Elegance, class, self-expression Both luxury and good function

Information search: Not looking for information Searching for information

through the radio, has both
luxury and good function
Evaluation of alternatives: No choice Must like, suitable for the
economy, ready to buy with
good features
Purchase decision: Show class and elegance, so Consider more, know how to
they are new without hesitation measure, choose, compare, and
evaluate the economic downturn
Postpurchase behavior: Satisfied but not supportive and Satisfied with the brand and
mass marketing policy performance, the company
successfully captured a good
market share

3. Which concepts from the chapter explain why Porsche sold so many lower-priced models in

the 1970s and 1980s?

- Economic conditions, social class: Porsche targets users in the popular segment, the purpose is to

increase revenue, not simply sell cars to super-luxury car users because they are afraid of the

problem that “Porsche management became concerned with a significant issue: Were there enough

Porsche buy-ers to keep the company afloat?” and so a series of lower-segment models compared to

super-luxury cars were launched to target low-segment customers. “At less than $20,000, more than

$10,000 less than the 911, the 924 and later 944 models were once again Porsche’s pitch to affordability.

At one point, Porsche increased its sales goal by nearly 50 percent to 60,000 cars a year.”

-Economic environment: Due to the economic downturn, they are afraid that the revenue from super

luxury cars is not enough for the company to continue operating and buyers will consider more. “The
most recent economic downturn has brought down the sales of just about every maker of premium


-Customer behavior: There are 2 directions:

+ The behavior of car buyers with low prices, they can afford Porsche's middle-segment cars “the 924 and

later 944 models were once again Porsche's pitch to affordability”

+ Behavior of Porsche luxury car users: they do not accept Porsche launching a low-end car line because

what Porsche does affects the luxury of the brand in the eyes of consumers, and at the same time greatly

affects the price spiritual value that the Porsche brand brings. has brought to users the upper class. They

were also very disappointed with Porsche's marketing and reacted harshly by criticizing these cheap cars.

“They considered these entry-level models

to be cheap and underperforming. Most loyalists never really ac-cepted these models as “real” Porsches.

In fact, they were not at all happy that they had to share their brand with a customer who didn’t fit the

Porsche owner profile.They were turned off by what they saw as a corporate strategy that had focused on

mass over class marketing.”

4. Explain how both positive and negative attitudes toward a brand like Porsche develop. How

might Porsche change consumer attitudes toward the brand?

On the positive side: Porsche has shown exclusivity and luxury for users in the upper class and

thereby showing their class and difference, creating great material and spiritual value for

customers. users of high-end Porsche cars “A Porsche is like a piece of clothing—something

the owner “wears” and is seen in”.

On the negative side: users in the upper class criticize the low-end market segment, they want Porsche to

maintain the luxury and class of the brand. Because what Porsche is aiming for is a lower market

a segment to get more profit from selling low-end cars, but this automatically turns Porsche from

high-end cars, super-luxury cars to affordable cars. that anyone can own. This hurts Porsche's customers
who own super-luxury cars lot, so they have been very critical of the low-segment cars that Porsche

launched in the market, namely the 924 and 944 models. “Most loyalists never really ac-cepted these

models as “real” Porsches”

Porsche can change people's perception of its brand: they realized their mistake for hurting their

previous loyal users. Therefore, they stopped producing mid-segment cars and returned to focusing on

developing luxury cars to keep the satisfaction and loyalty of the specific elite “Porsche once again

targeted the high end of the market in both price and performance”. And they have achieved the expected

success in regaining their position in the super-luxury car market and at the same time regaining the love

of the Porsche believer that the company has lost.

5. What role does the Porsche brand play in the self-concept of its buyers?

- Porsche is not only a car brand but also a brand that can represent the success of young people, who

belong to a small group of society and the values of this brand are suitable for that group of people.

“Since its early days, Porsche has appealed to a very narrow seg ment of successful people”

- Porsche as a factor affirming the quality of class, raising the value of its owner. In addition, Porsche is

like the dream car of people who have been, are, and want to own because it represents their own image,

representing the things that its owners like to see in themselves and in life. Porsche also represents the

standards and egos of typical Porsche owners. “They buy Porsches because the car mirrors their

self-image; it stands for the things owners like to see in themselves and their lives”.

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