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TAXATION AS A POWER the real purpose of taxation is to promote the

- Power of taxation is inherent and the power of common good.

the state to demand contributions for public
purpose. This, being an essential and inherent JUSTIFICATIONS ON THE EXERCISE OF THE TAXING
attribute of sovereignty, belongs, as a matter of POWER
right to every independent government and 1) BENEFITS RECEIVED THEORY – citizens should
needs no express conferment by the people pay taxes in return for the benefits they are
before it can be exercised. receiving from the government
2) NECESSITY THEORY – the power emanates from
NATURE OF THE POWER OF TAXATION necessity, and to fulfill its mandate of promoting
1) INHERENT – attribute of sovereignty, and inures the general welfare, and well-being of the
to the state. No constitution, enabling statute is people
needed for the exercise thereof. Once a state 3) SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP THEORY – citizens or
exists, the power of taxation exists. It is not true taxpayers contribute a part of their hard-earned
for provinces, cities, municipalities and income to the government and the latter is
barangays because such is not sovereign but expected to improve the lives of the people and
mere territorial or political subdivisions of the to enhance the moral and material values.
- “The power to tax is no longer vested in the 1) EXEMPTION – to determine whether an entity
Congress but also to local legislative bodies. But be exempt from taxation, but such does not
such authority is subject to the guidelines and exempt one from the payment of fees because
limitations as the case maybe” taxes and fees are different.
- LGUs has no power to tax unless to the extent 2) APPLICABILITY OF TESTS OF VALIDITY – lawful
that they are directly conferred by the above means test or lawful subject test are used, it is
provision of the constitution. circumscribed by inherent and constitutional
2) SUPREME, PLENARY, UNLIMITED AND 3) DOUBLE TAXATION – where one is exaction then
COMPREHENSIVE – the power of taxation is the other one is a fee.
unlimited in force and so searching in extent
subject only to restrictions which rests upon the
discretion of the authority exercising it. POWER OF TAXATION USED AS AN IMPLEMENT OF
3) BOUND BY LIMITATIONS – must see to it that it - May impose burden on private entities and it is
is against abuse and bound by the constitutional the regulatory power of the state but such does
limitations and carries with it the presumption of not authorize the business destruction.
constitutionality and must be within the - The regulation must be reasonable and not
responsibility of the legislative. oppressive which already amount to arbitrary
4) POWER TO DESTROY – it carries with it the - Regulation only signifies control or restraint and
power to destroy or to embarrass and it must be not suppression or absolute prohibition
exercised with caution to minimize injury to the OBJECTIVES OR PURPOSES OF TAXATION
property rights of the taxpayer. 1) REVENUE – to raise revenues
2) NON- REVENUE – some of them are:
- The theory behind the power to tax emanates to kill business is counter-productive and
from necessity. Without taxes, the government ultimately subversive of the nation’s trust for a
cannot fulfill its mandate to promote the general better economy. It is a power to protect, foster,
welfare and well-being of the people. There is a promote and preserve and control with due
need for more revenue to assure the regard to the interest of public, then of utility
performance of vital state functions and to meet and patrons.
the increasing social challenges of times because
by imposition of progressive taxes, which
alleviate the margin between the rich and the STAGES OR ASPECTS IN TAX PROCESS
poor. Higher taxes to those who has the capacity 1) LEVY – by the congress, in enacting a law for tax
to pay higher. impositions
c. IMPLEMENT PROTECTIONIST POLICIES – 2) ASSESSMENT – by the executive arm of the
protectionism is the practice of shielding one state, the act of computing the tax liability or
country’s domestic industries against foreign determine value of the property and proportion
competition. thereof
d. IMPLEMENT POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN – 3) COLLECTION – by the executive branch, is the act
for purpose of common good, and for the public of satisfying the tax liability of each citizen by
e. ENCOURAGES ECONOMIC GROWTH – the grant collecting money.
of tax incentives or exemptions will encourage
direct investments.
- The non-observance of the said CANONS does
POWER TO TAX COMPARED WITH OTHER POWERS OF not render the tax imposition invalid, except to
THE GOVERNMENT the extent that certain specific constitutional or
1) POLICE POWER – the power to promote the statutory limitations are impaired.
public welfare, by restraining and regulating the A) FISCAL ADEQUACY – the sources of revenues
use of liberty and it is exerted to merely regulate must be sufficient in order to meet the
the use or enjoyment of the property owner. If governmental expenditures and their variations.
such property was taken not for the purpose of Every tax out to be so contrived should be both
public use or public good then it is destroying in to take out and keep out of the pockets of the
order to promote the general welfare. The people over and above what it brings to the
owner does not recover from the injury he has public treasury.
sustained by said government’s exercise of their B) ADMINISTRATIVE FEASIBILITY – tax systems
power. Such power does not involve taking or should be capable of being effectively
confiscating unless on special cases where there administered or enforced with least
is necessity which is to take and destroy for the inconvenience to the taxpayer.
public’s protection. C) THEORETICAL JUSTICE – in its kindred concept,
2) EMINENT DOMAIN – taking of private property the imposition of taxes should be based on one’s
for public use which requires just compensation. ability to pay. The higher the imposition of
There is compensable taking when the property burden on those who has more capacity to pay
is transferred to the expropriating authority but higher taxes.
neither the acquisition of the title, or total
destruction of the property’s value is essential to SECTION 28 (1), ARTICLE VI OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION
taking. Where the title remains with the owner - The congress shall have a progressive system of
that inquiry must be made whether impairment taxation. The non-observance will not render the
of property’s merely for regulation, already tax imposition invalid except to the extent that
amounts to compensable taking. No specific constitutional and statutory limitations
compensable taking when the property is merely are impaired.
restricted because unrestricting causes injury or
damage to public.
- A tax is a financial obligation imposed by a state,
TAXATION AS A PROCESS on persons, whether natural or juridical, within
- The expenses of the government, having for its jurisdiction, for a property owned, income
their object, the interest of all, should be borne earned or business or profession engaged in, or
by everyone, and the more man enjoys the any such activity analogous in character, for the
advantages of the society, the more he ought to raising of necessary revenues to take care of the
hold himself honored in contributing to those responsibilities of the government.
- COOLEY: taxes are enforced proportional TAX DISTINGUISHED FROM OTHER FORMS OF
contribution, from persons and property, levied EXACTION
by the state, by virtue of its sovereignty for the TARRIF V TAX
support of government and for the all-public 1. Subject of imposition
needs. - TARRIF; imposed by the government on the
goods which are imported from another country
- TAX; imposed by the government on persons or
CHARACTERISTICS OF TAXES properties or transactions, rights and interests
1) ENFORCED – payment of taxes is mandated by
law by means of distributing the burden of costs TOLL V TAX
of the government. The only benefit a taxpayer 1. Nature
is entitled is the one derived from the enjoyment - TOLL – not a government exaction
of the privileges of living in an organized society, - TAX – is a government exaction
established and safeguarded by the devotion of 2. Purpose of the collection
taxes to public purpose. - TOLL – it is collected by private tollway operators
2) PROPORTIONATE – based on one’s ability to pay as reimbursement for the costs and expenses
3) PAYABLE IN MONEY - no constitutional incurred int the construction, maintenance or
prohibition for the government to collect taxes operation of tollways as well as to assure them
in kind, or other than money. But the present tax of a reasonable margin of income
system requires that the tax be paid in cash. - TAX – imposed under the taxing power of the
When the properties be distrained, or levied for government for the raising of the necessary
paying taxes, must be sold at a public auction revenues to funds public expenditures
and the proceeds are used to satisfy tax liability 3. Proper party to collect
4) LEVIED BY THE LAW-MAKING AUTHORITY – the - TOLL – fees are collected either by the
imposition or collection of tax requires prior government or private individuals or entities as
enactment of a valid legislation by the congress. an attribute of ownership
It is inherently legislative, the power to tax. - TAX - imposed only by the government under its
JURISDICTION – principle of territoriality. The
taxing power does not extend beyond its LICENSE FEE V TAX
territorial jurisdiction. The situs of either the 1. Purpose
property or interest must be found within the - LICENSE FEE – are fees for exactions for the
state. purposes of regulation and inspection
6) PERSONAL IN NATURE - the tax liability cannot - TAX – are for revenues
be shifted. Only the incidence of tax or burden of 2. Amount to be collected
tax, can be shifted and not the burden of tax. Tax - LICENSE FEE – is limited to the amount necessary
liability remains with the person who earned the to cover the costs of the service rendered in that
income connection
7) PURPOSE IS TO RAISE REVENUES - TAX – is the amount excess of the costs of the
services for inspection


1) Should be for public purpose SPECIAL ASESSMENT V TAX
2) Must be uniform 1. Purpose
3) Imposed by the state having territorial - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT – are levied on property
jurisdiction upon persons or property being owners for paying a specific local infrastructure
levied upon project such as construction of roads and
4) Must not contravene any inherent or maintenance of sewer lines
constitutional limitations on the power of - TAX – they are for revenues
taxation 2. Amount to be collected
- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT – is charged to owners of
a property in the neighborhood that will benefit
from the project
- TAX – is charged to property owners or income a. Progressive – takes a larger percentage of
earners without regard to any direct benefit income from high-income groups rather
than on lo-income groups
DEBT V TAX b. Regressive – takes a larger tax percentage
1. Source of the obligation from low-income than high-income groups
- DEBT – is the contract c. Proportional – tax that takes the same
- TAX – is the law percentage of income from both high-
2. Capacity to collect income and low-income groups.
- DEBT – due to the government in its corporate
- TAX – due to the government in its sovereign LIMITATIONS ON THE EXERCISE OF THE TAXING POWER
capacity 1) Inherent limitations
2) Constitutional limitations

a. Personal capitation or poll tax – fixed
amount imposed on residents or persons of 1) PUBLIC PURPOSE
certain class without regard to their property - They cannot be levied for the improvement of a
or business private property or for the benefit and
b. Property tax – assessed on the property or promotion of private enterprises except where
things of certain class whether real or the aid is incidental to public benefit
personal, in proportion to their value or - A tax is not held void on the ground of want of
other reasonable method of apportionment public interest unless the want of such interest is
c. Excise tax – imposed upon the performance clear
of an act or the enjoyment of a privilege or - Public use is equal to public welfare, benefit,
the engaging in an occupation, profession or convenience and interest.
2) As to burden or incidence PLANTERS PRODUCTS V FERTIPHIL
a. Direct tax – demanded from a specific - For a law to be valid, the tax must be for public
person who is intended to be liable or purpose and this means that the tax levied must
desired, to pay for the tax liability not be for the benefit of a single individual entity
b. Indirect tax – demanded from the first
instance from one person in the expectation LUTZ V ARANETA
that he can shift the burden to another - It may be for the benefit of a single large industry
3) As to tax rates if the protection thereof will directly or indirectly
a. Specific tax – based on the weight, or the affect the welfare of so great a portion of the
volume, capacity and other physical unit of state’s population.
b. Ad valorem tax – considers the selling price PASCUAL V SEC OF DPWH
or other specified value of the goods - Public interest plays a major determining factor
c. Mixed in testing the constitutionality of a statute. If the
4) As to purposes benefit granted to the public is merely incidental,
a. General or fiscal – raise revenue is the the validity of the statute will be struck down.
purpose - TEST OF CONSTITUTIONALITY: whether the
b. Special, regulatory or sumptuary – for statute is designed to promote the public
regulation purpose or to discourage an interest as opposed to the furtherance of the
activity advantage of individuals, although each
5) As to scope and authority to impose advantage to the individuals might accidentally
a. National – nationwide in tax scope serve the public.
b. Local – local in tax scope
6) As to graduation 2) INTERNATIONAL COMITY
- Refers to applying the foreign law or limiting IN PERMISSIBLE DELEGATION, THERE MUST BE AS
domestic jurisdiction out of respect for foreign SHOWING THAT THE DELEGATION IS VALID WHEN:
sovereignty 1) It is complete in itself, setting froth the policy to
- It is the recognition which one nation allows be executed by the delegate;
within its territory, to the legislative, executive 2) It fixes a standard, and limits of which the
and judicial acts of another nation having due delegate must conform in the performance of its
regard to both the international comity, duty, functions.
convenience and rights of its own citizens and
other persons under the protection of its laws. FERRER V MAYOR HERBET BAUTISTA
- The LGC, under the general welfare clause,
3) INHERENTLY LEGISLATIVE provides local governments the power to enact
- It is lodged in the legislative, the discretion to measure that will benefit the people. Moreover,
determine the kind, purpose, rate, subjects and SHT has another basis in law: RA 7279 or the
place of taxation. The authority to prescribe a Urban Development and Housing Act. Again, the
certain tax at a specific rate for a particular foundation is police power.
purpose on persons and things within its
jurisdiction. MANDANAS V OCHOA
- In order that a court, be justified in holding a - Limitations on the power of the congress.
statute to be unconstitutional, it must appear - What the phrase "national internal revenue
that the power involved is purely legislative in taxes" as used in Section 284 of the LGC included
nature. are all the taxes enumerated in Section 21 of the
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as
amended by R.A. No. 8424, namely: income tax,
PEPSI V MUNICIPALITY OF TANUAN estate and donor's taxes, VAT, other percentage
- There is no undue delegation. The Constitution taxes, excise taxes, documentary stamp taxes,
even allows such delegation. Legislative powers and such other taxes as may be imposed and
may be delegated to local governments in collected by the BIR.
respect of matters of local concern. - In view of the foregoing enumeration of what are
- By necessary implication, the legislative power the national internal revenue taxes, Section 284
to create political corporations for purposes of of the LGC has effectively deprived the LGUs
local self-government carries with it the power from deriving their just share from other national
to confer on such local governmental agencies taxes, like the customs duties.
the power to tax. Under the New Constitution, - Moving forward, the BIR and the BOC are
local governments are granted the autonomous directed certify all national tax collections. This
authority to create their own sources of revenue ruling, also known as the "Mandanas Ruling," is
and to levy taxes. to be applied prospectively.
- There is no double taxation. The argument of the
Municipality is well taken. Further, Pepsi Cola’s
assertion that the delegation of taxing power in 4) PRINCIPLE OF TERRITORIALITY
itself constitutes double taxation cannot be - No state may tax anything not within its
merited. It must be observed that the delegating jurisdiction without violating the due process
authority specifies the limitations and clause of the constitution. The taxing power does
enumerates the taxes over which local taxation not extend beyond its territorial limits but within
may not be exercised. such, it may tax persons, property, income or
1) Tariff powers 1) Source principle – imposing tax on the source of
2) Emergency powers the income within the state
3) People at large 2) Citizenship principle – state of residence may
4) Local governments impose a tax
5) Administrative bodies 3) Residency principle – when the taxpayer is a
resident of the state, then he may be taxed.
and exclusively used for public purposes,
PROPERTY TAX; LEX RAE SITAE consisting of the airport terminal building,
- The tax shall be imposed by the state having airfield, runway, taxiway and the lots on which
jurisdiction where the property is located they are situated, are not subject to real
property tax and respondent City is not justified
NON-RESIDENT IN THE PH in collecting taxes from petitioner over said
- Only taxed for the income derived or sourced properties. MCIAA is vested with corporate
from the PH powers but it is not a stock or non-stock
corporation, which is a necessary condition
CITIZEN OF THE PH, BUT A RESIDENT OF ANOTHER before an agency or instrumentality is deemed a
- Taxed under the citizenship principle government-owned or controlled corporation.
MCIAA has capital under its charter but it is not
divided into shares of stock. It also has no
5) TAX EXEMPTION ON THE GOVERNMENT stockholders or voting shares.
- There is no constitutional prohibition for the - The airport lands and buildings of MCIAA are
government to tax itself but it is not wise to do properties of public dominion because they are
so. intended for public use. As properties of public
- While the instrumentalities of the government dominion, they indisputably belong to the State
enjoying tax exemption, on the NIRC, it is the or the Republic of the Philippines, and are
exemption that is statutory in nature, which outside the commerce of man.
means that the congress may remove it at any
time. The tax exemption is not based on the MIAA V PARANAQUE
inherent limitation of the government as this - MIAA is a government instrumentality vested
limitation only applies to the Republic of the PH. with corporate powers to perform efficiently its
governmental functions. MIAA is like any other
SOME OF THE NATIONAL GOVT INSTRUMENTALITIES government instrumentality; the only difference
VESTED BY LAW, JURIDICAL PERSONALITIES: is that MIAA is vested with corporate powers.
1) Bangko central ng pilipinas - When the law vests in a government
2) PH rice research institute instrumentality corporate power, the
3) Laguna lake development authority instrumentality does not become a corporation.
4) Fisheries development authority Unless the government instrumentality is
5) Bases conversion development authority organized as a stock or non-stock corporation, it
6) PH ports authority remains a government instrumentality
7) Cagayan de Oro port authority exercising not only governmental but also
8) San Fernando port authority corporate powers. Thus, MIAA exercises the
9) Cebu port authority governmental powers of eminent domain, police
10) PH national railways authority and the levying of fees and charges. At
the same time, MIAA exercises “all the powers of
LRTA V CBAA a corporation under the Corporation Law, insofar
- To determine the taxability of an income of a as these powers are not inconsistent with the
juridical entity, it is important to determine provisions of this Executive Order.”
whether the entity is a GOCC or an
instrumentality. MIAA V PASAY CITY
- If a governmental instrumentality, then they - MIAA is not a government-owned or controlled
are exempt from paying real property tax, but if corporation under Section 2(13) of the
it is a GOCC, then it is subject to tax unless its Introductory Provisions of the Administrative
charter provides for an exemption. Code because it is not organized as a stock or
- LRTAA is a GOCC, thus, no grant of tax exemption non-stock corporation. Neither is MIAA a
and is subject to real property tax. government-owned or controlled corporation
under Section 16, Article XII of the 1987
MCIAA V CBAA Constitution because MIAA is not required to
- Petitioner is an instrumentality of the meet the test of economic viability.
government; thus, its properties actually, solely
- MIAA is a government instrumentality vested c. Deprivation was done under the
with corporate powers and performing essential authority of a valid law, or the
public services pursuant to Section 2(10) of the constitution
Introductory Provisions of the Administrative d. Deprivation was done after compliance
Code. As a government instrumentality, MIAA is with a fair and reasonable method of
not subject to any kind of tax by local procedure prescribed by the law.
governments under Section 133(o) of the Local B. Procedural due process
Government Code. - Embodied in the basic requirement of notice and
- The exception to the exemption in Section 234(a) real opportunity to be heard
does not apply to MIAA because MIAA is not a - A taxpayer’s property cannot be levied or
taxable entity under the Local Government distrained without providing the said taxpayer,
Code. Such exception applies only if the an opportunity to present his case and adduce
beneficial use of real property owned by the evidence thereof.
Republic is given to a taxable entity.


- MCIAA was classified as government owned and - MCIT does not tax capital but only taxes income
controlled corporation, hence the real property as shown by the fact that the MCIT is arrived at
being administered by MCIAA is subject to tax by deducting the capital spent by a corporation
- In the case of MCIAA V LAPU-LAPU, the SC in the sale of its goods, i.e., the cost of goods and
modified the earlier decision and re-classified other direct expenses from gross sales. Besides,
MCIAA as a government instrumentality. This is there are sufficient safeguards that exist for the
the prevailing rule that MCIAA now is no longer MCIT: (1) it is only imposed on the 4th year of
liable for real property taxes because it is now a operations; (2) the law allows the carry forward
government instrumentality. of any excess MCIT paid over the normal income
tax; and (3) the Secretary of Finance can suspend
the imposition of MCIT in justifiable instances.
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS - Neither is their violation of equal protection
even if the CWT is levied only on the real industry
1) DUE PROCESS CLAUSE as the real estate industry is, by itself, a class on
- Section 1, Article III of the 1987 Constitution; no its own and can be validly treated different from
person shall be deprived of life, liberty and other businesses.
property without due process of law. Nor shall
any person be denied of equal protection of the VILLEGAS V HIU CHONG TSAI PAO HO
laws. - Mayor Villegas argues that Ordinance No. 6537
cannot be declared null and void on the ground
that it violated the rule on uniformity of taxation
(2) ASPECTS OF DUE PROCESS because the rule on uniformity of taxation
A. Substantive due process applies only to purely tax or revenue measures
- requires prior enactment of a law mandating the and that Ordinance No. 6537 is not a tax or
imposition of tax as well as its collection. When revenue measure but is an exercise of the police
there is no valid law, then the government power of the state, it being principally a
cannot impose or collect taxes. regulatory measure in nature.
- It may be invoked where a taxing statute is
arbitrary finding no support in the constitution CIR V CA AND FORTUNE
then there is clear abuse of power. - The new law would have its amendatory
- REQUISITIES: provisions applied to locally manufactured
a. Interest of public generally as cigarettes which at the time of its effectivity
distinguished from those of particular were not so classified as bearing foreign brands.
class, requires intervention of the state; Prior to the issuance of the questioned circular,
b. Means employed be reasonably “Hope Luxury,” “Premium More,” and
necessary to the accomplishment of the “Champion” cigarettes were in the category of
purpose which is not unduly oppressive
locally manufactured cigarettes not bearing limitations in the law regarding the acts of the
foreign brand subject to 45% ad valorem tax. delegate.
- In order that there shall be a just enforcement of - Under RA9335, the yardstick for removal is when
rules and regulations, in conformity with the the revenue collection falls short of the target by
basic element of due process, the following at least 7.5% with due consideration of all
procedures are hereby prescribed for the relevant factors affecting the level of collection.
drafting, issuance and implementation of the This standard is similar to inefficiency and
said Revenue Tax Issuances: (1) This Circular shall incompetence in the performance of official
apply only to (a) Revenue Regulations; (b) duties which is a ground for disciplinary action
Revenue Audit Memorandum Orders; and (c) under civil service laws. Besides, the removal
Revenue Memorandum Circulars and Revenue here is subject to civil service laws, rules and
Memorandum Orders bearing on internal regulations and compliance with substantive and
revenue tax rules and regulations. (2) Except procedural due process.
when the law otherwise expressly provides, the
aforesaid internal revenue tax issuances shall not RATIONAL BASIS TEST; LUTZ V ARANETA
begin to be operative until after due notice - The equal protection clause recognizes a valid
thereof may be fairly presumed. classification which has a reasonable foundation
or rational basis and not arbitrary.


- Section 1, Article III of the 1987 Constitution; no - No violation of equal protection clause on the
person shall be deprived of life, liberty and fact that there is no other person in the locality
property without due process of law. Nor shall exercising the same profession, designation or
any person be denied of equal protection of the calling to which the tax is imposed. It does not
laws. mean that the ordinance held is hostile and
- Rule on uniformity of taxation discriminatory.
- Requires all persons and things similarly
situated, be treated alike or the same, both as ORMOC SUGAR V ORMOC TREASURER
regard to the rights conferred and - There is violation of equal protection clause
responsibilities imposed. because the tax imposition is only on Ormoc
- No unjust discrimination or treatment different sugar.
than others and no persons be deprived of the - Taxing ordinance should not be singular,
same protection of law as the others. exclusive to exclude any established business of
the same class to those who will be taxed it
REQUIREMENT TO RAISE VIOLATION OF EQUAL should be for all of the same classification.
- Presence of clear an intentional discrimination PHILRECA V DILG
- The unlawful administration by offices of a - To be a valid tax imposition, it must tax not only
statute fair on its face resulting from the unequal a single entity but all of the same class, the
application to those who should be implemented government cannot tax a particular entity when
the same, is not denial of equal protection of the the classification in the law should be in terms
law unless there is a clear and intentional applicable to future conditions.
showing of discrimination.


- The completeness and sufficient standard test - Section 28 (1) Article VI of the 1987
determine if the delegation of legislative power Constitution; the rule on taxation shall be
is valid. A law is complete when it sets forth the uniform and equitable. The congress shall evolve
policy to be executed, carried out or a progressive system of taxation.
implemented. It lays down a sufficient standard - A. UNIFORMITY – taxable articles or kinds of
when it provides adequate guidelines or property of the same class should be taxed at the
same rate. Where the differentiation that is
complained of, conforms to the practical dictates - That it is a charitable institution;
of justice and equity, it is not discriminatory - That real properties actually, directly and
within the meaning of this clause, thus uniform. exclusively used for religious, charitable and
- B. EQUITABILITY – it is equitable when the educational purposes
burden falls on those better to pay. TRAIN LAW - EXCLUSIVE: with the exclusion of others, or
imposed more tax to those businesses earning exclusive privilege
200,000 per annum and exempt those of sari-sari - DIRECT: immediate
stores. - ACTUALLY: actual application of such
- C. PROGRESSIVITY – in proportion to the purpose prescribed by the law.
revenue of the taxable entities, the rate goes up
when the income or revenue of person also goes CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS
up. - To be exempt, they must pass the TEST OF
TOLENTINO V SECRETARY OF FINANCE - CHARITY is an act of gratitude by the said
- The law is not unconstitutional. No. In institutions in a tangible thing like food,
withdrawing the exemption, the law merely necessities being rendered to those who needs
subjects the press to the same tax burden to it, making the obligation of the government
which other businesses have long ago been lessened, and the latter in exchange, makes
subject. The VAT is not a license tax. It is imposed these charitable institutions, be exempt from
purely for revenue purposes. Equality and real property tax.
uniformity of taxation mean that all taxable - NOTE: a charitable institution does not lose its
articles or kinds of property of the same class be character as such when it receives payment from
taxed at the same rate. It is enough that the patients, whether out-patient or confined, so
statute or ordinance applies equally to all long as the proceeds or the income earned, is
persons, firms, and corporations placed in similar devoted or used all together for charitable
situation. purpose ought to be achieved, and no money
inures to the benefit of private persons
operating or managing such.
TAXPAYERS requirement but requires that the institution be
- Section 28 (3), Article VI of the 1987 used in a certain way
Constitution; Charitable institutions, churches
and parsonages or convents appurtenant
thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all LLADOC V CIR
lands, buildings, and improvements, actually, - In the present case, what the Collector assessed
directly, and exclusively used for religious, was a donee’s gift tax; the assessment was not
charitable, or educational purposes shall be on the properties themselves. It did not rest
exempt from taxation. upon general ownership; it was an excise upon
- REQUISITES FOR TAX EXEMPTION: the use made of the properties, upon the
- Subject matter: charitable institutions, churches exercise of the privilege of receiving the
and parsonages or convents appurtenant properties
thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all - A gift tax is not a property tax, but an excise tax
lands, buildings, and improvements imposed on the transfer of property by way of
- Usage: all lands, buildings, and improvements, gift inter vivos, the imposition of which on
actually, directly, and exclusively used for property used exclusively for religious purposes,
religious, charitable, or educational purposes does not constitute an impairment of the
- Ownership: immaterial, only USAGE is relevant Constitution. As well observed by the learned
- Coverage: exemption of REAL PROPERTY TAXES respondent Court, the phrase “exempt from
only. Thus, excise tax, local business taxes and taxation,” as employed in the Constitution
donor’s tax are not covered by this exemption. (supra) should not be interpreted to mean
“ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY AND EXCLUSIVELY” exemption from all kinds of taxes. And there
- The petitioner is burdened to prove that by being no clear, positive or express grant of such
clear and unequivocal proof:
privilege by law, in favor of petitioner, the members for the sole purpose of meeting its expenses;
exemption herein must be denied. and
"(K) Farmers', fruit growers', or like association
LUNG CANCER OF THE PHILIPPINES organized and operated as a sales agent for the purpose
- Does not lose its character as a charitable of marketing the products of its members and turning
institution, when it leased a portion of it for back to them the proceeds of sales, less the necessary
commercial purposes. The court ruled that, that selling expenses on the basis of the quantity of produce
portion used for commercial purposes shall be finished by them.
the only one taxed for real property tax, and not "Notwithstanding the provisions in the preceding
those portions covered by tax exemption, like paragraphs, the income of whatever kind and character
buildings they use for charitable purposes. of the foregoing organizations from any of their
properties, real or personal, or from any of their
activities conducted for profit regardless of the
SECTION 30. Exemptions from Tax on Corporations. - disposition made of such income, shall be subject to tax
The following organizations shall not be taxed under this imposed under this Code.
Title in respect to income received by them as such:
"(A) Labor, agricultural or horticultural organization not SECTION 30 OF THE NIRC
organized principally for profit; (2) TESTS TO DETERMINE TAX EXEMPTION:
"(B) Mutual savings bank not having a capital stock 1) Organizational test – corporation or association
represented by shares, and cooperative bank without is a non-stock, non-profit or a government
capital stock organized and operated for mutual educational institution, in which the primary
purposes and without profit; purpose is described in Section 30 of the NIRC
"(C) A beneficiary society, order or association, only.
operating for the exclusive benefit of the members such 2) Operational test – the regular activities of the
as a fraternal organization operating under the lodge corporation or association shall be exclusively
system, or a mutual aid association or a nonstock devoted to the accomplishment of the purpose
corporation organized by employees providing for the specified in Section 30 of the NIRC.
payment of life, sickness, accident, or other benefits - It failed to meet the test, when substantial part
exclusively to the members of such society, order, or of it be for profit, then it is NOT EXEMPT.
association, or nonstock corporation or their
"(D) Cemetery company owned and operated 5) TAX EXEMPT ON NON-STOCK, NON-PROFIT
exclusively for the benefit of its members; EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
"(E) Nonstock corporation or association organized and - Section 4 (3), Article XVI of the 1987
operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, Constitution; All revenues and assets of non-
athletic, or cultural purposes, or for the rehabilitation of stock, non-profit educational institutions, used
veterans, no part of its net income or asset shall belong actually, directly and exclusively for educational
to or inure to the benefit of any member, organizer, purposes, shall be exempt from taxes and duties.
officer or any specific person; (INCOME TAX)
"(F) Business league, chamber of commerce, or board of - Proprietary educational institutions including
trade, not organized for profit and no part of the net those cooperatively-owned may likewise be
income of which inures to the benefit of any private entitled to such exemption, subject to limitations
stockholder or individual; provided by the law, including restrictions on
"(G) Civic league or organization not organized for profit dividends, or provisions for reinvestment.
but operated exclusively for the promotion of social - REQUISITES TO BE EXEMPT:
welfare; a. Subject matter: revenue or asset
"(H) A nonstock and nonprofit educational institution; b. Entity to be exempt: classified as non-stock,
"(I) Government educational institution; non-profit educational institution
"(J) Farmers' or other mutual typhoon or fire insurance c. Income: used ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY AND
company, mutual ditch or irrigation company, mutual or EXCLUSIVELY for educational purposes
cooperative telephone company, or like organization of d. Form of execution: taxes and not fees
a purely local character, the income of which consists
solely of assessments, dues, and fees collected from
REVENUES AND ASSETS: - The use of the school’s income or asset is in
- REVENUES: amounts earned by a person or consonance to which, the school is created, must
entity in conduction a business (sale of goods, be school-related. (Library expansion, etc.)
rendered services or return of investments)
- ASSETS: tangible or intangible properties owned DEPT OF FINANCE: ORDER 149-95
by a person or entity (real estate, cash deposit, - Interest income from banks, currency deposits
invested stocks on corporation) that are actually, directly and exclusively used for
educational purposes shall be exempt from
NOTE: taxes, provided that requirements be fulfilled,
A. REVENUES: When the non-stock, non-profit together with the annual information return,
educational institution proves that it uses its audited financial statements
revenues and assets actually, directly and
exclusively for educational purposes, it shall be REVENUE MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 76-2003
EXEMPT from INCOME TAX, VAT and LOCAL - Revenues that are derived from assets used in
BUSINESS TAX. cafeterias, canteens, bookstores be EXEMPT
B. ASSETS: Meanwhile, when it uses its real from taxation, but must be OWNED AND
property for educational purposes, then it is OPERATED by educational institutions and
exempt from REAL PROPERTY TAX. LOCATED within the educational premises
- They may be subject to internal revenue tax,
when the income on trade or business or other
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION activity, the conduct of which is NOT related to
- CIR V YMCA: Refers to schools, meaning the the exercise of educational institutions of their
formal education, hierarchically structured, and educational purpose.
chronologically graded learnings, organized and NOTE:
provided by a formal school system for which 1. REVENUE: When the non-stock, non-profit
certification is required, in order for the learner educational institutions actually, directly and
to progress through grades or move to higher exclusively use, for educational purposes,
levels. revenues earned from leasing of its building,
1) It is an educational institution TAX. This exemption no longer hinges on the
2) Such is non-stock, non-profit educational asset, but on revenue that was used for
institution, meaning no part of the net income or educational purpose.
asset belong or inures to the benefit of private 2. ASSET: When the non-stock, non-profit
persons or members educational institution show that it uses its
3) Review centers and tutorial centers are not assets in the form of a real property for
included. educational purpose, then it shall be EXEMPT

NOTE: When a school leases a portion to a school

DEPT OF FINANCE: ORDER NO. 137-87 cafeteria, bookstore, then it is not actually, directly and
- Tax exemption of the income tax is not limited to exclusively used for educational purposes. Thus, the
revenue and assets derived from school LEASED PORTION be subject to REAL PROPERTY TAX.
operations but extended to incidental income Such exemption extends to facilities incidental or
like canteens, bookstore or dormitories. reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the
- INCIDENTAL INCOME – must not only be main purpose.
OWNED OR OPERATED by the school, nut must
be LOCATED within the school premises of the 6) TAX EXEMPT ON DONATIONS GIVEN TO NON-
school. Those operated by mere concessionaires STOCK, NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL
- Income unrelated to school operations like - Section 4 (4), Article XVI of the 1987
income from banks, trust funds, they are taxable. Constitution: Subject to the conditions
prescribed by the Congress. All grants,
endowments, donations or contributions used
actually, directly or exclusively for educational Section 1. Sectio enjoys a
purposes, shall be EXEMPT FROM TAX. 30 of n 28 preferential
- Section 101 (A) (3) of the NIRC: Donation is the (3) tax rate of
exempt from DONOR’S TAX when the recipient NIRC Article 10% of the
is a non-stock, non-profit educational institution VI taxable
and not more than 30% of the said donation or 2. Sectio income
gift is used for administrative purposes. n 30,
SEC. 28 (3) SECTION 4 (3) - Section 5, Article X of the 1987 Constitution:
ARTICLE VI ARTICLE XVI Each local government unit shall have a power to
OWNERSHIP Ownership is Property or create its own sources of revenues to levy taxes
immaterial in income must and charges and subject to such guidelines and
determining tax be owned by a limitations, the congress may provide, consistent
exemption non-stock, with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such
non-profit taxes, fees and charges shall accrue exclusively
educational to the local governments
institution - The congress, not only one has the power to tax.
USAGE OF Used ADE for Used ADE for
PROPERTY charitable and purposes POLL TAXES
educational - Section 20, Article III of the 1987 Constitution:
purposes No person shall be imprisoned for debt, or non-
SOURCE OF Immaterial in Immaterial in payment of tac.
THE INCOME determining tax determining - The inhibition was never meant to include
exemption tax exemption damages arising from actions ex-contractu or
SUBJECT Covers only Covers BOTH contractual obligations
MATTER OF PROPERTY, LAND, PROPERTIES, - The taxpayer cannot be imprisoned for non-
TAXATION BUILDING, assets and payment of poll tax, but may be imprisoned
IMPROVEMENTS revenues when he has done a wrong constituting a
EXEMPT - Section 10, Article III of the 1987 Constitution:
No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall
be passed.
OTHER ENTITIES OF SEC 30 NIRC / NON-STOCK, NON- - The limited application to laws that derogate
PROFIT EDUC / PROPRIETARY EDUC INSTITUTION from prior acts, or contracts, enlarging abridging
in any manner, changing the terms of a contract
OTHER NON-STOCK, PROPRIETAR - Impairment only when the subsequent law
ENTITIE NON-PROFIT Y EDUC changes the terms of a contract
NIRC - Since RA 7633 amended Bayantel’s original
REAL Exempt Exempt under Exempt franchise and granted it real property tax
PROPERT under Section 28 (3) under exemption from its real properties that is directly
Y TAX Section Article VI Section 28 (3) used in its operations, the Quezon City
28 (3) Article VI government cannot levy real property taxes on
Article the real properties of Bayantel that are in
VI Quezon City area.
INCOME Exempt Exempt under NOT - Indeed, the grant of taxing powers to local
TAX under EXEMPT, but government units under the Constitution and
the LGC does not affect the power of Congress to - The requirement that the obtention of the
grant exemptions to certain persons, pursuant to Mayor's permit before any person can engage in
a declared national policy. The legal effect of the any of the businesses, trades or occupations
constitutional grant to local governments simply enumerated therein, is not applicable to the
means that in interpreting statutory provisions Society, as its business, trade or occupation is
on municipal taxing powers, doubts must be not particularly mentioned in Section 3 of the
resolved in favor of municipal corporations. Ordinance, and the record does not show that a
permit is required therefor under existing laws
10) FREEDON OF RELIGION and ordinances for the proper supervision and
- Section 5, Article III of the 1987 Constitution: No enforcement of their provisions governing the
law shall be made respecting an establishment of sanitation, security and welfare of the public and
a religion or prohibiting the free exercise the health of the employees engaged in the
thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of business of the Society.
religious profession and worship without
discrimination shall forever be allowed. No 11) ORIGIN OF REVENUE, APPRIOPRIATION AND
religious test shall be required for the exercise of TARRIFF BILLS
civil and political rights. - Section 24, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution: All
appropriations, revenues, tariff bills, bills with
(2) CONCEPTS MUST BE NOTED: increase of public debt and bills of local
A. FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE – freedom to believe and application, and private bills, shall originate
freedom to act. The first is absolute and the exclusively in the House of Representatives, but
second cannot be. Regulation on the protection the SENATE may concur with amendments.
of society not to infringe on the protection of - Members of the house are expected to be more
freedom. sensitive in local needs and problems, the senate
B. NON-ESTABLIHSMENT CLAUSE – separation of is expected to approach the same problems of
the church and state. Non-forcing to join one national perspective.
religion and not on the other. No influence and - The SENATE MAY PROPOSE THEIR OWN
bias or preference by which the state enforces VERSION OF THE House of Representative’s
laws. No tax, big or small shall be used or levied prior bill.
upon people to support a particular religion.
- Recognition of the reality that some government - Section 28 (2) Article VI of the 1987
measures may not be imposed on certain Constitution: The congress, may by law,
portions of the population for the reason that authorize the president to fix the specified limits
these measures are contrary to their religious and subject to such limitations, restrictions as it
belief. THE STATE IS NOT INVOLVED. may impose, tariff rates, import and export
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues and other
AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY V CITY OF MANILA duties, imposts within the framework of the
- A tax on the income of one who engages in national development programs of the
religious activities is different from a tax on government.
property used or employed in connection with
those activities. It is one thing to impose a tax on 13) VOTING REQUIREMENT FOR THE GRANT OF TAX
the income or property of a preacher. EXEMPTION
- The power to tax the exercise of a privilege is the - Section 28 (4) Article VI of the 1987
power to control or suppress its enjoyment. The Constitution: No law granting any tax exemption
power to impose a license tax on the exercise of shall be passed without the CONCURRENCE OF
these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power MAJORITY OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE
of censorship which this Court has repeatedly CONGRESS.
struck down. It is not a nominal fee imposed as a - The provision does not apply to the grant or
regulatory measure to defray the expenses of revocation of tax amnesty and revocation of tax
policing the activities in question. It is in no way exemption. Bill becomes a law when approved
apportioned. by both houses and by the president of the PH.
enforce the rights or obligations under
- Section 2, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution: REQUISITIES OF TAXPAYER’S SUIT FOR CHALLENGING
The congress shall have the power to define, THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF A TAX MEASURE OR
prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction of TAXING AUTHORITY: SAGUISAG V EXECUTIVE
various courts, but may not deprive the SC of its SECRETARY PACQUITO
jurisdiction over cases enumerated under 1. Character of the funds or other assets involved
Section 5. No law shall be passed re-organizing in the case
the judiciary when it undermines the security of 2. Presence of clear case of disregard to the
tenure of its members. constitutional or statutory prohibition by public
- Section 3, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution: respondent agency or instrumentality of the
The judiciary shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. government
Appropriations from the judiciary may not be 3. Lack of other party that has a more direct or
reduced by the legislature below the amount specific interest in raising present questions.
appropriated for the previous year and after
approval, be automatically and regularly FORMS OF ESCAPE FROM TAXATION
- Also known as TAX DODGING
DOCTRINE OF JUDICIAL NON-INTERFERENCE - A scheme used outside lawful means, and when
- Courts cannot determine the wisdom of the law; the availed of, usually subjects the taxpayer to
hence, courts cannot interfere with the laws further additional civil and criminal liabilities.
enacted unless they are arbitrary or issued with - Connotes (3) factors:
grave abuse of discretion a. End to be achieved. There is payment of less
than what is known by the taxpayer to be
legally due; and there is non-payment of tax
TAXPAYER’S SUIT when it is shown that the tax is due
- Taxpayers are allowed to sue where there is a b. Evil state of mind. The accompanying state
claim that public funds are illegally disbursed or of mind which is described as being evil, in
that the money is being deflected to any bad faith, willful, deliberate and not
improper purpose or that public funds are accidental
wasted through enforcement of an invalid or c. Unlawful course of action. There is failure to
unconstitutional law. do a lawful action
- The party must prove that he has a sufficient
interest in preventing illegal expenditure of LIABILITY FOR TAX EVASION
money raised in taxation. Personal or substantial - persons guilty shall be liable for:
interest and that he will sustain an injury as a a. Deficiency taxes
result of its enforcement or be benefited by the b. Surcharges
judgement of the case. c. Interests
d. Penalties
LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL BY RE-ENACTMENT - Individual taxpayers: shall be prosecuted for
- Where the statute is susceptible of meaning their own acts
placed upon it by a ruling of the government - Corporate taxpayers: it shall be the partners,
agency charged with its enforcement, and the presidents, general managers, and those liable
legislative thereafter, re-enacts the provisions or responsible for the company be prosecuted
without substantial change, such action sis to
some extent confirmatory, that the ruling carries
out the legislative purpose. CIR V ESTATE OF TODA
- Separate sales were established making it
CITIZEN’S SUIT believe that such sales were valid and used as an
- Rule whereby any Filipino citizen in aid for fraud. The elements of tax evasion are all
representation of others, including minors or present.
generations yet unborn, may file an action to
- There was finding to be a mitigation of the tax B. IMPLIED – granted by mere application or
liabilities and such was not for the main purpose implication
of the business, but it was for tax evasion. C. CONTRACTUAL – those agreed to, by the taxing
- General Rule: The corporation has a juridical authorities, in contracts such as those lawfully
personality that is distinct from its officers, but entered into by the government in bonds,
the officers may be liable when: debentures and agreements, in its private
- Exception: capacity, sheds cloak on authority waiving
1. He assents to the: governmental immunity.
a. Patently unlawful act of the corporation;
b. there was bad faith or gross negligence in TAX AMNESTY
directing the affairs - General pardon or intentional overlooking by the
c. there was conflict of interest resulting to state, of its authority to impose taxes and
damages to the corporation penalties on person otherwise guilty of evasion
2. He consents to the issuance of watered-down or violation of revenue or tax laws.
stocks having knowledge thereof, and did not file
with the corporate secretary, his written TAX AMNESTY V TAX EXEMPTION
objection thereto - Tax amnesty is the condonation of an existing
3. He agrees to hold himself liable personally or tax liability
solidarily with the corporation - Tax exemption is immunity from any tax liability
4. He is made, by special provision of the law, to
answer personally for his corporate actions COMPROMISE V TAX AMNESTY
- Compromise can be applied when there is
reasonable doubt in the assessment or when the
2) TAX AVOIDANCE taxpayer has the financial liability to pay the tax
- Also called TAX MINIMIZATION and applied anytime
- Is a tax-saving device within the means - Tax amnesty means that the applications
sanctioned by the law, and used by the taxpayer depend on the grounds provided in special law
in good faith and at arms-length and it is availed of only during the period
- Example: the property transferred to a place specified by the law. Special provisions which
with low tax imposed. normally involve a one-time opportunity offered
- The tax option is a tax-saving scheme where the to errand taxpayers to settle their previously
law grants the taxpayer the option to choose unpaid taxes without need of further payment of
between 2 schemes. penalties or facing prosecution
- Immunity or the freedom from the charge or - To assume means to take on or to become bound
burden to which others are subjected. by another, or to put oneself to the place of
- It is the waiver of the government’s right to another, is an obligation or a liability
collect the amounts that it could have collected - Tax assumption is a freedom from a duty or the
under tax laws. liability or a privilege that is given to judgement
- There is freedom from the imposition and debtor by law, to retain a certain property
payment of taxes. without liability. Liability accrues but the tax
- General Rule: It is not allowed or applicable in liability can be shifted to another.
the PH - Tax exemption is immunity from any liability,
- Exception: Unless there is a grant of a clear and and no tax will accrue.
unequivocal provision of the law, on the basis of
language that is too plain to be mistaken and II. NOT RESULTING TO LOSSES
cannot be extended by mere implication or 1) SHIFTING
interference. - Transfer of a burden or incidence of taxation
- VAT: The seller shifts the burden of paying the
TYPES OF TAX EXEMPTION tax to the buyer, despite the absence of an
A. EXPRESS – granted by the explicit language of agreement between the seller and the buyer.
the state - In the event that the seller fails to shift the
burden or fails to remit the VAT to the BIR, the
latter must collect the tax from the seller and not - He who seeks to be privileged in exemption must
the buyer. prove that the terms of the words are too plain
- The tax liability remains with the seller. The only to be mistaken because the state cannot strip
thing that is passed on or shifted is the itself of the authority to tax, which is the most
incidence of tax or burden of tax and not the tax essential power, just by doubtful words
liability. - Applies to tax exemptions, exclusions, and
deductions, also to amnesties, and refund of
- Impact of taxation is on the person it had EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE ON STRICTISSIMI JURIS:
imposed the tax first, to which, such person is 1. when the statute granting tax exemption
liable to pay or bears the impact of paying the expressly provides for a liberal interpretation
said tax to the government. 2. refers to special taxes governed by special laws
3. exemption is in favor of traditionally exempt
- is the ultimate result of shifting tax liability when 4. exemption is granted in favor of the
buying something government, and its political subdivisions and
- tax burden is divided among the buyers or sellers instrumentalities
- business to the consumers 5. exemption refers to public properties owned
and controlled by the state or its political
2) CAPITALIZATION subdivisions
- Reduction of the price in order to reduce the 6. taxpayer falls within the purview of exemption
amount of taxes. by clear legislative intent.

- A scheme where the producer absorbs the C) RULE IN GRANT OF TAX POWER
payment of tax in order to reduce the prices and - Any ambiguity shall be resolved in favor of the
maintain a market share. grant of the taxing power of the state which is
- He recovers his share by imposing additional tax inherent.
expenses and improving the process of - No enabling law is necessary for such grant and
production does not apply to LGUs, municipal corporations
- Tax is transformed into a gain, through the because they are not clothed with the inherent
medium of production power of taxation
- Any doubt and ambiguity shall be resolved not in
favor of the municipality
- A tax cannot be imposed without a clear and - Those who are covered by the said tax
express words for that purpose. Accordingly, the exemption shall first be determined, and only
general rule of requiring adherence to the letter after such determination, the rule on the
in construing statutes implies with peculiar construction of tax laws shall be strictly
strictness to the tax laws and the provisions of construed against taxpayers, come into play
taxing act are not to be extended by implication. - ADMU is not subject to contractor’s tax in being
- In case of doubt, statutes are to be construed included, as one who is engaged in selling ist
most strongly against the government and in services.
favor of the people or the taxpayers because tax
liability as a burden, cannot be presumed to be
imposed beyond what the statutes clearly TAX LAWS AND DOCTRINES IN TAX
import. TAX LAW
- Body of rules, under which a public authority has
B) STRICTISSIMI JURIS acclaim on the taxpayers, requiring them to
- Laws granting tax exemption are construed transfer the authority, part of their income or
against the taxpayer and in favor of the taxing property
authority or the government.
- It falls within the domain of public law – rules stated policies, goals, objectives, plans and
that determine and limit the activities and programs of the Bureau of all areas of
reciprocal interests of the political community operation except the auditing.
and the members composing it, as distinguished b. Revenue memorandum circulars – publish
in the relationship between individuals which is pertinent and applicable portions as well as
within the sphere of private law. amplifications of laws, rules and regulations
TAX EXEMPTION AND TAX EXCLUSION and precedents issued by the Bureau of
- Exemption is the immunity and privilege, the Internal revenue and other offices and
freedom of charge or burden which others are agencies.
subjected c. Revenue administrative orders –
- Exclusion is the removal of otherwise taxable promulgate and deal strictly with pertinent
items from the reach of taxation. It is also administrative set up of the bureau, more
immunity or privilege which frees the taxpayer specifically the RAO’s prescribed
from charge to which others are subjected. organizational structure and statement of
PROSPECTIVITY OF TAX LAWS: functions and responsibilities of the BIR
- GENERAL RULE: Prospective in application, offices, definitions, delegations of authority,
unless the language of the statute clearly staffing and personnel requirements as well
provides otherwise as standards of performance.
- EXCEPTION: May be applied retroactively if d. Revenue delegation of authority orders –
there is a clear provision in the law, providing for refers to the functions delegated by the
the said retroactive application. commissioner to revenue the officials in
- EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: If it will result accordance with the law.
into a harsh and oppressive imposition of taxes, e. Rulings – official interpretations of the CIR
must not be retroactively applied because it will on the inquiries of a taxpayer who requests
violate the due process clause. a clarification or confirmation on certain
provisions of the tax code, other tax laws, or
their implementing rules and regulations
- Does not impose tax liability, but only the power REVENUE ADMINISTRATIEV
- LGUs are subject by limitations ISSUING Issued by the Issued by:
BODY secretary of 1. the
2) STATUTES finance commissioner
- Which specifically imposes or levies taxes, fees of internal
and charges revenue (if
- They provide restrictions to the power of the ruling of first
president under flexible tariff clause. impression)
- National applicability in scope 2. its
3) ISSUANCE BY SEC. OF FINANCE (if ruling of 2nd
- In the form of revenue regulations and and so forth
department orders impression)
- Promulgated upon the recommendation of the NATURE An The best guess of the
commissioner of internal revenue implementing commissioner
rule of tax laws concerning tax
- Issued by the CIR in the following forms: SCOPE Applicable to Only applicable to the
a. Revenue memorandum orders – issuance all taxpayers taxpayer who
that provides directives, instructions and requested the said
prescribes guidelines, outlines processes and ruling, except when it
operations, activities, workflows, methods, is in the nature of a
procedures necessary in the implement of
general interpretative
BINDING Binding upon Not binding, but - tax laws are prospective in application unless the
EFFECTS the courts for it entitled a great weight language of the statute clearly provides
UPON THE being a otherwise
COURTS subordinate - may be applied retroactively if there is a clear
legislation provision in the law providing for such
exemption. However, if the law will result into a
harsh and oppressive imposition of taxes, it must
LEGISLATIVE RULE V INTERPRETATIVE RULE not be retroactively applied because it will
LEGISLATIEV INTERPRETATIVE violate the due process clause of the
RULE RULE constitution.
NATURE Subordinate Interpretative in
PURPOSE Designed to Designed to PETRON)
implement provide guidelines - The state, in the performance of its
primary to the law which governmental function, is not estopped by the
legislation by the administrative neglect or omission of its agents, and nowhere is
providing the agency is in it truer than the field of taxation, and said
details charge of principle cannot be applied to work injustice
thereof enforcing against an innocent party
REQUIREMENT Publication Needs nothing - The CIR insists that the government is not
FOR and hearing further than the estopped from collecting from Petron, the excise
APPLICABILITY bare issuance, for tax liabilities accrued to the latter as a result of
it gives no real the avoidance of the TCCs.
the law itself - The government’s right to assess or collect the
already has tax, does not prescribe
prescribed - Limitations upon the government’s right will not
be presumed in the absence of a clear express
TAX ORDINANCES statutory provision to that effect.
- a municipal tax ordinance empowers a local
government unit to impose taxes (2) TYPES OF DOUBLE TAXATION
- local in their extent 1. DIRECT DOUBLE TAXATION (STRICT SENSE)
- Tax imposed on:
TAX TREATIES a. The same subject matter or property;
- a bilateral agreement between 2 states b. For the same purpose;
- the purpose of each international agreement is c. By the same taxing authority;
to reconcile the national fiscal legislations of the d. Within the same jurisdiction or taxing
contracting parties in order to help the taxpayer district;
to avoid simultaneous tax liabilities in two e. During the same period;
jurisdictions f. And of the same kind and character
- created to eliminate international juridical 2. INDIRECT DOUBLE TAXATION (BROAD SENSE)
double taxation, which is defined as the - Tax imposed on:
imposition of comparative taxes in 2 or more a. The same subject matter or property;
states on the same taxpayer, in respect of the b. For the same purpose;
same subject matter and for identical periods c. Within the same jurisdiction or taxing
PACTA SUNT SERVANDA d. During the same period;
- performance of good faith of the treaty e. With the same kind and character;
obligation on the part of states that enter into f. DIFFERENT TAXING AUTHORITIES
specified, it means cash or its equivalent. It can
CONSTITUTIONALITY OF DOUBLE TAXATION be thought of as the flow of fruits of one’s labor.
- No constitutional prohibition against double
- It is obnoxious only when the taxpayer is taxed 1. INCOME is the flow, while CAPITAL is the fund;
twice, for the benefit of the same jurisdiction for 2. INCOME is the flow of services rendered by a
the same purpose. Thus, when it is obnoxious, it capital, while CAPITAL is the fund of property
violates the due process clause of the existing at the instant time
constitution. 3. INCOME is a payment of money from any other
- Direct double taxation is a violation of the due benefit rendered by a fund or a capital in relation
process clause of the constitution to such fund, through a period of time, while
CAPITAL is the tree
MODES OF ELIMINATING DOUBLE TAXATION 4. INCOME is the service of wealth or the fruit,
- The income or the capital which is taxable in the 5. INCOME is also defined as profit or gains
state of the source or situs, is exempted in the
state of residence, although it may be taken into REQUISITES FOR THE TAXABILITY OF AN INCOME:
account in determining the rate of the tax 1. There must be gain;
applicable to taxpayer’s remaining income or 2. The gain must be realized;
capital. 3. The gain must not be excluded by the law or any
B. CREDIT METHOD treaty from taxation
- Although the income or the capital which is
taxed in the state of the source is still taxable in
the state of residence. I. THERE MUST BE GAIN
- The tax paid in the former, is still taxable A. SEVERANCE OR REALIZATION TEST
CREDITED against tax levied in the latter. - Income is recognized when there is separation of
something which is of exchangeable value.
A. PHILEX MINING V CIR transaction including the capital itself, it is
- Taxes cannot be subject of compensation for the TAXABLE
simple reason that the government and the - RETURN OF CAPITAL – amount of the
taxpayer are not creditors and debtors of each investment and not an income, which is NOT
other. TAXABL
- Debts are due to the government in its corporate B. TAX BENEFIT RULE
capacity and taxes are due to the government in - Income is recognized when there is recovery of
its sovereign capacity an expense, provided that there is concurrence
- If the sum of the quarterly tax payments is made - the following elements:
during the said taxable year is not equal to the a. Prior to the year of recovery of the expense,
total tax that is due, the corporate may either: the expense was deducted in the income;
a. Pay the balance of the tax that is still due; b. The recognition of the expense as an
b. Carry over the excess credit; allowable deduction resulted into the
c. Credited or refunded with excess of the payment of lower taxes.
amount paid, as the case may be. - Expenses are the amount spent by the taxpayer
in relation to his business, trade or profession
and can be deducted from the gross income,
resulting into a lower amount of net income,
CONCEPT OF INCOME making a lower tax liability.
- Amount of money coming to an individual or a - applies to cash basis taxpayers who receives
corporation, within a specified time, whether as compensation for services
a payment for the services rendered, interests
from profits from investment. Unless otherwise
- the taxpayer is taxed when the taxpayer receives - Even if the government official misappropriated
an economic benefit from an absolute right to the funds of the government, it is part of his
receive money in the future. income and even though the amount or the fund
- economic and financial benefits that are: was sourced from an illegal activity.
1. fixed;
2. irrevocable fund or trust to be used for the
taxpayer’s sole benefit; II. REALIZATION OF GAIN
3. are not subject to the taxpayer’s debtors. A. ACTUAL
- can apply to situations involving an employee - Income is possessed by the taxpayer, which is
deferred compensation that is deposited in trust actually received by the employee as salaries
or escrow account from his employer
- cash basis taxpayer is taxed when the taxpayer B. CONSTRUCTIVE
rec3ived economic benefit from a right to - Income that is not yet possessed by the taxpayer,
receive property in the future but he has control over it, meaning, he can
D. CLAIM OF RIGHT demand the person to give him his gain or salary
- Recognition of a gain is conditioned upon the - Example: dividend income is earned today, but it
presence of a claim of right to the alleged gain will be given in cash in another day. Thus, the
and an absence of a definite unconditional stockholder has constructive realization of his
obligation to return gain with regard to the dividend income, today,
- In the instance where the taxpayer receives even if he will get the cash equivalent in another
money and other property and treats it as its day.
own under a claim of right, that payments are C. PRESUMPTIVE
made not contingently, then the said amounts - Concerns the income that is dictated by the law
be included in the income of the said taxpayer, - Example; the law presumed a gain that is
even though the right to income has not equivalent to the gross selling price or the fair
perfected or property in dispute and that market value, whichever is higher, in cases of
property may later be recovered from the real property classified as a capital asset. When
taxpayer. the seller incurred losses, there is still realized
- When the taxpayer includes the amounts in the gain because the law dictated the amount, which
income pursuant to a claim of right and repays is to be taxable by them.
the said amounts, he may be entitled to a TYPES OF INCOME TAX SYSTEM
deduction in the year of the repaymen SCHEDULAR V GLOBAL INCOME TAX
E. ALL EVENTS TEST - SCHEDULAR is one which separate taxes are
- Requires that the right to income or liability be imposed on different categories of income, while
fixed with reasonable certainty. It is not required GLOBAL imposes a single tax on all income,
to be exact but with reasonable estimation or whatever its nature
determined with reasonable certainty. SCHEDULAR SYSTEM V GLOBAL SYSTEM
- REQUISTIES: - SCHEDULAR SYSTEM, the gross income and
1. The computation remains uncertain if its deductible expenses are determined separately
basis is unchangeable; for each type of income, in some cases, limited
2. The test is satisfied where computation deductions or no deductions. GLOBAL SYSTEM,
be unknown, but not as much as there is not matching of particular type of
unknowable within the taxable year; income to the expenses that is incurred to derive
3. Amount of liability not have to be the income. All the income and expenses are
determined exactly but must be of considered together to arrive at a single net gain
reasonable accuracy only that is subject to tax.
- Legislative policy to include all the income that is 1. Income tax is direct and progressive tax
not expressly exempted within the class of 2. Direct tax because the tax liability and the
taxable income under our laws. Whether such burden or incidence of tax is imposed on the
was sourced from legal or illegal, the income is taxpayer and cannot shift the burden of tax
subject to tax, so long as it is not exempted or without the express stipulation between the
excluded under Section 32 (B) of the NIRC. taxpayer and the buyer or the client
3. It is an excise tax because it is tax on the right to - A resident or citizen of the PH residing therein
earn an income shall be taxable on all his income sourced from
4. It is progressive tax because the imposition of within and without the PH, or worldwide income
the tax, on the taxpayer’s liability to pay is taken 2. NON-RESIDENT CITIZEN
into account a. Citizen who establishes to the satisfaction of the
CRITERIA IN IMPOSITION OF INCOME TAX commissioner of the fact of his physical presence
a. SOURCE PRINCIPLE abroad with a definite intention to reside
- State may impose tax on the income sourced therein,
within such state and this is the basis of the b. Citizen of the PH who leaves the PH during the
imposition of the income tax on the income taxable year, to reside abroad, either as an
earned by all taxpayers, except resident citizens, immigrant for employment or on a permanent
if the income is sourced within the PH basis
b. CITIZENSHIP PRINCIPLE c. Citizen of the PH who works and derives income
- State may impose income of a citizen regardless abroad and whose employment requires him to
of the source. This is the basis of imposition of be physically present abroad most of the time
the income tax that is earned by a resident during the taxable year. More than 183 days
citizen, regardless of the source. (most of the time). If foreign corporation
c. RESIDENCE PRINCIPLE exercises control over the employee, then he is
- State imposes tax on the income of the resident, a NON-RESIDENT CITIZEN, but if domestic, then
WORKER OR OCW, is a non-resident citizen so
long as his employment contract passes thru the
PRINCIPLES OF THEIR TAXABILITY d. Citizen who has been previously considered as a
A. SECTION 23 OF THE NIRC non-resident citizen and who arrives in the PH at
1. A citizen of the PH residing therein is taxable anytime during the taxable year to reside
on all the income derived from sources permanently in the PH, shall be treated as a non-
within and without the PH resident citizen to his income derived from
2. A non-resident citizen is taxable only on the sources abroad until the date of his arrival in the
income derived from sources within the PH PH
3. An individual citizen of the PH who is 3. RESIDENT ALIEN
working abroad and deriving income from - Individual whose residence is within the PH, and
abroad as an OWF is taxable only from his who is not a citizen thereof and taxable only
income sourced from within the PH. from his income derived from the PH
Provided that: Seaman, that is a citizen of the - Requirement for a foreign national to be a
PH who receives compensation for services resident in the PH:
rendered abroad for being a member of a A. Has a SRRV holder;
vessel, engaged exclusively in the B. Acquired a real property in the PH, and
international trade, shall be treated as an spends most of the time physically in the PH
OFW who is a non-resident citizen since 2005;
4. An alien individual whether or not a resident C. Registered as a taxpayer to the BIR
of the PH, shall be taxable only on their 4. NON-RESIDENT ALIEN ENGAGED IN TRADE
income sourced from within the PH OR BUSINESS
5. A domestic corporation shall be taxable on - An individual whose residence is not within the
all income derived from sources within and PH, and not a citizen thereof, shall be taxable
without the PH only on his income derived from sources within
6. Foreign corporation, whether engaged in the PH
business or trade in the PH, shall only be 5. NON-RESIDENT ALIEN NOT ENGAGED IN
taxable on their income sourced from within TRADE OR BUSINESS
the PH - Taxable only on the income derived from sources
- If staying more than 180 days during the - “THE SITUS OF INCOME FROM SERVICES, SHALL
taxable year, he is deemed a non-resident alien BE THE PLACE WHERE THE SERVICES ARE
DOING business in the PH RENDERED”
1. DOMESTIC CORPORATIONS - Interests derived from sources within the PH,
- Entity incorporated under the laws of the PH, and interests on bonds, notes and other interest-
shall be taxable on all income derived from bearing obligations of residents, corporate or
sources within and without the PH otherwise, are taxable income derived from
- Foreign corporations engaged in trade or - The residence of the obligor who pays the
business in the PH, shall be taxable only in their interest rather than the physical location of the
income derived from sources within the PH securities, notes neither place of payment, is the
- INTENTION: Important for the foreign determining factor of the source of the interest
corporation to prove that it is conducting income.
- Taxable only on their income derived from 3. DIVIDENDS; issued by:
sources within the PH a. Domestic Corporation
D. ESTATES AND TRUSTS - income sourced from within the PH
1. ESTATE b. Resident Foreign Corporation
a. If under judicial settlement – it shall be the 1. Less than 50% of gross income for the 3-
estate, as a taxpayer, who will report the year period ending the close of its
income that is earned from the properties taxable year preceding the declaration
forming part of the estate, and shall be of such dividend or for such part of such
taxable from their income derived from period as the corporation has been in
sources within and without the PH existence, was derived from sources
b. If under extrajudicial settlement – is shall be within the PH – only such extent as will
the heirs of the deceased, who shall report be determined to be an income sourced
the income that is earned from the from within the PH. SOURCED WITHOUT
properties forming part of the estate. If the 2. 50% or more are sourced within the PH
heirs formed an unregistered partnership, – taxable on such percentage
the partnership shall be the one to report c. Non-resident Foreign Corporation
the income earned from the properties - As a corporation who has no operations in the
forming part of the estate. PH, then they are not engaged in the PH, then
2. TRUST their income shall be considered as income
- Separate taxpayer, if the income is accumulated without.
in trust for the benefit of an unborn or 4. RENTS AND ROYALTIES
unascertained person with contingent interests - Rentals and royalties from property located in
and if accumulated and held for future the PH, or from any interest from such property,
distribution under trust which can no longer be including rentals, royalties for intangible
modified, thus, the trust must be in the nature of personal properties, equipment, information,
an irrevocable trust and taxable on its income motion picture films, video tapes shall be
derived from sources within and without the PH. considered as sourced from within the PH.
SOURCES or SITUS OF INCOME (SECTION 42 OF THE - Gains, profits and income from the sale of a real
NIRC) property located in the PH, shall be considered
1. SERVICES as income sourced from within the PH
- Compensation for labor or personal services - “THE SITUS OF THE INCOME FROM THE SALE OF
performed in the PH, shall be considered income A REAL PROPERTY, IS THE PLACE WHERE THE
sourced from within the PH. Residence of the REAL PROPERTY IS LCOATED.”
person rendering the service is immaterial and B. PERSONAL PROPERTY
not indicia of the situs of tax.
- Depends on whether the personal property was 4. 8% OPTIONAL INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX – an option
manufactured or produced by the taxpayer to be taxed on the gross receipts in excess of
himself Php.250,000 in cases of purely self-employed individuals
- The income is entirely within or without: or the gross receipts without the Php.250,000 deduction
a. Place where the personal property was sold; in cases of mixed income earners provided that such
b. Place where such personal property was individual’s annual gross receipts do not exceed
produced or manufactured. Php.300,000.
A PERSONAL PROPERTY IS THE PLACE WHERE IT resident alien not engaged in trade or business in the
IS PRODUCED OR MANUFACTURED, OR WAS Philippines. When they earn interest, cash and property
SOLD” dividends, rents, salaries, wages, premiums, annuities,
compensation, renumerations and other profits or
income, a tax of 25% of such income shall make them
- Transfer of property in exchange of shares of - EXCEPTION: 1) CGT from shares of stocks in any
stocks in order to obtain corporate control domestic corporation; 2) CGT sale of real property
provided that the merger or consolidation is located in the PH.
solely in kind and not in cash.
- Gains are not taxable and losses are not
- REQUISITES (CIR V FILINVEST) 1. rank and file employees earning more than
a. Transferee is a corporation minimum wage
b. The transferee exchanges its shares of stocks - more than minimum but not more than 250,000,
for a property of the transferor then the excess of the minimum wage like the
c. Transfer is made by a person acting alone or holiday pay, hazard pay, overtime pay and night
together with others, not exceeding 4 shift differential, shall be part of the taxable
persons income
d. As a result of such exchange by a transferor, - the amount of the basic pay and above 4, will be
alone or together with others, gains control subject to normal tax using graduated tax rates
of the transferee and consequently to withholding tax on
- The 13th month pay and other benefits of 90,000
shall be exempt and the excess shall be subject
TYPES OF COMPENSATION INCOME to taxable income subject to graduated tax rates.
1. NORMAL TAX / SCHEDULAR / GRADUATED TAX – - PERA (personnel economic relief and allowance)
income subject to normal tax may be subject to for government employees is a reimbursement
creditable withholding tax as an advance payment of the of the performance of the governmental duties
annual income tax liability. will be exempt from income tax and
2. FINAL WITHHOLDING TAX – type of withholding tax consequently from withholding tax.
imposed on certain income and is not creditable against 2. Managerial or supervisory employees
the income due of the payee on the other income subject - Amount of the basic holiday pay, overtime pay,
to normal tax for the taxable year. It represents the full night shift differential and hazard pay shall be
and final payment of the income tax due from the subject to graduated tax rates and consequently
recipient of the income. One it is withheld and remitted, to withholding tax on compensation
the said income will no longer be subject to normal tax - DE MINIMIS BENEFITS are also exempt, and the
and the tax liability is now extinguished. excess shall be taxable
3. CAPITAL GAINS TAX – normally refers to the 6% tax - Other benefits granted to the managerial or
imposed on the sale of a real property located in the supervisory shall be called FRINGE BENEFITS,
Philippines classified as a capital asset. In some instances, including but not limited to the ff: HEVHIMTHEL
this also refers to the 15% final tax imposed on the net A. Housing
gain arising from the sale of unlisted shares of stocks as B. Expense account
net capital gains tax or capital gains tax. C. Vehicle of any kind
D. Household personnel paid by employer for - **income from BTP shall be subject to ff:
his benefit 1. WHEN NOT EXCEED 3M VAT threshold:
E. Interest on loan at less than market rate to a. Graduated rates; when gross sales or
the extent of difference between the market receipts NOT EXCEED 3M VAT threshold
rate and actual rate granted b. 8% not in excess of 250,000 but based on
F. Membership fees and dues and other gross sales or receipts in lieu of graduated
expenses borne by the employer for his tax rates and cannot anymore deduct the
employee, social and athletic dues 250,000
G. Expenses for foreign travel 2. WHEN EXCEED 3M VAT threshold
H. Holiday or vacation expenses - Shall be subject to graduated income tax rates
I. Educational assistance to the employee and and also to VAT a type of business tax
his dependents
J. Life and health insurance and other non-life ****PASSIVE INCOME
insurance premiums or similar amounts in - income from foreign and Philippine currency bank
excess of what the law allows deposits including yields and other monetary benefits
3. Minimum wage earners from deposit substitutes and trust fund and similar
- Shall be exempt from tax, as well as their arrangements, royalties, prizes and other winnings and
overtime pay, hazard pay, holiday pay, night shift dividends.
differential 1. DIVIDEND INCOME – income received by a
- The same rule with their de minimis benefits, the shareholder representing his distributive share of the
excess of the 90,000 ceiling will be taxable company earnings.
- When the minimum wage earner receives Kinds of dividend income:
service charge and the amount is not included in a. CASH dividend – dividend income is equal to the
the enumerated exemptions, such as the holiday cash received by the stockholder
pay, etc, then it shall be exempt from his income b. PROPERTY dividend – recorded at book value, of
tax on the SMW including the income earned both the issuing corporation and the recipient
specifically under the law is exempt. stockholders
c. STOCK dividend – corporation distributes its own
shares as dividends, then the dividend is in the
PROFESSION d. LIQUIDATING dividend – dividends declared
1. SELF-EMPLOYED when a corporation liquidates by redeeming its
- Sole proprietor, independent contractor or outstanding stock for cash or by distribution of
earning income on self-employment wherein he its assets to the stockholders in exchange for
controls his business or work and not dependent their stock.
on anyone 2. ROYALTIES – payment of any kind received as
- Includes those hired for contract service, job consideration for the use of or the right to use scientific
orders, professionals, income derived from the works, including cinematography, copyright, artistic,
practice of profession and who are not under an literacy, films and other similar ones.
employer0employee relationship - They are subject to 20% FWT when received by
- **when the gross sales or receipts DOES NOT residents or citizens.
EXCEED 3M VAT threshold, has the option to: - If in the nature of literary works, books, musical
a. Graduated rates under section 24 compositions then they are subject to 10% FWT.
b. 8% on gross sales or receipt in excess of - Those earned by non-resident aliens not engaged in
250,000 in lieu if the graduated tax rates trade or business is subject to 25% FWT.
and VAT threshold be 3M 3. INTEREST INCOME – income earned from a bona fide
2. MIXED INCOME EARNERS indebtedness extended by the creditor or the holder of
- Earning income from employment as well as the promissory note. No interest may be imputed in a
from business trade or practice of a profession transaction where the shareholder gives a sum of money
- It depends on the amount of the gross receipts to a corporation as deposit for future subscription, not
or gross sale during the taxable year interest bearing and not subject to repayment or
- **compensation income shall be subject to redemption, as such deposit is a contribution to capital
graduated tax rates under section 24 and not a bona fide indebtedness.
4. INTEREST FROM LONG TERM DEPOSIT – received by - 30 days from the date of the sale. The
individuals from long-term deposits or investments with documentary stamp tax shall be paid within 5
a holding period of not less than 5 years. It is exempt days after the close of the month after the date
from FWT but when it is pre-terminated by the of the sale.
individual, then the graduated rates of 5%, 12% or 20% The classification of such property in the hands of the
shall be applied depending on the period. Applied to the buyer or transferee shall be determined in accordance
entire income deducted and withheld by the depositary with the following:
bank. a. Succession or donation – when heir or donee
a. 4 years – less than 5 years; 5% not engaged in real estate and does not use the
b. 3 years – less than 4 years; 12% real property in trade or business, it shall be
c. less than 3 years; 20% considered as a CAPITAL ASSET
5. INTEREST FROM EXPANDED FOREIGN CURRENCY – b. Received as dividend by stockholder – recipient
interest income received by residents from a depositary not engaged in real estate, and not use the real
bank under the expanded foreign currency deposit property in trade or business, then it shall be a
system shall be subject to 15% of such interest income. CAPITAL ASSET EVEN IF the corporation who
- If it is a long-term deposit then it will be EXEMPT FROM declared the dividend is engaged in real estate
15% interest income. business
- applies only when the source of interest income is bank c. Received in an exchange of a real property -
deposit or deposit substitute. classified as an ORDINARY ASSET in the hands of
6. PRIZES AND WINNINGS – refer to the discussion on the transferee in case of a tax-free exchange by
prizes and winnings on EXCLUSIONS. taxpayer who is not engaged in real estate, even
if he will not use the property for business
1. CAPITAL ASSETS - Sale of a real property classified as a capital
- Refers to all properties held by a taxpayer asset, located in the Philippines to government
whether or not connected with his business and and political subdivisions and agencies and
trade and which are not included among those GOCCs. The taxpayer has the option to:
properties considered as ordinary asset under a. CGT based on the GSP or fair market value
section 30 of the NIRC whichever is higher;
- Are those which are not stocks in trade, b. Normal tax using graduated tax rates under
inventoriable properties, properties primarily Section 24 of the NIRC.
held for sale, properties used in business, - Alternative taxation shall not be applicable in the
depreciable properties used in business ff:
2. ORDINARY ASSETS a. Corporate taxpayers
- Refers to all properties specifically excluded in b. In favor of entities other than the
the inventory of the definition of capital assets government and etc
under Section 39 of the NIRC c. Sales involving personal property
CAPITAL GAINS TAX OF 6% d. Real properties classified as ordinary asset
- The sale, exchange or disposition of a real 2. SALE OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE
property located in the Philippines shall be - No CGT if the ff conditions concur:
classified as a capital asset. a. Sworn declaration to the RDO to avail of the
- Includes pacto de retro sale and other forms of exemption 30 days from the sale or
conditional sales disposition;
- ELEMENTS: b. Proceeds from the sale must be utilized in
A. Involves a real property acquiring or constructing a new residence
B. Classified as a capital asset from 18 months from the sale;
C. Located in the Philippines c. It can be availed of only once in 10 years
D. There is transfer of ownership d. The historical cost or adjusted basis of the
E. There is consideration from the exchange old residence is carried over to the cost of
F. Seller is an individual or domestic basis of the new residence;
corporation e. If no full utilization of the proceeds, then he
ACCRUAL AND PAYMENT OF CAPITAL GAINS TAX is liable for the deficiency for the CGT.
3. TAX-FREE EXCHANGE 2. It must not be listed in the stock exchange and
- No gain or loss shall be recognized is the the sale is NOT through the stock exchange,
property is transferred to a corporation by a otherwise, it it subject to 6/10 of 1% stock
person in exchange of a stock or unit of transaction tax.
participation of which, as a result, said person 3. The shares must be in the nature of a CAPITAL
alone, or together with others, gain control of ASSET.
the said corporation.
- Owners of raw land are exempt from the - Not an income tax but a type of percentage tax
payment of CGT or the withholding tax under RR which is a business tax
2-98. - Sale, barter or exchange of shares of stocks listed
5. SALE PURUSANT TO CARL or traded through local stock exchange other
- Exempt from tax CGT or DST than a dealer in securities shall be subject to tax
at the rate of 6/10 of 1% of the gross selling price
or the gross value in money of the shares of stock
IN CASES OF FORECLOSURE SALE, THE FF ARE THE that is sold, bartered or exchanged, which shall
RECKONING DATES: be paid by the seller or transferor who is not a
1. Mortgagor exercise right of redemption during dealer in securities. Thus, tax imposed on the
the redemption period – no GCT be imposed, no sale of listed shares of stocks classified as capital
capital gains are derived and no sale or has been assets
deemed as if no transfer has been made - Shall be subject to 15% tax on the net gain when
2. Non-redemption of the mortgagor of: failed to meet the MPO or if stocks are not listed.
a. Capital asset – CGT on the foreclosure sale ACCRUAL OF STOCK TRANSACTION TAX
shall become due based on the bid price of - The stock broker has the duty to collect the tax
the highest bidder from the seller upon its issuance of the
b. Ordinary asset – the CWT on the foreclosure confirmation of the sale, and issue the
sale shall become due based on the highest corresponding official receipt thereof, and remit
bid BUT only upon expiration of the the same to the collecting bank or officer of the
redemption period under the law, and shall RDO where the broker is registered within 5
be paid within the 10 days from the close of BANKING DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE
the month when the said redemption has COLLECTION.
1. Individual mortgagor and non-bank mortgagee NORMAL TAX “WITH” BUSINESS TAX IMPLICATION
- 1 year from the registration of the sale. - Sale of a real or personal property, including
2. Juridical entity mortgagor and bank mortgagee shares of stocks classified as an ORDINARY
– 3 months from the registration of the sale. ASSET, are subject to graduated tax rates under
Section 24 OF THE NIRC.
- The taxpayer is liable to pay CGT based on the - Sale of a personal property classified as a
NET CAPITAL GAIN, for the sale, barter, CAPITAL ASSET, by individual taxpayer, EXCEPT
exchange or other disposition of SHARES OF NRANETB then the sale is subject to graduated
STOCK which are UNLISTED, by a DOMESTIC tax rates under Section 24 of the NIRC.
CORPORATION, EXCEPT if the sale is through Elements:
the stock exchange. 1. Personal property
- Disposition includes any act of disposing, 2. Capital asset
transferring or parting with, alienation and the 3. NOT share of stock or a security
like. 4. Seller is resident or citizen of the PH, or NRAETB.
- applies to all individual taxpayers who sells
shares of stocks classified as a CAPITAL ASSET.
1. Shares of stock of a DOMESTIC CORPORATION. individuals)
- Capital losses are allowed to be deducted only to a capital gain. BUT if bought as a whole within
the extent of capital gains derived from the same the said allowable period, then it will be an
taxable year from the sale or exchange of shares ordinary gain that is subject to normal tax and
of stocks classified as capital assets. the loss from the buyer when failed to buy is a
2. HOLDING PERIOD RULE (individuals) capital loss.
- In case of a taxpayer other than a corporation,
only the following percentages of gains and 3. Securities becoming worthless
losses are recognized from the sale or exchange - From the losses on shares of stocks held as a
of the capital asset, shall be taken into account capital asset becoming worthless during the
a. 100% if the capital asset is not held for more taxable year shall be treated as capital losses at
than 12 months the end of the year but shall not apply to banks
b. 50% if the capital asset is held not more than and trust companies
12 months - Does not apply to unlisted shares and such loss
3. NCLCO (individuals) is not deductible against the capital gains from
- Any taxpayer other than a corporation who such sale or exchange
sustains in any taxable year, net capital loss, such
loss shall be treated in the succeeding taxable 4. WASH SALES
year as a loss from the sale or exchange of a - Substantially identical shares of stocks or
capital asset held for not more than 12 months securities are acquired for a 61-day period
not exceeding the taxable income in the year beginning from 30 days prior the sale and 30
that the loss is sustained. days after the sale.
SPECIAL RULES ON CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS IS NOT - The taxpayer cannot deduct any loss when
APPLICABLE TO THE FF: within the 61-day period, he entered into a
1. Sale of ordinary assets contract to acquire substantially identical stocks
2. Sale of real property classified as capital assets - DOES NOT APPLY TO: 1) individual acting as
3. Sales of unlisted shares of stocks dealers in stock or securities if the sale is made
4. Sale of listed shares of stocks subject to 6/10% of in the ordinary course of business of such dealer;
1% stock transaction tax 2) short sale transaction
5. Sale by a non-resident alien not engaged in trade
or business because such taxpayer is not subject 5. Liquidating gain
to normal taxed based on the net income but - Upon the surrender by the investor of the shares
subject to 25% final withholding tax. in exchange for cash and property distributed by
the issuing corporation upon its dissolution and
SPECIAL CAPITAL TRANSACTIONS liquidation of all assets and liabilities, the
1. SHORT SALES investor shall recognize either capital gain or
- Sale of a real property which the taxpayer do not capital loss and be computed by comparing cash
yet own and subsequently buy or recovers the and fair market value of the property received
stock to complete the transaction against the cost of the investment in shares
- Not deemed consummated until the delivery of - If the investor is an individual, HOLDING PERIOD
the property to cover the short sale RULE will apply and the percentage of the
- Applies to dealers of shares of stocks who taxable capital gain and deductible loss depends
ordinarily treat the income from the sale of on the number of months or years the shares are
shares of stocks as an ordinary gain held by the investor.
- Gains or losses from short sales of property by a
dealer in securities shall be considered as gains 6. Shares redeemed for cancellation or retirement
or losses from sales or exchange of capital assets - When the shares are redeemed on a period or
time when the corporation is on-going concern
2. Failure to exercise the option to buy or sell a and not contemplating the dissolving or
property liquidating its assets or liabilities
- Shall be considered as capital assets resulting to - Capital gain or loss shall be recognized upon the
capital gain or loss basis or difference between the amount or value
- The OPTION MONEY, when failed to exercise to received at the time of redemption and cost of
buy as a whole by the buyer, shall be treated as the preferred shares
the Omnibus Election Code, is precluded from
claiming such expenditure as deductions from
his campaign contributions. The entire amount
EXCLUSIONS FROM GROSS INCOME of the campaign contributions is considered
SECTION 32 (B) OF THE NIRC directly subject to income tax.
- Paid to the heirs or beneficiaries upon the DEATH INCOME TAX.
of the insured, whether in single sum or - Failure of the candidate to withhold the 5% CWT
otherwise. on income payments made to his suppliers of
- If such amounts are held by the insurer under an campaign paraphernalias then he is liable to
agreement to pay the interest therein, interests’ report the entire income in the amount received
payment shall be included in gross income as a donation regardless of the actual amount
- when the employer is the named beneficiary, that was utilized for his failure to withhold the
premium payments are not income of the 5% CWT.
employee because no benefit redounded to him. - The failure of the candidate to report his
On the other hand, when the beneficiary statement of expenditures even if the 5% CWT
designated is the employee’s heirs or family, was made, he is also liabel to report the entire
then it will benefit him and will form part of his amount to be treated as unutilized even though
income but EXCLUDED in the gross income of his it is actually utilized, by reason of failure to
beneficiaries or heirs. report the expenditure.


- The amount received by the insured as a return - a) amounts received though accident or health
of premiums paid by him under his life insurance, insurance under workmen’s compensation acts,
endowment or annuity contracts either during as compensation for personal injuries or
the term or at maturity of the term mentioned sickness; b) amounts of any damages received,
and upon surrender of the contract. whether by suit or agreement on account of such
- The accrued interest will be SUBJECT TO TAX and injuries or sickness
not the initial value paid for insurance as well as - Damages from breach of contract is taxable
the excess on the amount of premiums paid income on the year received ONLY TO THE
EXTENT that such damages constitute a loss of
3. GIFTS, BEQUESTS AND DEVISES anticipated profits and non-taxable to the extent
- The value of the property acquired by gift, that the same represents a return of capital.
bequests, devise or descent be excluded from - NONE in the NIRC EXEMPTS INCOME ON MORAL
- However, income from such property as well as BREACH OF CONTRACT.
gifts, bequests and devise or descent of income - But if moral and exemplary arises from personal
from any property in cases of transfer of injuries or sickness, then it is EXCLUDED FROM
dividend interest, shall be INCLUDED in gross GROSS INCOME.
income. - Section 32 (B) (4); non-taxable: a) monetary sum
- Requisites of DONATION: of representing the atonement from Japanese
a. Reduction of patrimony of the donor; people to former wartime comfort women; b)
b. Increase in patrimony of the done; compensatory damages or actual, moral or
c. Intent to do an act of liberality or animus exemplary and atty’s fees costs of suit received
donandi by the plaintiffs on account of a murder victim.
- Rev regulation 7-2011; stated that UNUTILIZED - The following are taxable: a) award for moral
campaign funds or contributions net of and exemplary damages from illegal dismissal; b)
campaign expenditures be subject to income tax moral and exemplary damages for breach of
and be also included in the candidate’s taxable contract; c) entitlement of women employees to
income for the subject taxable year. special benefits of 2 months full pay based on
- Any candidate failing to submit to the COMELEC, gross monthly compensation following the
appropriate statement of expenditures under surgery; d) consequential damages representing
the loss of victim’s earning capacity replaces 8. SSS, RETIREMENT GRATUITIES, PENSIONS AND
merely the income which would be subject to tax OTHER SIMILAR BENEFITS RECEIVED BY A
- Income of any kind to the extent required by any OR PUBLIC
treaty obligation binding upon the government - REQUISITES: 1) amount received represents
of the PH shall be excluded from gross income social security benefits, retirement gratuities,
pursuant to international comity inherent pensions and other similar benefits; 2) the
limitation of the power of taxation benefits are granted either by: foreign
- Who can apply for tax treaty relief: a) non- government agencies or foreign private and
resident individual or corporation with income public institutions; 3) the taxpayer comes to
derived from sources within the PH and whose reside in the PH permanently.
country of residence has an effective DTA with
the PH; b) duly authorized representatives of the 9. SEPARATION PAY
non-resident individual may apply - Received by the employee or his heirs due to his
1) death; 2) sickness; 3) other physical disability;
6. RETIREMENT BENEFITS, PENSIONS, GRATUITIES 4) any cause beyond the control of the employee
- RA 4917; employer has reasonable private the income tax and consequently from
benefit plan approved by the bureau. A) the withholding tax under Section 32 (B) (6) (b) NIRC.
retiring employee must have at least rendered
10 years of service; B) not less than 50 years old 10. BENEFITS BY REASON OF SOCIAL LEGISLATION
at the time of the retirement; C) retiring - The following are benefits exempt from tax:
employee should not have previously availed of a. Payment for benefits due or become due to
the privilege under the retirement benefit plan any person residing in the PH under the laws
of the same or another employer. of the US veteran administration;
- RA 7641; b. Benefits received from enjoyed under SSS in
a. No reasonable benefit plan or not approved accordance with the provisions of RA 8282;
and has no CBA; 1) employee has been in c. Benefits received from the GSIS under RA
private firm for at least 5 years; 2) at least 60 8291 including retirement gratuity received
years old at the time of retirement and not by the government officials and employees
beyond 65.
b. Granted under 7641, no reasonable private 11. INCOME DERIVED BY FOREIGN GOVERNMENT
benefit plan but has CBA; - Pursuant to international comity: Income
1. CBA same with RA 7641; a) service for at derived from investments in the PH in loans,
least 5 years; b) at least 60 at the time of stocks and other domestic securities or from
retirement interests on deposit in banks in PH by:
2. CBA different with RA 7641; a) at least a. Foreign government;
10 years of service; b) minimum age b. Financing institutions owned and controlled
required in the CBA and enjoying financing from foreign
7. RETIREMENT BENEFITS, PENSIONS, GRATUITIES c. International and regional financial
RECEIVED FROM THE GOVERNMENT institutions established by foreign
- If the benefits are received from and enjoyed governments shall be excluded from gross
under the AFP, retirement and separation income hence the income be exempt from
benefit system, in accordance with the tax.
provisions of PD 361 as amended by PD 1909
including death and disability benefits enjoyed 12. INCOME DERIVED BY THE GOVERNMENT OR ITS
by AFP personnel as provided by the law, POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS
benefits shall likewise exempt from any tax of - Income derived from any public utility or from
whatever nature. the exercise of any essential governmental
function accruing to the government of the PH or
any political subdivisions be EXEMPT from tax
since it is an inherent limitation of the power of 14. 13TH MONTH PAY AND OTHER BENEFITS
taxation, that the government enjoys such - 13TH month pay and other benefits in the amount
exemption. of 90k per year shall be exempt. The excess of
- PROPRIETARY FUNCTION: powers supposed to the 90k shall be taxable and form part of gross
be conferred NOT from consideration of the income.
state but for private advantage of a particular
operation as distinct legal personality 15. DE MINIMIS BENEFITS
- GOVERNMENT FUNCTION: exists when - Facilities and privileges of relatively small value
performed for any public benefit and is merely and provided by an employer to his employees
part of the machinery of the government of the merely as a means to promote their health, good
sovereignty in creating the, and the authority of will, contentment and efficient. They are exempt
the state which is supreme. from WTC and FBT on compensation. They are
exclusive list:
13. PRIZES, AWARDS AND WINNINGS a. Monetized unused vacation leave credits of
I. PRIZES AND AWARDS: private employees NOT exceeding 10 days
- A. individual taxpayers – a) prizes in the amount during the year;
of 10k or less subject to normal tax; b) more than b. Monetized value of vacation or sick leave
10k then subject to 20% FWT credits paid to government employees;
- B. corporate taxpayers – prizes are subject to c. Medical cash allowance to dependents of
NCIT employees not exceeding 1,500 per
- C. domestic corporations – prizes regardless of employee per semester or 250 per month;
the amount shall be subject to 20% or 25% NCIT d. Rice subsidy of 2,000 or 50-kg sack of rice
- D. resident foreign corporations – prizes worth not more than 2,000;
regardless of the amount shall be subject to 25% e. Uniforms, clothing allowance not exceeding
NCIT 6,000 pers annum;
- E. non-resident foreign corporations – prizes f. Actual medicine assistance not exceeding
regarding any amount shall be subject to 25% 10,000 per annum;
FWT g. Laundry allowance not exceeding 300 per
- The following are PRIZES EXEMPT: month;
a. Those made primarily in recognition of h. Employee’s achievement awards in the form
religious, charitable, scientific, educational, of tangible personal property other than
artistic, linguistic or civic achievement if: 1) cash or gift certificates with the annual
the recipient was selected without any monetary value not exceeding 10,000
action on his part to enter the contest or received by the employee under an
proceeding; 2) he is not required to render established written plan which does not
substantial future services as condition to discriminate in favor of highly paid
receiving the price or award; employees;
b. Prizes and awards in SPORTS competition if: i. Gifts given during Christmas or major
1) prize granted to athletes in local and anniversary celebrations not exceeding
international sports competition; 2) 5,000 per employee per annum;
tournament is sanctioned by their national j. Daily meal allowance for overtime work,
sports association which means that it is duly night shift differential, graveyard shift not
accredited by the Olympic committee. exceeding 25% of the basis minimum wage;
II. WINNINGS: 20% FWT regardless of the k. Benefits received by the employee by virtue
amount. But if in the nature of of the CBA, productivity incentive schemes
LOTTO/PCSO: provided the total annual monetary value
1. 10k and below – EXEMPT received from both the CBA and productivity
2. More than 10k – 20% FWT. This incentive schemes combined not exceeds
applies to individual taxpayers. For 10,000 per employee per taxable year.
corporate taxpayers, winnings
regardless of the amount shall be 16. GSIS, SSS AND MEDICARE AND OTHER
- Train law retains the rule that it excludes the - Examples are housing benefit, educational
mandatory deductions from the gross benefit, monetary allowances.
compensation of employees and such only
covers the compulsary and mandatory 22. TAXABLE INCOME IN THE AMOUNT OF
contributions of the concerned employees to P250,000
SSS, GSIS, PHIC, HDMT. - Train law explains that all income shall be subject
- Voluntary contributions in excess of the amount to normal tax subject to graduated tax rates. But
considered as compulsary shall not be excluded income of 250,000 and less, shall be exempt
from gross income and be taxable. from tax.


DEBENTURES AND OTHER CERTIFICATES OF - 1. The transferor is an individual or a
INDEBTEDNESS corporation;
- Those which has a maturity of more than 5 years 2. the transferee is always a corporation;
shall be excluded from the gross income and be 3. the property of the transferor exchanges it for
exempt from tax. the shares of stocks in the corporation-
18. GAINS FROM REDEMPTION OF SHARES IN A 4. as a result, the transferor alone, or together
MUTUAL FUND with others not exceeding 4 persons gains
- Gains realized by the investor upon redemption control of the said corporation.
of shares of stock in a mutual fund company
which is an open-end and close-end investment
company as defined under the investment DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME;
company act, shall be excluded from gross SECTION 34 OF THE NIRC
income, then they are exempt from tax. 1. BAD DEBTS
19. MINIMUM WAGE EARNER’S PAY a. Must have an existing indebtedness due to
- Such salaries equivalent to the statutory the taxpayer, which is valid and legally
minimum wage rates are EXEMPTED from demandable;
income tax. The exemption extends or covers b. The same must be connected with the
also the following benefits by the minimum wage taxpayer’s business, trade or profession;
earner: c. The same must not be sustained in
a. Holiday pay; transactions between related parties under
b. NSD; Section 36 (b) of the NIRC;
c. Hazard pay; d. The same must be actually charged of for
d. OT pay written off on the books of account of the
taxpayer at the end of the taxable year;
20. SENIOR CITIZENS PAY AS MINIMUM WAGE e. The same must be actually ascertained to be
EARNER worthless and uncollectible as of the end of
- Income of senior citizens who are considered to the taxable year
be minimum wage earner shall be EXEMPT from - RELATED PARTIES; SECTION 36 (b) NIRC
tax. a. Members of a family;
b. Between individual and corporation;
21. EMPLOYER’S CONVENIENCE RULE c. Two corporations;
- A benefit provided by the employer for his d. Grantor and fiduciary of any trust;
employee, but which will be more beneficial to e. Fiduciary of a trust and fiduciary of another trust
the former, then it will not be taxable hen the if the same person is their grantor;
benefit required is in the nature of the following: f. Fiduciary of a trust and beneficiary of such trust.
a) necessary to the trade or business of the - RULE ON WORTHLESS RECEIVABLES; it must be
employer: b) the employee is expected to render sufficient when there is a legal action to enforce
future services for the employer and for the the payment but with all efforts, did not result
latter’s benefit. into the satisfaction of the judgement.
a. BANKS: CIR shall be the one to determine if b. Paid or incurred during the taxable year;
the bad debt or not. The taxpayer shall c. Paid or incurred in carrying on the business
submit to the BSP written approval of the or trade of the taxpayer
writing off of the indebtedness from bank’s d. Supported by receipts, records or pertinent
books of account at the end of the taxable papers;
year; e. Not be contrary to law, moral and public
b. INSURANCE OR SURETIES: cannot write off policy.
receivables from insurance company when - ADDITIONAL REQUISITES FOR THE FF:
such company has not been declared closed a. Salaries, wages and other forms of
or insolvent by insurance commissioner. compensation
1. Amount be reasonable
2. INTERESTS 2. Final tax imposed has been paid or
- REQUISITES: withholding tax has been withheld or
a. There must be an indebtedness; remitted.
b. There is an interest expense paid or incurred b. Travel expenses here and abroad in pursuit
upon such indebtedness; of business, trade or profession
c. Indebtedness must be that of the taxpayer; 1. Amount be reasonable
d. Must be connected with the taxpayer’s c. Rentals, other payment required as
business, trade or profession; condition for continued use or possession;
e. Interest expense paid or incurred during the 1. Amount reasonable;
taxable year; 2. Withholding tax remitted or withheld;
f. Stipulated in writing; 3. Taxpayer has not taken any title in which
g. Legally due; he has no equity ither than that of being
h. Not between related parties. a lessee user or possessor.
- INTEREST ON UNPAID TAXES: interest incurred d. Entertainment, amusement and recreation
or paid by the taxpayer on all unpaid business- expense;
related taxes shall be FULLY DEDUCTIBLE from 1. Amount be reasonable not exceeding 1%
the gross income and shall not be subject to of net receipts or ½% of net sales
limitation on deduction. 2. Expense not contrary to law, morals or
public policy.
3. TAXES - BRIBE OF KICKBACKS: no deduction from gross
- REQUISITES: income shall be allowed for any payment made
a. Obligation to pay must be connected with directly or indirectly to any official or employee
the taxpayer’s business, trade or profession; of the national government, local government,
b. The tax must have been paid or incurred GOCCs, foreign government or similar entities if
during the taxable year; the payment constitutes a bribe or a kickback.
c. The tax must not be in the nature of the
following: a) income tax; b) income taxes
imposed by authority of a foreign country; c) ALL EVENTS TEST
estate or donor’s tax; d) taxes assessed - ONLY used in accrual method. Requires the right
against local benefits of a kind tending to to income or liability to be fixed and the amount
increase the value of the property assessed. of such income liability be determined with
- The following taxes are deductible from the reasonable certainty.
gross income: - REQUISITES:
a. Community tax; b. automobile registration a. Computation remains uncertain if its basis is
fees; c. municipal fee; d. import duties; e. unchangeable;
local business tax; f. documentary stamp tax; b. Test is satisfied where the computation be
f. occupational tax; g. privilege tax; h. license unknown, but not as much as unknowable
fee. within the taxable eyar;
c. Amount of liability does not have to be
4. ORDINARY AND NECESSARY EXPENSES determined exactly and must only be
- REQUISITES: determined with reasonable certainty.
a. Ordinary and necessary expense;
SUBSTANTIATION REQUIREMENT which the latter claims such depreciation or
- Sufficient evidence such as receipts or other rental expense.
adequate records and must be kept within 3
years in order to prove the amount of expense LABOR TRAINING EXPENSES
deducted and the direct connection or relation - Under the create law, additional deduction of
of the expense being deducted to the the taxable income of ½% of the value of the
development and management and operation labor training expense incurred for skills
and or conduct of the business, trade or development or enterprise-based trainees
profession. enrolled in public senior high, public higher
education, public educational institutions,
COHAN RULE vocational institutions duly covered by
- Taxpayers may use estimates when they can apprenticeship agreement under the labor code.
show that there is a factual foundation on which - Conditions for deductibility: a) enterprise
to base a reasonable approximation of the secures a proper certification from the DEPED,
expense, they can prove that they had made the TESDA OR CHED; b) deduction shall not exceed
deductible expenditure but cannot prove how 10% of the direct labor wage, which refers to
much, the expenditure was. salaries, wages that can be attributed to specific
- It is the duty of the BIR to make an estimate of products and services.
the deduction that may be allowed in computing
the taxpayer’s tax liability, bearing heavily on the DEDUCTION ALLOWED IN THE FOLLOWING WHERE
latter’s inexactitude which is of his own making. NO WITHHOLDING TAX WAS MADE:
The deduction is valid when the disallowance of 1. The payee reported the income and pays the tax
50% of the taxpayer’s claim. due thereon and the withholding agent pays the
tax including the interest incidental to the failure
REPRESENTATION EXPENSES to withhold the tax and the surcharges if
- Expenses incurred by the taxpayer in connected applicable at the time of the audit, investigation,
with his business, trade or profession in reinvestigation or reconsideration;
entertaining or providing amusement, 2. The payee or the recipient failed to report the
recreation, meeting with guests at a dining place, income on the due date but the withholding
country club, sporting event and similar places. agent or taxpayer pays the tax including the
- This does not refer to fixed representation interest incident to the failure to withhold the
allowances that are subject to withholding tax on tax and the surcharges if applicable at the time
wages pursuant to appropriate revenue of the audit, investigation, reinvestigation or
regulations. reconsideration;
- Membership in a country club and taxpayer is a 3. The withholding agent had erroneously under-
member, it is presumed to be FBT, UNLESS the withheld the tax but pays the difference
taxpayer proves that in the receipts and between the correct amount and the amount of
adequate records: the tax withheld including the interest and
a. Amount of expenses; surcharges if applicable at the time of the audit,
b. Date and place of expense; investigation, reinvestigation or reconsideration;
c. Purpose of expense;
d. Professional or business relationship of the
e. Name of the company pr person entertained - Gradual diminution in the useful value of the
- ENTERTAINMENT FACILITES: yachts, vacation tangible property resulting from the wear and
homes, condominium and similar items of real or tear and normal obsolescence. Term also applied
personal property used by the taxpayer primarily to amortization of value of intangible assets use
for entertainment, amusement, recreation of of which is trade or business definitely limited in
guests and employees. duration.
owned or form part of the taxpayer’s business, a. Amount be reasonable
trade or profession or rented by the taxpayer for b. Charged-off during the taxable year;
c. Attributed to a property used in business;
d. Supported by receipts, records and pertinent f. Loss not claimed as deduction for estate tax
papers. purposes in estate tax return;
- REASONABLENESS TEST ON DEPRECIATION: g. Loss not arise from transactions between
a. No deduction from gross income for related parties.
depreciation unless taxpayer substantiate
with receipts as evidence of expense KINDS OF LOSSES
b. Only 1 vehicle for land transportation be 1. ORDINARY LOSS
allowed for the use of an official or employee - arise from transactions involving ordinary assets,
and such value of the vehicle shall not when it arose from the business, trade or
exceed the threshold of 2.4M unless the profession.
taxpayer’s main line of business is transport - NET OPERATING LOSS CARRY OVER; loss can be
operations or lease of transportation carried over until its fully exhausted provided
equipment and vehicles purchased are used that the carry-over is done within the 3-year
in operations. period. Any net loss incurred in taxable year
c. All maintenance expenses on non- during which, taxpayer may be exempt on
depreciable vehicles for taxation purposes is income tax, not be allowed as a deduction.
disallowed in its entirety CANNOT BE CLAIMED by those who opted to use
d. Input taxes on purchase of non-depreciable the OSD. This is only for those who chose
vehicles and all input taxes on maintenance itemized deductions.
expenses incurred likewise be disallowed for - 75% INTEREST RETENTION RULE: for NOLCO to
taxation purpose. apply, there must be NO substantial change in
ownership and net operating loss carry-over
6. DEPLETION shall be allowed only if there is no substantial
- Allowable for exhaustion of oil and gas wells and change in ownership provided that: a) not less
mines by virtue of a legislative intent. than 75% in nominal value of outstanding issued
- OPTIONS ON DEDUCTION: shares if the business is in the name of
a. Deductible in the year incurred if such corporation held on behalf of the same persons;
expenditures incurred for non-producing b) not less than 75% of the paid up capital of the
wells or mines; corporation if the business is in the name of a
b. Deductible in full in the year paid or at the corporation is held by or on behalf of the same
election of the taxpayer, may be capitalized persons.
and amortized if such expenditure is
incurred for producing well or mines in the 2. CAPITAL LOSS
same contract area. - Arise from transactions involving capital assets.
They are only allowed as a deduction to the
7. LOSS extent of the capital gains.
a. Loss actually sustained during the taxable 3. WAGERING LOSS
year; - From gambling activities or wagering
b. Not compensated for by insurance or other transactions allowed only to the extent of the
forms of indemnity; gains from such transactions
c. Incurred in the trade or business or
profession; 4. ABANDONMENT LOSS
d. Arose from a property connected in the - Contract area where petroleum operations are
business, trade or profession or from fires, undertaken in partial or wholly abandoned, all
storms, shipwrecks, other casualties or from accumulated exploration and development
robbery, theft, embezzlement; expenditures pertaining thereto shall be allowed
e. Submit a declaration of loss sustained from as deduction.
the from fires, storms, shipwrecks, other
casualties or from robbery, theft, 8. CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS
embezzlement, 45 days from the discovery - Deductible from gross income if the recipient is
of the loss; any of the following entities:
a. Government agencies, political - Donations other than money – based on
subdivisions, fully owned and controlled acquisition cost, book value of the said property.
corporation to finance or provide for used
in undertaking priority activities in DONATIONS DEDUCTED FROM GROSS INCOME BUT
education, health, youth, sports, human, DEDUCTIBLE AMOUNT SUBEJCT TO LIMITATIONS:
science, culture, economic developments 1. Contributions and gifts actually paid or made
according to NEDA. within the taxable year to or for the use of the
- Must be used in the purposes above to be government or its agencies exclusively for public
deductible. purpose;
- Certification must be secured from the NEDA and 2. Contributions and gifts to accredited domestic
contribution to the government is made in corporation organizes and operated exclusively
accordance with the priority programs and for religious, charitable, scientific youth, sports
projects in the current national priority plan. development, cultural and educational. Provided
- Donations not in accordance with the national that no part of the net income shall accrue to the
priority plan, has limited deductibility not benefit of any officer or member;
exceeding 10% for individuals and 5% for 3. Contributions for rehabilitation of veterans and
corporations of the taxpayer’s taxable net social welfare institutions and no part of the net
income as computed without the benefit of income or asset which shall belong or inure to
deduction. the benefit of any member or officer or specific
b. Donation to foreign institutions, internal person
organizations which are fully deductible in 4. Contributions to NGOs.
pursuance of or in compliance with
agreements and treaties, commitments
entered into by the government of the PH, 9. PENSIONS TRUSTS
foreign institutions, international - An employer establishing or maintaining a
organizations in pursuance of special laws. pension trust to provide for the payment of
c. Donations to accredited NGOs, organized reasonable pensions to his employees shall be
and operated exclusively for scientific, allowed as a deduction, provided that a
educational, research, character-building, reasonable amount is transferred and paid to
provided that no part of the net income of such trust during the taxable year in excess of
which inures to the benefit of any private such contributions but only if such amount:
individual and not more than 30% of 1. Not been allowed as deduction;
donations used for an administrative 2. Appointed in equal parts over period of 10
purpose. consecutive years beginning with the year
- TO AVAIL OF FULL DEDUCTIBILITY: which transfer was made.
a. NGO must be accredited with appropriate
government agency and the PH council for 10. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
NGO certification - Taxpayer may treat research of development
b. The donor should be the one to notify within expenditures which are paid or incurred by him
30 days from the receipt of the certificate of during the taxable year in connected with this
donation, the RDO of the place of business is business, trade or profession as ordinary
located of donations worth 50,000 which he expense not chargeable to the capital account
made and have COD stamped at the the expenditures so treated shall be allowed as
concerned revenue district office. deduction during the taxable year when paid or
- Donation to non-stock, non-profit educational incurred.
institutions – deductible in full on the gross
income of the donor provided that the donee NON-DEDUCTIBLE ITEMS
complied with the utilization and expense 1. Personal, living, family expenses;
requirement. 2. Any amount paid out for new buildings,
- Value of donations made in PROPERTY - shall be permanent improvements or betterments made
the fair market value at the time when the to increase the value of any property or estate;
donation was made.
3. Any amount expended in restoring the property,
making good in exhaustion thereof, for which
allowance was made;
4. Premiums paid on any life insurance policy
covering the life of the employee interested in
any trade or business carried by the taxpayer
when the taxpayer directly and indirectly is a
beneficiary under such policy.
5. Illegal expense;
6. Bad debts, interests and losses arising from
transactions between related taxpayers.

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