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TEST PAPER 6th grade

22 nd of October, 2021

Name: ____________________________________________

Read the text carefully.

Hello! My name is Jack and I am ten. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I get up at half past seven

from Mondays to Fridays. I have breakfast. I always drink chocolate milk and eat cookies. Then, I

go to school by bus. Lessons start at half past eight. I study Maths, Spanish and Social Studies in the

morning. I have lunch at half past twelve in the school canteen.

After half past one, I have P.E and I.T. sessions. I love P.E. because I am good at football. I don’t

have Spanish lessons in the afternoon. At half past five, I leave school. I arrive home at six o’clock

and I have tea with my mum and my brother. My dad comes back from the office at half past six. I

do my homework and study from half past seven to half past eight. After that, I play computer

games or watch TV. I have a shower before dinner. I go to bed at ten o’clock.

A) Answer the following questions. Give full answers. 15

1. Where does Jack live?

2. What time does he get up during the week?
3. What does he have for breakfast?
4. When does he study Maths?
5. Why does he like P.E.?
B) Correct these false sentences.
1. Jack gets up at 7 am at the weekend.
2. He studies two languages in the morning.
3. He leaves school at 5 o’clock.
4. He has tea with his family.
5. He plays computer games after dinner.

C) Go on reading about Jack. He is talking to his best friend Paul. Complete the dialogue
between Jack and Paul. 10

1. What is your favourite subject, Paul? a. I play football and basketball.

2. What sports do you do? b. At the sports club.

3. When do you play football? c. It’s P.E. I love it!

4. Where do you play football? d. Because I have lots of homework during

the week.
5. Why do you have football practice on
Saturdays? e. On Saturday mornings.

D) James is chatting with a teacher. He is telling him about his life. Put the sentences in order to
know more about him.
1. wash – face – I – my – 7.45 – at.
2. have – break – I – a – o’clock – ten – at.
3. to - I – Paul – school – go – and – together.
4. don’t – we – playing - tennis – like.
5. play – we – Saturday – basketball – on.

E) Circle the correct option. 20

Paul play/ plays rugby at the weekend. He don’t like/ doesn’t like football. He meet/ meets his best

friend Jack at the sports club on Saturdays. They have/ has breakfast together. Then, they do/ does

sports. They play/ plays a basketball match at twelve o’clock. After lunch, they ride/ rides their bikes

back home. What do / does they do later? Well, Paul play/ plays with his brother. And Jack go out/

goes out with his family.

F) Change each sentence to a negative statement. 15

1. My brother has a job.

2. I drive to work.
3. Pilots fix planes.
4. Our teacher does homework.
5. I go to the gym in the morning.
G) Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending (for 3 rd person singular) 10
1. study _________________ 8. help ___________________
2. cry _________________ 9. miss ___________________
3. pass _________________ 10. fly ___________________
4. worry _________________ 11. fix ___________________
5. make _________________ 12. watch ___________________
6. bite _________________ 13. like ___________________
7. buy _________________ 14. pay ___________________

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