KCHP Meditation 28 May

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Om Tat Sat

Krishna consciousness Happiness & Pleasure meditation

ramante yogino 'nante
satyānande cid-ātmani
iti rāma-padenāsau
param brahmābhidhiyate
[Cc. Madhya 9.29]
"The mystics derive unlimited transcendental pleasures from the Absolute Truth, and therefore the Supreme
Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is also known as Rāma." CC Madhya 9.29

We are satcitananda. We always seek bliss or feel-good. There are two kinds of bliss. Happiness and
pleasure. Let us understand happiness and pleasure.

Happiness means feel-good derived from the state of being or existence. Happiness is also called existential
bliss or meditative bliss

Pleasure means feel-good derived from an action. Pleasure is also called as situational bliss or interactive bliss.
Happiness always gives pleasure but pleasure does not always give happiness.

There are healthy nutritious pleasures and unhealthy poisonous pleasures

Healthy pleasures give us happiness and unhealthy pleasures give us suffering.

An intelligent person indulges only in healthy pleasures that expand happiness.

Now let us see what is soul happiness and pleasure?

Soul happiness means antah sukhah or feel-good or soul happiness within (BG. 5.24)
means param drstvā nivaratate or the higher taste (BG 2.59)

means ātma dhana or inexhaustible wealth of the soul

Soul pleasure means Ananda or Bhakti rasa or from doing devotional service
means hrshikena hrishikesha sevanam bhaktir uchyate
means ātmany evātmanā tustah (BG 2.55 or)
means ānanda of mind rejoicing in soul happiness

The following are meditations on antah sukhah or soul happiness and the corresponding ananda or
soul pleasure of mind rejoicing in that happiness.

1. Srila Prabhupada thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’,that Krishna incarnates on my tongue as
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare,
the Nama Prabhu to awaken my unalloyed love for Him.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ or soul pleasure of serving Nama Prabhu through mindful, spiritful and
soulful Japa and spreading His association to other jivas.

2. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that I am not this
limiting leather bag of flesh, blood and bones .

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that I am not this limiting body. Nama Prabhu, I am thrilled to redefine my
relationship with my body, mind & intelligence, as my servants in your service.

3. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, of what Lord
Chaitanya said to Sanatan Goswami
prabhu kahe,—“tomāra deha mora nija-dhana
tumi more kariyācha ātma-samarpana
“Your body is My property. You have already surrendered unto Me. Therefore, you no longer have
any claim to your body.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that I have surrendered my soul & body to Srila Prabhupada and I have no
more claim on my body.

4. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that I have no birth,
death, old age and disease.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that I am eternal and deathless.

5. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that I am of divine
quality like Krishna and not quality of this matter.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that my soul is of the same quality as Krishna’s.

6. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that I am an eternal
person of pure knowledge and bliss

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of being sat cit ananda-eternity, knowledge & bliss.

7. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that my real ego is a
beautiful loving servant-ego and not the false ego of this body.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of my true beautiful pure servant ego.

8. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that Krishna is the
Supreme Person who is an unlimited ocean of ananda and no one is equal to or greater than Him.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of appreciating and spreading Krishna’s Supremacy over everything and

9. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that you are unequalled in
wealth, power, brilliance, beauty, fame and renunciation and are an unlimited reservoir of these

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of meditating on Krishna as Bhagavan, the possessor of all opulence.

10. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that everyone &
everything in existence is owned and controlled by you.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of seeing everything and everyone as Krishna’s property.

11. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that you alone are the
giver and taker of everything, from everyone, as per your arrangement of kala & karma.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that Krishna who is in my heart is my only permanent friend and nothing
that I have now, will remain with me permanently.

12. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that everyone and
everything is working willingly or unwillingly as per your plans & pleasures.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that everyone is working either directly or indirectly as per Krishna’s plans
and pleasures.
13. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that you loved me
always and love me now and will always love me and eternally respect my freedom.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that Krishna eternally love me with unconditional respect for my free will.

14. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that Krishna maintains
infinite unique personal loving relationships with infinite jivas.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that Krishna cares and loves and seeks loving relationship with one and all
as his dear children.

15. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that Krishna’s
madhurya or sweetness of His personal loving exchanges is beyond His aishwarya nature.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of unlimited possibility of hearing and chanting Krishna’s sweet loving
exchanges with His devotees. I rejoice in remembering His loving exchanges with me.

16. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that I can permanently
possess you, in unalloyed love, and can possess nothing else in existence.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of striving with determination, patience and confidence to develop
unalloyed love for Krishna.

17. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that I eternally belong
to you, to be enjoyed by you, exactly like a chaste wife who belongs to her husband in love.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of, myself belonging to Krishna alone, and being an object of enjoyment
for Him.

18. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that you are longing for
me and wanting to reconnect with me.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ to know that Krishna takes ten steps towards us if we take one step
towards Him.

19. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that your personality
can never be known fully by anyone, yet you are conquered by pure unalloyed love.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that though Krishna is immeasurable yet, He responds even to my
imperfect love.

20. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, of being able to know
your mind ,your pleasures and displeasure, as revealed by yourself in Bhagavad Gita.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of knowing Krishna’s mind, as to what all pleases Him and what all
displeases Him.

21. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that all your
instructions, prescriptions and restrictions in Bhagavad Gita are for awakening my soul happiness.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of following Krishna’s instructions, prescriptions and restrictions in

Bhagavad Gita for my soul happiness.

22. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukah’ , that you alone are
sanctioning everything for everyone in this world, and I should not have any pinch of envy towards any
jiva, possessing anything or any ability more than me, as it amounts to finding fault with your act of
sanctioning that thing or ability to that Jiva.
I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of being saved from falling into the stool pit of envy arising from
comparison with other jivas. Everyone is differently disposed of every moment by the perfect
justice served by Kala working on the order of Krishna.

23. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, of knowing your mind,
that you do not like your devotees being proud for possessing the gifts of mercy which you have
bestowed upon them and misusing those gifts to slight others who don’t possess them and exploit it
too for lording over other jivas especially devotees.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of being saved, from, falling into the stool pit of pride ,saved from misusing
Lord’s mercy upon me to encash it for social prestige and fame, saved from misusing Lord’s mercy to
exploit anyone for my personal gratification. All that I have belongs to Srila Prabhupada and the
same has to be delicately and exclusively used in the service of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.

24. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ ,that you are pleased if
I distribute the gifts, which I receive from you, to all those who seek to have it, and not be possessive
about those gifts. More I distribute those gifts, more you are pleased and more mercy I receive from

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of trying to always share every mercy you have gifted me to all the
Vaishnava’s as per your wish and direction revealed in my heart.

Personal reciprocation of Krishna

25. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that Krishna is seated
in my own heart as my true friend out of absolute love to help me attain, my eternal soul happiness
and soul pleasure of serving Him.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of knowing that, Krishna in my heart guides me and helps me to awaken
my soul happiness of love for Him.

26. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that Krishna alone is
maintaining me and protecting me.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that I am eternally secure, being loved, cared and protected by Krishna in
my heart.

27. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ ,that you reduce even
my well-deserved material pains and sufferings to enable my devotional service.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu are in-charge of my past karmas
and they mercifully dispose them off by decreasing very big sufferings which are due to my past
karma, to help me in my devotional service.

28. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that you always have
provided me resources, more than I deserve, required for your service.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that Krishna in my heart is providing me abundance of material resources
to serve Srila Prabhupada’s plans, but only to the extent I can handle, without hurting my soul.
There is never a shortage for anything in Krishna Consciousness.

29. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that you are always
helping me, acting as my intimate friend, by intervening and infusing fresh intelligence into my
intelligence to guide me.
I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of having an intimate eternal friend in my heart who is constantly guiding
me by infusing spiritual knowledge and intelligence into my tiny intelligence as a loving
intervention to enable me to remember Krishna always and execute devotional service.

Happiness and pleasure

30. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for the ‘antah sukhah’ of knowing the definition of love
and lust in Chaitanaya Charitamrta (Adi 4.165) as follows:
ātmendriya-priti-vānchā—tāre bali ‘kāma’
krishnendriya-priti-icchā dhare ‘prema’ nāma
The desire to gratify one’s own senses is kāma or lust, but the desire to please the senses of Lord
Krishna is prema or love.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of knowing what is love and what is lust. Desiring to please Krishna’s
absolute ego, intelligence, mind and sense is love and desiring to please one’s own senses, mind,
intelligence and false ego is lust. I only accept prasādam pleasures from the Lord for my senses,
mind, intelligence and ego that helps me serve Him more and keep my yantra free from lust.

31. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that soul happiness
and soul pleasure is completely different from so called bodily happiness and bodily pleasure. Soul
happiness and pleasure is my direct happiness and pleasure, but bodily happiness and pleasures are
indirect and identified happiness and pleasures of an identified body which is not my own.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of differentiating between my direct soul happiness and pleasure as my
own happiness and pleasure and bodily happiness and pleasure as indirect happiness and

32. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that soul happiness is
the bliss of the state of existence of the soul in loving relationship with Krishna. And soul pleasure is
situational bliss of different kinds of devotional services as against material pleasure of fruitive
activities and sense gratification.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of discovery that soul happiness is Krishna conscious happiness and soul
pleasures are activities of devotional service to serve the plans and pleasures of Srila Prabhupada
and Nama Prabhu.

33. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that my soul’s wealth is
the inexhaustible wealth of unconditional Krishna conscious happiness, that I eternally possess and
that no one can take it away from me including kala. And forgetting this fact is my suffering.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of my wealth of unlimited and unconditional Krishna conscious happiness
and pleasure. My soul is rich in happiness or pleasure. I refill my mind with happiness from the
soul through Krishna consciousness meditation and reject all Krishna-less material satisfaction,
happiness and pleasures. I want to follow Krishna’s desire of becoming kama sankalpa varjitah.

34. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that the material
happiness from wealth, health, power, beauty, influence, followers, and loving people is a fake bubble
of happiness like a mirage in the desert where we pay the price of chasing it without ever getting it and
the chase ends at death like a bubble bursts. Real fulfilment pleasure is only in chasing Krishna with

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of being saved from the foolish chase of the bubble of material happiness
which is like chasing a mirage with hope but never to be fulfilled. Material life is soap bubble that
bursts to ‘Nothing’ at death.
35. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that all my enemies in
my cittam are false enjoyer egos created by me in the past, in the form of blood sucking leeches, who
drain out my online precious soul power of belief energy, desire-energy, hope-energy and fulfilment -
energy to activate themselves.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of discovering that the urges of this body, mind, & intelligence, enjoyer
ego are not my urges but are memories of my old maya haunted soul who was thinking ‘I am this
body’. They are not my current soul desires.

I also rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of knowing this big secret of killing old enjoyer egos stocked in my
cittam. The secret is to see them as painful leeches who live on sucking my soul blood of belief-
desire-hope-fulfilment pleasure energies and starve them to death by refusing to give them online
belief-desire-hope and fulfilment pleasure energies when they rise up in demand from the cittam. I
no longer fear old material pleasure habits. By the combined practice of filling my mind with higher
taste of soul happiness and pleasure, transcendental knowledge and practice of restraint it can all
be made to totally disappear gradually from my cittam.

36. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ that temptations of
illusory enjoyer egos cannot be overcome merely by restraining the mind but can be restrained easily
by injecting the mind with higher taste of soul happiness of love of Krishna and soul pleasures for
devotional services.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ in becoming indifferent to the offer from enjoyer egos of bodily pleasures
by keeping my mind always filled with Krishna conscious happiness and remembering Krishna’s
words, Prasanna cetasah. Param drstva nivartate. Sthita-dhir munir.

37. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’ , that experiences of
dualities of material happiness and distress, pleasure and pain, victory and defeat, gain and loss are all
nature of material world and I have to tolerate these with the strength of soul happiness and soul

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ that dualities of the material world have to be tolerated as impersonal
reactions to my past karma. I rejoice in the ananda that I am relieved from the torture of hankering
and lamentation by Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu’s mercy as I learn how to taste my own
soul happiness and pleasure.

Dealing with the yantra pleasures

38. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, of knowledge that you
have included in the design of this body, objective pleasure (flat pleasure) experiences in senses like
taste pleasure for eating, sex pleasure for procreation, love pleasures for keeping family together,
intellectual pleasures to engage in fruitive endeavours, power pleasures to keep the soul trapped in
karma. And that we should allow only those flat pleasures that are minimum and incidental to run the
body and to perform devotional service.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of restricting myself to those flat pleasures of the body only as far as it is
required for upkeep of the body and the flat pleasures that are incidentally experienced in the
course of executing activities of devotional service for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada and Nama
Prabhu. I shall never allow any and every urges of the body to be fulfilled as commanded by
Krishna, yadā samharate cāyam & atma vashyair videyātma & kāma sankalpa varjitah

39. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that the pleasure
sensations of the body unconnected to devotional service are my enemies that loot my soul happiness
and pleasure.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of Krishna’s words about lust ringing in my ears.

nitya vairinam= lust is my eternal enemy.
duhkha yonaya=lust is source of future distress.
jnana vijnāna nashanam=lust is destroyer of knowledge.
narakasyedam dwāram= lust is the gate way to hell.
buddhi nāsho= lust destroys buddhi.
shatrum durāsadam=lust is a formidable enemy.
nāshanam ātmanah=lust is a destroyer of the soul happiness.
duspurenānalena = lust can never be satisfied.

I rejoice in rejecting bodily pleasures, kāma sankalpa varjitah, unless they are incidental in the
course of doing devotional service.

40. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, thank you for revealing the ‘antah sukhah’, that my soul can
recover the lost eternal wealth of soul happiness of love of Krishna and soul pleasure of devotional
service to Him and kill all the enjoyer egos by starving them to death who are perpetual thieves of my
soul happiness of love of Krishna.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of knowing the path to be taken to become free from all kinds of enjoyer
egos to regain fully my original Krishna conscious happiness and pleasure. I no longer fear old
material pleasure habits. Krishna has revealed that by His mercy and by the combination of higher
taste of soul happiness, transcendental knowledge and practice of restraint of lower taste the
bubble like pleasure bullets in my cittam can be cleansed fully.

41. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, I am relieved to learn that my old ghosts of independent enjoyer
egos are powerless, like a bulb without current. And that current is my willingness to supply on-line my
soul delight of pleasure belief-desire-hope-fulfilment pleasure for those enjoyer egos as it rises from
subconscious mind. And I have the power to send a negative current of soul disgust consisting of pain
belief-disgust-fear-avoidance pleasure pasted on those bulbs destroys the bulb itself as it rises up in
my mind.

I rejoice in the ‘ananda’ of being freed from old enjoyer egos which are like plain bulbs without
current. If I simply refuse to give my soul’s pleasure potency to these old enjoyer egos, they will
have no power over my soul. Whenever the enjoyer ego rises in the yantra from my old memories
I will do the following.

1. I will fill my mind with meditative soul happiness of Krishna consciousness triggered by chanting
the Nama Prabhu and seek His protection from Maya. Focus on KCH
2. I will tell myself that this is not my current wisdom is to offer pain belief-disgust-fear-avoidance
pleasure to the enjoyer egos
3. I will, through my imagination, paste soul disgust on the pleasure sensation as poisonous
4. I will restrain feeding that habit with all my will power supported by the immediate soul
pleasure of pleasing Krishna by that very act of restraint.
5. I will repeatedly practice this, every time the urges rise up irrespective of success or failure.

This will gradually kill all the bad pleasure habits in the subconscious through several cycles of
consistent practice as above. Slowly my cittam and body will be transformed into taking pleasure
only in soul happiness and soul pleasure and minimum mind-body pleasures that are incidental to
devotional service.
My prayers of surrender
42. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, I beg you to give me inspiration, intelligence, determination and
strength to accept only things that pleases you.
43. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, I beg you to give me inspiration, intelligence, determination and
strength to reject things that displease you.
44. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, I beg you to infuse into my mind only those desires that are your
desires for me.
45. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, I am always dependent upon your mercy to execute such desires.
Without your help no desires can be fulfilled.
46. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, may I never forget that I am constitutionally tiny and weak and
may remain always meek and humble.
47. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, I rejoice in the eternal fact that you are my only guardian,
maintainer and protector.
48. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu, please save me from falling into the stool pit of pride and envy
arising from comparison with other jivas.
49. Srila Prabhupada and Nama Prabhu I will practice not to seek respect from others jivas but always
respect them unconditionally in my heart as they being yours. In my relationship with other jivas I will
express due respect to them only as you would want me to express, while maintaining full
unconditional respect in my heart.

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