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WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter

Current & Future AI Applications


Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future
AI Applications

Mina Mesbahi
WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

1. Executive Summary 2. A brief guide to artificial
“Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-
human intelligence—in the form of Artificial
The latest advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or
and Machine Learning (ML) have ushered a new
neuroscience-based human intelligence
era driven by automation. AI is defined as a realm
enhancement - wins hands down beyond contest
in computer science, which emphasises the
as doing the most to change the world. Nothing
creation of intelligent machines akin to human
else is even in the same league.”
beings in terms of behaviour and response

capabilities such as speech-recognition,
Eliezer Yudkowsky
planning and problem- solving. Overall, there
are two key pillars comprising the existing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increasingly
body of research in artificial intelligence, one
become the hype and hope of this tech-driven
of which is knowledge engineering. Machines
age with Machine Learning (ML) and Internet
have the ability to behave and respond similar
of Things (IoT) at its very foundation. More and
to human beings only if they are provided with
more of today’s interactions are powered by AI,
extensive information relating to the world
from the gadgets we use to the cars we drive.
they are surrounded with. Another core pillar
In addition, AI has had an immense impact
of artificial intelligence is machine learning
on how natural resources such as energy,
(ML), which enables computers to manage new
food and water, are sourced and delivered,
situations by means of analysis, observation,
amongst them the energy generated by the
self-training and experience. AI and ML are
rays of sunshine. Although the integration of
often used interchangeably and wrongfully so.
the energy industry and artificial intelligence
Machine learning is merely an aspect of the
is still very much in its infancy, their synergy
current application of artificial intelligence,
has the potential to radically revolutionise the
rooted in the notion that computers should
existing power generation practices across
be given access to data and provided with the
the globe. The rapid advancements in ML,
opportunity to learn for themselves. Robotics
data processing, IoT and further expansion
is also another major discipline related to the
of sensor markets are among some of the
field of AI, as robots necessitate intelligence to
main contributing factors in realising the true
manage tasks including manipulation, motion
promise of AI. If the mantra of solar is that “The
planning and mapping.
fuel is free; let’s reduce other costs”, artificial
intelligence powered solutions can be the holy
grail solar has been seeking. Adoption pattern

Despite the swift developments in AI

technology, widespread adoption has yet to
be achieved. This makes for a challenging
assessment of the exact magnitude of the
impact, which AI can have on companies and
business sectors. Nevertheless, there are
still a number of early adopters who have
implemented artificial intelligence and are
reaping its lucrative benefits. According to
McKinsey global Institute, these early adopters
tend to be primarily part of the tech sector. In

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

addition, they conclude that AI can particularly

deliver value to companies, which are inclined
to utilise it within their core functions as well
as across operations. Their survey illustrates
that early AI adopters, combining strong
digital capability with proactive strategies,
experience a higher profit margin and may
expect an increase in their performance gap
with other companies over the next three years.
High-tech and telecom companies as well as
financial services are amongst the companies
leading artificial intelligence and hold the most
ambitious investment plans concerning AI. In data but also more aggregated data. Moreover,
addition to the type of industry, there is also a the less human intervention is required, the
geographic spread. Companies located in the smarter the engine becomes, which reduces
United States consumed 66% of all external the gap between businesses and true promise
investments into artificial intelligence in 2016. of artificial intelligence.
China held the second position with 17% and is
growing rapidly. Data aggregation for better solar asset
Over the course of the coming few years,
artificial intelligence is poised to radically
Simply utilising spreadsheets to manage assets
alter the way businesses in all industries
is neither a lasting nor an efficient approach for
are conducted. Currently, machine learning
a number of reasons. According to PowerHub,
applications and artificial intelligence
a leading asset management platform for
analyse significant amounts of structured
renewable energy professionals, the primary
and unstructured data. Moreover, these
concern is the reliability issues associated
applications are able to generate insights
with software like Excel. These issues include
within a fraction of the time and at a fraction of
potential insecure information access, invalid
the cost of human labour. AI is no longer solely
data entries, accidental data deletion and
a sci-fi and futurologist phenomenon, but an
corrupted files. A plausible way to avoid these
actual business tool to boost productivity and
reliability issues can be cloud based asset
economic growth. Therefore, the real question
management. The second reason would be
is: ‘How will AI deliver value to businesses and
the lack of centralisation and the significant
in specific, the solar industry?’.
margin of error that occur when multiple
people edit the same spreadsheet. Excel files
3. Data: AI’s central enabler are extremely easy to rename, move, copy,
resave and so forth. This can lead to multiple
Despite all the advances made in computing versions of the same sheet circling around.
capabilities, algorithms and data-accessibility, Centralised systems such as PowerHub
it can be well argued that data is still the most can assist in cataloguing the information to
critical component of actualising AI, as without guarantee that solely authorised individuals
it all the other elements would be merely a are able to view what they need. In addition,
string of impressive technology requiring PowerHub enables multiple users to have
substantial human input. The artificial simultaneous access to information, whereas
intelligence machines become smarter when Excel allows users input data on a one-at-a-
supplied with not only a greater amount of time basis. Providing constant manual updates

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

is another disadvantage of utilising Excel in with the aim of providing the “most accurate
lieu of automated data. Additionally, having weather forecasts globally with personalised
a more centralised pool of data enhances the and actionable insights”. Prior to that, IBM
company’s overall efficiency, particularly in had already started working on discovering
terms of decision making. Data mining can be ways to enhance the accuracy of existing
a tedious and burdensome task if the data is forecasting methods from analysing cloud and
scattered over various files and, even worse, car movement to solar cameras. Forecasts of
different formats. Therefore, it is imperative utmost accuracy are highly advantageous for
to master the art of data collection and reliable grid operations while maintaining low
maintenance. costs. As a result, IBM has achieved the capacity
to prognosticate wind and solar conditions
from approximately 15 minutes to a month in
4. Smart solutions advance. This technology is developed based on
a situation-dependent blending model, which
In order to lower the cost of generating energy
essentially blends several unique forecasting
from the sun, the industry should focus on
models (figure 1). The model combines the
decreasing the costs associated with O&M,
data collected from multiple sources including
as the fuel, rays of sunshine, comes at no
environmental and atmospheric conditions,
cost. A significant portion of these costs can
like temperature, wind, cloud properties, etc.
be minimised by means of AI, through better
The aforementioned model has been applied
tracking, monitoring and evaluating data from
to a number of forecasting issues and cases
solar plants. In fact, data could put the world on
the cusp of transitioning from utilising planet-
harming fuel to clean energy produced by sun.
kWh Analytics, a leading provider
of risk management software and
services, created a new piece of
solar software in 2016 that uses
data from solar projects all around
the globe in order to persuade
insurance companies to support a
production guarantee. Part of kWh
Analytics’ offering is a software
tool called ‘Heliostats’, which is
designed specifically to meet the
needs of financial institutions. This
platform includes data integration,
portfolio analysis, benchmarking
and reporting.

Weather forecasting

In an effort to further drive down

the costs, a number of tech giants,
including IBM, are actualising
ways to make solar cheaper by
means of data. In 2016, IBM Figure 1: Architectural view of situation-dependent, machine learning
acquired The Weather Company, based multi-model blending.

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

software that can analyse sensor data. This

resulting software is called ‘Predix’ and
utilises AI to optimise efficiency and predict
failure prior to occurrence. Predix has been
deployed by energy giant Exelon Generation
to enhance power plant reliability and
performance. Predix combines sophisticated
asset modelling, real-time big data processing,
analytics and applications, and encompasses
great security measures. Invenergy, North
America’s largest privately held renewable
energy company, has also partnered with
General Electric to employ GE’s solar asset
in diverse geographical locations. Significant performance management (APM) software,
forecast accuracy improvements have been which was coupled by Predix with a solar
observed in all cases, mostly over 30%. farm with the capacity of 20 MW. The official
In the theme of forecasting, the National deployment was expected to begin at the end
Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is of 2017. Furthermore, this agreement entails
another prominent contributor to the AI surge formation of a ‘digital twin’ or, in other words,
making advances in the realm of solar power a replica of an actual physical asset created by
forecasting. This project entails examining the means of ML algorithms, which enables the
forecasts in multiple geographically- as well operators to improve the asset management
as climatologically- diverse utilities with high services. This virtual doppelgänger supplies a
solar penetration and ISOs. NCAR regards blueprint of a “fully-functional” plant, which
forecasting as a value chain, starting with can then be used as a benchmark to identify
the weather “causing deviation from clear sky data anomalies. Having these real-time
irradiance and progresses through monitoring insights provides the possibility of alerting the
and observations, modelling, forecasting, operators in advance to avert potential failures
dissemination and communication of the and thus expanding the availability of the
forecasts, interpretation of the forecast, and plant. Enhanced plant availability can lead to a
through decision- making , which produces reduction in O&M costs, as well as an increase
outcomes that have an economic value”. NCAR in production. According to Azeez Mohammed,
has collaborated with a number of partners president and CEO of GE’s Power Conversion,
on this project, from government labs and for a 20-MW solar project, this improvement
universities to utilities and independent system in the availability of the plant translates into an
providers like Xcel Energy. Another innovative additional $200,000 worth of value per annum.
solution in the field of solar forecasting By virtue of these AI-driven insights into asset
is Nnergix PVforecast, which utilises AI performance, condition-based maintenance
technology by means of data mining processes can replace the conventional calendar-based
and is targeted at any energy or electric player approach. The condition-based method is
in the industry. an advanced maintenance method, which is
executed when truly needed and before the
Failure forecasting asset is down. Therefore, the repair time can
be scheduled post-sunset, which further cuts
General Electric, a leader in the field of the downtime and retrieves the energy lost
power generation, has allocated tremendous otherwise.
amounts of resources towards developing

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

Yield enhancement digital meters to supply customers with better

information and report outages automatically.
Furthermore, it is possible to deploy algorithms In addition, PMUs assist the grid in sensing
in order to examine production data of power and automatically recovering from faults in
plants and compare them against models the substation, as well as providing batteries,
to improve yields. DeepSolar technology, which store the excess energy. Since 2010, the
developed by Raycatch, is a “state-of-the art DOE has installed over 15 million smart meters,
algorithm service” and a prime example of an which audit energy usage per individual device
AI application aimed at optimising the yield. and inform utilities in case of local blackouts.
This technology requires no hardware and
software installations as well as no site visits. 5. Robotics & Renewables
Making the grid smarter Robotics are an inescapable focus when
debating the impacts of AI on solar - or
AI will undeniably be at the forefront of renewables in general - and is growing swiftly.
modernising the grid in order to make it There are a plethora of discussions and
“smarter”. These vanguard technologies speculations on how robots will influence
will be able to continuously gather and people’s lives - negatively or positively.
contextualise astonishing amounts of data Robotics experts believe that robots will
from millions of sensors to optimise the be able to fully replace the dull, dirty and
decision-making process regarding the dangerous tasks for humans, which are
allocation of energy resources. Consequently, referred to as the 3Ds of robotisation. Suffice
specialised microgrids will supplant enormous it to say that the applications of robotics in the
regional grids, which can also be combined solar industry adhere to the same principle,
with advanced battery technologies enabling and robots are utilised for tasks encompassing
power to flow continually to and between the aforementioned 3Ds. Autonomously
local communities even in cases of extreme operated robots will raise the ante in terms of
weather. In essence, artificial intelligence effectiveness and efficiency of solar operations
will enable the U.S. to transition to an energy with the proper implementation.
portfolio with an expanded renewable source
production, as well as minute disruptions from A prime instance of utilising robots in the
the intermittency inherent in these resources solar industry is the use of flying drones for
due to the fluctuations in sunlight and wind conducting inspections of a PV plant. These
intensity. drones are presumably the most advanced of
the robots used in renewables. The majority
The U.S. Department of energy (DOE) has of these drones carry a high-resolution video
made it a national policy goal to support the camera and thus can supply images to detect
creation of “smarter” grids, which has also dirt, cracks and other incongruities, even in
been legislatively endorsed by the Energy presence of severe weather conditions. In
Independence and Security Act (EISA).
According to DOE, the smart grid involves
“two-way communication technologies,
control systems, and computer processing”.
These cutting-edge technologies include
sensors called Phasor Measurement Units
(PMUs), which enable operators to examine
the stability of the grid. These sensors allow

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

Krypton has conducted a case study with

SunPower, a global leader in solar power
systems, to examine the impact of AI on a
series of challenges they have been faced with.
One of these challenges is rooted in the swift
increasing number of power plants, which
they control and monitor. This has also led to a
substantial rise in the volume of data generated
from these solar assets. This continuous stream
of data is usually transferred into different
data stores and operator tools. Therefore,
SunPower would be obligated to employ
addition, most premium drones are capable to
multiple software tools in order to achieve
carry thermal/infrared imaging cameras, which
insights into underlying data and - ultimately -
can unveil an abundance of new information
equipment issues. This can lead to alert fatigue
that is impossible to obtain otherwise. Solarig,
in systems and may impede operators from
a global solar photovoltaic integrator, is an
effectively performing their tasks. SunPower
example of an O&M company that currently
had initially built a number of internal software
offers drone thermal inspection of PV plants.
tools to assist their operators in such matters,
Their inspection service promises to lead to
nevertheless those tools were also floundering
a precise diagnosis as well as a cost-effective
under the burden of the enlarged load. Another
solution. As an alternative to drones, fixed-
challenge SunPower was faced with, is the
wing aircrafts can also be utilised for site
staggering hardware expense required, given
the growing amount of data as these tools run
on a database with a single-server architecture.
Regardless of the type of the camera, the
In order to overcome the aforestated issues
inspection images produced need to be
and tremendously enhance their efficiency,
analysed quickly and in real-time, which
SunPower had to resort to new and even more
requires dexterous analysis tools. The latest
innovative solutions driven by AI and so their
advances in the discipline of deep learning,
engagement with Krypton began.
another branch of artificial intelligence,
facilitate the deep learning networks, once
Krypton’s offering to SunPower was to “learn
trained, to conduct in-actual time analysis
from every O&M data point” to extract the
of the images. Deep learning is particularly
most value from the abundance of data they
beneficial while dealing with data accounting
had acquired. Krypton’s specific solution was a
for a substantial number of discrete values such
product called ‘Krypton Collect’, which utilises
as speech and image recognition. An example
data agents to centralise the data from multiple
would be distinguishing between images of
systems including SCADA systems. Moreover,
solar panels, with or without various type of
the modern distributed architecture of
cracks. Overall, AI-supported analysis will
Krypton Collect creates instant access to the
become the chief instrument as far as efficient
data and searchability of it. Another Krypton
and effective inspection of solar plants are
service deployed by SunPower was the
‘Krypton Decision Engine’, which allowed the
company to process billions of data points on
6. O&M issues and AI solutions: a daily basis and consequently detect issues
much more effectively and instantaneously.
A case study

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

7. IoT & AI on the horizon of system could alert the array to change tilt
angle anytime the sensors register that the
solar wind is approaching. Similarly, the system can
move back into the ideal tilt angle as the wind
The Internet of Things (IoT) is fundamentally diminishes. Overall, ML and AI are set to foster
transforming solar installations on a component a new breed of solar machines, which are
level, by embedding them with advanced smarter and possess increasingly optimised
software and, more importantly, sensors. designs.
Therefore, the components will become a
network, which collects and exchanges data, In July 2017, NEXTracker introduced a new
and ultimately supplies the essential algorithms tracker control system called ‘TrueCapture’,
for AI. This data will be particularly useful in supported by the predictive BrightBox
terms of research and development (R&D). The Technologies, described as “an intelligent,
conventional product designs are largely based self-adjusting tracker control system that
on static modeling and laboratory results. increases typical PV power plant energy by
Furthermore, given the recent advancements 2-6%”. TrueCapture continually improves the
in ML, solar hardware could potentially tracking algorithm of each row according to
become capable of troubleshooting without site characteristics and weather conditions,
human intervention. Another example is that of whereas standard systems track all the rows
irradiance-based tracking systems, which have equally. “Proprietary smart panel sensors
existed for decades, but were nevertheless provide real-time shading information on
generally disregarded, due to reliability issues each tracker row”, the data of which is then
concerning soiling and shading. This can now processed by an ML software in order to
be changed by designing a new generation of construct a virtual 3D model of the plant site.
tracking systems based on algorithms. Such The intelligent control engine of TrueCapture
tracker systems can recognise patterns in the combines this virtual model with the most
data collected by the sensors over the course recent meteorological forecast data to
of time. For instance, the tracker system might compute and transfer upgraded tracking
recognise that, when a certain wind speed hits instructions to each solitary row, resulting in
the system at a specific degree tilt, the system increased energy production.
becomes distressed. Proceeding forward, the

WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

Closing Words Learn more about the implications and

potential of AI and meet the companies
How swiftly the full potential of AI will applying the latest O&M technologies
be realised for solar is simply an issue at the fifth annual edition of Solar
of debate. Nonetheless, AI will certainly Asset Management: North America,
have an immense impact on the solar the leading platform on the operational
business. Therefore, embracing AI phase of solar assets, set to take place
powered solar technologies is not only on March 13&14 in San Francisco.
a prudent decision but a necessary one Learn more on the website: https://
to be able to cope with the possible
disruptions of business models in the
- Mina Mesbahi, Solarplaza

Sources & further reading

• Artificial Intelligence discussion paper, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2017

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WHITE PAPER /// Making Solar Smarter
Current & Future AI Applications

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