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S1- Good morning, how are you?

S2 - Great! And you?

S1.- Very good,

S2.- Good to know that, where are you working?

S1. I work for google and you?

S2 work for forbes magazine

S1.- I have acquired a lot of experience in many aspects, I have to program

the database of new users
I have control of the advertisements such as the ads that are shown on
facebook, youtube, among other platforms
I register the companies that can buy advertising space through a server I
keep the information of all users so that it is protected I manage the web
pages every week so that it is not malicious software
Thanks to this I have gained a lot of experience in my specialty of computer
systems engineering as well as I have improved in programming some
computer systems

S2. Really? I have also gained experience in my field. I have

to get in touch with the most important celebrities, businessmen or
millionaires of the moment I interview celebrities to be able to make a note
keep track of the most important news of the moment
I research relevant topics to be able to publish them in the magazine. I have
also participated in international conferences where I have had the
opportunity to practice my English skills.

S1.- I have observed that certain processes must be modified to improve the

S2.- Have you discussed your ideas with a superior?

S1.- No, not yet. I've been afraid to say my proposals

S2.- You should do it. Let me tell you that I had some ideas to make
improvements in my department and I discussed them with my superiors. I
told them that the department must acquire more knowledge about the person
being interviewed and the supervisors could require proficiency in other
languages to achieve the monthly goals on time.
S1-- You are right, I have to propose my ideas.

S2- Would you like to share some of your ideas with me?

S1- Yes, of course, I consider that the department should establish more staff
and computer equipment to be more efficient, as well as having young
people working in their company to contribute new projects and ideas.

s2 is an excellent proposal, you should say it, you will see that they would
really like that idea

s1 of course I'll keep it in mind I was very happy to see you again

s2 see you later

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