The Four Postulates of Quantum Mechanics Are Three: Is Mistaken: The Superposition Principle Is Encoded Into

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The four postulates of quantum mechanics are three

Gabriele Carcassi1, Lorenzo Maccone2 and Christine A. Aidala1

1. Physics Department, University of Michigan, 450 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040, United States
2. Dip. Fisica and INFN Sez. Pavia, University of Pavia, via Bassi 6, I-27100 Pavia, Italy

The tensor product postulate of quantum mechanics states that the Hilbert space of a composite
system is the tensor product of the components’ Hilbert spaces. All current formalizations of quan-
tum mechanics that do not contain this postulate contain some equivalent postulate or assumption
(sometimes hidden). Here we give a natural definition of composite system as a set containing
the component systems and show how one can logically derive the tensor product rule from the
state postulate and from the measurement postulate. In other words, our paper reduces by one the
arXiv:2003.11007v2 [quant-ph] 25 Jan 2021

number of postulates necessary to quantum mechanics.

In this paper we derive the tensor product postulate formulations (e.g. [8–11]) introduce this postulate explic-
(which, hence, loses its status of postulate) from two itly. An interesting alternative is provided in [12, 13]:
other postulates of quantum mechanics: the state pos- after introducing tensor products, Ballentine verifies a
tulate and the measurement postulate. The tensor prod- posteriori that they give the correct laws of composition
uct postulate does not appear in all axiomatizations of of probabilities. Similarly, Peres uses relativistic local-
quantum mechanics: it has even been called “postulate ity [14]. While these procedures seemingly bypass the
0” in some literature [1]. A widespread belief is that need to postulate the tensor product, they do not guar-
it is a direct consequence of the superposition princi- antee that this is the only possible way of introducing
ple, and it is hence not a necessary axiom. This belief composite systems in quantum mechanics. In the frame-
is mistaken: the superposition principle is encoded into work of quantum logic, tensor products arise from some
the quantum axioms by requiring that the state space additional conditions [15] which (in contrast to what is
is a linear vector space. This is, by itself, insufficient done here) are not connected to the other postulates. In
to single out the tensor product, as other linear prod- [16, 17] tensor products were obtained by specifying ad-
ucts of linear spaces exist, such as the direct product, ditional physical or mathematical requirements.
the exterior/wedge product or the direct sum of vector Let us first provide a conceptual overview of our ap-
spaces, which is used in classical mechanics to combine proach. We start from the natural definition of a compos-
state spaces of linear systems. These are all maps from ite system as the set of two (or more) quantum systems.
linear spaces to linear spaces but they differ in how the The composite system is therefore made of system A and
linearity of one is mapped to the linearity of the oth- (joined with) system B and nothing else. The first key
ers [32]. This belief may have arisen from the semi- insight is that the first two postulates of quantum theory
nal book of Dirac [2], who introduces tensor products (introduced below) already assume that the preparation
(Chap. 20) by appealing to linearity. However, he adds of one system is independent from the preparation of an-
the seemingly innocuous request that the product among other (statistical independence). In fact, we cannot even
spaces be distributive (rather, bilinear), which is equiv- talk about a system in the first place if we cannot char-
alent to postulating tensor products (or linear functions acterize it independently. The second key insight is that,
of them). It is not an innocuous request. For example it using the law of composition of probabilities of indepen-
does not hold where the composite vector space of two dent events, we can find a map M that takes the state
linear spaces is described by the direct product, e.g. in of the component systems and gives the composite state
classical mechanics, for two strings of a guitar: it is not for the statistically independent case. These insights are
distributive. [General classical systems, not only linear enough to characterize mathematically the state space of
ones, are also composed through the direct product.] Of the composite: the linearity given by the Hilbert space,
course, Dirac is not constructing an axiomatic formula- together with the fact that the composite system is fully
tion, so his ‘sleight of hand’ can be forgiven. In contrast, described by the observables of A and B, allows us to
von Neumann ([3] Chap. VI.2, also [4]) introduces tensor extend the construction from the statistically indepen-
products by noticing that this is a natural choice in the dent composite states to the general case (that includes
position representation of wave mechanics (where they entangled states). So the work consists of two interre-
were introduced in [5, 6]), and then explicitly postulates lated efforts: a physical argument that starts from the
them in general: “This rule of transformation is correct in first two postulates and leads to the necessary existence
any case for the coordinate and momentum operators [...] of the composition map M and its properties together
and it conforms with the [observable axiom and its lin- with a formal argument that shows how M leads to the
earity principles], we therefore postulate them generally.” tensor product.
[3]. More mathematical or conceptually-oriented modern This map M acts on the state spaces of the subsystems.

decomposition x,i x |x i ihxi |

Each pure state is identified by a ray ψ, a subspace of the hxi |xi i (i a degeneracy index), re-
system’s Hilbert space comprising all vectors ψ differing turns a value x given that the system is in state ψ is
by their (nonzero) modulus and phase: a one-dimensional p(x|ψ) = i hx|hψ|x
P i i|
(Born rule). (c) The state space
i |xi ihψ|ψi
complex subspace (a complex plane). In the same way, of a composite system is given by the tensor product of
constraining the observable X to a particular outcome the spaces of the component systems; (d) The time evo-
value x0 means identifying the subspace comprising all lution of an isolated system is described by a unitary op-
non-normalized eigenvectors |x0 i of arbitrary phase such erator acting on a vector representing the system state,
that X|x0 i = x0 |x0 i. The map M establishes a rela- |ψ(t)i = Ut |ψ(t = 0)i or, equivalently, by the Schrödinger
tionship between the states of the subsystems and the equation. The rest of quantum theory can be derived
composite, so it is a map between subspaces, not vec- from these axioms. While some axiomatizations intro-
tors. Therefore, M acts on the projective spaces, where duce further postulates, we will be using only (a) and
all vectors within the same ray are “collapsed” into a sin- (b) to derive (c), so the above are sufficient to our aims.
gle point (i.e. a quotient space in the equivalence class),
removing the unphysical “overspecification” of the phase Note that we limit ourselves to kinematically-indepen-
and of the modulus. The physical requirements on M dent systems, where all state vectors |ψi in the system’s
are such that we can find a bilinear map m between vec- Hilbert space H describe a valid state, unconditioned on
tors that acts consistently with M in terms of subspaces. anything else. We call this condition “preparation inde-
This map m is the tensor product. pendence” and it should be noted that the tensor product
applies only in this case. For example, the composite sys-
More in detail, the physical requirements of statistical
tem of two electrons is not the tensor product, rather the
independence, together with the fact that one can arbi-
anti-symmetrized tensor product, precisely because the
trarily prepare the states of the subsystems, imply three
second electron cannot be prepared in the same state of
conditions on the map m: (H1) totality: the map is de-
the first. We note that restrictions due to superselection
fined on all states of the subsystems; (H2) bilinearity:
rules arise either from practical (not fundamental) limi-
the map is bilinear thanks to the fundamental theorem
tations on the actions of the experimenter [18–20] or from
of projective geometry; (H3) span surjectivity: the span
the use of ill-defined quantum systems. In the example
of the image of the map coincides with the full composite
above, the field is the proper quantum system and the
Hilbert space. We then prove that, if these three condi-
electrons are its excitations. [33]
tions H1, H2 and H3 hold, then the map m is the ten-
sor product, namely the Hilbert space of the composite The definition of a composite system as containing only
system is the tensor product of the components’ Hilbert the collection of the subsystems means that any prepara-
spaces. The tensor product “postulate” hence loses its tion of both subsystems independently must correspond
status of a postulate. An overview of all these logical to the preparation of the composite system. Since states
implications is given in Fig. 1. The rest of the paper are defined by postulate (a) as rays in the respective
contains the sketch of this argument, including all the Hilbert spaces, there must exist a map M : A × B → C
physical arguments outlined above. The supplementary that takes a pair of states for the subsystems (A and B
material [7] contains the mathematical details. represent the projective space, where each point repre-
sents all vectors that identify the same state, and the
Cartesian product is the set of all possible pairs) and
returns a state in the projective space C for the compos-
ite. To visualize the geometrical meaning of M directly
within the Hilbert spaces, given a ray (a complex plane)
in each of A and B, M returns a ray (a complex plane)
in C. Our final goal will be to find a map m : A × B → C
that acts on vectors in the Hilbert spaces A, B and C
FIG. 1: Schematic depiction of the logical implications used consistently with M . Namely, m(a, b) = M (a, b) where
in this paper. FTPG stands for “Fundamental Theorem of the underline sign indicates the elements in the projec-
Projective Geometry”. tive space. Again geometrically, m takes a vector in each
of A and B, and returns a vector in C and we want this to
We start with the axiomatization of quantum me- be consistent with M such that vectors picked from the
chanics based on the following postulates (e.g. [8–11]): same rays will return vectors in the same ray. We will
(a) The pure state of a system is described by a ray ψ prove that the map m is the tensor product. We focus
corresponding to a set of non-zero vectors |ψi in a com- on pure states here: the argument can be extended to
plex Hilbert space, and the system’s observable prop- mixed states using standard tools [12].
erties are described by self-adjoint operators acting on The map M must be injective: as said above, different
that space; (b) The probability that a measurement of states of the subsystems must correspond, by definition
a property X, described by the operator with spectral of composite system, to different states of the composite.

Moreover, preparation independence implies that M , and antilinear. This tells us that the corresponding m is ei-
hence m, must be total maps (condition H1): each sub- ther linear or antilinear in the first argument. Namely, if
system of the composite system can be independently equation (3) holds, then
prepared and gives rise to a state of the composite. H1
ha|ψi = hm(a, b)|m(ψ, b)i (4)
is not sufficient to identify the tensor product: by itself
it does not even guarantee that the map m is linear. or ha|ψi = hm(ψ, b)|m(a, b)i. (5)
Postulate (b) contains the connection between quan- In this setting, the antilinear case (5) corresponds to a
tum mechanics and probability theory. It must then im- change of convention (much like a change of sign in the
plicitly contain the axiomatization of probability, e.g. see symplectic form for classical mechanics) and can be ig-
[12, 13, 21]. One of the axioms of probability theory (ax- nored. Given a Hilbert space, in fact, we can imagine
iom 4 in [13]) asserts that the joint probability events replacing all vectors and all the operators with their Her-
a and b given z is p(a ∧ b|z) = p(a|z) p(b|z ∧ a). Con- mitian conjugate, mapping vectors into duals |ψi† = hψ|.
sider p(a ∧ b|ψ ∧ b) which represents the probability of These changes would effectively cancel out leaving the
measurement outcomes a on system A and b on system physics unchanged: the two equations A|wi = B|zi and
B given that system A was prepared in ψ and system hw|A† = hz|B † are equivalent. (For example, in his first
B in b. We have p(a ∧ b|ψ ∧ b) = p(a|ψ ∧ b ∧ b)p(b|ψ ∧ papers Schrödinger used both signs in his equation: ef-
b) = p(a|ψ ∧ b)p(b|ψ ∧ b). The Born rule tells us that fectively writing two equivalent equations with complex-
p(a|ψ ∧ b) = |ha|ψi|2 and that p(b|ψ ∧ b) = |hb|bi|2 = 1, conjugate solutions [23]. Also Wigner pointed out this
where |ai, |bi are the normalized eigenstates relative to equivalence [24], pg.152). We can repeat the same anal-
outcomes a and b, and |ψi is the normalized state vector. ysis for the second argument of m to conclude that it is
We have: a bilinear map, condition (H2).
The last condition, span surjectivity (H3), follows di-
p(a ∧ b|ψ ∧ b) = p(a|ψ) (1)
rectly from the definition of a composite system. Since it
p(a ∧ b|a ∧ φ) = p(b|φ) (2) is composed only of the component systems, for any state
c of the composite system, we must find at least one pair
In other words, since the probability for a measurement
|ai, |bi such that p(a ∧ b|c) 6= 0. Span-surjectivity fol-
on one system depends only on its pure state, the Born
lows: namely the span of the map applied to all states
rule requires that the measurement of one system is inde-
in the component systems spans the composite system
pendent from the preparation of the other. We call this
state space. In other words, the composite does not con-
property “statistical independence” [34]. It characterizes
tain states that are totally independent of (i.e. orthogonal
the map M , since M (a, b) corresponds to the composite
to) the states of the components.
state where A and B are prepared in the states |ai and
We have obtained the conditions H1, H2 and H3 from
|bi. Define Mb (a) = M (a, b). From the Born rule we find
the state postulate (a), the measurement postulate (b)
D E 2 D E 2 and the definitions of composite and independent sys-
M (a, b) M (ψ, b) = Mb (a) Mb (ψ)

C C tems. We now prove that these three conditions imply
= |ha|ψiA | , (3) that the (up to now unspecified) composition rule m is
the tensor product. More precisely, given a total, span-
where the first and second terms contain the inner prod- surjective, bilinear map m : A × B → C that maps the
uct in the composite space C. [This is not a new assump- Hilbert spaces A, B of the components into the Hilbert
tion: it follows from the measurement postulate (b) for space C of the composite and that preserves the square of
the composite system.] This means that, when one sub- the inner product, we find that C is equivalent to A ⊗ B
system is prepared in an eigenstate of what is measured and that m = ⊗.
there, the state space of the other is mapped preserving Proof. Step 1: the bases of the component systems
the square of the inner product. This implies orthogonal- are mapped to a basis of the composite system. Be-
ity and the hierarchy of subspaces are preserved through cause of totality property (H1) and because the square
Mb , making Mb a colinear transformation by definition. of the inner product is preserved, we can conclude that,
Geometrically, recall that Mb maps rays to rays. The given two orthonormal bases {|ai i} ∈ A and {|bj i} ∈ B,
fact that Mb is colinear means that it also maps higher |hm(ai , bj )|m(ak , bℓ )i|2 = δik δjℓ , namely {|m(ai , bj )i} is
order subspaces to higher order subspaces (lines to lines, an orthonormal set in C. Moreover, the surjectivity prop-
planes to planes, and so on) while preserving inclusion (if erty (H3) guarantees that in C no vectors are orthogonal
a line is within a plane, the mapped line will be within the to this set. This implies that it is a basis for C.
mapped plane). In this case, the fundamental theorem Step 2: use the universal property. The tensor product
of projective geometry [22] applies, which tells us that is uniquely characterized, up to isomorphism, by a uni-
a unique semi-linear map mb that acts on the vectors versal property regarding bilinear maps: given two vector
exists in accordance with Mb . Moreover, conservation spaces A and B, the tensor product A ⊗ B and the asso-
of probability further constrains it to be either linear or ciated bilinear map T : A × B → A ⊗ B have the property

than any bilinear map m : A × B → C factors through It has been pointed out before that the quantum pos-
T uniquely. This means that there exists a unique I, de- tulates are redundant: in [9, 25] it was shown that the
pendent on m, such that I ◦ T = m. In other words, the measurement postulate (b) can be derived from the oth-
following diagram commutes: ers (a), (c), (d). Here instead we have shown how the ten-
sor product postulate (c) can be logically derived from
A×B A⊗B the state postulate (a), the measurement postulate (b)
m I and a reasonable definition of independent systems, and
we have described the logical relations among them. Of
C course, we do not claim that this is the only way to obtain
Since m : A×B → C is a bilinear operator (property H2), the tensor product postulate from the others.
thanks to the universal property of the tensor product we Acknowledgements: L.M. acknowledges useful dis-
can find a unique linear operator I : A⊗ B → C such that cussions with M. Ozawa, P. Zanardi, S. Lloyd,
m(a, b) = I(a ⊗ b). The set {I(ai ⊗ bj ) with |ai i and |bj i D. Zeh, G. Auletta, A. Aldeni and funding from the
orthonormal bases for A and B} forms a basis for C, since MIUR Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022 project
I(ai ⊗ bj ) = m(ai , bj ) and we have shown above that the F11I18000680001, Attract project through the Eu Hori-
latter is a basis. Thus, zon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 777222. This material is based upon work
hI(ai ⊗ bj )|I(ak ⊗ bℓ )iC = hm(ai , bj )|m(ak , bℓ )iC supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office
= δik δjℓ = hai ⊗ bj |ak ⊗ bℓ i⊗ , (6) of Science, National Quantum Information Science Re-
search Centers. G.C. and C.A.A. would like to thank
where we used the orthonormality of the bases and the M. J. Greenfield for reviewing the mathematical details
fact that |ai ⊗ bj i is a basis of the tensor product space and acknowledge funding from the MCubed program of
A⊗B. Since the function I is a linear function that maps the University of Michigan. G.C. and C.A.A.’s contribu-
an orthonormal basis of A ⊗ B to an orthonormal basis tion to this work is part of a larger project, Assumptions
of C, I is a an isomorphism (a bijection that preserves of Physics, which aims to identify a handful of physical
the mathematical structure) between A ⊗ B and C. As principles from which the basic laws can be rigorously
C ∼= A ⊗ B are isomorphic as Hilbert spaces, they are derived.
mathematically equivalent: c ∈ C and I −1 (c) represent
the same physical object. In this sense, we can loosely
say that I is the identity, as it connects spaces that are SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR “THE
physically equivalent. So we can directly use the tensor FOUR POSTULATES OF QUANTUM
product to represent the composite state space. This
means that the map m : A × B → C is equivalent to the
map ⊗ : A × B → A ⊗ B in the sense that m ◦ I −1 = ⊗. Mathematical formulation.

A few comments on the proof: it is based on the uni- Here we give the mathematical details of the proof
versal property of the tensor product, which uniquely sketched in the main paper.
characterizes it. In step 1 we show that the bilinear map The core idea is that the probability space constrains
m maps subsystems’ bases into the composite system ba- what the state space for the composite system can
sis. We also know that there exists a tensor product map be. Therefore we must develop a precise map between
T = ⊗ that can compose the vectors in A and B. In step events in probability and their correspondents in terms
2 we use the universal property: since m is a bilinear of Hilbert space. Conceptually, the event X = x0 , the
map, we are assured that there exists a unique I such observable X is equal to the value x0 , will correspond
that I ◦ T = m. Since we show that I is an isomorphism, to the subspace spanned by all eigenstates of X with
then I bijectively maps vectors in C onto vectors in the eigenvalue x0 . The event ψ, the system was prepared
tensor product space. Namely m = T = ⊗. in state ψ, will correspond to the ray (one-dimensional
We conclude with some general comments. The ten- complex subspace) corresponding to the ψ vector. There-
sor product structure of quantum systems is not abso- fore, in general, all events in probability will correspond
lute, but depends on the observables that are accessible to subspaces (of different dimensionality) of the Hilbert
[19, 20]. This is due to the fact that an agent that has space. Projective spaces are the right tool to keep track
access to a set of observables will define quantum systems of subspaces. The proof, then, consists of establishing the
differently from an agent that has access to a different set correct definitions in the space of events, mapping those
of observables. Where one agent sees a single system, an into elements of the projective space and then, from the
agent that has access to less refined observables (and is projective space, constructing a map on the vector space
then limited by some superselection rules) can consider directly.
the same system as composed of multiple subsystems. Let us establish, then, the notation we will be using to

distinguish the projective space from the Hilbert space also a subspace. We should not confuse a ∧ b with a|b:
itself. If X is a Hilbert space, we denote X the projec- the first refers to either preparation or measurement of
tive space. The projective space is mathematically con- both systems in the respective state, while the second
structed from the Hilbert space by removing the origin corresponds to preparing one system in one state and
and quotienting by the equivalence relationship v ∼ λv, measuring the other system in the other state [21].
v ∈ X and λ ∈ C. A quantum state is a point in projec-
tive space. Each point of the projective space is called a Definition I.1 (Compatible states). Let A and B be
ray, because for a real vector space it would correspond to two systems. Let A and B be their corresponding state
a line going through the origin, with the origin removed. spaces. We say two (pure) states (a, b) ∈ A × B are
As we are in a complex space, the ray should be thought compatible iff the respective systems can be prepared in
as a complex plane without the origin, which is the space such states at the same time. Formally, the proposition
of the vectors reachable from a fixed one through multi- a∧b is possible, which means it does not correspond to the
plication by a complex number. It can also be thought empty set in the σ-algebra of the probability space[35].
as a subspace of dimension one. Definition I.2 (Preparation independence). Two sys-
Given a vector v ∈ X, we will denote v the ray in tems are said independent iff the preparation of one does
the projective space corresponding to v. Note that v not affect the preparation of the other. Formally, all
denotes a quantum state, without having picked a mod- (pure) state pairs (a, b) ∈ A × B are compatible.
ulus or phase. Given two or more vectors v1 , ..., vn ∈ X,
the subspace of X they span (i.e. all the vectors reached Proposition I.3. Given two systems, each prepared in-
by linear combinations) is noted by Sp(v1 , ..., vn ). Note dependently in their own state, the probability of measur-
that this subspace will correspond to a set of rays in the ing a value for one system depends only on the prepara-
projective space, which we note as Sp(v1 , ..., vn ). Ge- tion of that system. That is, P (a1 |a2 ∧ b) = P (a1 |a2 ).
ometrically, this can be thought as the smallest hyper-
Proof. We first note that, by postulate (b), the probabil-
plane that contains all vectors. Given v, w ∈ X, we can
ity of measuring a value for one system depends only on
write P (v|w) = hv|vihw|wi which corresponds to the prob- the preparation of that system, which means that it is in-
ability of observing v given w was prepared. Note that dependent of the properties of any other system. There-
P (v|w) = P (λv|µw), with non-null λ, µ ∈ C, and there- ha1 |a2 iha2 |a1 i
fore P (a1 |a2 ∧ b) = ha = P (a1 |a2 )
1 |a1 iha2 |a2 i
fore one can write P (v|w) ≡ P (v|w) as a function of
the rays. Geometrically, this corresponds to the angle Definition I.4 (Composite systems). Let A and B be
between the two complex planes identified by the two two systems. The composite system C of A and B is
vectors. formed by the simple collection of those and only those
two systems, in the sense that it satisfies the following
Postulate (a). The state of a quantum system is de-
two requirements.
scribed by a ray ψ = {α|ψi | non-null α ∈ C, |ψi ∈ H} in
a separable complex Hilbert space H, and the system’s 1. Every preparation of both subsystems is a prepara-
observable properties are described by self-adjoint oper- tion of the composite. Formally, let C be the state
ators acting on that space. space for C, there exists a map (not yet specified)
M : A × B → C such that, for any compatible pair
Remark. All proofs, except one, do not depend on the of (pure) states (a, b) ∈ A × B, the proposition a ∧ b
dimensionality of the space. The exception is proposition is equivalent to the (pure) state M (a, b) ∈ C where
I.8 for which we prove the finite case by induction and M returns the state of the composite system where
then show that it holds in the limit. This would not work the subsystems were prepared in the given states.
in the non-separable case, since the basis would not be In other words, a ∧ b and M (a, b) correspond to the
countable. same event in probability space[36].
Postulate (b). The probability that a measurement of
2. For every preparation of the composite, local pro-
a property X, described by the operator with spectral
P |xi ihxi | jective measurements must have at least one out-
decomposition X = x,i x hxi |xi i where i is a degen- come with non-zero probability. Formally, for every
eracy index, returns a value x depends only on X and c ∈ C, we can find at least a ∈ A and b ∈ B such
on the state of the system ψ and is given by P (x|ψ) = that P (a ∧ b|c) 6= 0.
P hψ|xi ihxi |ψi
i hψ|ψihxi |xi i (Born rule).
It is important to understand that these requirements
Given two events a and b, for example X > x1 and are necessary. Requirement 1 ensures that the compos-
X < x2 , their conjunction a ∧ b is the event where both ite system is well defined at least when the components
are true, x1 < X < x2 in the example. In terms of are prepared independently. Conceptually, this ensures
our Hilbert spaces, both a and b correspond to subspaces that the composite system contains all the properties of
and a ∧ b is exactly the intersection of the two, which is the components. Note that superselection rules or other

restrictions may prevent the independent preparation of Proof. By I.3 we have P (a1 |a2 ∧ b) = P (a1 |a2 ) and simi-
all possible pairs (e.g. two fermions cannot be jointly pre- larly P (b1 |a ∧ b2 ) = P (b1 |b2 ). Using standard probability
pared in the same state). The tensor product is recov- rules and remembering that M (a, b) ≡ a ∧ b by I.4, we
ered only when all pairs are compatible. Requirement 2 have P (M (a1 , b)|M (a2 , b)) = P (a1 ∧ b|a2 ∧ b) = P (b|a2 ∧
ensures that it does not contain properties that are or- b)P (a1 |a2 ∧ b ∧ b) = P (b|b)P (a1 |a2 ∧ b) = P (a1 |a2 ), since
thogonal to all the components’ properties, i.e. that the trivially P (b|b) = 1. Similarly P (M (a, b1 )|M (a, b2 )) =
composite system contains only the components. Viola- P (a ∧ b1 |a ∧ b2 ) = P (b1 |b2 )
tion of the second requirement would mean that some
composite states would not define all the properties of Proposition I.8 (Fundamental theorem of projective
the subsystems. That is, while the systems A and B by geometry). Let X and Y be two separable complex Hilbert
themselves would define observables OA and OB , when spaces and X and Y their respective projective spaces.
grouped together all values would be assigned zero proba- Let M : X → Y be a map such that P (v|w) =
bility; those observables no longer exist. In this case, the P (M (v)|M (w)). Then we can find, up to a total phase,
nature of the system would have changed so radically we a unique map m : X → Y such that m(v) = M (v).
would no longer call it a composite system. Moreover, m is either linear, hv|wi = hm(v)|m(w)i, or
Proposition I.5 (Span surjectivity, H3). The map M : anti-linear, hv|wi = hm(w)|m(v)i.
A×B → C is span surjective, meaning that the span of the
Remark. The above proposition is, for the most part,
image coincides with the whole space. That is Sp({c ∈
an adaptation of the fundamental theorem of projective
C | c ∈ M (A, B)}) = C.
geometry [22]. The conservation of the probability im-
Proof. Consider I = {c ∈ C | c ∈ M (A, B)} and its span. poses the semi-linear map to be either linear or anti-linear
This forms a subspace of C. By requirement 2 of I.4, for (i.e. conjugate-linear). This is not new, it is essentially
any c ∈ C we can always find a ∈ A and b ∈ B such that Wigner’s theorem, but the proof we offer is insightful as
P (a ∧ b|c) 6= 0. This means there is no element in C that it clearly shows the connection between the construction
is orthogonal to Sp(I), therefore Sp(I) must cover the of the map and the choice of gauge.
whole C.
Proposition I.6 (Totality, H1). The map M is in gen- Proof. First we note that, given an orthonormal basis
eral a partial function.[37] However, if A and B are in- {ei }i∈I over X, we can use M to construct a correspond-
dependent, M is a total function.[38] ing basis over Y ′ ⊆ Y where Y ′ = M (X). In fact,
for each ei , pick a unit ui ∈ M (ei ). We have δij =
Proof. As M (a, b) is defined only if (a, b) ∈ A × B are a |hei |ej i|2 = P (ei |ej ) = P (ei |ej ) = P (M (ei )|M (ej )) =
compatible pair of pure states, it is not defined on pairs P (ui |uj ) = |hui |uj i|2 . The set {ui }i∈I spans the entire
that are not compatible. If the two systems are inde- Y ′ since for all y ∈ Y ′ we can find x ∈ X and at least
pendent, however, all pairs are allowed and M is a total one ui such that |hy|ui i|2 = P (y|ui ) = P (M (x)|M (ei )) =
function. P (x|ei ) = |hx|ei i|2 6= 0. Note that we have an arbitrary
Remark. As noted in I.4, if a and b are incompatible, choice for each ui , since we have to pick a vector from
a ∧ b = ∅ corresponds to the impossible event (i.e. the the unit circle (i.e. a phase for each basis vector). This
empty set in the σ-algebra). This is not a state, and corresponds to a choice of gauge.
therefore M (a, b) is not defined on incompatible pairs. We also note that the map is colinear, meaning that if
However, in the end we will construct a map m : A × UX , VX ⊆ X are two subspaces such that UX ⊂ VX , then
B → C on the vector spaces. There the zero vector plays UY , VY ⊆ Y such that UY = M (UX ) and VY = M (VX )
the role of the impossible event. Therefore independent are subspaces of Y and UY ⊂ VY . In fact, take an or-
systems will map each pair to a non-zero element of the thonormal basis {ei }i∈I ⊂ X such that {ei }i∈IU ⊂I ⊂
tensor product, while systems that are not independent {ei }i∈IV ⊂I are bases for UX and VX respectively. An
will map incompatible states to the zero vector (e.g. the element of X belongs to UX if and only if it is not or-
composite state of two electrons will exclude the cases thogonal only to elements of the basis of UX and belongs
where both electrons are in the same state). to VX only if it not orthogonal only to elements of the ba-
sis of VX . As the map M preserves orthogonality, these
Proposition I.7 (Statistical independence). Let A and relationships are preserved by the map. Therefore UY
B be the state spaces of two quantum systems and C be the and VY are subspaces of Y such that UY ⊂ VY .
state space of their composite. The map M : A × B → C Additionally we note that, for any colinear map, given
is such that: two subspaces U1 , U2 ⊆ X we have M (Sp(U1 , U2 )) =
P (M (a1 , b)|M (a2 , b)) = P (a1 |a2 ) (S1) Sp(M (U1 ), M (U2 )). In fact, Sp(U1 , U2 ) is the small-
est subspace containing all vectors in U1 and U2 . In
P (M (a, b1 )|M (a, b2 )) = P (b1 |b2 ) (S2)
the same way, Sp(M (U1 ), M (U2 )) is the smallest sub-
for all a, a1 , a2 ∈ A and b, b1 , b2 ∈ B space containing all vectors in M (U1 ) and M (U2 ). Since

the subspace inclusion is preserved by M , we must have know that bi = M (ai ) for all finite i. We need to show
M (Sp(U1 , U2 )) = Sp(M (U1 ), M (U2 )). that b = M (a). First note that, given a, b ∈ Y , a = b if
We now use the gauge freedom to redefine the basis and only if ha, ci = hb, ci for all c ∈ Y . Therefore a = b if
such that for all i we have M (ei ) = vi and M (e1 + ei ) = and only if P (a, c) = P (b, c) for all c ∈ Y . For all c ∈ X
v1 + vi . Let v1 = u1 . This is the only arbitrary choice we we have lim P (ai , c) = P (a, c) = P (M (a), M (c)) we
make, and corresponds to the choice of a global phase. also have lim P (ai , c) = lim P (M (ai ), M (c)) =
For each i > 1, consider e1 + ei . This will belong to i→∞ i→∞

the subspace Sp(e1 , ei ). This subspace, when mapped lim P (bi , M (c)) = P (b, M (c)). Therefore
through M , will give us the subspace spanned by v1 and P (M (a), M (c)) = P (b, M (c)) for all c ∈ X. Note
ui . That is, M (Sp(e1 , ei )) = Sp(v1 , ui ). This means that M is bijective over Y ′ = M (X). Therefore
we can find a unique k ∈ C such that M (e1 + ei ) = P (M (a), c) = P (b, c) for all c ∈ Y and b = M (a).
v1 + kui . We fix vi = kui . Note that P (e1 |e1 + ei ) = We also need to show the above works when
1 there is no component on the first element of
2 = P (ei |e1 + ei ) = P (v1 |v1 + kui ) = P (ui |v1 + kui ).
Therefore |k| = 1 and kui = vi is a unit vector. the basis. That is, for all c2 , ..., cn ∈ C we have
Now we want to show that M (e1 + cei ) = v1 + τi (c)vi M (c2 e2 + ... + cn en ) = τ (c2 )v2 + ... + τ (cn )vn . First
where either τi (c) = c or τi (c) = c† . For each i, note that M (c2 e2 + ... + cn en ) ⊂ M (Sp(e2 , ..., en )) =
consider w = e1 + cei ∈ Sp(e1 , ei ). Since M (w) ⊂ Sp(v2 , ..., vn ). Also note that M (c2 e2 + ... + cn en ) ⊂
Sp(v1 , vi ), there must be a τi (c) such that v1 + τi (c)vi = M (Sp(e1 , e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cn en )) =
M (w). Since we must have P (ei |w) = P (vi |M (w)) Sp(v1 , v1 + τ (c2 )v2 + ... + τ (cn )vn ). The only
and P (e1 + ei |w) = P (v1 + vi |M (w)), we must have way this can work is if M (c2 e2 + ... + cn en ) =
|c| = |τi (c)| and cos(arg(c)) = cos(arg(τi (c))) for any τ (c2 )v2 + ... + τ (cn )vn . With same reasoning as
c. This means that either τi (c) = c or τi (c) = c∗ . before, we can extend the sum to the countably infinite
Next we want to show that τi (c) = τj (c) for all case.
pairs (i, j). That is, either we have to take the com- We can now define P m : X → Y such P that m(ei ) = vi
plex conjugate of all components or of none. Con- for all i P and m( i∈I ci ei ) P= i∈I τ (ci )vi . This
sider ei − ej . We have ei − ej ⊂ Sp(ei , ej ) and, means m( i∈I ci ei ) = M (
P i∈I c i e i ). P Moreover, if
for any c ∈ C, ei − ej ⊂ Sp(e1 + cei , e1 + cej ). By τP(c) = c Pwe have hm( i∈I ci ei )|m( j∈I dj ej )i =
construction, we have M (ei − ej ) ⊂ Sp(vi , vj ) and hPi∈I ci vi | Pj∈I dj vj i = c∗i dj δij =
M (ei − ej ) ⊂ Sp(v1 + τi (c)vi , v1 + τj (c)vj ). Therefore h i∈I ci ei | j∈I dj ej i. On the other hand, if
(c) = c∗ Pwe have hm( i∈I
M (ei − ej ) = Sp(vi , vj )∩Sp(v1 + τi (c)vi , v1 + τj (c)vj ) = τP c i e i )|m( Pj∈I dj e j )i =
h i∈I c∗i vi |P j∈I d∗j vj iP = h j∈I dj vj | i∈I ci vi i =
τi (c)vi − τj (c)vj . This means that, for all c, τi (c) = τj (c).
Now we show that for all c2 , ..., cn ∈ C we have d∗i cj δij = h j∈I dj ej | i∈I ci ei i. This can be extended
M (e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cn en ) = v1 + τ (c2 )v2 + ... + τ (cn )vn . to the case where the basis is countable.
We prove this by induction. If only the first two
components are non-zero, we have M (e1 + c2 e2 ) = Remark. The fact that the proposition identifies either
v1 + τ (c2 )v2 by construction. Let 2 < p ≤ n. a linear map or an anti-linear (i.e. conjugate-linear) cor-
If we assume M (e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cp−1 ep−1 ) = responds, in physics terms, to a choice of convention.
v1 + τ (c2 )v2 + ... + τ (cp−1 )vp−1 , As analogies: a change in metric signature in relativ-
then M (e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cp ep ) ⊂ ity would change the mathematical space but not the
M (Sp(e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cp−1 ep−1 , ep )) = physics; in classical phase-space, a change in signature
Sp(v1 + c2 v2 + ... + cp−1 vp−1 , vp ). This means that of the symplectic form would change the mathematical
there exists kp ∈ C such that M (e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cp ep ) = space, but not the physics it represents. These choices
v1 + c2 v2 + ... + cp−1 vp−1 + kp vp ). But are widely recognized as a matter of personal preference.
we also have M (e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cp ep ) ⊂ In simple terms, for a Hilbert space, the conjugate vec-
M (Sp(e1 + cp ep , c2 e2 + ... + cp−1 ep−1 )) = tor space is equivalent to the dual space, so we could
Sp(v1 + τ (cp )vp , c2 v2 + ... + cp−1 vp−1 , vp ). The only equivalently choose one or the other. For example,
way this can work is if kp = τ (cp ). Schrödinger, in the papers in which he introduces the
The above works also over a countable Schrödinger equation, writes it with both signs, as the
sum. That is, for all c2 , ..., cn , ... ∈ C choice of sign of the imaginary part of the wave function
we have M (e1 + c2 e2 + ... + cn en + ...) = is arbitrary: one sign refers to the Hilbert space, the other
v1 + τ (c2 )v2 + ... + τ (cPn )vn + .... Let X be a sepa- to the dual space, namely to the complex-conjugate wave

rable space. Let a = k=1 ck ek such that c1 = 1. Let function [23]. So we can think of the anti-linear map as
ai =
Pi one that preserves the inner product but maps ket vec-
k=1 ck ek be the sum of the first i components.
We have lim ai = a. Let bi =
Pi tors into bra vectors. Looking ahead, the above result
k=1 τ (ck )vk and
P∞ i→∞ does not exclude a composition map similar to the tensor
b = k=1 τ (ck )ek . We have lim bi = b. We already product, but that maps the kets of one or both subsys-

tems into bras in the composite system. This would only the whole space, then the span of the image of the basis is
make the representation of the composite physical system the whole image of M . By I.5, the image of M coincides
more complicated, as we need to keep track of the dif- with the whole C. Therefore, given {ai }i∈I and {bj }j∈J
ferent conventions in the different subspaces. Therefore, bases of A and B respectively, any set of unit vectors
without changing the physics, we can always mathemati- {eij }(i,j)∈I×J ⊂ C such that eij ∈ M (ai , bj ) spans the
cally redefine the second space so that the resulting map whole C.
is linear. With this in mind, we will assume that the map Now consider P (M (ai , bj )|M (ak , bl )). If i =
between the spaces is linear, which will in turn lead to k and j = l we have P (M (ai , bj )|M (ak , bl )) =
identifying the tensor product as a unique composition P (M (ai , bj )|M (ai , bj )) = 1. If i 6= k, we have
map. P (M (ai , bj )|M (ak , bl )) = P (ai ∧ bj |ak ∧ bl ) ≤ P (ai |ak ∧
Another way to look at this is that Hermitian opera- bl ). By I.3 we have P (ai |ak ∧ bl ) = P (ai |ak ) = 0 since
tors, and therefore all the physics, are invariant under an ai and ak are different elements of an orthogonal basis.
anti-linear transformation. In contrast, anti-Hermitian Therefore we have P (M (ai , bj )|M (ak , bl )) = δik δjl which
operators will change sign. This changes the connection means heij |ekl i = δik δjl .
between the generators and the generated transforma- The elements eij form a set of orthonormal vectors that
tions (i.e. while A generates exp( Abı~ ) on one space, the span the whole space and are therefore a basis.
mapped A will generate exp(− Ab ı~ in the mapped space).
Note that the choice of whether to put the minus or not Theorem I.11 (Composite system theorem). The state
is arbitrary as long as one is consistent across all gener- space of a composite system of independent systems is
ators and transformations. Similarly, we typically define given by the tensor product of the spaces of the component
[A, B] = AB − BA but we could have alternatively cho- systems.
sen [A, B] = BA − AB. The anti-linear map is simply a Proof. We are looking for a map m : A × B → C such
change of that convention. that, for all (a, b) ∈ A × B we have m(a, b) = M (a, b).
Note that this unnecessary subtlety could in principle We saw in I.9 that if m exists, it must be bilinear.
be avoided by reformulating quantum mechanics in terms Now we show that, if m exists, then C ∼ = A ⊗ B (where
of quantum states given by density matrices ρ = |ψihψ| ∼
= indicates an isomorphism) and m : A × B → A ⊗ B
(which contain both kets and bras), as is done, for ex- is the standard map from the Cartesian product to the
ample in [8, 26]. In this paper we employed the more tensor product. As m : A × B → C is a bilinear operator,
familiar formulation in which quantum states are rays in by the universal property of the tensor product we can
Hilbert space (identified either by kets or bras). find a linear operator m̂ : A ⊗ B → C such that m(a, b) =
Proposition I.9 (Bilinearity, H2). Given M in I.4, if we m̂(a ⊗ b). By I.10 the set {m(ai , bj )}(i,j)∈I×J forms a
can find an m : A×B → C such that for all (a, b) ∈ A×B, basis since m(ai , bj ) ∈ M (ai , bj ) for all (i, j), therefore
we have m(a, b) = M (a, b), then m must be bilinear. That m̂({ai ⊗bj }(i,j)∈I×J ) also forms a basis since m̂(ai ⊗bj ) =
is: m(ai , bj ). By I.6, each m(ai , bj ) will correspond to a
unit vector in C. We have hm̂(ai ⊗ bj )|m̂(ak ⊗ bℓ )iC =
m(k1 a1 + k2 a2 , b) = k1 m(a1 , b) + k2 m(a2 , b) (S3) hm(ai , bj )|m(ak , bℓ )iC = δik δjℓ = hai ⊗ bj |ak ⊗ bℓ i⊗ . The
m(a, k1 b1 + k2 b2 ) = k1 m(a, b1 ) + k2 m(a, b2 ) (S4) function m̂, then, preserves the inner product across all
elements of the basis and is therefore an isomorphism
for all a, a1 , a2 ∈ A, b, b1 , b2 ∈ B and k1 , k2 ∈ C. for Hilbert spaces. We have C ∼ = A ⊗ B and m(a, b) =
m̂(a ⊗ b) ∼ = a ⊗ b.
Proof. If we fix b ∈ B, then we have Mb : A → C where
Given that the tensor product map exists and it satis-
Mb (a) = M (a, b). By I.7 and I.8 we can find a linear
fies all the properties m must satisfy, then m exists and
map mb : A → C such that mb (a) = Mb (a) = M (a, b).
it is the tensor product.
As this must map subspace to subspace, we must have
m(a, b) = kmb (a) for some k ∈ C. Since mb is linear, we In conclusion, as an aside, we note that in quantum
have m(k1 a1 + k2 a2 , b) = k1 m(a1 , b) + k2 m(a2 , b) for any field theory one tends to avoid problems connected with
a1 , a2 ∈ A and k1 , k2 ∈ C. We can repeat the argument tensor products of infinite dimensional spaces by focus-
fixing a ∈ A, and find m(a, k1 b1 + k2 b2 ) = k1 m(a, b1 ) + ing on algebraic commutation structures, e.g. [27, 28]. In
k2 m(a, b2 ) for any b1 , b2 ∈ B and k1 , k2 ∈ C. particular, the recent MIP*=RE result [29] implies that,
in infinite dimensions, the tensor product is strictly less
Proposition I.10 (Subsystems’ basis gives composite
computationally powerful than the commutation struc-
system basis). Let {ai }i∈I and {bj }j∈J be bases of A and
tures, emphasizing the difference among these two struc-
B respectively, then a set of unit vectors {eij }(i,j)∈I×J ⊂
tures, at least for the infinite-dimensional case.
C such that eij ∈ M (ai , bj ) forms a basis for C.
Moreover, we note that in our paper we mainly fo-
Proof. Since M is a map on the projective spaces, it maps cused on systems where no superselection rules or other
spans to spans. Since the span of the basis of A and B is restrictions to the state space are present: it is possible to

prepare each subsystem of a composite system in a state 7. Def I.2 + Def I.4 ⇒ I.6 (H1): Totality (all possible
that is independent of the other systems (preparation in- state pairs of the subsystems correspond to a state
dependence). This is the only case in which the tensor of the composite).
product can be properly employed: the Hilbert space of
composite systems that have restrictions is not the ten- 8. P(a) + I.3 + Def I.4 ⇒ I.7: Statistical indepen-
sor product of the component spaces, but a subspace of dence (if one subsystem does not change, the proba-
it (e.g. the anti-symmetric subspace for fermions). Typ- bility on the composite system is given by the prob-
ically this is ignored in the literature, since the tensor ability of the subsystem that changes).
product formalism is very convenient and is often used
also in these cases, and superselection rules are typically 9. I.8: Fundamental theorem of projective geometry
avoidable [18–20]. A typical example [30] comes from (preserving square of inner product leads to unique
quantum field theory. It is customary in basically all linear map)
quantum optics literature to treat different modes of the
10. I.7 + I.8 ⇒ I.9 (H2) composition map on vector
radiation field (e.g. the output of two lasers) as inde-
spaces is bilinear.
pendent systems composed through the tensor product.
Clearly the electromagnetic field is a single system and 11. P(b) + Def I.4 + I.5 (H3) ⇒ I.10: Basis carries
an agent who is able to access an optical mode that is over from subsystems to composite
a linear combination of the two will give a quantum de-
scription for it that cannot easily accommodate tensor 12. I.6 + I.9 + I.10 ⇒ I.11: the composition map is the
products. Similarly, an agent can consider two electrons tensor product.
as two systems, joined with the tensor product, when-
ever they are distinguishable for all practical purposes
(e.g. the electrons are in widely separated physical loca- Addendum
tions). Yet, in principle, electrons are just excitations of
a field, and the ‘true’ quantum system is the field, not
The above proof relies only on the independent prepa-
the single electrons [30, 31]. So, in quantum field the-
ration of subsystems and not their measurements. How-
ory, the quantum systems that should be joined through
ever, during the review process, an anonymous referee
tensor products are the different fields and not the par-
contributed a sketch for a proof that shows very directly
ticles, which are just excitations (states) of the fields. In
that the state and measurement postulates also imply
the words of Teller ([30], pg.22), tensor products can be
independence of measurements. The insight is that the
safely used only if there is a “primitive thisness”, which
mixture created by all possible measurement outcomes
is captured in the definition of system.
on B must behave overall as a pure state on A. Since
pure states are extreme points, this can only happen if
To conclude, we give a schematic outline of the logical every measurement outcome on B leaves A in a pure
implications that led us to the result. This is an expanded
state, which makes the probability factorize.
version of Fig. 1 of the main paper:
Proposition I.12. Let ψ and φ be two preparations for
1. P(a): states and observables postulate. A and B. Let a and b be two measurements on the re-
spective systems. Then P (a ∧ b|ψ ∧ φ) = P (a|ψ)P (b|φ).
2. P(b): Born rule (measurement postulate).
Proof. Consider P (a ∧ b|ψ ∧ φ). We can imagine first per-
3. Def I.2: Preparation independence: systems are in- forming the measurement on B and then conditioning the
dependent if the preparation of one does not affect result on A. We have P (a∧b|ψ∧φ) = P (a|b, ψ∧φ)P (b|ψ∧
the other. φ) where by “b, ψ∧φ” we mean that the systems were pre-
pared in ψ and φ respectively and b was measured. Any
4. P(b) ⇒ I.3: the outcome probabilities depend only preparation on A can be expressed with a mixed state,
on the inner product. and any measurement on B depends only on φ, so we have
P (a|b, ψ ∧ φ)P
P (b|ψ ∧ φ) = P (a|ρ(b, ψ, φ))P (b|φ). We also
5. Def I.4: Composite system definition: A compos- must have b P (a ∧ b|ψ ∧ φ) = P (a|ψ ∧ φ) = P (a|ψ).
ite system is a collection of the subsystems (i.e. all PPutting it all together, we have P (a|ψ) =
compatible states give a preparation) and only of Pb P (a|ρ(b, ψ, φ))P (b|φ). Which means |ψihψ| =
the subsystems (i.e. all composite preparations give b P (b|φ)ρ(b, ψ, φ). But the only way that a mixture of
non-trivial measurements on the subsystems). mixed states can be equal to a pure state is if all mixed
states are the same pure state. Therefore ρ(b, ψ, φ) =
6. P(b) + Def I.4 ⇒ I.5 (H3): Span surjectivity (all |ψihψ| for all b and φ. We finally have P (a ∧ b|ψ ∧ φ) =
composiste C are superpositions of A and B). P (a|ρ(b, ψ, φ))P (b|φ) = P (a|ψ)P (b|φ).

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