Heroes of Super Brain

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Heroes of super brain

Little by little the path to the super brain is becoming clearer, however there are still obstacles to
overcome. The complexity of the brain with its neural networks is the computer of your body, but
also of your life, it records each event, stores it and compares it, however small it may be, it
records it and compares it with some past experience, for that reason it is Too common to say
"reheated again", there is no person who has not said that, record what you are going to eat and
when comparing that the day before you ate that same thing, send that action. In the same way,
you develop new likes and dislikes, get bored or look for a change.

The brain is not afraid of the enormous number of tasks it must perform, it performs billions of
synapses so fast that it seems to do it at the same time, sending messages throughout the body.

At this moment, maybe they are thinking about what they have to do later, looking through the
window checking how the weather is, but you are not doing it, what you are doing is leaving the
universe, it is not science fiction, it is real.

There is a club that is extremely exclusive called "hyperthymesia" these people are able to
remember everything with extreme precision.

The United States has registered 7 or 8 people who meet these conditions, however, this is not a
particular disease, it is said that some one ordinary day suddenly obtained this ability when their
brain took a quantum leap.

Hero #1 Albert Einstein for adaptability

The first character is the great physicist Albert Einstein, however, he was not chosen for his abilities
in physics, Einstein is the paragon of success, truly successful people do not use just 7 habits, they
use their brain in such a way that it is the key to success, if you don't use your own brain in this
way, you limit your chances of success, Einstein used his brain in a way that anyone can learn.

The key is adaptability, a super brain takes advantage of its innate ability to adapt, a necessary tool
for survival. Throughout all this time, the human being managed to adapt to all the environments
on the planet, managing to position itself at the top of the chain as the alpha species. Enduring and
overcoming a number of deadly challenges, Einstein took adaptation to a new level. He adapted to
face the unknown by conquering it. His weapon was physics, daily we face the unknown, life
prepares us to adapt to the unknown by giving unexpected challenges.

Einstein developed 3 strengths and avoided 3 obstacles: Strengths: letting go, being flexible and
finally being “hanging loose”, means being relaxed, not taking anything seriously as it is not
important. Obstacles: Habits, Conditioning and stuck.

You can measure how adaptable a person is by how much they are able to let go, how much they
remain flexible, and how much they remain relaxed in the face of difficulties. You can also measure
how little he adapts, how much his old habits dominate him and how much he is conditioned by
staying closed, stuck. Einstein did not get bogged down with old thoughts or ideas, on the contrary,
he let go and let new ideas or solutions flow through dreams and intuition.
He had his own personal perspective, his great motivation was his amazement at the mysteries of
nature, he rejected the idea of seeing the cosmos as a huge machine with moving parts, he
reinvented everything through his theory of relativity. Advanced mathematics was involved, but
that was not his greatest quality, his creative system was, he first imagined or dreamed how time
and space worked, then came the mathematical foundation.

When you face a problem you can fix it, you can solve it as you have done before or find a new
solution, whatever, the first one is easier sometimes, other times it just keeps you stuck.

Follow the following tips to be adaptable

1) Stop repeating what never worked in the first place.

2) Stop and ask for a new solution.

3) Stop fighting at the level of the problem, the answer is usually never there.

4) Work on yourself, don't worry about the other person.

5) When stress hits, go for a walk.

6) Rebuild the ties that were being lost.

7) Stop attaching so much weight to being right, in the grand scheme of things, being right
pales in comparison to being right.

Even so, always taking this advice is not a good psychological idea, it creates a space to know when
to change. For a genius, emotions are primitive and rational thoughts urgent. Knowing how to
separate emotions and reason is totally artistic.

But it is totally impossible to date to completely separate the emotions from the rational, studies
reveal that there is always some emotion in a rational decision, in short, if you want to be
successful, maximize the adaptability of the brain.

You know you are becoming adaptable, when:

1) You can laugh at yourself

2) You see that there is more to the situation than you realize

3) Other people no longer seem like enemies when they just don't agree with you.

4) The negotiation starts to work and you really participate in it.

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