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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

“The Benefits of Water Spinach, Moringa, Onion, Garlic as Vegetarian Snack”

Presented to:
San Jose National High School (SJNHS)

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject.

“Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion”

School Year (2022-2023)

Dela Cruz, Francis Joshua D.
Lacostales, Ariel O.
Grade 12 TVL C Researchers

Heideliza I. Arzaga
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion Teacher

June 2023

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

(The Benefits of Water Spinach, Moringa, Onion, Garlic as Vegetarian Snack)
Researchers find out that many things have been discover every day due to a
person, people, or a student who’s wanted to know something that may can be use
in nowadays. Due to technology, people can do everything that they wanted. As
researchers, conducting a research information is hard at the first place especially if
you are lack of knowledge, confidence and self-idea that needed to be prove. For us,
technology such as phone, smartphone, laptop, keypad, and other gadgets are the
best way to acknowledge new things. Internet is one of the best and needed tool due
to being connected to all online services. That’s why researchers find out that what if
they create something that looks unique and special like vegetarian food. Vegetarian
snack which is our product contains a special benefits of vegetables such
horseradish, water spinach, onion, and garlic. The output was created due to
requirement and for especially purposes. As researchers, with all due respect that
this presentation is can be used as an example for those students that who’s lack of
idea and information.

Moringa Water Spinach

Onion Garlic

Vegetarian Snack

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
Keywords: Benefits, vegetables, water spinach, onion, garlic, vegetarian snack, food.

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San Jose, Puerto Princesa City


We would like to thank God first for being able to complete this project. Then we
would like to thank our PR2 (Practical Research 2) teacher Ms. Arzaga I. Heideliza
and Malou C. Elevera our science teacher whose guide and path us to complete
this project. We would like to thank our parents, uncles and friends that helped us by
their guidance, suggestion, and advice to complete this project. And last but not the
least we would like to thank each other especially my research partner Ariel O.
Lacostales who contribute his knowledge to complete this project .

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School 3
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Table of Contents

Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Acknowledgement 3

Table of Contents 4

Chapter I …………………………………………………………………………………
I. Introduction 6

II. Conceptual Framework 7

III. Scope and Delimitation 8

IV. Research Questions 9

V. Research Paradigm 10

VI. Significance of the Study 12

VII. Definition of Terms 13

Chapter II ……………………………………………………………………………….
I. Review of Related Literature and Study 15
Chapter III ………………………………………………………………………………
I. Methodology 19

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
II. Research Design 20

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III. Sampling 21

IV. Data Analysis 22

V. Ethical Considerations 23

Chapter IV ………………………………………………………………………………
I. Results and Discussion 24

Chapter V ……………………………………………………………………………….
I. Summarization, Conclusion, and Recommendation 25

II. Documentary 26


San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Chapter 1

In our study, many students tried to think, create, symbolize, and research things to
things to easily to complete their own project output. Due to internet, lots of possible
things and ideas that you can also try and apply especially when it needed.
Suddenly, the two researchers find out that what if they tried and created something
that especially is not the same for everyone like unique. Also, researchers already
find a way with it and the output was known as vegetarian style due to its ingredients
and how it made. The product was already named by researchers called “Vegetarian

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School 6

San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

II. Conceptual Framework

“Vegetarian Snack
- Recipes: Water
Spinach, Horseradish,
Onion, Garlic”

Advantages &


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San Jose National High School 7
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

III. Scope and Delimitation

In this study, researchers limited their output and only based on how the
benefits -advantages & disadvantages of Vegetarian Snack in TVL Students
of San Jose National High School and Sports Complex of Brgy. Sta. Monica.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

IV. Research Question

In this part, researchers would like to acknowledge a certain question on
how the Vegetarian Snack has benefits and advantages / disadvantages in
TVL students:

1. How benefit is Water Spinach, Horseradish, Onion, Garlic?

2. Does the product good to eat?

3. What are the advantages / disadvantages of Vagitar Snacks?

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

V. Research Paradigm
Input Process Output

Researchers got to think Researcher mixed up The output of the product

on what recipes are must Water Spinach, Onion, has become crispy and
be on their product. Horseradish, and Garlic delicious due to the
using Almiris. ingredients that applied.
Researchers find out that
Water Spinach, Onion, Researchers applied 1 / 2 Based on our experiment
Horseradish, and Garlic . cup of floor, cornstarch it can take many longer
and mixed up using water days such as 2 weeks or
that contained 1 / 2 of salt. more before it get expire.
Also added 1 / 2 of sugar. The product was named
by the researcher known
as Vagitar Snack.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300

San Jose National High School

San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Research Questions Independent Variables Dependent Variables

(Cause) (Effect)
Why the ingredients of Due to its benefits and not so The effects of Vegetarian
Vegetarian Snack must be much eaten. Snack can be related into
Water Spinach, vegetables.
Horseradish, Onion, and

Does Vegetarian Snack Due to our self-research and Students who tried to eat
safe? experience Vegetarian Snack is Vegetarian Snack has a chance
safe to eat due to has its 4 to became body balance,
benefits of vegetables physical health, and also
ingredients that mixed up and reduced risk of disease.
also the result became 1.
Does the product have also Yes, researchers find out that The product can be waste due
advantages / the product have advantages / to ingredients. That’s why
disadvantages? What are disadvantages. Advantages can researchers put limited foods
these? let your body less disease and on their Snack Pack.
disadvantages not everyone are
interest to eat it.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

VI. Significance of the Study

In this part, researchers find out that this research had also significance
especially on how the “Vegetarian Snack” is. Researchers wanted to explain
on how its important.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

VII. Definition of Terms

The following are the terms of the study:

The product itself is worth for goods – The product is created for healthy

Less chance of disease for unhealthy body (These includes: Horseradish,

Water Spinach, Onions, and Garlic) – The product itself can take healthier
and less diseases due to the ingredients that has been mixed during the

Less sugar and more benefits – The product itself are less on sugar and
more benefits due to the ingredients that mixed and cooked in 4 recipe such
as Water Spinach, Onion, Horseradish, and Garlic.

Flour – Used as one of the main ingredients of research.

Corn starch – Used and mixed up with flour. The ingredient itself applied to
made the output clingy and for the better outcome.

Water – A commonly used when cooking. Used to make the ingredients


San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
Salt – Used to make the output tasted.

Soy sauce – It is used and applied to makes additional taste.

White / Brown Sugar – Applied for additional taste of the output.

San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Ready to Eat (Vegetarian Snack) – The product was made to be eat, not be
trash. Also, the product itself can be related into healthy diet that can be used
by vegetarian students.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School 14
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Chapter II
Review Related Literature and Studies
In this chapter, the ideas and other information will be set. In other way, it will
guide and help you to understand on how and why researchers applied this method
of information.

Horseradish (Malunggay) 2022, By: Dany Paul Baby

Horseradish root is naturally rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your
body from cellular damage by attaching themselves to free radicals. Early
studies also suggest that horseradish may prevent the growth of colon, lung, and
stomach cancer cells, though more research in humans needs to be done.

Water Spinach (Kangkong) 2017, By: Aessense Grows

Water spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients that benefit your body as well as

your skin and brain. It contains abundant quantities of water, iron, vitamin C,
vitamin A and other nutrients and can be eaten cooked or raw. It is mostly used in
salads as well as other dishes to boost their nutrient content.

Onions (Sibuyas) 2023, By: Jo Lewin

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
Onions are loaded with plant chemicals including flavonoids, which have both an
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. When consumed regularly and in
sufficient quantity, these compounds may help protect against chronic
conditions such as cancer and diabetes.

San Jose National High School 15

San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Garlic (Bawang) 2022, By: Mahammad Juber

Garlic is highly nutritious and associated with a variety of health benefits. However, if
you eat too much of it, it may cause side effects like bad breath, acid reflux,
digestive issues, and an increased risk of bleeding

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Flour (Harina) 2020, By: Lauren Panoff

Is a good source of protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. As it

contains gluten, it isn't appropriate for people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten

Corn Starch (Harina ng mais) 2022, By: Malia Frey

Cornstarch is considered a refined carb, meaning that it has undergone extensive

processing and been stripped of its nutrients. Studies show that regularly consuming
foods rich in refined carbs, such as cornstarch, may negatively affect heart health.

Water (Tubig) 2023, By: Malia Frey

The human body needs water for the day-to-day survival. We may be able to
survive without any food for a whole week but without water, we won't even survive
for 3 days. Moreover, our body itself comprises of 70% water. This, in turn, helps our
body to function normally.

Salt (Asin) 2021, By: Hrefna Pálsdóttir & Gabrielle McPherson

Salt/ Sodium is an essential nutrient necessary for maintenance of plasma

volume, acid-base balance, transmission of nerve impulses and normal cell
function. Excess sodium is linked to adverse health outcomes, including increased
blood pressure.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School 17
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Soy Sauce (Toyo) 2022, By: Mehak Shah

Soy sauce is a fermented seasoning with many therapeutic benefits. This condiment
has a salty and caramel-like taste. Its rich nutrient profile and antioxidant
properties help promote digestion, reduce allergies, lower bad cholesterol
levels, and reduce blood pressure.

White / Brown Sugar (Asukal) 2022, By: Onam Gupta

Sugar is part of a healthy diet that promotes productivity. The breakdown of sugar
produces glucose, which is the body’s primary source of fuel. We wouldn’t be able to
keep up with our hectic schedules without sugar. Keeping fruit or dairy products on
hand is the greatest method to obtain a boost of energy from natural sugar.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School 18
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Chapter III

In this part, researchers wanted to enumerate on how the 4-recipes and how data
has been collected during the process.

Researcher mixed up Water Spinach, Onion, Horseradish, and Garlic using

Almeries. Researchers applied 1 / 2 cup of flour, cornstarch and mixed-up using
water that contained 1 / 2 of salt. Also added 1 / 2 of sugar. After that, researchers
heat up oil using pan and cooked it. During the cooking procedure it is not just about
pouring mixed-up ingredients also it will take step-by-step before you cooked another

This chapter has contained additional information such as research design,

sampling, data analysis, ethical considerations. This data is also related on how the
output was proceed.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

II. Research Design

This data contained numerical, non-numerical, and little survey information:

Documentary & Documentary & Survey

Survey (Vegetarian Snack)
(Vegetarian Snack)
Rated 1

Rated 2

Rated 3

Rated 4

Rated 5
Total of participants
20 / 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Teacher 5/5 Student 15/15 Teacher Student

 Researchers find out that the product / output itself can be used as “ulam”.
The product itself known as “Vegetarian Snack” ratings will be 4 out of 5 based on the
San JoseMany
survey. National Highbelieve
teachers School,that
Puerto PrincesaofCity,
the outcome Palawan
the output 5300 due to its
is unique
style and tasted. Also, many students said that the product looks great and the
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

III. Sampling
This data will show the ingredients, tools / equipment’s, and collected
information that has been used during the procedure.


 1 / 2 of Flour
 1 / 2 of Corn starch
 1 Cup of water
 1 / 2 of Salt
 1 / 2 Cup of Sugar
 1 Tablespoon of Soy sauce
 2 Tablespoon of oil
 10 pcs of kangkong
 7 – 10 pcs of Horseradish (Malunggay)
 1 pc of Onion (Sibuyas)
 In 1 pack – 2 pcs of Garlic (Bawang)

Tools / Equipment’s used:

 Almiris

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
 Bowl
 Wire whisk

* Researchers also wanted to explain on how the “Vegetarian Snack” product /

output was made for sure information: (Note: Panelist only can take this action)

San Jose National High School 21

San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

IV. Data Analysis

The details and other information that created by researchers of G – 12

TVL C was part of TVL Senior High School Students of San Jose National
High School (SJNHS). The information was created to inspire and
motivate student that everything that wanted to be reach is possible, if you
tried to redirect and rethink things that looks impossible. And also, this
data / research is represented to everyone especially for those students
that doesn’t vegetarian. The statement of data, knowledge that formed
and created is actually owned by G12 – TVL C researchers.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

V. Ethical Consideration

In this data, researchers have an opportunity to open and explain the

product / output that how’s the outcome? Also, two researchers agreed,
believed, and find out that the outcome of their output has been verified of
no harm and less of chemical used.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Chapter IV
Result and Discussion
The output itself known as “Vegetarian Snack” shows on how it is valuable
especially on how it made. Also, it is made in 100% pure vegetables and less
harmful. Many students’ belief that the product can be used and sold into
marketplaces due to its taste.

Respondent #1: Edvi Creeza Lumugdang (FBC – Student Teacher)


 Does our product appearance, smell, color, and packaging look great?
Answer: Yes
San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
 Do you believe that our product/output can be used as home food (ulam)?
Answer: Yes

San Jose National High School 24

San Jose, Puerto Princesa City

Chapter V

Conclusion and Recommendation

In this case the benefits and advantages / disadvantages of “Vegetarian Snack”
was already discussed on the part of research. Also, the product shows itself that
the ingredients where included are no chemical and less harm. Advantages of
product are for healthy body, less diseases, and physical health issues.
Disadvantages are not everyone will take a chance to take or eat. Anyone like
other students is less interest too due to the 4 recipes such as Water Spinach,
Horseradish, Onion, Garlic that combined and mixed into 1.

The output who has been made by researchers created a good opportunity to
acknowledge for students and also the importance of it. The product known as
Vegetarian Snack was made 100% pure of vegetables. The researchers itself
believed that their output is good and less harm due to the ingredients that has
been mixed.

San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
Somehow for recommendations on this product / output is can be used to eat as
home food and also it can be snacks for those students who wanted it.



A day where data & other

information was started
04 – 07 – 23 --->>>

Output of researching
04 – 09 – 23


Experiment of output
04 – 28 – 23
A day where research
data & survey completed
(05 – 22 – 23)
San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
- This is the part of research
where researchers show
on how ‘s the product /
output process will be.

Re-encoding collected
data & information
05 – 29 – 23
San Jose National High School
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City


Water Spinach (Kangkong) 2017, By: Aessense Grows

Horseradish (Malunggay) 2022, By: Dany Paul Baby

Onions (Sibuyas) 2023, By: Jo Lewin


San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300
Garlic (Bawang) 2022, By: Mahammad Juber


San Jose National High School, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 5300

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