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Clinical use of anti-histone antibodies in idiopathic

and drug-induced lupus

Adrian Y. S. Lee

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2022, VOL. 45, NO. 4, 180–185


Clinical use of anti-histone antibodies in idiopathic and

drug-induced lupus
Adrian Y. S. Leea,b,c
Department of Immunology, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, Australia; bICPMR, NSW Health Pathology, Westmead, Australia;
Westmead Clinical School, University of Sydney, Westmead, Australia


Anti-histone antibodies (AHAs) make their appearance in a number of systemic autoimmune Received 23 October 2021
diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and drug-induced lupus erythemato- Accepted 28 March 2022
sus (DILE). Although being known for over 50 years, they are poorly studied and understood.
There is emerging evidence for their use in predicting clinical features of SLE, diversifying
Anti-histone antibodies;
their clinical use. AHAs, however, are probably less prevalent in DILE than once thought autoantibodies; drug-
owing to a move away from older DILE drugs to modern biological agents which do not induced lupus; histone;
appear to elicit AHAs. This review examines the historical studies that have defined AHAs systemic lupus
and looks at some of the recent work with these autoantibodies. erythematosus

1. Basic histone biology a vehicle control [10]. This may be through, in part,
the reduction of autoreactive plasma cells and auto-
Histones are structural subunits that provide a core
antibodies [11].
in which chromatin can be wrapped around. The
Histone proteins are an example of a danger-
core comprises of two H2A–H2B dimers and an
(H3–H4)2 tetramer (histone octamer) with an exter- associated molecular pattern (DAMPs) and possess
nal H1 histone, a conserved subunit that assists with the intrinsic ability to elicit inflammation. Notably,
maintaining this ‘beads on a string’ structure mice administered histones elicited systemic inflam-
(Figure 1) [1]. The histone octamer coupled to mation and suffer from multi-organ damage and
around 150 bp of DNA is known as the nucleosome eventually death, in a dose-dependent manner [12].
and forms the basic fundamental unit of chromatin In in vitro experiments, H1 and H2A histones were
[2]. Histones not only form scaffolds for chromatin, able to induce specific T cell proliferation in SLE
but they also play an important role in regulating patients. Moreover, they stimulated the production
gene expression [3]. Histones themselves are of interferon-c, tumour necrosis factor and anti-
encoded by multiple genes spanning a number of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) autoantibod-
chromosomes including chromosomes 6, 11 and 12 ies [13,14].
in humans [4].
Histones may become ‘exposed’ through the for- 2. Anti-histone antibodies (AHAs)
mation of apoptotic blebs or neutrophil extracellular
traps (NETs) [5]. Either through excess formation, Amongst the antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), AHAs
reduced clearance and/or post-translational modifi- represent a clinically important subset [15]. AHAs
cation, histones may become immunogenic [6,7]. are found in a variety of immunological and infec-
Furthermore, recent attention has turned to the role tious disorders. They may be directed against free
of epigenetic modifications of these proteins in the histones or histones bound to DNA [16]. Although
rendering of immunogenicity and hence, the forma- AHAs may be of any isotype, IgG is considered the
tion of anti-histone antibodies (AHAs) [8,9]. most clinically relevant and detected isotype. IgM
Deliberate post-translational modification of histo- AHAs are less specific and may be found in a wide
nes may be done therapeutically in inflammatory range of other disorders such as rheumatoid arth-
disorders. Murine systemic lupus erythematosus ritis and mixed connective tissue disease. These anti-
(SLE) models injected with an inhibitor of histone bodies have been typed at the peptide level by
deacetylase attenuated renal pathology compared to microarray analyses to define their precise

CONTACT Adrian Y. S. Lee Department of Immunology, Westmead Hospital, Level 2 ICPMR, Hawkesbury Road,
Westmead 2145, Australia
ß 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Japanese Society of Clinical Immunology.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

reconstituted tissues after incubation with diluted

patient sera allows the specific detection of histone
antibodies [23]. The advantage of this assay is the
specific detection of AHA; however, it is time-con-
suming and labour-intensive. The complement fix-
ation test and histone reconstitution assays have
good concordance [24].
Modern-day assays, such as the chemilumines-
cence assay, are based on an ELISA format with
various methods of antigen presentation and sec-
Figure 1. Basic subunit of DNA. A nucleosome comprises a ondary antibody detection, which has the advantage
histone octamer core with DNA wrapped around, resembling of being able to detect whole histone or histone sub-
‘beads on a string’.
units. These may be single- or multi-plex and afford
automaticity and quick turnaround times [25]. The
positivity may differ depending on assay use and if
specificities [17]. Although classically attributed to
there is contaminating DNA which acts as an anti-
SLE and drug-induced lupus erythematosus (DILE),
genic source for patient antibodies [26].
AHAs have been studied since the 1970s and are
Western blotting has been used to traditionally
found in a large variety of pathologies including
detect antibodies against acid-extracted histone sub-
ogren’s syndrome, inflammatory myositides and
units. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel
rheumatoid arthritis [18].[16]
The functional activity of AHAs is largely electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is used to separate his-
unknown; although, they may possess proteolytic tones out into their constituents based on molecular
activity towards histone proteins [19]. Whether this weights: H1 is around 23 kDa whilst the core histo-
directly contributes to disease pathogenesis is nes (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) range from 10–15 kDa
unclear at this stage. [27]. Detection against these components using IgG-
, IgA- or IgM-labelled secondary antibodies can be
performed. The line immunoassay works in a simi-
3. AHA detection in the laboratory lar manner. The major drawback to these assays is
AHAs may refer to either total histones or histone the histone antigens are denatured and therefore,
subunits; although the latter is more often seen in reduced sensitivity in detecting antibodies against
the research laboratory. AHAs may be noted on conformational epitopes [1].
indirect immunofluorescence that screens for ANAs.
On the commonly-used HEp-2 substrate, AHAs 4. AHAs in drug-induced lupus
commonly appear as a homogenous pattern; but is erythematosus (DILE)
not specific for these autoantibodies [20]. Some false
positives have also been noted on the Crithidia luci- DILE is a syndrome that resembles some or most
liae immunofluorescence test (CLIFT) (which nor- pathological and clinical features of idiopathic SLE
mally detects anti-dsDNA antibodies) in some but is temporally related to the commencement of a
patients that produce AHA that can bind Chrithidia particular drug. On cessation of the offending drug,
luciliae kinetoplast [21]. the syndrome abates [28]. Numerous drugs and bio-
One of the now-outdated AHA tests is the com- logical agents are implicated. Although hydralazine
plement fixation assay. These assays rely on the abil- and procainamide are the most commonly impli-
ity of complement to bind AHA and histone cated agents [28]; infrequent drugs associated
antigen immune complexes, and therefore, do not include interferon-a, sulfasalazine and captopril
cause the haemolysis of added sensitised sheep red [29]. The risk of DILE is generally increased in the
blood cells. In contrast, the absence of AHA will older population and those that have been taking
lead to unbound complement – due to lack of anti- implicated medications for a longer period of time
body-antigen immune complexes – and eventual [30]. It is estimated to affect up to 30,000 people
haemolysis of sensitised SRBCs. Haemolysis is meas- each year in the United States [30].
ured spectrophotometrically [22]. DILE is characterised by the emergence of auto-
A further historical test is the immunofluores- antibodies, including AHAs which appear at a much
cence assay on histone-reconstituted tissues [23]. higher frequency than idiopathic SLE [28,31]. In
Briefly, fixed mouse kidney cryostat sections are contrast, biologic agents such as anti-tumour necro-
treated with hydrochloric acid to elute histones. A sis factor (TNF) do not appear to induce AHAs as
proportion of these is then reconstituted with calf frequently, suggesting a different mechanism for the
thymus histones. Comparison of acid-extracted and pathogenesis [32,33]. Anti-TNF DILE tends to
182 A. Y. S. LEE

Table 1. Prevalence of IgG antibodies to total histones and histone subunits in selected disorders.
Histone component Disease Average prevalence, % (range) References
Total histone Rheumatoid arthritis 5 [50]
Various malignancies [50]
Inflammatory myositides 17 [20]
Systemic sclerosis 30 (29–33) [41,48]
Schizophrenia 23 [51]
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 53 (24–81) [24,39,43,50,52,53]
Drug-induced lupus erythematosus (DILE) 96 [36]
H1 Human immunodeficiency virus [54]
Inflammatory myositides 17 [20]
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) [55]
SLE 32 (6–49) [36,39,42,53]
DILE 9 [36]
H2A SLE 34 [53]
DILE 67 [35]
Systemic sclerosis [56]
MCTD [55]
H2B SLE 63 [53]
Systemic sclerosis [56]
MCTD [55]
H2A-H2B complex SLE 9 [26]
DILE 91 [36]
H2A-H2B-DNA complex SLE 10 [26]
DILE 30 [57]
H3 SLE 42 (37–56) [42,53]
DILE 13 (H3–H4 complex) [36]
H4 SLE 1 (1–22) [39,53]

produce more internal organ involvement and very little is directed against H2A–H2B complex or
rashes compared to classic DILE [34]. In addition, H4 [39]. Antibodies to these histone subunits are
AHAs are generally absent in drug-induced ANA generally more diverse and reflect epitope spreading
without symptoms [35]. than DILE AHAs [38], and may also be directed to
Overall, AHAs (mainly IgG isotype) are present histone complexes (e.g., H2A–H2B) and histone
in a substantial proportion of DILE patients (Table coupled to DNA [26].
1). In a cohort of patient samples submitted to a Studies reveal the presence of antibodies against
diagnostic laboratory, AHA had a sensitivity of 67% total histone in approximately half of the patients
and specificity of 95% for the diagnosis of DILE with SLE (Table 1). Compared to healthy controls
[18]. This is in contrast to the reported prevalence and non-SLE ANA-positive patients, total histone
of 96% in one study [36]; however, the latter was autoantibody detection has a diagnostic sensitivity
derived from a cohort of DILE patients rather than of 55–92% and specificity of 69–82% for SLE
a general laboratory population. Furthermore, older [40,41]. H4 antibodies are relatively rare in SLE but
studies in DILE excluded newer biological agents when present, they have excellent diagnostic sensi-
that cause DILE without AHA, so this may be tivity (95%) and specificity (90%) for SLE when
somewhat biased. compared to healthy controls [25]. This is analogous
IgG and IgM antibodies to the H2A–H2B and to H1 and H3 specific antibodies which also demon-
H2A–H2B–DNA histone complexes have been strate high specificity (94–96%) for the diagnosis
noted in patients with procainamide DILE [37,38]. [42]. In general, AHA has lower sensitivity for SLE
In contrast, patients with hydralazine and chlorpro- than anti-nucleosomes and lower specificity than
mazine DILE had predominantly IgM directed anti-dsDNA for the diagnosis [40].
against DNA-free histone complexes, namely to AHAs often co-exist with anti-dsDNA and anti-
H2A–H2B, H1, (H3–H4)2 tetramers [37]. These nucleosome antibodies, particularly in lupus neph-
data reinforce the heterogeneous immune response ritis (LN), and may reflect more severe renal
in DILEs, yet the specific reasons for targeting these involvement than those LN patients negative for
histone complexes are unclear. these autoantibodies [43]. AHA quantitation appears
to correlate with LN severity and may be predictive
of flares [43–45]. Although total IgG AHA may fluc-
5. AHAs in systemic lupus erythematosus
tuate with disease activity, levels do not reliably cor-
In contrast to DILE, SLE ANAs are more heteroge- relate with overall disease activity [16]. Clinically,
neous and include AHAs and non-histone antibod- studies show that AHA is associated with oral ulcer-
ies, perhaps reflecting the complex pathogenesis. ation, neuropsychiatric symptoms, lymphopaenia
IgG, IgA and IgM to individual core histones are and fatigue [39,41,46]. There is no association with
primarily directed against H1, H2A, H2B and H3; arthritis or other cutaneous features [46]. As of yet,

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