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Capstone Update #1

I plan on setting dates when I can have people come over to film my documentary/podcast.
Having different sessions and lengths about what adversity these student athletes have come across and
what they’ve done to persevere through the challenges.

Needs: Time, people to interview, ring-light, microphone and props.

Obstacles: Price range for the equipment may be too expensive, people won’t have time to
come and just time schedules, not enough information from the guest, sound may be distorted.

I have chosen the people who will be included in my podcast/documentary, and a list of the
equipment I need.

I learned how to edit and make a short YouTube video, learned what is essential to a podcast
like setting.
A problem I came across was people not finding time with the times I have available as I am also
busy with school and basketball, I set up a poll on Instagram for people to put in the times they are
available for the podcast. Times where it can work with mine, I don’t really have much free time.

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