Employee Handbook

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Employee Handbook for Haider Group of Companies 2010 Haider Group of Companies All rights reserved Confidential

Version 1.00 Effective Date: July 1, 2011 Prepared by: Urooj Executive HR Reviewed by: Urooj , AM HR Approved by: Farhan Haider, Director

- Preface - Directors Message - Vision Statement - Mission Statement - Quality Policy 1. Equal Opportunity Employment 2. Organizational Culture 2.1 Dress Code Policies and Personal Hygiene 2.1.1 Business Days 2.1.2 Saturdays 2.2 Punctuality 3. ABCs of Work Conduct 3.1 Attitude 3.2 Behavior 3.3 Cleanliness 3.4 Drugs / Smoking 3.5 Eating Manners 3.6 Friendly Environment 3.7 Holidays or Time off 4. Recruitment & Selection Guidelines 4.1 Rules 4.2 Process 4.3 Orientation 4.4 Employment of Relatives 4.5 Re-Hiring Former Employees 5. Training & Development 5.1 Training and Development Program 5.1.1 Types of Training Functional General Management Information Technology 5.1.2 Sources of Training On the Job Training In-house Training Program External / Outsourced training Programs 5.2 Training and Development Process 6. Compensation and Benefits 6.1 Salary 6.1.1 Payment 6.1.2 Deduction in Salary 6.1.3 Increment in Salary 6.2 Overtime 6.3 Advance Salary 6.4 Compensatory Leave 6.5 Leave Encashment 6.6 Employee of the Month 6.7 5S Reward System 6.8 KAIZAN 6.9 Promotion 6.10 Bonus 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18

7. Working Hours 7.1 Arrival 7.2 Departure 7.3 Breaks 7.3.1 Tea Break 7.3.2 Meal Break 8. Grievance Management 8.1 Purpose 8.2 Types of Grievances 8.3 Process 9. Harassment 9.1 Harassment Prohibited 9.2 Harassment Defined 10. Procedures for Dealing with Complaints 10.1 Informal 10.2 Formal 11. Leaves 11.1 Annual Leave 11.2 Sick Leave 11.3 Casual Leave 11.4 Compensatory Leave 11.5 Maternity Leave 12. Termination of Employment 12.1 Termination 12.2 Resignation 12.3 Retirement 12.4 Exit Interview 13. Performance Review 13.1 Marginal Performance 13.2 Enhanced Performance 14. Internet e-mail Policy 15. Travel Policy 15.1 Purpose 15.2 Travel Allowances 15.2.1 Process 15.2.2 Staff Entitlement for Domestic / Local Trips 15.2.3 Rules 16. Business Cards 17. Safety Hazards 18. Workplace Violence 19. Alcohol Use 20. Emergency 21. Security 22. Suggestions 23. Resource Usage Policy 24. Reception Usage Ethics 25. Entertainment and Social Activities 25.1 Purpose 25.2 Rules 25.3 Process

19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32

Message from HR Department

The group has developed a strategic plan for the next few years, which aims to provide a total solution to its customers and maintain a sustained above-market average growth. In order to achieve its strategic goals, it is vital to hire young, energetic workforce. The group will offer its employees the maximum opportunity for self-development through personal and on-the-job training so as to develop them for future challenges and to take higher positions.

Haider Group of Companies wishes to offer its employees, who have potential to grow, an attractive, promising and defined career path. A Staff Hand Book has been developed by Human Resource Department which contains all necessary policies of Human Resource Management Policy Manual so that it may serve as a useful guide on personnel matters, and contribute towards adopting correct approach at all levels of Management in developing a common perception while taking decisions.

We hope that the Staff Hand Book will motivate the work force and thus help the group achieve its ultimate goal.

Clarification, if any, may be sought without hesitation from the Human Resource Department.

____________________ Director (Farhan Haider)

Chairmans Message
Haider Carpet Industries commenced its humble beginnings in 1949, with the trading of hand made carpets. The main aim before us was to help the newly formed nation through the development of an indigenous base for the industry in Pakistan, emphasis on customer satisfaction through with a strong

stringent quality

measures; we have evolved into the largest retailer of machine made carpet in Pakistan.

Throughout this long journey we have been dearly supported by our dedicated and hard working workforce. I highly appreciate their commitment towards the company and hope that they will continue to work in this very fashion in order to take HCI to heights never explored before.

This handbook will provide you with just about all the knowledge you might require while working with us. I hope that the Staff Hand Book will motivate the work force and thus help the group achieve its ultimate goal.

____________________ Chairman (Daniyal Nasir)

Vision Statement

A Diversified & Dynamic Group Providing Total Solution in A Better Way

Mission Statement

We are in business of Textile, Furnishing & Engineering providing Total Solution to our Customers in Pakistan. Using latest Technology, striving for growth Above Market Average, w e will fulfill our obligations to all Stakeholders. Ensure Optimum utilization of Resources, on time

Development & Deliveries, in pursuit of better tomorrow for ourselves & our country

Human Resource Policy

Through professional management of Human resources, HCI Group supports in securing and maintaining a position of Leadership in industry which ensures a diverse, qualified, and highly motivated workforce focused on achieving the critical outcomes, through development and administration of cost-effective and results-oriented human resource programs, policies, services and practices.

HCI Group aims to develop human resource which ensures:

A diverse, highly skilled, productive, healthy, and efficient workforce. Fair and lawful treatment of all employees. Highly effective supervisors, leaders and managers. Operational excellence in the delivery of all Human Resource functions. Align all HR policies and processes with the organizations needs and goals.

Quality Policy
Our Mission is to become a leader of industry. This can be achieved

By making quality parts in a cost-effective manner

By providing efficient services to our esteemed customers

By creating an environment of continuous training and development of our employees

1. Equal Opportunity Employment

HCI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is the Companys policy to ensure equality of opportunity to employees in the context of all conditions of work, including recruitment, benefits, promotions and training without regard to race, color, gender or religion. An employee found proficient performance and qualification wise may be promoted to a higher level in the organizational hierarchy

2. Organizational Culture
2.1 Dress Code Policies & Personal Hygiene Our public image directly depends on our staff, individually and collectively. The personal appearance, quality service and positive attitude of all our employees are essential to creating and maintaining a favorable image.

Attire should be conservative, in good taste and promote a business-like professional attitude and image in keeping with your specific job. The best rule of thumb is to dress for the position you fill and the people you serve our clients and customer dress professionally.

The "business casual" attire is recommended for most jobs; however, if job requires interaction with customers professional dressing is preferred. The company specifies certain days as casual dress days, however, even on casual days, attire must be business casual and presentable. Clothing which is not clean or well-maintained, or which is distracting is not acceptable:

The dress code policy pertains to all employees within all positions and sections of HCI.

2.1.1 Business Days Business casual attire may be worn between Mondays to Friday of each week. Typically this type of dress would include: suits, dresses, dress pants, ties,

dress shoes, blazers, dress shirts and sweaters. When dressing in business casual attire, employees should keep in mind all appointments with Company customers, suppliers or vendors and dress accordingly.

Jeans of any color are not deemed acceptable business casual attire. 2.1.2 Saturdays Saturdays are considered to be dress down days. Smart Jeans (Non Faded), casual shirts and casual shoes are permitted provided they are in good condition. Once again employees should exercise discretion, keeping in mind all appointments with Company customers, suppliers and vendors and dress accordingly. Non Management should wear neat, clean and properly ironed uniform, polished shoes and all necessary safety equipment along with company ID card. 2.2 Punctuality All Employees are expected to strictly observe punctuality in a manner that they start functioning in their job duties by the assigned starting time. This office working hour for management staff starts from 8:30AM and 7:30AM for labor staff. For details, see the Working Hours Section.

Company staff working at customer locations must strictly observe the punctuality criteria in place at the customers organization. All employees at H.C.I are required to maintain stern punctuality and strictly avoid tardiness. An employees early arrival at work will be highly encouraged as it fashions excellent reputation amongst the management for the employee, such an employee will definitely be considered as more responsible and loyal to the company. Management keeps track of all

punctuality issues (late arrivals or early leaves) and apt disciplinary action may be taken against the irresponsible employee. The management recognizes and appreciates good attendance record and punctuality.

3. ABCs of Work Conduct

3.1 Attitude Employees at HCI must adhere to Professional Attitude under all circumstances. It includes communication, dealing, work ethics etc. A polite,


courteous and professional tone should be maintained at all times, irrespective of the situation. An employee must communicate, whether written or verbal, with colleagues, company partners, contractors, vendors, suppliers, customers, associates or external persons in contact with the company for any purpose, keeping in mind the image, interests and dignity of the company and other people in contact therein. 3.2 Behavior All employees should observe professionalism and implement appropriate behavior within their respective department, throughout the organization and especially with customers and while performing their respective duties in order to maintain a healthy working environment. Employees are expected to perform their respective work tasks with utmost concentration and interest. Misbehavior of any sort amongst peers or with sub-ordinates affecting the team spirit is strictly condemned. Negligence towards duties or failure to perform the work assigned consistent with company standard or lack of self-application to work might lead to disciplinary action. Loose talk, gossiping and indulgence in the wasting non-productive pursuits should be avoided. 3.3 Cleanliness (5S) All employees are responsible to keep their work place and surroundings clean and tidy. Management staff must keep their desks clean and uncluttered and ensure proper arrangement of all items by using tags/labels for proper identification. Similarly, labor staff is liable to keep the floor in appropriate clean condition; team leaders must ensure that all the tools and equipment are properly arranged. All products (finished / in progress) must be properly stacked and labeled. 3.4 Drugs / Smoking Smoking is strictly prohibited within the HCI premises and surroundings as whole of the company premises is declared as NO SMOKING ZONE. Smoking areas have been assigned. All employees who wish to use this area are permitted to use this area directly prior and directly after their shifts and on their scheduled breaks. 11

The Company provides this area to the employees and all employees who utilize this area are expected to participate in maintaining it. If the Company feels that the privilege is being abused it reserves the right to discontinue facility. smoking H.C.I. strictly not prefers and prohibits Chewing of pan, tobacco and Guthka (in any form) within the company premises other than the designated lunch & break intervals. 3.5 Eating Manners H.C.I. understands the need of providing rest which allows employees to offload the mental as well as physical stress. Employees at H.C.I. are allowed to have three intervals for refreshment and break (One Lunch break and two tea breaks) while performing their duty. There are designated areas for lunch and breakfast or refreshment etc; Cafeteria / Kitchen for management staff and designated area on production floors for labor. No incumbent is allowed to have lunch breakfast with in the company premises other than the designated lunch interval and area 3.6 Friendly Environment H.C.I. strives to provide a friendly working environment to all employees and it is the employees responsibility to maintain it. Therefore, all provided freedom should be used dutifully keeping the interests, benefit and image of the company in consideration. ** Reading material irrelevant to the companys interests by any means should be strictly avoided. Team members may have casual exchanges among them that take place on a day-to-day basis as part of a normal working environment. Certain controlled avenues may be provided by the company for allowing such items to be shared, e.g. bulletin boards on the intranet. 3.7 Holidays or time-off Scheduling time-off for vacations or to attend conferences, etc. should be done as soon as the date is known. An employee seeking holidays or time off must inform the immediate supervisor of such plans at least 15 days in advance. Supervisor must be informed as soon as the employee is aware of the All employees are therefore advised to use designated areas for


planned absence. A Relievers name must be mentioned in advance 4. Recruitment & Selection Guidelines

The quality of applicants is essential to maintain and meet expectations of Management, Associates and Stakeholders. To ensure quality of work and working environment which is conducive to productivity HCI has following basic hiring criteria Good Academic Background. Preferred experience in related job. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Fluency in English and Urdu and preferred knowledge of regional and foreign languages. Team player, positive attitude and ability to work under pressure.

4.1 Rules

Hiring is subject to meeting above criteria as well as interview and tests as deemed necessary by HCI Management.

4.2 Process Screening and tests by HR Personnel (where applicable) Interview by HoD and HR Personnel If recommended by Supervisor, Director HCI will conduct final interviews Where necessary Senior Management team will be part of interview panel. If selected candidate will be informed and joining finalized by the consent of both parties Upon joining candidate will be given orientation session followed by trainings where applicable. date will be

4.3 Orientation

Every newly hired employee has to undergo an Orientation period according to the Orientation Plan devised by the HR department. The HR Department updates the newly hired with general HR and personnel policies. The


Orientation helps the newly hired to familiarize with the company and gain valuable knowledge about basic activities of various functions and

operations at HCI. 4.4 Employment of Relatives

Employment opportunities at the HCI will not be based upon or influenced by familial relationships. HCI policy does not permit any person to be employed in a position that places the person under the administrative supervision of another employee to whom the person is related as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, husband, wife, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandparents, or by marriage. Exceptions to this policy may be permitted, however, where there are unique circumstances or when doing so will promote a mission of HCI. All exceptions must be requested in writing by the employee's supervisor and submitted to the HoD for review and recommendation.

4.5 Rehiring Former Employees

An employee dismissed or resigned for any cause is not eligible to be rehired

5. Training & Development

5.1 Training and Development Program

The purpose of this program is to provide employees with the opportunity to acquire professional, technical and managerial expertise that will not only help them in performing their current job efficiently but also prepare them for positions of higher responsibilities

5.1.1 Types of Training

Training is provided to individuals under different categories in order to give them the blend of required skills and knowledge. The three different categories are:

14 Functional

Trainings focused at enhancing job-related competencies and skills General Management (For Management)

Training targeted at improving managerial and soft skills Information Technology

Training programs designed for keeping our staff abreast with the development in the area of Information Technology and hence improving their productivity

5.1.2 Sources of Training On-the-Job Training

On-the-job training is provided to employees by Supervisors in order to help new employees in learning the basic job related activities. In-house Training Program The HR Department and external consultants (if necessary) will devise InHouse Training Programs. The objective of arranging such programs is

To facilitate the process of Staff Training and Development at all levels To utilize the expertise of our professionals who are good at presenting their ideas and experiences To provide employees with an opportunity to interact with professionals in the Market and learn from their experiences To give employees a chance of sharing their ideas with their colleagues from different functions and at different levels

15 External / Outsourced Training Programs Management will arrange external training programs where necessary. These programs include training sessions, seminars and workshops arranged by various local and foreign training institutions

5.2 Training and Development Process Training Need Analysis (TNA) will be performed by the HR department on basis of Skill Matrix and as per recommendation from HoDs at the time of performance appraisal and a Training Plan will be devised accordingly.

HR Department will inform employees about the training sessions


per the

Approved Training Plan, concerned supervisor the Team of Trainers, will organize


consultation with


training sessions in form of In-House Development Program or refresher sessions At the end of each Training session, participants will be required to fill Training Evaluation Form that will be used for future


6. Compensation and Benefits

6.1 Salary 6.1.1 Payment Salaries are directly transferred to the employees bank account by the 7th of every month.

Alternatively company will arrange a cheque /Cash to pay salary if bank account is not opened by the time salary sheet is prepared (for employees on probationary period).

If the employee joins the company during a month; salary accrued for the number of days worked in that month will be paid accordingly


6.1.2 Deduction of the Salary It includes: Income Tax Deduction due to Unpaid leave Deduction due to exhausted leave balance

6.1.3 Increment in Salary

HCI pays great importance to employee motivation level and provide its employees with certain incentives. An employee may have a pay raise as a result of enhanced and sustained performance level or in case of an improvement in educational level.

Supervisor/Manager will inform the employee regarding the changes in the compensation package due to increments.

During Performance Evaluation / Appraisal activity On confirmation of the services of promoted staff

6.2 Overtime Prior approval from HoD is required to work overtime

After receiving the Overtime sheet

from the employee, Supervisor

will calculate the overtime amount for the month and will submit the sheet to the Manager for approval. Final approval for payment lies with Higher Management.

Calculation of hourly overtime rate include

Per day Salary: multiplying gross salary by 12 and then dividing by 365 Per day salary divided by 8 hours to arrive at hourly rate, the employee will get double the amount of regular working hours Overtime will be paid with monthly salary.


6.3 Advance/Loan Salary

Employees are allowed to have an amount equivalent to gross salary for one month to be deducted in 10 monthly installments from that employees salary. Only those employees who completed one year of his job with company are eligible for this benefit. (Form to be taken from HoD / HR)

6.4 Compensatory Leave

A Management employee is permitted a Compensatory Leave if an employee works on an off-day for eight hours duty. The compensatory leave is scheduled by the Department head based on department work load.

6.5 Leave Encashment

Employees at HCI can en-cash their leave entitlement on submission of Application for Leave encashment along with Leave Application not Approved to HR Department.

6.6 Employee of the Month

HCI follows the strategy of employee encouragement and appreciation. Employees at HCI are awarded with Employee of the Month award on

monthly basis in order to recognize their achievements and raise their motivational level

6.7 5S Reward System

HCI has implemented various techniques and procedures for quality and operational improvement which also includes 5S technique, the technique applies at both personnel and departmental level. HCI has introduced reward system for 5S implementation at departmental level in order to implement the technique on concrete basis



KAIZAN is yet another improvement activity adopted and successfully Implemented at HCI. KAIZAN targets and Objectives for every department are already set and employees are rewarded on monthly basis of their implemented KAIZAN

6.9 Promotion

An employee at HCI is eligible for promotion if the employee has worked on the same designation for 3 years provided the employee shows all the competencies required for the next grade or if the employee exhibits an enhanced level of performance. In both the situations the employee must fulfill the prerequisite educational qualification level for the working

capacity to which the employee is to be promoted 6.10 Bonus HCI provides its employees with two bonuses in addition to the regular salary package calculated on gross salary.

Note: An employee is eligible for bonus for the current year after completion of 10 months of duty with HCI.

7. Working Hours
All employees are expected to perform duty for eight hours, 6 days a week.

7.1 Arrival

All staff members are required to register their daily attendance as per notified procedure. Persons found absent from place of work without permission after reporting for duty shall be presumed to be absent and wages may be deducted for such absence. The expected arrival time at duty is 8:30 AM for management staff and 7:30 AM for Non management staff. Work is to continue smoothly throughout, unless permission to leave early has been


granted by the supervisor/manger on duty. Tardiness should be strictly avoided at all costs. All employees have a grace period of 5 minutes from the above mentioned time i.e. 8:35 AM for management staff and 7:35 AM for Non management staff. Any employee (management or non management staff) arriving after the above mentioned tie will be considered as LATE ; 3 such late in a month will account to a casual leave. If the casual leave account is found to be exhausted then the Leave will be considered as Leave without Pay and salary equivalent to one working day will be deducted from the salary. 7.2 Departure An employee scheduled to work is expected to remain on the job performing the duties of the job until the completion of the final hour of the scheduled work day or work shift which refers to 5:40 PM for management staff and 4:40 PM for Non management staff on normal working days and 6:10 PM for management staff and 5:10 PM for Non-Management staff on Fridays. However Supervisor or manager may allow any employee to leave the duty for a genuine reason. 7.3 Breaks

7.3.1 Tea Breaks All employees may have two 15 minutes tea break during their duty hours at 09:00 AM and 3:00 PM

7.3.2 Meal Break

Employees are entitled for one half hour Meal break daily from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM for Non-management staff and 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM for management staff.


8. Grievance Management
8.1 Purpose

The policy is designed to help employees in bringing the attention of the management about their concerns, complaints and problems regarding work related conditions

The main objective is to resolve the grievance of employee without recourse to formal procedures in order to establish friendly and conductive working environment throughout the organization

8.2 Types of Grievances

A legitimate grievance may occur when the employee has a reasonable cause to think that a violation of contract has occurred in a situation affecting the employee

Imagined grievances occurs when employee

believe that


agreement has been violated although the management is exercising its contract right in a reasonable manner Grievances may occur due to poor understanding of the contract or conditions of employment Grievances may be related to the administration of policies, rules and regulations specified by the management

8.3 Process

Employees must discuss the grievances with their immediate Supervisor within a week of its occurrence Supervisor should investigate and try to gain first hand investigation about the issue Supervisor should try to solve the problem or give a verbal response to the employee within six days from the date of complaint was lodged. Supervisor should consult his/her immediate Manager in issues relating to a policy matter or if there is any legal implication involved


Incase the issue



employee can seek


assistance of the Head of the Department The next level supervisor will ensure that complaints are carefully assessed, investigated and then in consultation with HoD finalizes the decision If someone has grievance with his/her immediate Supervisor, concerns need to be escalated to the next level supervisor If an employee is not satisfied with the decision made he can submit his/her grievances in writing to the management

Employees involved in the matter shall abide the Organizational CODE OF ETHICS and shall exhibit patience maintaining respect and dignity.

9. Harassment
9.1 Harassment Prohibited

It is a violation of HCI policy for any employee to subject any person to harassment on HCI property or at a HCI-sponsored activity

9.2 Harassment Defined

Harassment occurs if an individual engages in conduct (physical, verbal, graphic or written) on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability so as to interfere with or limit the ability of another individual to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by HCI; or

Submission to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individuals

employment, academic advancement, or ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or privileges provided by HCI, or submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting such individual.


Harassment as defined above occurs only if the conduct is taken with a general intent to engage in the actions and with the knowledge that the actions are likely to substantially interfere with a protected interest identified above. Such intent and knowledge may be inferred from all the circumstances.

10. Procedures for Dealing with Complaints

10.1 Informal Complaints should preferably be dealt with internally and informally. This is better for all concerned as solutions can be reached speedily, with minimum risk to confidentiality. In many cases it is sufficient for the recipient of harassment to raise the problem with the perpetrator, pointing out the unacceptable behavior. But if an employee finds this difficult or embarrassing, informal procedures include support from a colleague, or escalation of the matter to the management. 10.2 Formal More serious harassment, individual preference and situations where an informal approach has failed, will require formal procedures and actions to be taken. The formal procedures would entail

Written complaint from the person subjected to harassment A prompt, thorough and impartial response from management Independent, skilled and objective investigation Representation for both parties A time scale for problem resolution Confidentiality for all

11. Leaves
11.1 Annual Leave All permanent employees at H.C.I are entitled with 14 working days of annual leave per Fiscal year ** to be accrued on monthly basis. Period spent on probation will also be taken in account when considering the


12 months. All weekly and public holidays falling during the period of annual leave will also be recorded as working days. Employees can avail the leave for a minimum of 5 days at a time after submission of properly filled Leave Application Form , 15 days in advance before proceeding on leave. However, the leave is subject to management approval and the company reserves the right to call the employee back on duty if required. All employees must inform the concerned department head about their tentative leave plan so that the leave plan for all employees in a department can be prepared accordingly.

Annual leave can be accumulated up to maximum of 28 working days, which is equivalent to 2 years entitlement. All employees are therefore expected to avail their Annual leave at least once in two years. 11.2 Sick Leave All permanent employees at H.C.I are entitled to 9 working days of sick leave per Fiscal year. Sick Leave can be availed on 1-2 days without medical certificate, for period more than 2 days medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner will be required. If the Leave is sanctioned for an extended period beyond employees Sick Leave entitlement the additional period will be treated as Earned Leave; or, as Leave without Pay if the Earned Leave entitlement has been utilized. Sick Leave can be accumulated without any limit to be used incase of long illness on recommendation of a Registered Medical

Practitioner. The sick employee must inform the supervisor by telephone or in written preferably before the commencement of working time. A

Leave Application Form must be submitted to the supervisor on resumption of duty. 11.3 Casual Leave Employees at HCI can avail a Casual Leave in order to fulfill Urgent responsibilities which may arise due to unanticipated circumstances i.e. birth / death / illness in immediate family or close relative or for


situations beyond control such as weather condition, domestic emergency etc. Incase of planned or known circumstances, an employee must apply in writing at least 5 prior by submitting a completely filled

Leave Application Form.

All employees are entitled to 10 Casual Leaves

per calendar year. However, employees that have fully utilized their entitlement cannot avail it and their absence will be treated as unpaid Leave. Casual Leave cannot be taken for more than 3 consecutive days at any given time; excess number of days will be treated as unpaid Leave. Casual Leave cannot be accumulated and carried forward to next year and un-availed leaves can be encashed at the year end equivalent of one days gross salary. 11.4 Compensatory Leave Management employees are entitled for Compensatory Leave if an employee works on an off-day for eight hours duty. The compensatory leave is scheduled by the Department head based on department work load, compensatory leave cannot be accumulated or subjoined with any other leave. If compensatory leave cannot be permitted due to operational exigencies, it can be encashed (incase of an exception). Non management staff will be eligible for Overtime compensation on being scheduled for work on public/weekly holiday in line with the policy for Overtime Work and Compensation.

11.5 Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave entitlement is only eligible for two pregnancies during the course of employment with the company. A medical certificate, stating expected delivery date along with the Leave Application Form must be submitted to supervisor 10 weeks prior to the first day of leave. Maternity Leave is not en-cashable and cannot be accumulated. The Leave can be granted 6 weeks prior to estimate delivery date and 6 weeks thereafter. It may be subjoined with Sick Leave or Annual Leave up to a maximum of total duration of 3 months Leave.


** Fiscal Year is defined as the twelve months of the year beginning 1st July and ending at 30th of June.


** All on Leave employees are required to submit a completely and adequately filled Duty Resumption Report on the day of resumption of duty.

12. Termination of Employment

12.1 Resignation Although HCI expects an individual's employment to be long-term, it understands that many circumstances arise which may necessitate resigning from employment. If an employee decides to resign at any time for any reason, the employee should notify the supervisor or manager in writing at least a month in advance of the resignation effective date. Failure to give at least one week of notice may make an employee ineligible for reemployment at HCI. If an employee's decision to resign is based upon a situation that could be corrected, the employee is encouraged to discuss it with a supervisor, or manager before making a final decision. Failure to give notice makes ineligible for notice pay as well

12.2 Termination

An employment relationship with HCI is on an at-will basis. Therefore, HCI reserves the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice. Normally, however, if HCI decides to terminate employment, employee will be provided 1month advance notice or one months salary in lieu of notice period; however, no advance notice will normally be given if an employee is discharged for reasons such as dishonesty, insubordination, or improper conduct 12.3 Retirement It is the Organizations policy that the mandatory retirement age for all employees is 60 years. However, an employee who is at retirement age may be retained by Management on contractual employment for a specified time period, if exceptional circumstances warrant this. The HR Department will notify the relevant Department Head regarding the employees retirement date one year in advance, for onward communication to the employee


12.4 Exit Interview

If an employee resigns employment, the employee will have to participate in an exit interview. The primary purposes of an exit interview are to review benefit eligibility, to ensure that all necessary documents have been completed, and to provide the employee with an opportunity to discuss jobrelated experiences.

13. Performance Review

The performance review system is designed to enhance communication and professional development, and provide the opportunity for both positive and corrective feedback. An employees performance should be evaluated on a regular basis; workrelated issues of mutual concern to the employee and the supervisor should be discussed, and efforts to establish performance goals should be considered. The evaluation process is used to identify individual

development needs and opportunities consistent with the goals of the employee and the training skills appropriate for the job. Performance review is totally based on management by objectives. The supervisor will conduct a formal review annually

13.1 Marginal Performance Examples of marginal performance include, but are not restricted to: Inefficiency or lack of application to work, Continual need for instruction Inaccurate and careless work Non-productive use of time Avoiding responsibility

Incase of marginal performance, the supervisor is expected to counsel and provide proper guidance to the employee in order to enhance the performance level.


13.2 Enhanced Performance Examples of enhanced performance include, but not limit to:

Sustained and improved efficiency levels Decision maker Result oriented Time management Appreciate and accept responsibility

Incase of enhanced performance, the employee becomes eligible for certain benefits and compensations such as Promotion or Increment in salary (see the compensation and benefit section for details); supervisor must take measures to sustain the enhanced level of performance and guide the employee to reach destinations even higher.

14. Internet and e-mail Policy

HCI realizes that electronic mail (e-mail) and Internet services are important assets to both the Company and the employee. The Company has provided both e-mail and Internet services for employees in order to help facilitate the functioning of company work. However, such e-mail and Internet systems, including their contents, are considered to be the property of the Company and to be used for business purposes only. Messages created, sent, and received using the Companys e-mail system are the property of the company and may be subject to access and disclosure by the Company. Improper use of these systems may result in legal claims against both the employee and the Company and may result in disciplinary action, including termination, against the offending employee.

Use of the Company e-mail and the Internet system is permitted for personal use if it is infrequent and occasional however, such messages become property of the Company. The Company e-mail and Internet system may not be used to solicit any commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other non-job related solicitations. In

addition, the Company e-mail and Internet system are not to be used to create any offensive or disruptive messages. Offensive or disruptive messages 28

include those that contain sexual connotations, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other comment that offensively addresses someones age, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability. The e-mail and Internet system are also not to be used to send/upload or receive/download any materials or information without the prior authorization of the Company. Any employees who discover a

violation to this policy are responsible for notifying Supervisors/System Administrators immediately. Any employee who is in violation of this

policy or uses the e-mail and/or Internet system improperly will be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal.

15. Travel Policy

15.1 Purpose Travel Policy covers the areas such as arrangement of boarding and lodging, allocation of allowances and reimbursement of various expenses.

This section will cover all types of short-term official travels like for the purpose of training / orientation, for business-related issues. 15.2 Travel Allowances Travel Allowances encompasses various allowances given to the employee who is on short-term (Local / Abroad) official trip. 15.2.1 Process The employee is responsible to submit Travel Authorization Request to HR department at least 5 working days in advance for approval The concerned Manager is responsible for Travel Authorization and Advance Approval , the format is to be submitted by the employee to the Finance Department at least 3 days prior to departure HR / Administration department will be responsible for making necessary travel arrangements (air ticket, boarding and lodging etc) After returning from the trip, an employee is required to submit Travel Report within one week of arrival along with the

necessary supporting bills / vouchers to the Department Head with in 5 days of return from journey.


Original bills on actual along with Travel Expense Statement (including dinner, lunch, breakfast) Finance Department for verification are to be submitted to the

Finance Department will verify the bills and then forward them for approval to Director who will intimate Finance and Accounts for the payment to be made

15.2.2 Staff Entitlement for Domestic / Local Trips In case of Local trips, HR / Administration Department will arrange for accommodation and air tickets. Company will cover all allowable expenses including Room Rent, Air Fare and Transportation cost etc. In case of Local trips staff will not be entitled for Daily allowance. The reasonable amount covering expenses related to food, laundry (in case of extended trips) and telephone / mobile expenses (only for official use) will be reimbursed by the Company on the provision of supporting bills / vouchers Reasonable accommodation will be provided to the employee In cases where land travel is feasible, then company will reimburse the reasonable transportation expenses.

15.2.3 Rules

Management reserves the right to revise the amount to be reimbursed and other terms. These entitlements are provided keeping in view the image of the company and the position of an employee therefore employee should also act accordingly.

16. Business Cards

Company provides standard format business cards to employees as per requirement. However following conditions apply: Business cards will be issued on Directors approval. Personal contact details like personal email address, cell phone and residence phone numbers cannot be mentioned on cards. Company provided email and cell phone will be



where applicable. Cards

will be re-issued in

case of


17. Safety Hazards

HCI commits to ensuring a safe working environment. We comply with all government legislation regarding safety issues. The issue of safety requires cooperation, so all employees must follow the Safety Policy. We actively encourage safety consciousness

expecting everyone to be cautious in the workplace, and to immediately alert Pure Learning manager of any safety hazards or injuries. Employees who deliberately violate health and safety issues will face disciplinary action.

Be Aware of Physical Safety

1. Blocked fire exits or extinguishers 2. Blocked walkways 3. Slippery floors or spills 4. Worn or buckled areas of carpet or other flooring 5. Frayed electrical wires 6. Poorly lit areas and burnt-out light bulbs

Be Aware of Psychological Safety

1. We will treat colleagues and customers with respect irrespective of ethnicity, religion, gender or orientation 2. We will not tolerate unwanted jokes, pictures or approaches of a sexual or otherwise offensive nature 3. We will not tolerate intimidation, bullying or bad-mouthing 4. We will not tolerate hurtful gossip or other behavior that puts another down 5. We will not harbor issues or resentments without discussing and resolving, or getting assistance to do so


General Safety Rules 1. Follow all safety procedures for your job 2. Do not use any equipment that you are not trained for 3. Make sure you put trash in the bin (not somewhere close!) 4. Keep walkways, doorways, fire exits, fire extinguishers, or fire sprinklers unblocked. 5. Keep your workstation clean 6. Clean up any messes or spills immediately if necessary let others know or leave a sign if floors are wet 7. Report any hazards or injuries to your supervisor immediately 8. The Supervisor must fill the Accident Report and submit to concerned HoD and 9. The Supervisor must make sure that all counter measures are implemented appropriately and perform follow up to close the issue

18. Workplace Violence

The purpose of this policy is to ensure all employees of a safe workplace free from aggressive, threatening, or violent acts. To ensure safety, the Company has adopted a zero tolerance stance towards any sort of inappropriate conduct and behavior. In addition, the Company has the right to conduct background checks on any and all potential employees who may pose any sort of threat to the safety of himself/herself and others in the workplace. As an employee of HCI , you are expected to refrain from inappropriate conduct including:

1. Neglecting work responsibilities during work hours 2. Consistent tardiness or unexcused absences 3. Punching another employees time card or falsifying records 4. Giving false, incomplete, or misleading information to obtain days off 5. Failure to comply with the instructions of the supervisor(s) 6. Stealing, damaging, or destroying company property/co-worker property 7. Neglecting company property 8. Unauthorized use of company property 9. Violation of safety or health rules 10. Violating company smoking policy


11. Workplace violence (including threats and verbal abuse) 12. Sexual harassment 13. Engaging in horseplay or other disorderly conduct 14. Possession of weapons while on company property 15. Working under the influence of drugs or alcohol 16. Violating company dress code 17. Breach confidentially and integrity policy It is considered the duty and responsibility of all employees to prevent violence in the workplace. Therefore, all employees have an obligation to report any and all incidences of violence and/or inappropriate conduct/behavior immediately to their supervisor.

All reports will be investigated and all information will be held strictly confidential. Any and all employees in violation of this policy and the above listed prohibitions will be subject to discipline up to and including discharge with cause. The following additional provisions regarding workplace violence may also be implemented if applicable: 1. Training programs a preventative workplace violence program for all employees to be scheduled as a part of orientation and annually thereafter 2. Educational offerings encourages employees and supervisors to enroll in courses to learn more about working with each other 3. Violence prevention teams created to implement the Companys workplace violence program, handle incidences of violence, and assist all employees Please feel free to consult the team leads / supervisors if you think that you need any kind of assistance or guidance.

19. Alcohol Use

HCI is committed to providing its employees with a safe and healthy workplace. We recognize the health risks associated with alcohol misuse and also recognize that it diminished workplace safety. It also undermines HCIs ability to fulfill its mission service. Accordingly, HCI prohibits the following conduct:


Using, selling, distributing, possessing, storing, or dispensing alcohol on HCI premises, as part of any HCI-related activity, or in the workplace is strictly prohibited. To ensure that the provisions of the Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Policy are strictly adhered to and enforced, HCI reserves the right to inspect the workplace for alcohol, controlled substances, or paraphernalia relating to alcohol or controlled substances.

HCI reserves the right to question you when the HCI reasonably suspects that its Alcohol and Drugs Policy or any procedure under that policy has been violated. If any employee has an alcohol or drug problem, the HCI strongly encourages you to voluntarily CONTACT a physician. Employees may seek help without a supervisor's knowledge. Although voluntarily seeking assistance will not bar HCI from treating an employee like other employees, HCI will consider voluntary requests for help in determining any discipline to impose. HCI does not assume any financial or other responsibility for drug or alcohol treatment.

20. Emergency
In the event of fire, earthquake, or other life threatening emergency employees are strictly advised to pursue the following

Clear the workspace immediately, and call on emergency numbers. Leave Machines on. Any injury should be reported immediately to the supervisor.

21. Security
While at HCI it is everyone's responsibility is to provide security for the equipment. If an employee is to leave the workplace unattended for any reason, lock your drawer and computer (press Ctrl-Alt-Delete) and inform your colleague / team lead or supervisor where you are, when you expect to return, and who to CONTACT if someone needs immediate assistance. If you notice that any piece of equipment is missing, report it to the supervisor immediately.


22. Suggestions
The exchange of ideas within the organization is considered by the management to be an asset and is strongly encouraged. Thoughts concerning productivity, improving the quality of work products, our projects, and other related matter are welcome. An employee may address all suggestions to the managers/supervisors/team leads of the company.

23. Resource Usage Policy

All employees at HCI must strictly observe the Resource Usage

Policy ; this policy provides the guideline about handling company resources.

24. Reception Usage Ethics

Reception / Front desk office at any office works as the face of the organization as normally all the guests / visitors come there first on their arrival at the company premises. Therefore HCI pays great importance to it and therefore prohibits any false usage of the reception / front desk office. Employees may entertain / meet their visitors at reception but no employee from any department is allowed to sit at reception for rest or time pass.

25. Entertainment and Social Activities

25.1 Purpose

This policy aims at providing guidelines to arrange social activities and to celebrate local and inter national events of importance at HCI. Employees are encouraged to actively participate in events to take a healthy break from routine work.

25.2 Rules Any local or international event which is acceptable in local social environment can be celebrated at HCI


Ideas and suggestions from all employees are encouraged; Lobby and stairs of HCI can be decorated to mark the event. The decorative material shall not be offensive to any creed, class, gender or religion. Decorative material and other activities shall not damage any property and decorum of center. Company shall pay reasonable amount to cover decoration and activity costs. Company will share reasonable cost of refreshments or meals with Directors approval. Outing and picnic shall be arranged after respective working hours or on off days. In house meal party is allowed without compromising on decorum

25.3 Process

If employee suggestion to celebrate certain event has been approved, the immediate supervisor will send an internal email for information and participation. The Supervisor will again inform all team members if the event is initiated by management. All activities will be coordinated in all shifts for all employees who want to participate out of their free will. Team members will be assigned to decorate lobby and other office areas. Admin staff will be assigned to help them. Different coordinate activities marking the groups will be created to

event. Activities may involve quiz, It is

competitions of different kinds, special dressing on certain days. important the activities suggested shall complement the event itself.


A Message from HR Department

As HR department we always strive to bring the best out of company resources while fulfilling our motto of developing a stronger and potent working force that can evolve and grow along with the organization. We hope this Staff Hand Book will be helpful for you in order to precede with your day to day job activities according to companys culture and regulations. This Staff Hand Book has just about all necessary information an employee may require and should therefore work as a guideline towards a better working environment within the company. However, feel free to contact us incase of any query.


HR-Department HCI Group


(Ms. Urooj Atiq) Assistant Manager Human Resource Department Haider Group of Companies


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